ORMUS Defined
M-State = a mono atomic state of any element
ORME = a Orbitally Rearranged M-State element
David Hudson used the acronym ORME to refer to Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements which he patented in 1989. In October of 1997 around 70 people agreed by consensus to call the un-assayable form of the transition elements (these are the elements down the center of the periodic chart) by the name ORMUS or m-state. We did this after a fairly lengthy debate on whether these elements were monatomic, diatomic or something else. Since we could not agree whether they were monatomic, diatomic or something else we decided to use a couple of ambiguous terms to name them. Since the word ORMUS was suggested by David Hudson we decided to use this word instead of his acronym ORME to designate these substances.
We also chose to use the term m-state to designate these substances. This term was used by the gentleman who showed us how to do the Wet Method, Dry Method and the Sodium Burn method. We called this gentleman the Essene because he did not wish his name to be known in this connection at the time. When the Essene used the term m-state I believe that he was referring to the “monatomic” state but since the “m” could also stand for “microcluster”, “manna”, or even “magic” we felt that it was ambiguous enough that it would not prejudice future researchers in this field.
We picked these two words partly to honor the contributions of David Hudson and the Essene to research in this field and partly because they were generic enough that they would not prejudice future researchers toward one viewpoint or another. In the years since 1997 this issue has cropped up again several times; most recently in the discussion you have seen here. Hudson used the term S-ORME to refer to the Superconducting ORME. He used the term G-ORME to refer to the superconducting Gold-ORME. We live in a society which encourages competition. Sometimes when someone comes out with a new ORMUS product one of the first things they do is to try to discredit the competition.
A couple times in the past this discrediting has taken the form of a suggestion that other ORMUS products might be toxic in some way. Let’s examine this current accusation in this context. A couple of years ago I asked the current ORMUS product producers to provide an elemental assay of their products. I did this to forestall this kind of accusation. Frankly, I expected such an accusation might come from some regulatory agency rather than another ORMUS producer since I was confident that any ORMUS producer would realize that such an accusation would rebound on the accuser but I fear my confidence may have been misplaced. It seems that egotism is an occupational hazard among certain groups of people.
Inventors are prone to this, as are doctors, lawyers and politicians though there are always exceptions to every generalization. An early ORMUS researcher named Gary suggested that arrogance was a particular hazard associated with working with the ORMUS materials or any other circumstance which might hasten the awakening of kundalini energies. Almost without exception, the pioneers in this field have behaved as if they believed that their processes and theories were the only true methods and explanations for the ORMUS materials. Instead I would suggest that each has assembled a pocket full of puzzle pieces and that we will only start to see the full picture when all of these pieces are placed on the table.
Most of the problems I am aware of that people have had with the ORMUS products listed on the SubtleEnergies web site might be explained as follows. First, the ORMUS elements appear to stimulate the body’s elimination of toxins. This occurs first at the cellular level. As these toxins reenter the blood stream they can trigger the same symptoms that they triggered when the toxins were originally stored in the cells. These symptoms generally do not persist as long as they did originally but they may be a bit more intense for a short period of time. They are also reported to happen in reverse order from the present to the past. This process is called a “healing crisis”.
You can read a diary which describes these healing crisis effects from trap water at Trap Water Diary. The liver and kidneys have the role of cleansing toxins from the blood and eliminating them from the body. If these organs are not functioning well there can be a buildup of toxins in these organs which might harm them. For this reason it is generally best to do a series of liver cleanses and drink lots of water in conjunction with the initial stages of ORMUS ingestion. From my experience, few people have serious problems with this cleansing stage. For some people the increased elimination load might result in constipation. The extra magnesium in ocean water ORMUS precipitate can mitigate this as it is the same as the active ingredient of milk of magnesia a notable laxative.
An extra benefit is that most people are magnesium deficient and this is a good magnesium source. Concurrent with the elimination process some people report tiredness or sleepiness. The Essene reported that during this stage some folks will get quite sleepy and that when they wake up they will “eat everything but the curtain rods and then they will go right back to sleep again.” We think that this happens because the body is using up the energy stored in ATP to fuel the healing process. There are some indications that this tiredness can be prevented or mitigated by taking extra B vitamins, especially B-12 and the amino acid creatine.
Note: The following piece is based on not understanding Biological Individuality – it is true for about half the population that low-fat and low-protein diet is alkalizing, but the other half experience exactly the opposite effect. Check out our Metabolic Typing protocols.
Another issue that has been suggested by several ORMUS researchers and producers is that it is easier to benefit from ORMUS if the body is in a more alkaline state. There is some evidence that ORMUS products, particularly those with a magnesium or calcium base, will tend to alkalize the body. Other ORMUS sources appear to work better when the body is slightly alkaline. Most people on the conventional American diet tend to be acidic. The following foods and situations tend to move one toward the alkaline end of the spectrum:
- all vegetables especially green leafy vegetables
- most all fruits including citrus fruits
- millet, quinoa
- several glasses of spring water daily
- ripe olives
- raw almonds
- lima beans, soy beans
- fresh green peas & green beans
- avocado
- ghee (clarified butter, a cholesterol-free saturated fat)
- relaxation exercises, i.e. deep breathing, yoga, etc.
The following foods and situations tend to move one more toward the less desirable acid end of the spectrum:
- excessive consumption of starches
- all seafood, fish, fowl & all flesh foods
- yogurt, butter, eggs, cow’s milk, cheese
- wheat, oats, barley, rice, corn, bread, spelt
- kamut, amaranth, teff, buckwheat
- all beans except lima and soy beans
- high fat meals (except the right fats)
- high protein diet
- all pastas, macaroni, and noodles, crackers, chips
- overeating
- cooked tomatoes, pasta & sauce
- refined sugar, corn syrup, honey, soda pop
- cookies, cakes, pies, sweets, etc.
- blueberries, cranberries, currants, plums, prunes
- carob
- all nuts & seeds (except almonds)
- tobacco, drugs
- margarine, lard, hydrogenated oils, corn & olive oil
- all fried foods (fried in ghee, butter or oils)
- coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate
- low water intake
- over exercise, lack of sleep
- anxiety, anger, worry, stress
Experts in this arena suggest that one should consume about 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. You can find a chart with more information on this subject at: Food Charts. Finally, David Hudson and others have suggested that certain substances can “pin” the ORMUS elements to their metallic state under some circumstances. These conditions apparently can happen in the body. According to Hudson the substances in question are sulfites (SO3), carbon and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. Since most of the ORMUS elements are toxic in their metallic form it is wise to avoid foods and situations which increase these substances in the body.
There are some indications that the tendency for the ORMUS elements to drop to metal is minimized by having an adequate B-12 intake. Since there will always be newcomers to this arena who will be eager make an impression by redefining some aspect of the ORMUS field I will recommend that we adopt the terms that were arrived at in 1997 and call all of the spectroscopically un-assayable elements ORMUS (or ORMUS) or m-state. I would also suggest that the definitions in Hudson’s patent apply to the substances that Hudson described.
As for the superconductive or diamagnetic ORMUS that the magnetic traps concentrate I am reluctant to apply the name that the inventor of these traps used. He called this stuff the “snot”. It snot funny. Let’s think up another term for this ORMUS form. I have been calling this the oil or dew form of ORMUS. Some alchemists called it the oil which does not burn or the water which does not wet the hands. This is probably the substance that is called “manna” in the Bible. Who knows how many other ORMUS forms or variations exist. I am sure that we are barely scratching the surface in this regard.
You can read some more of my thoughts on this at ORMUS Variations
and Monatomic, Diatomic or What?
Barry Carter bcarter@igc.org
Other researchers refer to a related phenomenon as Metal Ion. David Hudson references this in his Portland lecture. Metal ions show up in conventional spectroscopic assay, so they would not qualify as ORMUS.
Origins of the word ORMUS
We build structures to serve us but often we end up serving them. We let these structures control us by agreeing to the scary things they say. When Christianity was young there were many different Christian groups. One of these groups was a group of Egyptian Gnostic Christians started by a man called ORMUS. Eventually another of these Christian groups gained power in Rome. Like all structures, it set about consolidating this power by taking power away from other Christian groups and spreading scary stories about these other groups. This set the stage for the Inquisition and, eventually, for the Holocaust. Blaming ORMUS for the actions of the Illuminati, the Red Cross or the Knights Templar is roughly equivalent to blaming Jesus for the Inquisition and the Nazi Holocaust.
Structures use fear as a tactic for control. This is why the servants of the dominant “Christian” structure in the early Roman church ruthlessly destroyed any manuscripts that were not included in the canonical New Testament. The only texts that survived these times were those that were lost or hidden before the Roman church became the dominant structure in Europe. The Nag Hammadi Library is one of these lost caches of texts that escaped this destruction. This library was collected by Gnostic Christians living in Upper Egypt before 400 AD. It includes several gospels including the Gospel of Thomas.
In the Gospel of Thomas we find the following passage:
“Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; because you come from it, and you shall go there again.” The “solitary and elect” are those who do not claim allegiance to any structure. No wonder the Roman church tried to destroy all copies of these texts.
ORMUS, who became a Gnostic Christian around 46 AD, may have transcribed or authored some of these early Gnostic gospels. Here are some quotes from the Internet about the man named ORMUS:
According to Masonic teachings, ORMUS was the name of an Egyptian sage and mystic, a Gnostic ‘adept’ of Alexandria who may have lived during the early years of the Christian epoch. In A.D. 46 he and six of his followers were supposedly converted to a form of Christianity by one of Jesus’ disciples, Mark in most accounts. From this conversion a new sect or order is said to have been born, which fused the tenets of early Christianity with the teachings of other, even older mystery schools. This story is plausible enough. During the first century AD Alexandria was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic and Neo-Platonic doctrines suffused the air and combined with innumerable others.
It would hardly be surprising if one of the teachers adopted a name implying the principle of light. In AD 46 ORMUS is said to have conferred on his newly constituted ‘order of initiates’ a specific identifying symbol – a red or a rose cross. We may see in ORMUS the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians. According to HBHG, the secret order of the Prieur de Sion, which supposedly guards this secret of the lineage of Jesus, appended to its name, at one point, that of ORMUS (p.122). The name ORMUS was written in such a way that the letter “m” was formed by the symbol for the astrological sign of Virgo – which the authors assert can be read as “Notre Dame” and indicates Mary Magdalene.
Later on in the book, they propose that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. (By the way, the Greek text places a conjunction between Mary, or Maria, and Magdalene. That conjunction can be translated as “as” or “in truth,” “verily.”) A likely origin for the name ORMUS, according to the authors, is one ORMUS, a Gnostic sage and mystic who, according to Masonic teachings, lived at Alexandria, in Egypt, during the beginning of the first millennium CE. ORMUS is said to have started an order in which the tenets of Christianity were blended with those of older pagan mystery schools.
The symbol of this order was the rose cross, or Rose-Croix (HBHG, pp. 122-123). How the authors go from this ORMUS to equating the symbol for Virgo, by which the name was written by the Prieur de Sion, to a “woman” called Magdalene is beyond me. If this ORMUS was an initiate in pagan mysteries, it seems clear to me that the symbol for Virgo would have referred to – Duh! – the astrological sign of Virgo. This ORMUS could have taken his name from Hormuz, the Persian deity presiding over the New Moon day, or from Hormuzd, the name of the Persian deity identified with the Roman Jupiter.
Additionally, when I reached for my Greek-English lexicon to look up Arima, a name not unknown to me from mythology (and incorporated in the biblical name Arimathea, i.e., Joseph from Arimathea, a place which the Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia cannot identify with any certainty; thea means “goddess” in Greek) I found only a listing for Arimaspoe. Although, according to Herodotus, Arimaspoe means “one-eyed,” another possible meaning is “horse of light,” from the Old Median orim-aspa (aspa means “horse”). It strikes me then that the name ORMUS could also be an abbreviation of orim, with the Latin ending -us attached.
Note from Duane McCullough on the word ORMUS
I had no idea that the origin of the word ORMUS had such a history. And then again many modern words we take for granted as being new sometimes have old roots that link back to ancient times. So the word ORMUS can be linked to persons, places and things from long ago – and is not just a new scientific word that relates to a new discovery of a unique form of matter. Interesting. During my research of the evolution of the graphical alphabet within my Spirit of Atlantis book project, I discovered that certain vowel and consonant symbols within many early words of the Latin Alphabet were interchangeable because spelling as we know it today was not the same back in ancient times.
In fact, the most common spelling mistakes of today is the improper vowel placement within words. Knowing this, I did a quick review of the word ORMUS in the dictionary and discovered some interesting views. The only word I could find in my dictionary without significantly changing vowels or consonants symbols that linked to the ORMUS word was “ormolu” – which means “ground gold”. And speaking of gold – aurous, auric, aura, aureate, and even the chemical symbol of gold “Au” can also be linked to ORMUS because “aur” and “or” sounds the same. Using my alphabetical model of symbol origins from my Spirit of Atlantis book project, the symbols within the word ORMUS reveal some concepts that may explain what the word means.
The pictographic symbol of the letter “O” is the shape of the almighty power of the “Sun” or “Sol”. The pictographic symbol of the capital letter “R” is the sideway view of the Sun rising over the horizon with a Ray of light beaming out. The pictographic symbol of the capital letter “M” is the mountain profile meaning “mount” or “high place”. The pictographic symbol of the capital letter “U” means “two united” or “union”. And the pictographic symbol of the capital letter “S” is the symbol “spirit” or “spiral force”. By applying this information to the word ORMUS, the following words can be “extracted” from the letters.
Sun, Ray, Mount, Union and Spirit – all terms that reflect a powerful entity from the heavens. Aurigua was a powerful god-like character in ancient times that drove his chariot across the sky – and like Zeus and even Jesus, had a glowing aureole. And speaking of the glowing aureole phenomenon, could the ORMUS subject explain how it may be possible to activate a part of the brain – which is mostly made of a type of phosphorus, by which it could actually glow in low light conditions? Perhaps some Biblical saints knew how to accomplish this act by using the ORMUS materials in their diet. Interesting.
Duane McCullough www.lostfountain.com www.spiritofatlantis.com
Structure is designed to resist change. The very nature of life is change… It looks like the man named ORMUS was an agent of change and our appropriation of his name to the ORMUS materials is very appropriate in that these materials also seem to be an agent of change. I am fairly well convinced that ORMUS is the carrier for most subtle energy signals. The great physicist David Bohm postulated that the “Explicate Order” (reality as we know it) is the projection of the “Implicate Order”, which could be thought of as a nonphysical or spirit template for physical reality. I like to think of this as a sort of Internet through which we connect with each other and the source of life.
I like to call it the “InnerNet”. If there is such an InnerNet, then what is the connector between spirit and matter? What is the modem we use to connect to this InnerNet? We would expect this connector to have certain properties. Chief among these properties would be “quantum coherence” or “non-locality” (also known as being “everywhere at once” or “omnipresence”). In my model, the implicate order or InnerNet would provide an instantaneous communication medium and energy source. Scientists have identified very high levels of quantum coherence in the body but they are mystified about the substances that are bringing it about. Here is a quote, from “The Field” by Lynne McTaggart, about this:
“What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system. Usually, this coherence – called a Bose-Einstein condensate – is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory in very cold places – just a few degrees above absolute zero – and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.“
The ORMUS elements look like they might be this quantum coherent connector for information and energy in the body. They seem to function as the keystone in the bridge between spirit and matter. They appear to be a physical substance which accesses properties of spirit, like quantum coherence. Superconductors are one of the best known examples of quantum coherence. But modern physics has not succeeded in producing room temperature superconductors. Nevertheless, quantum coherent properties – like superconductivity – have been observed in biological systems. Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, Mae-Wan Ho, Glen Rein and others have suggested that quantum coherence in the body may be the key to consciousness.
How might this work?
Imagine that every cell has a cell phone with a hard wired phone to use as a backup if the batteries get depleted. The backup phone uses the nerves as wires but the cell phone communicates instantaneously via quantum coherent antennas. Now imagine that the cell phones in each person’s cells have batteries which are dead or almost dead and broken antennas. We postulate that the ORMUS elements can bring in energy to recharge the batteries because they provide a quantum coherent resonant antenna which picks up energy and information from the InnerNet (Implicate Order). These ORMUS antennas in every cell would, in effect, provide a direct, instantaneous connection to everywhere at once.
For example, this would provide an incredible communication system between all of the cells of the body and with the nonphysical DNA template that Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin observed in the DNA Phantom Effect. The cell phones in every cell would be like little radio stations that pick up information, store it and rebroadcast it to the other cells in the body. ORMUS inside of water molecules would serve a similar “radio station” function and change the shape of the water molecule through resonance coupling. In my model, these ORMUS radios would respond to color, light, magnetism, electric impulses, shape, sound and even thought. You can read more about this at: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ORMUS/tw/homeopat.htm
Barry Carter bcarter@igc.org