Books: Collection of Educational Material
- Conscious Breathing (Gay Hendricks, Bantam, 1995); available from 800-688-0772 or
- Your Bodies’ Many Cries for Water (Batmanghelidj, F., MD, Global Health Solutions, 1992)
- Water: The Shocking Truth That Can Save Your Life (Paul Bragg, Health Science, 1999); all of Paul Bragg’s inspiring books are great
- Sea salt’s Hidden Powers (Jacques de Langre, PhD; Happiness Press, 1992)
Foundation Diet
- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (Weston Price, DDS; Keats, 1989); Some of the primitive races have avoided certain of the life problems faced by modernized groups.
- Pottenger’s Cats: A Study In Nutrition (Francis Pottenger, MD; Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, San Diego, 1995)
- Raw Energy (Leslie and Susannah Kenton, Warner Books, New York, 1984)
- Empty Harvest (Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson, Avery Publishing; Garden City Park, NY; 1990)
Non- Toxic Environment
Chemical Time Bomb (Doris Rapp, MD; Bantam, New York, 1996); Dr. Rapp does brilliant work for kids with allergies and behavioral problems. Other highly recommended books by Dr. Rapp include Our Toxic World, also available from Dr
Detoxification and Fasting
- Inner Cleansing by Carlson Wade, Parker Publishing; Englewood Cliffs, NJ; 1992.
- The Miracle of Fasting by Paul Bragg, ND; Health Science, 1999, or
- How To Keep Slim, Healthy, and Young with Juice Fasting by Paavo Airola, ND; Health Plus Publishing, 1971.
Aerobic Exercise
- Challenge Yourself at Any Age (Clarence Bass, Clarence Bass’s Ripped; 1999); order from 505-266-5858
Anaerobic Exercise
- Challenge Yourself at Any Age (Clarence Bass, Clarence Bass’s Ripped; 1999); order from 505-266-5858.
- Getting Stronger (Bill Pearl, Shelter publications; Bolinas, CA; 1986), available from 541-535-3363.
- Power to the People (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dragon Door, 1999); to order 800-899-5111.
- Renegade Training for Football(Coach Davies, Dragon Door); to order 800-899-5111, articles online at
- The Russian Kettlebell Challenge (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dragon Door, 2000).
- From Russia With Tough Love (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dragon Door, 2002).
Flexibility Exercise
- Yoga: The Iyengar Way (Silva, Mira, & Shiyam Mehta; Knopf, New York, 1990).
- Stretching for Everyday Fitness (Bob Anderson, Shelter publications, 2000); order from Stretching Online, 800-333-1307,
- How to Use Yoga (Mira Mehta, Rodmell Press, 1998).
- Relax Into Stretch (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dragon Door); to order 800-899-5111, articles online at
- Superjoints (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dragon Door); to order 800-899-5111, articles online at
Neuromuscular Exercise
Mind Body Mastery (Dan Millman, New World Library, 1999); available from
Energetic Exercise
- Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth (Peter Kelder, New York, Doubleday, 1998); book set and an accompanying video are available from Harbor Press, or 253-851-5190.
- Yoga: The Iyengar Way (Silva, Mira, & Shiyam Mehta; Knopf, New York, 1990).
- The Way of Qigong (Ken Cohen, Ballantine, 1999). The Way of Energy (Lam Kan Chuen, Fireside, 1991).
- Step-by-Step Tai Chi (Lam Kan Chuen, Fireside, 1994).
Sleep, Rest and Relaxation
The Promise of Sleep (William Dement, Delacorte, New York, 1999).
Being Present and Doing Nothing:
- How to Think Like Leonardo daVinci (Michael Gelb, Delacorte Press, New York, 1998).
- Touching (Ashley Montague, Harper, New York, 1971).
- The Pleasure Zone (Stella Resnick, Ph.D, Conari Press, Berkeley, 1997).
- Fear of Life (Alexander Lowen, MD; Collier Books, New York, 1980).
- Toward a Psychology of Being (Abraham Maslow, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999).
- Radiance: Breathwork, Movement & Body-Centered Psychotherapy (Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Wingbow Press, Berkeley, 1991).
- Handbook To Higher Consciousness (Ken Keyes, Living Love Publications; Coos Bay, Oregon; 1975).
- Gathering Power Through Insight and Love (Ken Keyes, Living Love Publications; Coos Bay, Oregon; 1987).
- Man’s Search For Meaning (Viktor Frankl, Touchstone, New York, 1984). The Meditations (Marcus Aurelius, Modern Library, 2002).
- An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life (Dalai Lama, Little Brown & Co., 2001).
Recreation (Play)
- Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life (Alexander Lowen, MD; Arkana (a division of Penguin), New York, 1995).
- Deep Play (Diane Ackerman, Random House, New York, 1999).
- Healthy Pleasures (Robert Ornstein, PhD, and David Sobel, MD; Addison-Wesley, New York, 1989).
- The Pleasure Connection (Deva Beck, RN and James Beck, RN; Synthesis Press, San Marcos, CA; 1987).
- Flow (Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi, Harper Perennial, New York, 1994).
- At The Speed Of Life (Gay Hendricks, PhD and Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD; Bantam, New York, 1990).
Meditation, Contemplation and Prayer
- The Relaxation Response (Herbert Benson, MD, Avon Books, New York, 1975); available from The Mind Body Medical Institute
- The Heartmath Solution (Doc Childre and Howard Martin, Harper, San Francisco, 1999); articles, research, books and tapes on validated stress management techniques, 800-450-9111,
- Breath by Breath (Larry Rosenberg, Shambala, Boston, 1999).
- The Contemplative Journey (Father Thomas Keating, Sounds True, Boulder, CO), audiotape set, 800-333-9185,
- The Present Moment (Thich Nhat Hanh, Sounds True, Boulder, CO), audiotape set, 800-333-9185,
- Putting on the Mind of Christ (Jim Marion, Hampton Roads, 2000).
- The Direct Path: Creating A Journey To The Divine Through The Worlds Traditions (Andrew Harvey, Broadway Books, 2001).
- Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self (Kabir Edmund Helminski; Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigree (a division of Putnam), New York, 1992).
- The Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes, J. P. Tarcher, 1998).
- Pure Unlimited Love: An Eternal Creative Force and Blessing Taught by All Religions (Sir John Templeton, Templeton Foundation, 2000).
- Conscious Loving (Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D.; Bantam, New York, 1990); available from 800-688-0772 or
- The Conscious Heart (Gay Hendricks, PhD and Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD; New York, Bantam, 1997).
- Intimate Communion (David Deida, Health Communications, 1995); David Deida has a number of brilliant books and tapes available from 888-626-9662 or
Mission and Purpose
- Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill); also available as an audiotape set from Nightingale-Conant, 800-525-9000 or
- Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success (Napoleon Hill), also available as an audiotape set, the Science of Personal Achievement from Nightingale-Conant, 800-525-9000,