With Matt Hazen from Human Consciousness Support to explore groundbreaking discoveries in the battle against environmental toxins...
Please remember that we're all individual and very different. These products are experimental...
Enhanced body and mind intelligence, enabling a more integrated, holistic state of functioning...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Can every day be sunshine and rose petals on the pillow? Might that get boring…
With Farrell Brenner. Your subconscious mind creates your reality by controlling emotions and behaviors…
With Farrell Brenner. There is a mineral supplement to transfer from an emotional state into balance…
With Farrell Brenner. Feeling love is every one’s birth right. Surround yourself with a cocoon of love energy that supports you through the day’s challenges…
With Farrell Brenner. Clear your emotional fields and change the resonance how you interact with the universe…
With Farrell Brenner. Focus on emotional balance, and your thoughts will express themselves through solving external issues…
With Farrell Brenner. Common limiting emotions are low self esteem, fear, guilt and shame. ORMUS supplements can help…
Wtih David Pilz. Hear about the vibrational side of life, creating at the connection with nature...
With David Pilz. ORMUS added to any plant or crop produces food more nutrients and more delicious too...
With Farrell Brenner. Mineral based supplements support your body, mind and spirit connection…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Introducing ORMUS Nano-minerals that help with all aspects of health and spiritual growth…
Scientist, alchemist, behavioral psychologist and a drug counselor. His products deliver freedom from addictions, and enable optimal performance...
Trained and certified as an alternative health and holistic practitioner, certified Master Healer and Instructor, Reiki, Reflexology, Crystals, sacred ceremonies and more...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. This mineral supplement can clear a person's fear of failure...
A collection of brilliant educational material from renown health experts...
Studying the fascist regimes of five different countries showed they all had 14 elements in common...
Fluctuation of habit and novelty. The process of tension and release governs much of our life and our daily experience...
The U.S. government is manipulating all major U.S. financial markets, stocks, treasuries, currencies...
We're a nation of drug addicts, ourselves, elderly and children with prescriptions, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine...
The industrial way of life leads to the industrial way of death...
Learn to consolidate your inherent power and transcend limitations by releasing yourself from constraints of your ego…
Does objective reality exist, or is the universe a phantasm?
I know I harbored a wicked strain of bacteria in my sinuses that were sooner or later going to kill me after all the antibiotics failed…
We can achieve anything we put our mind to, we just need to adjust our mindset and cultivate our habits…
Toxic and injurious, antidepressants are not showing good results, and patients have been experiencing adverse effects...
This and other so-called mental illnesses are really biochemical imbalances which can be balanced with dietary changes and supplements...
If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the universe and life itself…
Unconditional love is your immune system’s most powerful stimulant. It’s cost effective medicine…
Nourish your body, mind and soul. Physically, mentally and spiritually. An easy path to rejuvenation and enlightenment…
Hawkins’ scale for LOC (Level of Consciousness) gives a standard for something that was not measured before…
The issue of prescription mood modifiers and mental illness has been on my mind for a long time...
The side effects of Psychotropic Drugs are broad, devastating, and woefully under-reported…
You may want to do this meditation daily as a practice of good spiritual hygiene. The more often you do it, the less time it takes…
It changes the workings of the brain in the short term, and also quite possibly produces permanent changes…
Although most people don't see them, there's always been subtle energies surrounding and permeating us...
Everything both animate and inanimate is composed of highly organized vibratory energy...
Six minutes to heal the source of your health, success or relationship issues...
Historian and best-selling author Laurence Gardner discusses the powers of white powder gold, the Ark of the Covenant, the Knights Templar and his new sci-fi screenplay centered around the Shroud of Turin...
The quest for the secret force of the universe. Science and medicine are confirming that the mind and body are far more connected than traditional physics ever allowed...
Increasing your psychic powers or experiencing kundalini awakening is merely part of the journey, not the destination...
ORMUS accelerates the process of thought manifestation, and since thoughts tend to manifest in reality, be careful...
According to the Bible, Jesus was brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Was it White Gold?
It's important to not confuse Kundalini awakening with enlightenment, it rarely results from a single encounter with the Divine...
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, modern science meets ancient alchemy with ORMUS products for physical repairs and spiritual enlightenment...
The life-force of these cells is from certain minerals and metals and there are 32 (traces of others) in the body...
Some chemists think it may be time to build a whole new periodic table, from something much stranger than atoms: superatoms...
Researchers were looking for superconductivity in nanometre-scale metal clusters, when they saw rules being broken in their lab...
ORMUS did more for her health and well-being in 3 weeks than a daily handful of pharmaceuticals had done in 10 years...
When one is ready for ORMUS, they'll find it, if they desire it. This is a truth that transcends many levels...
Orbitally Rearranged Monotomic Elements alchemical products nourish your body, mind and soul. Easy path to rejuvenation and enlightenment...
Alchemy transforms base or common material into pure or rare, the transmutation of matter into spirit, or matter into light...
Make your own ORMUS to boost your health in every way. Nourish your body, mind and soul. General body repair, rejuvenation and enlightenment…
These unusual elements are not well known or well studied, and terminology has not been agreed upon in a wide scientific community...
The true Grail bloodline was sustained by ingesting an alchemical substance called Star Fire...
Scarce in soils, except some volcanic soils near ancient, major meteor strikes. The utilizable monatomic form is even more scarce...
They are quickly used up when exposed to EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from anything electric...
Feeding rock dust from crushed volcanic stones to my garden made my shamrock plant grow 3" in one week...
Biological transmutations exist and cannot be denied. They are the very core of living nature, which could not function without them...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements) refers to the un-assayable form of the transition elements. These elements are down the center of the periodic table…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. ORMUS connects information and energy in your body, a bridge between spirit and matter…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Medieval alchemy ORMUS was the Philosopher's Stone, for transfiguration and illumination…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Your pH is affected by your diet and with minerals, will balance your neurotransmitters…
Genetically modified organisms are cross-breed across species that would never mate in nature. In nature it's a natural process...
Helps reduce stress, control anxiety, promotes emotional health and self-awareness, may lengthen life span and reduce memory loss…
The most general signs of mineral imbalance relate to problems in the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems…
With Joan Kaylor. Discover how powerful this non-invasive method can clear stored emotional injuries...
Watch it for entertainment and education about this ancient process that's being rediscovered...
The term ORMUS comes from orbitally rearranged monotomic elements. Nourish your body, mind and soul.
There's now a wide variety of products to help smokers in their cessation journey...
These alchemical products can nourish your body, mind and spirit, for physical repairs and spiritual enlightenment...