ORMUS and Nano-Bacteria
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Last week, I listened with interest to the recent broadcast of Coast to Coast Am with George Noory as he interviewed Douglas Mulhall, author of the new book “The Calcium Bomb“. Mr. Mulhall is a leading expert in the investigation of nano-bacteria, which he purports, causes the build up of calcification in the human body.
His research, and the diligent research of others, have identified these little nano-critters as the culprits in the calcification deposits in many parts of the body causing the following aging related diseases:
- Aging skin
- Alzheimer’s
- Angina
- Arthritis
- Bone spurs
- Breast implant calcification
- Bursitis
- Cancer (bone, brain, breast, colon, prostate, and ovarian)
- Cataracts
- Diabetes (type 2 in adults)
- Gallstones
- Glaucoma
- Heart disease
- Kidney stones
- Liver cysts
- Macular degeneration
- Multiple sclerosis
- Prostatitis
- Psoriasis
- Salivary gland stones
- Scleroderma
- Stroke
- Tendonitis
I have been brushing my teeth with ORMUS Nano Minerals for almost a year now. The results have been remarkable. I first noticed that there might be dental possibilities for ORMUS when, as I ingested the stuff, all the fuzz, slipperiness, and plaque buildup seemed to instantly vanish as I swished it around in my mouth. Within a few weeks, the inflamed, bleeding gums around certain teeth with which I had chronic problems, had also vanished and has never returned. Then I noticed, after a while, all previous sensitivities (to hot and cold) were gone, and parts of several of my previously weak and chipped teeth have actually rebuilt themselves.
So after these personal experiences, I believe for my own self, that is, I can show that ORMUS Nano Minerals are the best toothpaste available on the planet.
It’s cleansing, it cuts all plaque, prevents plaque from returning, demolishes and prevents inflammation, and rebuilds teeth. And is fluoride free. No other toothpaste I ever used, or heard of, does any of these.
It appears these infinitesimal Nano-critters leach calcium and phosphorus, (or create, transmute it themselves) and form calcium phosphate as a protective covering for themselves. Once covered in the calcium phosphate jacket, the Nano-bacteria live indefinitely impervious to antibiotics and regular immuno-functions. They cluster together in deposits all around the body, especially the high energy areas: muscles, arteries, kidneys, liver, skin, eyes, brain, etc. Over time as these deposits accumulate and grow, the human body ages as it grows wearier and wearier, unable to clear these calcified Nano-critters with normal immune functions. So the body develops maladies, muscles begin to ache, gums get inflamed, kidneys get stones, arteries harden, the liver gets sclerosified, the tendons and joints become hardened, and the body ages and declines.
While I listened to the interview with Douglas Mulhall, and did some additional research on this newly discovered Nano-bacteria functionality in the human body … it dawned on me how and why ORMUS works in the human body… why ORMUS appears to eliminate pain in muscles, bones, joints and generally has anti-aging, rejuvenation characteristics. This understanding I deduced from my experience with my own teeth. I believe the ingested ORMUS dissolves the plaque … that tell-tale calcium phosphate deposited round the body by these insidious little Nano-critters … just like it does with my teeth. In my own case, I have been able to quit the 4 medications prescribed for my previous high blood pressure because I believe much of the calcification in my arteries has been dissolved and these little Nano-critters flushed out, hence no longer a need for the meds.
My joints and muscles no longer have any pain, and my organ functions have all improved as a result of continuing and increased ORMUS use. And here’s another interesting anecdote. My 82 year old mother just left to go back to Phoenix after a 5 week visit in Hong Kong. She suffers badly with joint pain and arthritis, to name just a few of her old-age problems. I have never mentioned to her or other family members that I make and use ORMUS But I was precipitating a batch about the time she arrived. She was interested what I was doing, so I explained it to her, gave her several testimonials to read, and printed out 28 pages of different discourses on ORMUS You’d have to know my Mom, a chronic worrier, very religious, born skeptic. She is from the old south, Alabama, and is a hard sell on anything and everything.
She’s what we call ‘set in her ways.’ After watching me take my daily dose of ORMUS for the first week, I asked her if she’d like to try a little. No, I don’t think so, she said. After reading all the material, and after asking her each morning if she wanted some, on day 10, she said she’d take a chance and have ‘a little.’ I served her about a quarter teaspoonful. I asked her to let me know if she noticed any freer movement in her joints or reduction in arthritic pain. On the morning of day four she announced that her arthritic joint pain was gone, and she wanted to double the dose. So for the next three and a half weeks she took daily doses of ORMUS After she was put on the flight for Phoenix, and when I got back home, I noticed her half full bottle of ORMUS still on the night stand, and I thought, “Oh well.”
My sis emailed me that she got back home safely and all was well with her. However, three days later, she called me. I asked her if she was over her jetlag. She then said she forgot her ORMUS … she said she hadn’t realized how good for her the ORMUS had been until the third day, and she noticed her pain was returning, that she felt more tired, and asked how fast I could send her some. She said, the ORMUS had done more for her health and well-being in three weeks, than her half handful of daily pharmaceuticals had done in 10 years. She asked me to please send her a regular monthly supply. This unsolicited testimonial came from my born-skeptical Mom.
For those interested in more information on the Nano-bacteria findings: http://www.calcify.com/ where you can also see a video interview with the author at http://www.calcify.com/TV/
I predict ORMUS will become on of the great curative formulas for this newly discovered cause of pain suffering, aging, and premature death.
All the best …
Seekverta, [email protected]
Posted at: [email protected],
December 03, 2004