Book: The Healing Code
In the last 30 days I have been using a system that deals with the real cause of all illness, the unconscious cellular memories and their effect on my physical body. I could not be more impressed.
Here’s the main point: You can continue chasing the ever elusive health and healing through pills, potions, lotions, and manipulations. They all can and often do help. But until you deal with the underlying cause of the disease, you will continue to re-create it in your body.
If you’ve had enough of pain and suffering from chronic disease, you are probably ready to take the leap. It is working for me, and I am an expert in chronic pain. If you have not read my own story, you can check it here
I am writing this message to help you discover how thousands of people, including doctors, are healing their own disease spontaneously WITHOUT modern medicine, surgery, or drugs. Clearing out your own negative cellular memories is bound to have a huge positive impact on the quality of your life.
When you click through on the link below, you can listen online to several testimonials from users of this healing program. You can also sign in to receive access to a recorded conversation with Drs Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD where Ben Johnson describes the Secret Healing Software we all can use.
Apparently cellular memory (which is stored in the water in your cells) is the cause of 80% to 95% of all disease according to The Center for Disease Control and Dr. Bruce Lipton.
Ben Johnson MD recovered from Lou Gehrig’s Disease thanks to The Healing Code and later joined the company (he should be dead by now according to his original prognosis). You can use the code to restore your own health, and also deal with issues affecting your life, happiness, relationships and finances. You can use it on yourself, your pets, children, friends and your relatives. So in the end, it is a very good deal. And it comes with a full money back guarantee.
Take a look at The Healing Code introduction, and sign in to listen to the lectures. There is a ton of information available to you before you make a decision to pay. Yes, there is a price attached to this service.
I thought about it long and hard, and I believe it is worth its price. This is next evolutionary step in energy medicine, or in quantum healing. It puts the power to heal yourself back in your hands, literally.
I had great plans to send you a newsletter a couple of weeks ago, but ended up too distracted with calls and new business developments instead. I think it is time to let you in on what has been happening at the office. Earlier today I spent a while counting my blessings I am looking forward to 2007 with great expectations.
I hope that by now you will have bought all the presents for all the loved ones in your life. And I wonder if you have anything left over to do something for yourself. If you have getting my health in order on your list of New Year Resolutions, check in with us we have the real goods for permanent change.
Two weeks ago I sent out a short invitation to check into The Healing Code. I did that with some hesitation after all, that product is doing away with the need for many of the supplements we sell. But in the end I felt I had to do it. We are bound to follow the highest good, the truth as we know it.
I know that many of you want to understand how and why things work. I am sending you a link to an interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton who has researched cellular structure and function as it relates to our long term health. It this interview he said something very profound that resonated with me in a powerful way. As children, until we are about six years old, we do not have a reasoning ability to evaluate the statements we hear we operate in a permanent state similar to hypnotic trance in which we take all that is said literally. Fortunately we now have the technology to deal with the wrong information we recorded in our cellular memory.
The Healing Code have been successfully applied to removing wrong concepts, and they can also be used to install right concepts. So if you need changes in how things are turning out for you, you may want to check out the Success Code Audio.
If you like listening to books on tape, or educational audios, we have something worth checking out: We have launched our podcasts, and you can expect a new 15 minute segment every week. If you have no idea about podcasts it is like radio, except you get to choose what you want to listen to, and when you want to listen to it. You can download them into your computer or into your mp3 player, and listen to them while you are driving, flying, running, or doing something that would keep you from reading.