November 1, 2024 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

ORMUS User Reports

One commentary suggested that this ORMUS thing was a scam. Scam? On a personal level and speaking from my heart, there is one thing I do know. After taking ORMUS after only a few days I felt a profound difference, physically and emotionally. I was very very ill with a hybridized form of the West Nile and it was definitely getting the best of me. I was on several neurological drugs with several terrible side effects. I could not read, drive, or even walk a short distance. I could just sleep. Neuropathy was everywhere in my body and I was also starting to lose sensation in my lower torso and was tripping and stumbling. I was also experiencing problems with my breathing due to damage from the virus. Then there was Manna Tonic and my life had entered a new realm immediately.

Since, I have tried many forms of ORMUS, moderation is the key. My neurologist said that I would be on these drugs for at least a year if not longer. Several people here are still experiencing paralysis on a continual basis. I gave a presentation at a school with an individual whom has been in the hospital several times from the virus due to paralysis. This person caught the virus the same time I did and is still taking all of the drugs. I have shared my experience with her. We both caught the virus in August of 2003. By week number three I was off of all of my drugs against the advice of my doctor. I still have some neuropathy it is slowly healing but I am alive and growing on levels I never knew existed.


In my heart and my experience I know this is not the case. I am alive and have a sense of inner peace that I never thought possible. Time for a new reality. Peace and Love to all of you, Don Gifford.

I see questions of this sort a lot:

  • I’ve tried about 5 products over the last 3 months and I don’t feel anything. Is this common?
  • I have been taking ORMUS for about 3 months. I tried white dove, liquid chi and golden tear. I think I feel a general sense of well being. I have not found any product that I can definitively say that I really felt anything spiritual.
  • I was wondering what is the strongest product out there just to feel something. Something that after you tried it you would say to yourself this stuff really does something.

These are just a few examples of letters I receive from people. As both an ORMUS supplier and someone who has been directly and intensely involved with the phenomenon for years, I have received letters and inquiries of this type countless times. Having to respond to them is one of the most difficult and often depressing things I must do as I play out my part in the continuing evolution of the human species. This is not because I feel that it’s a chore or a burden on my time, but because I know that the truthful answers I must give are always a letdown to the recipient, and trust me – I feel your pain. So, without further ado, let me quickly and thoroughly burst all of your bubbles:

The immediately perceptible physiological effects of ORMUS materials are EXTREMELY subtle, so subtle that in most instances your body must already be totally flooded with them and you must be a very sensitive individual i.e., an experienced meditator who is highly attuned to enhanced / altered states of consciousness and perception (think: 70-year-old Buddhist monk) to even detect their activity at all. That is why Barry Carter’s site is named Subtle Energies. The “feeling” you will get from taking one-tenth of one-half of one-quarter of a 2 mg Valium tablet is about 100 times more noticeable to the untrained individual than a gallon of high-grade ORMUS shotgunned through a beer bong.

The best you can hope for is a little temporary increase in the “hu” or “nada” sound – if you can hear it at all yet – and perhaps a slight sensation of pressure about the temples, as if you were wearing a baseball cap that is one size too small. The one exception to this is of course the fabled “Real Thing” – the synthetic ORME cooked up by David Hudson’s chemists. This substance has a relative psychoactive potency level roughly 70 times more intense than d-lysergic acid tartarate, commonly known as “LSD” or “acid.” It is so strong that ingesting a dose of just 5 or 6 millionths of a gram will leave pretty much anybody this side of the Dalai Lama babbling incoherently, and tightly laced into a strait jacket drooling at the nearest Rubber Room Inn for 60 to 90 days, followed by their never ever wanting to hear the words “White Gold” mentioned again in their entire life.

And absolutely the most bizarre, unexplainable phenomenon of all is that everybody seems to think – “ah, bullsh#t, that wouldn’t happen to me – I could handle it.” Many of you reading this are thinking that right this minute, I know you are. It’s a totally baffling situation. Nobody in their right mind, after having been told that eating a tablespoonful of mercury chloride would send them screaming to the emergency room with excruciating stomach pains followed quickly by total insanity, uncontrollable convulsions and swift death would think – “Aw, hell, I don’t believe that’ll happen to me, I want to try a leetle ol’ taste anyhow!” Yet this is exactly the situation with ORME.

It’s like everybody thinks there is some elite private clique of ORME-eaters that secretly meet behind closed doors to snort up big fat lines of ORME off of a golden mirror and conspire with the gods to deprive the rest of the world of it under the excuse that “they can’t handle it.” It’s absolutely unbelievable, and a truly sad testimonial to the state the world is in today, and as to how unhappy most of us are with our lives and how desperate we are to attain something better; some peace of mind, somehow, anyhow – even if we lose our minds in the process – maybe it would be better than this. But all is not lost. If you can manage to get past the “Harry Potter Syndrome” – that burning desire to take a pinch of magic dust, feel “an incredible rush” and instantly leave your body and zoom up out the chimney to have tea with Buddha on the astral plane.

M-state materials will have an absolutely amazing effect upon your existence. What they will do is accelerate the manifestation of your thoughts and desires into physical reality, which is the reason we are all here. Take a second or two and really think about what I just said. The universe is actually a machine – an amazingly wondrous machine – it’s an “experience generator” a bona fide mechanism whose standard procedure is really very simple; it assumes that you are a capable master of creation, and it takes the things that you mentally focus on and think about all the time and brings them into the 3D world as real physical events for you to experience and learn from.

Due to the fact that this typically happens at a snail’s pace, many of us go through life thinking that things just randomly happen TO us, rather than understanding that we actually make them happen FOR us to learn from, and that our own thoughts, words and actions are what makes the things in our lives happen the way that they do. Once you understand this, and commit to changing your thought processes, and consciously controlling the way you react to the things that happen to you, and how you react and relate to those around you, and continue to patiently saturate your body with M-state – that experiential manifestation process will greatly accelerate, indeed it can become totally mind-boggling, trust me!

I could go on for hours, but I’ve probably lost many of you already. If you are asking the kind of questions like the ones that I quoted above, then you’ve probably already learned about “recreational drugs” and found them wanting, or else you wouldn’t be here, you’d be out burning a blunt and bangin’ your head with the crew. Realize that something brought you to this forum. Something led you to find out about this material. Don’t be so surprised to learn that it does not “live up” to your preconceived notions about it – it just doesn’t work that way, but it does work.

Joe Lello

It is one path with many entrance ramps, only one of which is ORMUS The idea is to build the Light Body itself, not to “feel it.” To spiritualize the physical body and increase the vibratory rate to such a point it allows for exploration of the expanded “higher” energetic states consciously. This is almost precisely what this has been for me, much attenuated by the ORMUS intake. I have taken many products over the years I have been taking ORMUS, but mostly I drink trap water. I have had WPG prepared like Hudson supposedly did, I have taken most of the commercially available products. I have even consumed the elusive “Red Tincture” from two(!) different sources. It was all the same effect.

The effect has been a huge increase in internal vibratory rate and expansion of all my physical and nonphysical senses. I believe I am aware of and simultaneously “being” in many dimensional folds or levels as I have consciousness at those levels with my physical eyes open. It has been very helpful to me to read Robert Monroe’s series of books (three of them) on Out of Body experiences, as put in context I think this is what is “happening”, though I am also certain I am doing this for me from a higher (wider?) perspective, which I call my Highest Self, HS. This inner guide has many suits of clothing and endless experience, and is me at a monad level (or perhaps the Monad).

In any case, his books have provided a map of those expanded states, and some definition and structure for the left brain to use in exploration. I have been fortunate enough to go to several programs at the Monroe Institute in Virginia (a five hour drive away), and it has with the binaural beat programming in the isolation booths provided an overlapping experience hugely enhanced by ORMUS Binaural beats induce IDENTICAL EEG changes as ORMUS does. Intake of the ORMUS will cause full brain synchronization on EEG instruments within minutes of ingestion, and with practice deep delta and spindles of gamma can be produced for several MINUTES at a time.

The Dalai Lama sent his best and most experienced meditators to the Monroe Institute and they recorded their spindles of gamma rhythm and produced binaural CDs which induce similar spindles. ORMUS does the same. Sun-gazing does the same. I cannot tell if it is the Melatonin and Pinoline and other neurotransmitters that are released as a result of the spindles, or if the spindles are the result of the release. Such substances can be measured, and it has been confirmed that such releases can be induced in several ways (essential oils, binaural beats, Sun-gazing, ORMUS, etc.). Either way, the result is ecstatic and now channeled such that I remain mostly (60%) in my physical C-1 level consciousness body.

This has been most intriguing, as I initially thought they were overwhelming full-body non-sexual orgasms. This is much more controllable now with experience. I can easily see energetic auras many layers deep on people. Physical ills are immediately apparent, and reading the fields allows what some might call mind reading and healing (though this does not mean cure necessarily). I receive verbal guidance about what to do and what to tell the person if it is important that they know something, but I am not clear if it is from their guide(s) or my own. I think it is the same. It is difficult to be in a crowd. Most people do not think about uplifting things or even have many happy thoughts, and the consumer and fear society we see and watch on TV and such feeds it all.

Trees, rocks, birds-everything on which attention is fixed glows with energy. I find that I can see it and hear it when I allow myself. I am “hearing” the elementals and the nature divas, the fairies and the gnomes and leprechauns and such. I do not talk about it much, because it seems so unreasonable to my rational mind. I remember similar experiences as a child before it was trained out of me. My out of body experience has been helped by my map of “out there.” Mind awake-body asleep (Focus 10), then Universal Focus (Focus 12), then the Void (Focus 15) and the Rainbow Bridge (Focus 21), the first fully out of physical level where it is possible to “meet” your expanded selves and your guides. And more expanded areas beyond (all the belief levels including the Flaming Pits and Angelic Choirs, everything anyone has ever imagined), and then Focus 27.

It is “there” exists the Healing and Rejuvenation areas, Great Libraries of Akashic Records and Planning for one’s next physical voyage – The Park at the end of the tunnel of Light many people describe in near death experiences. And levels more universal and senior than these, where HS resides, where God calls to the I AM, where you came from…. I have begun to “see” the ORMUS as an aquamarine and purplish iridescence and have modified my homemade magnetic trap to increase the amount I can concentrate from the water. I agree that water can hold many many times the amount as a dry powder.

I MUCH prefer the naturally occurring types to the tortured metals, and it seems easy to “see” who takes what (or has never tried anything) by the energy associated with the posts. I cannot say I ever “felt” it more than a little buzz and the “M-state whirlies”. What is this “I can’t feel it” all the time? What is it that you expect to feel? You can “feel” morphine, but it leads nowhere. What you will “feel” is your Highest Self trying once again to get your attention and get you to….. awaken. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God.” I am nothing you are not. What I can do, you can do. This and more shall you, too, do. I did not find that the amount matters, or the source so much as my intention.

Thomas Geckler

You have my permission to print the following letter I am sending you in hopes it might benefit others… that those who seek will find the info… for aren’t we all in service?

To refresh your memory, my 8 year old grandson was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (dmd). He slowly deteriorated (it had been coming on for a few years but we’ve never had any experience with md and didn’t recognize the signs). Then suddenly the progression of the disease accelerated. He had problems walking, falling down often; raising himself off the floor became a challenge. He is unable to climb stairs, having to crawl up the stairs. After crawling up the stairs a couple of times he would be exhausted and I would have to carry him up and down the stairs. His energy level was low, tiring very easily. His arm and leg muscles caused him pain and cramped often during the day, even when he was laying in bed.

His breathing was labored after physical exertion. He had been experiencing abdominal pains for over a year and they had been getting increasingly worse to where the school nurse calls for him to be picked up, missing many days of school. He would wake up with abdominal pain, have it just before eating, during meal times, be unable to finish his meals and have pain after meals. He is also a finicky eater and generally is a poor eater. He has night sweats, nightmares and night terrors. He is generally a happy child but with the progression of dmd he often became very angry, lashing out frequently at his parents. All these are symptoms of dmd.

I had just received my order of M-3 ORMUS when my grandchildren came over the following day to spend the night. The following morning I gave my grandson 1 full tsp of M-3. An hour or so later I fed him breakfast, then lunch and later dinner. He did not experience any abdominal pain throughout the entire day. His energy level was high, playing and running around the house with his sister, being very active. He was able to go upstairs quite a few times, not walking but crawling and walk down the stairs slowly by himself hanging onto the banister. He did not experience any leg cramps that day and did not fall once due to weak muscles. He did trip once over a toy they had left on the floor.

His appetite was good that day and continued to increase over time to where it amazed us. Imagine, such a marked improvement with just a 1 tsp dose of M-3! I am so happy he was with me when he received the first dose so I was able to see it for myself. My daughter works many evenings and long hours on weekends and would not have seen the difference the M-3 made. It has been 4 weeks now since he has been on the M-3 ORMUS He still has problems with bladder control, getting up off the floor and occasional minor abdominal pain when he eats the wrong foods or over eats.

He still falls, his leg muscles giving out when he over exhausts himself; and/or it could be because my daughter has not been giving him 1 full tsp each dosage in order to stretch the M-3. But he hasn’t been experiencing muscle cramps in his arms and legs (it used to take 2 people, 1 massaging his legs and another his arms in order to give him some relief), his energy level is much higher than before and he can walk without his legs giving out from under him though he still has to pace himself, which is hard for an exuberant 8 year old. He seems to breath easier now after physical exertion. His night sweats, nightmares and night terrors are lessened.

He still has them but instead of screaming when he wakes up during the middle of the night, wakes up with a start. There are less nightmares and overall, concerning these, it is still better than previously. He no longer lashes out in anger and frustration. He is much more in control of his anger and has mellowed, being much more laid back. Duchenne’s is the fastest progressing muscular dystrophy. Generally by the age of 8 years they are in a wheel chair half of the time and wearing leg splints. By the time they are 9 years of age they are most likely in a wheelchair full time. After that, the other muscles are worse too and they are using an apparatus to help them breathe.

They rarely live beyond 22 or 23 years of age. Life expectancy is generally up to their late teens. This is why there was such an urgency on my part to try alternative treatments and to catch it early enough so there is possibility of a reversal and hopefully, a full recovery and healing of the disease (Edgar Cayce’s readings say a reversal is possible when treatment is started in the early stage of the disease. That was of course, using his wet cell appliance). We currently have him on M-3 and other ORMUS, many food/nutritional supplements and many anthroposophical herbal/homeopathic prescriptions along with the M-3. The M-3 was the first of the ORMUS and prescriptions to be given him; of which I am glad, so I actually saw for myself the huge difference it made towards Wesley’s well being.

Blessings, Helen

I have been taking “ORMUS” or “m-state” preparations for nearly two years now. Barry Carter was enormously helpful to me in deciding what to take. I had the opportunity to meet Barry and attend one of his seminars about 1-1/2 years ago. I have had about 99% remission of back problems and about 95% remission of neck problems by taking this. I have regained nearly an inch of previously lost height. At the end of the article “white dove” is mentioned. The product that worked for me is named The White Dove. I have had many other positive effects from it. It has helped my wife enormously to deal with her female problems, and caused remission of one daughter’s Opthalmic Migraine episodes.

I rarely mention these things on other forums. Who can even prove the existence of ORMUS? I sure can’t. But listen people: this is for real. I have come to the conclusion that these substances are not the all and everything that some wish to believe, but they are desperately important. If you start getting more of these substances back into your body (they escape), then you will also be gradually led towards other things that you- as an individual- need for your physical health. You do not have to start out with man-manipulated products; there are natural sources, such as kelp from volcanic waters (Hawaii, Iceland) and Tamahi Calcium. There are also people making magnetic water traps to concentrate these substances from tap water.


Hey Scratch; I am interested in expediting the manifestation of things I want to be, have and do. Will you be kind enough to provide some details on how you get things to manifest quicker or immediately? Thanks and have a great day, Ken

No problem Ken… just clear all blockages related to what you want to manifest, emotional/mental/and physical, and voila, it appears very quickly! WPG has been a wild trip for me. Every unconscious blockage related to what I was trying to manifest surfaced to be cleared. I didn’t understand so much what was happening, so I resisted…and suffered… I gradually learned to view the surfacing material as a positive aspect of healing… and I cut back on the ORMUS and things started coming to me. I’m sure I didn’t clear everything and I still resist some. This ORMUS affects me different than most… Maybe that is a belief I have, but when I initially ingested, I had nothing but positive expectations… It is definitely amazing.. and again, I have to be very careful of what I focus on…

WPG will definitely expedite manifestations but the important thing is to manifest those things you WANT in your life and the teachings of Abraham by Ester and Jerry Hicks will greatly help in this regard. It did me. Think about the things you want in your life NOT the things you don’t. We cannot stop the thoughts but we can control the energy we give to those thoughts and that is the KEY. Get the book “Ask and it is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks… it explains manifestation better than anything I’ve ever read!

In the context of explaining the ORMUS phenomenon we need to think of metal gold, as well as all other elements, as having three forms. In the form of matter, such as in the metallic form of gold, it has 3 legs here in this dimension. In the ORMUS form, it has two legs here but one still in another dimension. It has taken on a material form that is solid but not organized into the atomic structure that we know as gold. Taking still one more step backwards, all elements come to us in the aetheric form first as when it is such it only has one leg here and its form is not organized in a manner that it can hold onto its material form. The same thing happens in our blood and in the oceans and waterways of the earth.

The regulators or protits or bions of the blood were called by their original discoverers “colloids of light that have become colloids of life.” Aetheric elements love moisture and “incarnate” here in water or moisture. Once here, they organize themselves and first take the form of spectroscopically invisible elements and then continue to atomically arrange themselves to become elemental matter such as the minerals and metals that we call our periodic table. To catch the aether and organize it into a form the gateway is water. In that form it is spirit in organization and can act on the spirit. Since the body follows the spirit, the effect is indirect but distinct on the physical body.

It has increasingly more influence on matter as it becomes denser and more “congealed” as ORMUS In that form it works on the doubt or belief systems of the mind. Finally, in its purely material – 3 legs here – form of matter it acts purely on the physical body and not on the mind or the spirit. Of course, since the body follows spirit, the effect is only temporary and has no lasting benefit on the body other than a temporary fix. If “it” the healing or the purifying or the vibration increasing, does not happen in the spirit first, the body has no way to hold onto the vibration of wellness or life or love or anything else and will simply return to the state that the spirit is in.

So the way to correct all problems is in the aetheric or spirit form first. Then apply the ORMUS to get rid of the doubt system and start believing in life and love and manifesting. Unfortunately, When the ORMUS finishes its birth process, if it goes to the metallic form such as gold, copper, etc, instead of the mineral form such as calcium, magnesium, etc. then it becomes a toxin to the body as it cannot be assimilated and accumulates as heavy metal poisoning. Whereas minerals are beneficial to the body metals are not. I would hesitate to eat too much of the gold leaf for this reason.

Danae Harding <[email protected]>

From: “Farrell Brenner, Smart Minerals

Excellent exposition. I see that you understand matter from the aetheric side. To continue your idea further, two legs in the other dimension equals prima materia here. This would not be the same as ORMUS IMO. Three legs in the subtle dimension equals subtle matter, i.e., nothing on the physical side. I notice this subtle form of matter when I work with people mentally and energetically. As people go through radical energetic or mental shifts, I notice a whole spectrum of subtle matter transformations around their physical body. (I think it is this spectrum of degrees of manifestation of subtle matter that is generally called the aura.) These observations are consistent with your theory that beliefs can be strong determinants of states of matter.

I witness similar types of events daily. Therefore, I long ago concluded that alchemy is mental, psychological, emotional, energetic, and physical. And that, what is called alchemy these days is mostly the study of the physical. Hopefully this limited view of alchemy will become corrected. As regards eating the gold leaf, it is likely not harmful in that it is nearly totally indigestible. Whatever effects it has tend to be local to the gut. This would be less true to the extent that it is used in cooking. Traditionally, that was not the case. It was applied as a decoration afterwards (in my experience while living in India.) I would call it the exoteric version of Ayurvedic alchemy.


I doubt that anyone is truly capable of giving you definitive information, but I’m posting here an experience I had and which I wrote in 2002. It may stimulate for you, as it did for me some intuitive understanding.

Warmly, Sharon

Oh boy… This is hard for me to post. It’s going to sound completely wacky to some, but since I can’t allow fear to lead my reasoning I am posting this to the group hoping that somewhere, someone will find something useful that spurs or confirms a different way of thinking about ORMUS. It began last night before going to bed. I was in a skippy, happy mood. I prepared my husband’s and my evening beverage which included a shot of Liquid Chi. As I returned the Liquid Chi to its comfortable storage place I kissed the bottle, still so appreciative to have ORMUS in my life. It was still early as I lay in bed when I had the whimsical thought “I wonder if I can talk with an ORME?” so I tried. Following is what happened:

I followed the energy of the ORME to its origin, deep out to sea. In a particular place deep in the ocean, I had the impression of an underground tunnel below the ocean floor. Rising from this was an upward spiraling of activity that reminded me of a flurry of bubbles. I asked questions and following are the responses I got:

The ORME said that it is a particular shape and that other ORMEs have other shapes. The different shapes are like different languages, each one functioning in different mediums. This shape (which looked like an oblong hexagon-type, although I do not know how many sides it had) was particular to water. As such it functions within the fluids of the earth and within the fluids of my body. I asked if it was the same shape as fresh water ORMEs and it replied that it is of the same family with slight differences. I got the impression that fresh water ORME shapes are a bit simpler in structure, and less oblong.

I asked if the ORMUS that is derived from salt is of a salt water shape and was told that once inflated it would return to the shape where it was originally formed. With the word ‘inflated’ I got the image of a balloon. In addition to the general shapes of these water based ORMEs, there were little + and – structures all around it. Later in my dreams I saw how these +’s and -‘s could be changed to create different physical life forms. I recall thinking about how the water ORME functions within the fluids and how I had unconsciously desired something that addressed my structure when I consumed Liquid Chi. The ORME pointed out that my attitude is why I do not feel a reaction to this type of ORME.

Whereas, I KNOW I’m drinking water based ORMUS when I drink trap water, I have mistakenly confused Ocean Precipitate as a structural ORME. I asked about its history and it replied that it has been around longer than it can remember, but it has evolved and changed greatly. It was a much simpler structure before [I saw a diamond shape], and although these structures are still around most have evolved into more elaborate shapes. At this point I got the impression that there are more than two categories of ORMEs, one general category for water based ORMUS, one general category for mineral (land) based ORMUS, and another that I don’t know (ether, gas or air?), and maybe more. Then the ORME said, “I am the life force”.

As if to emphasize this fact I found myself back out at sea and deep within the ocean. I saw marine life dancing around the bubbles. Then I heard the ORME repeat that it was the life force. I got the impression that marine life collects this life force and carries it with them in great abundance to other areas. Then I reflected on the liquids in my body and found it lacking. The ORME encouraged me to fill my environment with this life force to reach some type of critical mass. I got the sense that bathing, and circulating it in the air was as important as ingesting it. The idea was to submerge myself in it. I also got the impression that microorganisms collect this and circulate it throughout my body.

Later it occurred to that a simple way to determine if a person should take a water based ORME or a land/mineral based ORME depended on their physical issues. For urinary, blood or lymph issues then a water based ORMUS would be advised, and if there was an organ or structural problem then a mineral based ORMUS would be advised. As I began to drift off I thought how I was going to have to make my own precipitate and drink a lot more trap water, and diffuse ORMUS in my house to reach a saturation point. Then, just before falling asleep I saw a knight kneeling at a pool and drinking from a golden chalice.

Knighty knight!

Sharon Rose

I went to my eye doctor yesterday and he was somewhat baffled by the improvement in my vision, and so was I. When I came home I searched this database to see if anyone had reported improvements in vision as a result of ORMUS use. I found other reports of positive results. I have a condition which is called kerataconus which is noninflammatory protrusion of the central or paracentral region of the cornea. It is worse in allergy sufferers and may result in marked irregular astigmatism. Normally vision is corrected with hard gas permeable contact lenses and about 15% of patients eventually need a corneal transplant. I go back in two weeks to have my contact lens fit checked and I will find out if the shape of my cornea has changed. I will get the before and after prescription for my eye glasses to document the positive change in vision, and let you all know if there is any change in the shape of my cornea.

I am, again, in awe. Anne Pomeroy Dixon

I have been taking home made ORMUS made from dead sea salt and I usually take as much as I feel is right for me. Recently though I have taken ORMUS purchased from two places, one which I didn’t think was too good. I have only been taking it for the past few weeks. I am 35, female and about 10st 7lbs. Today I have realized that I have moved completely into the moment, I keep having to think if I have anything that needs doing. It is a strange sensation I am so consumed with my now being comfortable that I have dismissed all memory of the past, like it never even occurred and where previously odd memories would arise now if they do they take me by surprise as though it were someone else’s life.

I understand why people say that if you are not prepared for the awakening it can be quite a shock. I have been through today with a massive expansion in my head which I can influence by focusing on it and my third eye has been pulsing all day and my medulla also started. Don’t get me wrong, I have been working on the meditation and spiritual growth way before the ORMUS, so this seems natural progression. I am tripping in and out of being focused behind my third eye and my visualizations are almost real and I have to remind myself what reality I am in, hard to describe exactly. I wonder what would happen if I allowed my visualizations to take over, would they become my reality.

I am someone that believes that anything is possible, I am not bogged down with the solidity of reality and or anything being what it seems, so my mind quite easily accepted what now is my firm belief that anything is possible. I have been through a hell of an amazing journey, the universe answers my questions when I ask. In reality the universe is me, the truth that we are all one and that we are all god is something when it comes to each of us in truth will be the overwhelming feeling that will guide each of us on our own spiritual path.

If I told you some of the amazing things I have manifested and seen happen, and synchronicities I have witnessed, it would be enough to drive anyone mad. However it is all in the course of a day for me now and if I don’t see them I consider that odd. Funny how different life becomes when one simply changes what one is willing to believe. Also I don’t seem to be able to plan for any sort of future even immediate. I like that because I have finally managed to be in the present completely and I know that the past is gone and the future is unrealized and I can make it anything I want. I have a business so this sort of thinking is not ideal, (but I don’t seem to care). I reckon the universe will take care of the rest.

However, I have been practicing breathing through my third eye and medulla and allowing the breath to accumulate in my pineal gland and holding it there. I have now transplanted the air I take in as being ORMUS out of the air. This has resulted in a tingling in the third eye, and a sense of expansion in my brain. Pressure mounts and it is a good feeling. I can feel the power in there. It all sounds like hooeeyy, but I am getting to be where I want in realizing that all my power to manifest and be anything I want, is now.

Oh incidentally, I gave the ORMUS to my dog, and by gum he seems more alert, more with it and keeps staring at me as though he knows something. Perhaps I am imagining it, but someone else commented on it too. I really pushed my mind through meditation prior to eating ORMUS, the third eye was awake then but the ORMUS has sent it through the roof. I think one must judge the amount to take for oneself, but ORMUS does need the mental effort too. Do you meditate? It is important. I work on drawing the ORMUS into my pineal and medulla, it takes conscious effort and eventually I hope it will occur unconsciously.

Funny thing which represents the power within us, I had a notion the other day, unsure if I was daydreaming or lucid dreaming. But I sun gaze when I can in this rainy country of ours, UK. I find it helps a lot and ESP now with the added lifter ORMUS Sun gazing might help you to achieve the results you want. I had a vision (or something) happen whereby I was in a busy resort and I was crossing a bridge and stopped to look at the summer sun. As soon as I set my eyes on it, it moved and went to set. I was dumbfounded and then realized with my looking at the sun I had unwittingly made it set as though to protect my eyes.

Everyone in the resort was shocked as it became dark instantly and I cowered out of sight aware I had caused the sun to set in the middle of the day. This is symbolic of the power within us. We have the power to create universes, we just need to harness it. In my vision I moved the sun with no effort. We are – each of us – Gods, know it, feel it and act with unconditional love. Take control of your reality and make it what you want it to be and always act in the greatest good of all and of course yourself, for they are one and the same.

It is not inconceivable to know that every consciousness that has ever been, will be, is now in every dimension and every universe IS YOU. Remember time and space are linear concepts we created. They don’t exist, all is now. So if you are every consciousness ever, in every possible future outcome, in every possible dimension, in every possible universe and all that has supposedly been, then it all comes back to one. The one in whose image we were created. GOD, therefore it only makes sense we are GOD. Each and everyone of us. ACCEPT IT, REALIZE IT, LIVE WITH IT AND ADAPT YOUR LIFE AND WISHES AND THOUGHTS ACCORDINGLY.

It really makes all the difference, it has to me.
Love, light and luck to all, Nic Brahms

ORMUS and Women’s Experiences

I am writing to you because I feel after reading through your site (subtle energies) that you might possibly want some feedback on my experience. My Husband Chad has been interested in ORMUS/M-State products for several months and I have to say that I’m more skeptical than he is when it comes to believing in alternative treatments, products, etc – anything really. My beliefs have almost always been centered around what can be proven and seen, so to speak. I was even chastised as a child by the Nuns at my school because I wouldn’t admit to believing in God. 🙂

When Chad told me about the ORMUS products and M-State he was very vague and didn’t talk about energy, healing, spirituality. I believe the word he used was Power. Well, I don’t really crave power, if it comes along great but I’m more interested in healing my body, spirit, energy, etc. After he began taking the products, I asked him what it felt like/did and he just said he felt very calm, connected, focused, energized. He had at that time told me about the healing aspects as well. I agreed that after the pregnancy I would be willing to try some of these products.

A little bit more background on me first.

After our first baby, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Moderate Depression and Anxiety. I went on various types of Herbal Supplement programs, yeast cleanse, exercise, chiropractic care and experienced improvement in the physical aspect but the anxiety and depression were still an issue. I finally broke down and went on Antidepressants and this was the only thing that made a significant change in the depression/anxiety, but of course with horrid side effects. I stopped taking them when I became pregnant again. Now since becoming pregnant again all of these conditions have worsened and I have a few more health issues.

The day that I took the Zynergy for me was an act of desperation (almost). I have been sick for so long and I was in the process of drinking some apple cider vinegar and just happened to come across the bottle and it was almost like it spoke to me. I took the lowest recommended dosage and within minutes, I felt a significant difference in my energy level and my physical being. Now I’ve taken it a few times since then but not for several days and am being very cautious. I’ve been taking a product called Zynergy by ZPTech. I felt that the effect was extremely positive and nothing about it said “bad”.

I asked Chad more about it and he said he would post some questions to the forums asking if anyone else had ever taken it while pregnant or knew anything about it. We just ordered a new supply of Zynergy and I will most likely continue taking it in very small doses and only when I feel like it’s necessary. I must say that I’m very connected to my body (I knew I was pregnant within days) and will not take anything if the baby or my energy is against it. I took 2 doses of 3 drops the first and second day and 1 dose of 3 drops the third day (haven’t taken any since).

The experience as a whole has been that I feel as if I’m living in the present, it’s a very calming, energizing experience. I’m able to just “Be”. I sleep better than I have in years and my physical being just feels better. I actually felt that it healed my legs (not sure of this effect since I haven’t taken a significant amount since the second day) and that I was able to walk better. My husband thinks that the change in me is significant and my daughter’s response to me is very noticeable as well. She hugs me a lot now! 🙂 I’ll keep you posted as I go, I’m in my 32nd week so I’m pretty far along now.

Thanks for the informative site and the forums, I’ll keep reading.

Kim F.

Quoting from an e-mail written by Chad F., (1 year later), 13 Jun 2005:

I feel compelled to write to you and relay some experiences regarding my daughter, who is now 9 months old. I want to update those who might have been interested in the outcome. You may or may not remember me, and/or the conversation thread that spawned a very passionate debate sometime last year. My name is Chad, and I used to be a subscriber to the ORMUS email list. I took a break from the list when things started to take a negative turn (a couple of the members were acting in a negative fashion, and I took a break from the list for a while.) I haven’t rejoined, yet, but I wanted to tell you about my daughter, who received ORMUS while in her mother’s womb.

The topic that spawned the debate was related to my wife taking ORMUS while pregnant with my 2nd daughter. The product was Zynergy, (containing gold, silver, zindium.) She took Zynergy due to physical and emotional problems that she was enduring, having to do with a pregnancy that was proving to be very tough. Well, she ingested two small bottles of Zynergy over the course of the end of her second trimester and most of the third. Here is what happened… The pregnancy, as I mentioned was tough. Before ingesting any ORMUS, there were physical ailments present, such as hip problems and her sensitivity to allergens made life very difficult, even in a climate controlled environment.

As a last ditch effort to feel any semblance of comfort, she took some of my Zynergy. She immediately felt (almost) complete relief from many of her ailments. She was suffering from chronic headaches, of which immediately went away. Her allergies started to subside, and after a couple days, her hips felt much better. No, it wasn’t a complete recovery, but she felt so much better that she could not think about it without feeling like she wanted to shed tears of joy. Of course, there was the baby and a huge concern that ORMUS might harm the baby, which is why I took the question to the forum. We all know the debate that took place, and after all was said, she decided to continue.

Nothing about it felt wrong, and there were no signals from her intuition telling her that what she was doing would harm the baby. Early in the third trimester, we were given bad news by our doctor. A routine blood test showed numbers that indicated birth defects, which could include Downs syndrome, spina bifida, etc. The very next day, we were scheduled to visit the hospital for a triple screen, which is an ultrasound session where various measurements are taken, such as skull size, femur length, etc.. the goal being to look for physical attributes common with people who have downs syndrome or spina bifida. The results came back “normal”, but we were taken into a room and we spoke to a counselor.

We were informed of our “choices”, of which included more tests, and even abortion. Abortion was out of the question, as even though the ordeal was very stressful for my wife and I, deep down we felt that all was OK. So we told them that we didn’t want any more tests, and would go ahead with the rest of the pregnancy. Two weeks before the due date, my wife called her doctor, complaining of skin rashes, and other ailments that seemed to come out of nowhere. She was asked to come into the clinic for a blood test, which would help to identify any issues with the pregnancy, if there were any.

She went in and took the blood test and was told that she would get a call, probably the next day, with the results. Well, the doctor called that very evening and told us that my wife tested positive for preeclampsia. For those of you who don’t know, Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. We were told that she would be induced that very next morning. The next morning, we went to the hospital, checked in, and my wife was induced.

She gave birth to our daughter twenty minutes after midnight with a very healthy baby girl. One thing the doctor noted that seemed very odd to her was the size of the placenta. It was nearly three times the size of an average placenta, and it was so big that it didn’t fit into the container (not even close) that is used to store them in for disposal. They had to look around for something else to contain it. I asked the doctor if she’d ever seen anything like it, and why it was so large. She said that she had never seen a placenta as large as the one that was in my wife’s womb, but her theory was that if it hadn’t been as large as it was, the baby likely would have suffered complications.

Apparently, what the earlier blood test checks (the test that had us wondering about birth defects) was how much nutrition was able to pass through the placenta, in order to nourish the baby. Because the placenta wasn’t working at peak potential, it simply grew larger in order to accommodate the baby on what parts of it wasn’t able to do. Almost as if the placenta was intelligent enough to adjust to adverse conditions in order to keep the baby 100% healthy, even up to making itself larger… I still don’t understand the whole thing, but the doctor herself seemed pretty dumbfounded. Today, all is better than well.

The baby is now nine months old, and I must say, that I haven’t seen a baby like her before. I have been around plenty of babies, and this is my second daughter, so I’ve had the chance to raise an infant before this one. However, this one seems different. She radiates love like no other living being that I’ve ever known. She has a smile that would melt the coldest heart and thin the thickest calluses of resentment. It is simply impossible to be angry or irritated with her, no matter what she does. It’s almost impossible to be angry or feel any negative emotion, just being in the same room with her.

Her way of communication is different then that of other babies I’ve seen, including my firstborn. She doesn’t talk yet, (outside of a couple words she says) but she somehow gets her point across. When she needs something, I rarely miss the target. There are no guessing games with her, as she is somehow able to convey her needs without the ability to speak. Best of all, she connects with people. She initiates and maintains long and intense eye contact with those around her (it almost feels like she’s reading you), and if you don’t look directly into her eyes, she will move or position herself in front of you so she can meet your eyes. She almost requires that sort of connection, and when she gets it, it is no less that hypnotizing.

Anyway, I have never met a more extraordinary being.
Blessings, Chad F.

My juices are flowing again… Pardon me for posting this anonymously, as the subject is too personal for me to be comfortable posting with my name and all. I’m 56 this summer, and went through an early menopause due to surgery, starting in my mid-40s. Since menopause I’ve had a lot of problems with vaginal dryness and also with decreased libido and decreased satisfaction. Since a rich sexuality used to be a very important and pleasurable part of my life, I was pretty unhappy about it, and although I’d found “work-along” fixes, and I’ve tried everything, nothing really worked like it used to. What have I tried? I briefly was on allopathic hormone replacement therapy, but on principle didn’t want to continue.

Besides, that was before the dryness issue. I’ve tried every kind of herbal preparation and Dr. John Lee’s creams and etc., and etc. Some of them did give me serious relief from hot flashes, but nothing helped for what seemed like plain and simple atrophy of the sexual function. The last year I’ve been using a natural hormone cream as a suppository for simple comfort, and it stops the hot flashes, and prevents chafing, but doesn’t restore natural moisture or tissue “plumpness”. So, now comes ORMUS I started making my own ORMUS with Trader Joe’s sea salt and distilled water. Not getting a great yield, but more than enough to keep taking it.

When I started the ORMUS I certainly wasn’t expecting a change, and most definitely not after less than a week. However… after 5 days of taking homemade ORMUS, I find that my juices are flowing again-literally! Nice lubrication, tissues getting nice plump blood flow again, and orgasms coming back, approaching “the way it was”. This is a TOTALLY unexpected and totally welcome effect, and there’s absolutely NOTHING else that has done this and nothing else I’m doing that I can attribute it to. So, this may be more than you want to know, and it’s a bit embarrassing to talk about, but it might make other women (and men too!) real happy to learn about such a cheap, easy, and fast solution. Of course, who knows if it’ll do the same for everyone, but it’s good for me!

Anonymous 🙂

Yep, not all women may be all that thrilled about it, and my wife is one of them. She was going through early menopause and at 47 was just about through it, with a 3-month hiatus in cycle activity this spring. Then our favorite producer moved to Florida, and we ordered some fresh product after running out for a while. There’s something different about it; right away I felt it, something stronger, something good. She started her cycles again and they appear to be fairly regular.


That’s great news, in my book. I’m chiming in because we’ve had several postmenopausal women who “rewound” and started menstruating again. While many women would wonder what’s so good about that, these women were all quite excited about it! One such report is on our testimonials.

All the best, Jason

I don’t think that any ORMUS producer would dare resort to the kind of hype that you can read in the transcript of David Hudson’s Dallas lecture: And this is going to sound a little far fetched to some of you, but there are light beings that come to this man and teach him. They never open their mouth but they telepathically are communicating with him. And with the hope that I’m not going to offend anyone, there actually is a female being that comes to him and has sex with him. … And I didn’t understand this until I found in the ancient Vedic texts that it talks about this, having sex with the angels. 2000 B.C. After about 7 months, he begins to have orgasms.

And this is an adult group basically so I better explain to you, he has no erection, he has no seminal emission, but it’s an orgasm. I said, “Is it nice?” and he said, “It’s just like the real thing”. He’s now having about 7-8 a day. … My definition of hype reached new upper limits when I heard these Hudson statements. He is suggesting that if you take his products you will have sex with angels, have spontaneous orgasms 7-8 times a day, you will be able to teleport and ascend bodily to heaven. Do you know of any other ORMUS producer who might approach Hudson’s record in this? I first heard of Hudson in about January of ’95 right when the “Original ORME Consumer” was in the middle of his orme induced state of enlightenment.

I had already listened to Hudson’s Dallas lecture where he talked about this first user who was having sex with the angels and spontaneous orgasms. I got the “Original’s” phone number and called to ask him if everything Hudson was saying about him was true. He assured me that it was. We became close friends. In ’99 and 2000 I moved to the southwest and worked directly with him on an ORMUS related project for 2 years. During that time I had him tell the story of his enlightenment to me many times over. I never heard a contradiction but I did hear new details each time. I know this man as well as his own mother knows him and I can tell you all there is zero hype in what Hudson said about him.

In fact, Hudson understated how fantastic the experience actually was. While this man was taking “true ormes” he could hear the thoughts of everyone around him just like an audio sound track. He would typically pick up the phone just an instant before it started ringing and know who it was and what they wanted (without caller ID), he could cut a deck of cards and identify the top card without seeing it 10 out of 10 times, he only needed about 3 hours of sleep a night, and he knew the whole future in complete detail about an hour or so before it happened. No one could have planned to hurt him or even lie to him without him knowing it.

The angels that started appearing to him would answer his questions about anything he wanted to know. They appeared to be completely physical to him but no one around him could see them. They began teaching him everything he still needed to learn to ascend spiritually. Eventually that teaching process evolved into the personal energy melding that he experienced as sex. And, yes, they really were giving him spontaneous kundalini orgasms 7 or 8 times a day. This man had studied alchemy all his life and had wanted exactly the experience he got more than anything else in life. Perhaps that’s why he got so much more out of it than some of the other early guinea pigs.

But what I would like everyone to know is that he couldn’t stay there. It was simply too intense for him. And also, as Hudson said, his girlfriend felt threatened about the sex thing. So he quit taking the ormes and eventually reverted back to his old self. I witnessed it all in him. To Barry this is just “hype” and he seems to be proud to say that none of the ORMUS producers out there today would ever say such things. Well, I say it ain’t braggin’ if you can do it, and they obviously can’t. I realize that most of the people on this list are fairly new to all this ORMUS stuff and you don’t see as clearly as I do how much Barry has reshaped the whole picture since Hudson was active.

It just leaves me shaking my head in disbelief sometimes at how quickly and easily the past can be rewritten by those with the agenda to do so. What I have seen tells me that ormes really are the “real thing”, specifically because they are misunderstood, hard to acquire, and everyone and his dog has a sign in your face pointing you to a substitute. If the right form of M-state also turns out to be the real thing then great. But the way it is being presented right now leaves a lot of doubt in my mind. Only the pure in heart will see God. That means you have to find your own way through all the decoys. You will make it if you let your heart be your guide.

Daniel Moeck, dmoeck (at)

Background: I have been doing Holosync (binaural entrainment) for two years and ORMUS for about a year. I am a 57 year old woman who has always enjoyed sex. I am also a Lesbian. I came out about 38 years ago, tried bisexuality for a while, but found it wasn’t my cup of tea. I have privately corresponded with other ORMUS people, and have talked to them on the phone, so I think they would vouch for me. The reason I say this is that what has happened to me sounds a bit like science fiction or someone’s wildest fantasy. I have become multi, multi, multi, etc., orgasmic, like 25 – 35 orgasms in a row from just one episode of being stimulated. And I mean the vagina-clenching, neck-arching, can’t-help-but-make-a-noise kind of orgasm. I can do this sequence 3 or 4 times in 45 minutes or so, which amounts to over 100 orgasms.

This started about 6 months ago. I can also now have orgasms with no direct stimulation – just a thought or a memory or a light kiss or touch in a non-erogenous area, or me touching or kissing my lover in the same way. And finally, I also have orgasms when my multi-orgasmic lover does, again with no stimulation, rather they are “empathy” orgasms. (My Myers-Briggs profile is ENFP – the empath.) And they are very, very intense, too. I attribute this to ORMUS I’ve been taking it for about a year. I’ve purchased it from 4 different producers (ZPTech, White Powder Gold, Ocean Alchemy, Priestess Alchemy), plus I’ve made both brine and an olive oil mixture with Himalayan salt. I started taking Golden Emperor Liquid SunLight about 2 months, and it is the most potent ORMUS I have taken to date.

OK, I’m done now.


Barry Carter called Megan (not her real name) and asked her if she had ever had any energy movement up the spine in connection with her orgasmic experiences. As she thought about this she started to have just such an energy movement. Barry asked her to write up her experience and send it for posting to the ORMUS email lists. Following is her response:

Dear Barry

It was wonderful talking to you yesterday. I have always liked you from your moderating/posts on the ORMUS board, and now I really, really like you from talking to you! Where to begin? Please know that I am having a bit of a hard time reading, thinking and writing. I really do think I am in the midst of a kundalini awakening. I apologize in advance for the lack of coherence. As I said to you on the phone, I’ve been mostly watching what’s going on with me out of the corner of my eye. After talking with you last night, I’ve been much more closely watching what’s going on in the present, plus I’ve been going over events from the past.

It’s fun stuff, sometimes scary, occasionally confusing, often new and certainly out of the ordinary. As you know, I’ve been doing Holosync (binaural entrainment) for 2 years and ORMUS, from various producers, for a year. For the past few months, I’ve also been listening to some fabulous CDs in particular “Chakra Chants” by Jonathan Goldman (which has binaural entrainment) and “Holy Harmony“, 4 or 5 times a week. The CD’s contain great stuff from many Eastern spiritual traditions, plus some fascinating items from theories about sound, frequency, harmonic vibrations and intent, all put together very wonderfully by Jonathan Goldman.

You already know about my multi, multi, multi, etc., Orgasmic self, plus my “look Ma, no hands” orgasms. If you post this anywhere feel free to put the info I have already given you in here. Let me tell you first what has happened since I talked to you last night. Even as we were on the phone, you asked if I had tried to move the energy up my spine, and as soon as you said it and I thought about it, it happened. My neck arched and the energy went out the top of my head as I mentioned to you. And it happened a second time while we were still on the phone. It happened some more after we got off the phone, whenever I would think about it.

For the rest of the evening, I also had chills/energy/tingling in my crown, the back of my head and my neck. You mentioned blockages on the phone, and we kind of agreed that the congested feeling in my lower abdomen was a blockage in my second (sexual) Chakra. Last night as I was listening to my Holosync CD, I noticed the congested feeling, so I did the energy up the spine visualization and not only did I feel the energy go up and out the top of my head, but I also had an intense, vagina-clenching, neck-arching, noise-making orgasm. This happened 3 times. The next morning I couldn’t sleep (have been really energized on and off the past week), so I got up, took some ORMUS, and listened to my “Chakra Chants” CD for an hour.

While listening, I had many, many, many twitches in all parts of my body (including my face and even inside my throat) (I think that some people consider that to be the releasing of energy blockages), and at the end, when the crown chakra was being addressed by the CD, the energy went shooting up my spine and I had a half dozen intense orgasms, some of which were vaginal and some of which were more “whole body”. Also towards the end of the CD, my body was shaking and vibrating, in particular my head. I continue now to have a fair amount of tingling/chills/energy up my back, in my neck and the back of my head. There is also periodic pressure in the back of my head.

When I pay attention to the energy and move it all the way up my spine and out the top of my head, I have orgasms about half the time. I am also very teary this morning. This past week, and on and off over the past 6 or more months, I have had episodes of being very energized, very wired, accompanied by trembling, fast-breathing, sweating, and feeling like I’m vibrating. I have felt unable to read much, to spell very well, or to even hand write legibly but I can type much faster than usual! The other obvious thing that has been happening, that I think I mentioned to you, is that I have had weird feelings in what I think is my heart chakra. I think I would maybe call that a blockage. It’s like intense energy/pressure and intense sorrow.

When I focus on it, a voice says to me, “I ache”. This has been especially present during the hurricane Katrina tragedy. I have tried to release it using the Sedona Method (, and I have tried Focusing on it ( These are two things that have helped me deal with feelings in the past, but they weren’t working for me a couple of days ago. I finally just cried and the feeling passed. I had a little bit of it last night, did my energy up the spine visualization and it went away! On another note, some info about me from my distant past I have always been a spiritual person. I was raised Catholic and, starting about age 12, I decided I was going to be a saint.

My spirit guides, which I got in a feminist version of a Silva Mind Control class in the 1970’s, are a snake (named Chastity, of all things, given my very sexual self) and an “Amazon Lady”. I have always wondered about the snake. Now I know that it has some kind of association with Kundalini energy. I am currently allergic to any kind of organized religion, but I have taken bits and pieces from various Eastern and Western traditions and made them my own. I have a bumper sticker on my car that says “Namaste” (the divine within me acknowledges and honors the divine within you), and I try to live my life that way, but I don’t always succeed. OK, I’m done for a while. I look forward to contributing more to the ORMUS cause in the future in any way I can. Feel free to post this anywhere you deem appropriate. All my best to you, dear Barry,


Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff November 1, 2024
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