October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Chakra Balancing and Clearing Meditation

This is a meditation to help you energetically clear, balance, and open all of the chakras. There are variations on the technique and you can modify this to what feels natural and right for you. You may want to do this meditation daily as a practice of good spiritual hygiene. The more often you do it, the less time it takes.

1. Sit with your back straight and feet on the floor.

2. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for four, breathe out for four, hold for four, repeat. Relax and clear your mind.

3. Visualize green or brown Earth energy coming up from the center of the earth, through the soles of your feet, and through the Prana tube along your spine. Imagine the Earth energy spilling out to fill in the spaces of your physical body and out into your aura and the excess going back into the earth, taking away negative and excess energy with it.

4. While continuing to run the Earth energy (remember to allow the excess to go back to the earth), imagine a gold or white ball of light above your head and this energy pouring into you through the crown. Imagine it running down the Prana tube to the solar plexus region, mixing with the earth energy, and spreading out throughout the body and aura.

5. Now visualize a red ball of energy at the base of your spine. This is your root chakra, center of your strength and individuality. Look to see if it has any dark spots or cords hanging from it. Cords are energy from others that do not belong to you. Run the earth energy into the red ball to clean it, and clear away any cords and allow all of the negative and foreign energy to wash back into the earth. If any emotions or pictures come up for you, bathe that with the earth energy too, or blow it up and let the energy wash back into the earth. When you are done, keep running the earth energy into it, and visualize the chakra gleaming red, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I can ground myself, I am very capable, I live in a safe universe, I nurture and own my first chakra.”

6. Next visualize an orange ball about three inches above. This is the sacral chakra and is the seat of your physical desires and senses and base emotions. Do the same with this chakra with running the earth energy through it until it is clean, gleaming orange, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “My feelings, my appropriate boundaries, I nurture and own my second chakra.”

7. Move up to a yellow ball behind and slightly below the naval. This is the solar plexus chakra, the seat of personal power and control. Do the same, but this time use the mix of earth and celestial energy (the gold/white energy from above). Keep running the energy through, clearing away the dark energy, cords, pictures, and emotions until the chakra is gleaming yellow, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I know my own will, I am empowered, I nurture and own my third chakra.”

8. Move to the heart chakra – it is green and in the center of your chest. Do the same to clean, but using mostly celestial energy from above. Remember to always allow all of the negative and excess energy to flow out into the earth – do not hold onto any of it. Keep cleaning and polishing your heart chakra until it is gleaming green, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I know my own heart, I am loved, I love myself, I nurture my own heart chakra.”

9. Move your attention to the throat chakra at the adams apple area. It is sky blue and is the center of self expression. Again, clear it of all dark energy and cords, using the gold/white celestial energy from above. Let all excess run down into the earth to be transformed. Keep cleaning and polishing your throat chakra until it is gleaming blue, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I speak for myself, I listen openly, deeply, and playfully, I speak clearly, I nurture and own my fifth chakra.”

10. Move your attention to the area between the eyebrows – the third eye chakra. It is indigo in color and it is the center of psychic powers and inner intuition. Clean it with the celestial energy, removing all dark energy and cords, allowing the excess and negative energy to run down into the earth to be transformed. Keep cleaning and polishing your third eye chakra until it is gleaming indigo, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I can see for myself, I can let myself be seen, I nurture and own my sixth chakra.”

11. For now, keep your attention on your third eye chakra, and visualize an oval shape or an actual eyelid. Is the eye open or closed? If it is closed, ask it to open and establish eye contact with you. Experience any messages it has for you.

12. Move your attention to the crown chakra, which is a violet. This chakra is your connection to unity consciousness. Clean this chakra with the celestial energy from above, removing all dark spots and cords, allowing the excess and negative energy to run into the earth, until the chakra is gleaming purple, spinning, and open. Say to yourself “I know, I have my own certainty, I nurture and own my crown chakra.

13. Go back to running the earth energy through your feet, the celestial energy through your crown, having the energies mix in the area of your solar plexus and spread out through your body, to every cell, and out to your aura, while all of your chakras are spinning and open. Allow excess to run into the earth. Do this for as long as you want. Intend that the chakras will stay clean and open to the right amount.

14. Go back to putting your attention on your breath – breath in for four counts, hold for four counts, breathe out for four counts, hold for four counts.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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