October 6, 2018 by
Barry Carter

What Is ORMUS by Barry Carter

The term ORMUS comes from Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements.

Researchers have re-discovered a new, previously hidden, form of matter that may provide tremendous advancements to human nutrition. An earlier term for this form of matter is “orbitally rearranged monatomic elements” (ORMEs), lately better known as “ORMUS”. Precious metals, including copper, silver, gold, rhodium, iridium and platinum (and others) exist in a modified state, where they no longer display the electric, spectroscopic, chemical, or thermal properties usually associated with the “metal” state. The resulting material appears crystalline, stable, non-conductive, heat resistant, and chemically inert. These same elements would have to be classified not as metals, but as inert minerals. These elements are both natural and ubiquitous, they permeate the environment, our food, and our bodies.

The High-Spin State

Some elements have the potential to assume a “high-spin state”. This refers to a phenomenon discovered in the late 1980’s by nuclear physicists at a number of renowned laboratories. They discovered that when certain atoms are put into a high-spin state, the elementary particles inside the nucleus become rearranged and spin around at an increased rate of speed. As a result of the rearranged orbitals, the electromagnetic emissions from high-spin elements are different from their ordinary spectra. (See Scientific American, October 1991; Philip Yam, p. 26). Nuclear physicists have not reported any success in producing high spin elements in any significant quantities by high-energy bombardment. Nevertheless, Nature has its own low-tech, low-energy methods of producing these elements within the bowels of the Earth.

My favorite hypothesis is that ORMUS superconducts our thoughts, as well as the thoughts of every living cell. This improved intercellular communication might explain almost every benefit that has been seen in plants and animals. It would be like going from dial-up internet to high-speed Internet. The speed of the connection does not determine what one does on the Internet. One can use the internet to search for what one does not want or to search for what one wants. You can find and view yucky stuff or you can find and view wonderful stuff. The speed of your connection just gives you more of what you focus on, more quickly. I believe that there are two things that are basically not healthy for cells. It is not healthy if a cell has too much of something it does not need (toxins) and it is also unhealthy if a cell does not have enough of what it does need (nutrients).

I suspect that ORMUS helps cells to get more of what they need and, also, to get rid of what they don’t need. Perhaps it does this by helping to change the structure of water so that the water is “wetter”. This “wetter” water might carry more nutrients into the cells and carry more toxins out. Now suppose there is a yucky frequency out there. Let’s call this yucky frequency the “cancer” frequency. Suppose that this yucky frequency also matches other frequencies of disempowerment like fear or greed (the fear of not having enough). This yucky frequency of our thoughts might be carried to the structure of the water in our cells, by the ORMUS in the water, in such a way as to allow the water to carry more toxins into the cells. Is the ORMUS causing the cancer or is it just helping to carry the dominant frequency of our thoughts?

The same quickening might also happen with our positive thoughts. If we habitually think of love and connection, ORMUS would help to bring this into manifestation more quickly. Love and connection would, then, correlate with improved cellular health. I think that ORMUS also can help us move our thoughts from the yucky frequency to the wonderful frequency by giving us quicker feedback. We could call this feedback “instant karma”. Even bad results can be changed to good if we realize that we are creating both. If someone stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon and shouted “I hate you”, the delayed echo might them feel bad because they think that someone out there hates them. If the echo were speeded up so that it overlapped the sound that was going out, it would help them to understand that they were the one who said those hateful words.

At: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/realthing.htm you can find the following story of a professional chemist who made and ingested six micrograms of pure “annealed” white powder of gold:

After ingesting the ORMUS gold one time he was unable to live normally for over a year because he would manifest everything he would think of. Soon after ingesting it his behavior got so strange that his wife told him that she was going to take him to the hospital but he was able to convince her that they would not know what to do to treat complications arising from the ingestion of white powder of gold. He said that his mind would call up anything that he thought of. He could generally control this during the day but it became a real problem at night. If he thought of having an accident while driving a car would show up out of the blue and almost hit him.

He had to learn to keep from thinking of what he did not want in order to avoid manifesting it. This rapid manifestation of his fears became so intrusive that he had to spend every waking minute with his mind on things that took all of his attention. He avoided contact with people and performed mathematical calculations in order to keep his thoughts from going astray. In order to sleep he took sleeping pills to keep from thinking. This condition persisted with the same intensity for about six months and with less intensity for another six months. He said he realized that ALL of his beliefs were only beliefs and none of them were true in any fundamental way. He happened several years ago but every time I talk with him about it he is noticeably upset as the memories are very disturbing to him still.

I often use this as an example of what can happen when the echo travels so fast that it overlaps with our outgoing thoughts. This man’s condition improved as he learned to change his thoughts from the yucky channel to the wonderful channel. I suspect that mostly this happened due to the quickening of the echo and his response to it.

This is why I keep the quote in my signature lines below.

With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
<[email protected]>, Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages: ORMUS – http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/index.htm

“What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you.”
-Emmet Fox from Make Your Life Worthwhile, 1942

ORMUS Is Abundantly Available

ORMUS state elements are likely produced by thermal-chemical reactions within the Earth’s core and brought to surface during volcanic eruptions. They can be found virtually anywhere on the Earth’s surface, and in concentrated amounts in volcanic soils. They appear to be related to the Laminar Crystal described on the Twilight America pages of this website. The existence of ORMUS elements in our food can be concluded from tissue studies done on higher mammals. One study found calves’ and pigs’ brain tissue contained as much as 5% by weight of ORMUS elements! Research has proven that plants absorb and concentrate the ORMUS elements from the soil they grow in. Although trace amounts may be found in virtually all food substances, higher concentrations appear in aloe vera, carrots, ginkgo, blood-root, blue-green algae, St. John’s Wort, and Concord grapes.

The concentrations vary depending upon the abundance of the elements in the soil in which these plants are grown. It is possible that the best way to ingest these elements is in the forms of plants grown in soils rich in these elements. Various methods to recover ORMUS elements from volcanic soils, to produce them from refined metals, and to concentrate them from water sources have been developed by independent alchemical researchers. Some of these processes have been patented, and some remain as trade secrets. The actual role that these elements play in mental functioning is not known – but their concentration in the brain leaves open the possibility that their role may be important, or even crucial, for maintaining good health, both mentally and physically.

“from a friend of mine whos a strong 46 yr old male, kept spouting to me i dont feel anything. i just said keep taken it. so after 2 months, he ran out, after 10 days without ormus. he confesses, maybe i did feel something… i said like what. he said well for one i went home after work sat in my chair at 7pm and fell asleep. i said is that rare for you. he said oh yeah. well maybe u just was tired this day. i said anything else. my frequent dreams have lessened. then one day im driving in my car, he says. along the freeway and i felt transparent. i said what???? like someone can see through ya???..he said yes .. i said, wow, that was a spiritual hit. now folks if you knew this man. that was the weirdest thing he would ever say. and i say today what do you feel. he said i cant stop thinking about this stuff i want more…. another friend of mine also took the same stuff i called him. he also ran out of ormus 10 to 12 days ago.. i said how ya doin he said ok. but im kinda down… i said down..?? he said yeah i said whats up he says i just dont have the same energy as i had on ormus. i said i agree. and its almost impossible to get sad when ya full of energy. he said this stuff is wierd. but it works… and me the 3rd new user. i also feel it helped also with energy but in a calming way. im a full throdle kind of guy durin the day anyway, but i do feel the differences too.. but whats different is i still hear the hummin in my head 10 days after running out, amazing stuff”

Don, age 52


ORMUS elements were not previously noticed by the scientific community because they are impossible to assay or detect with standard laboratory instruments. Although a sample of ORMUS elements can be held in the hand and weighed on a scale, the ORMUS elements within the sample are completely invisible to common chromatographic detection! When a sample is assayed, all that shows up are the t;impurities” (i.e., the ordinary atoms) that coexist with the ORMUS within the sample. A well-respected researcher demonstrated that an ultra-pure sample of ORMUS produced from pure metal, will give no reading at all. A solid object, made of “nothing”.

ORMUS elements do not manifest the well-defined spectral lines that assay instruments are designed to detect. Consequently, the ORMUS elements do not show up in standard assays of biological tissue or soil samples. The ORMUS elements consist of inert minerals that are present in many food substances and herbs, and as a result are already present in our bodies. Due to their chemical inactivity, they do not react within the body like ordinary metal ions or atoms. Every test performed to date found them to be completely non-toxic.

The ORMUS Theory

The scientific mechanisms of how the ORMUS elements produce their reported mental and physical benefits have not yet been identified. Some researchers argued that the effects may be produced through bio-superconductivity that enhances the full potential of the DNA. Research in bio-transmutation has been conducted outside of the mainstream scientific circles. We believe that when ingested, the ORMUS elements enter the blood stream and pervade the body.

Because they are chemically inert, their effects cannot be due to chemical reactions in the body, but due to an energetic effect. We believe that ORMUS elements simply sit in the cells, where they generate the subtle Essence of life. By increasing the Essence in the body on a cellular level, more spiritual intelligence can be expressed through both the mind and body, thus enabling the body and mind to attain a more integrated, holistic state of functioning.


Colloids are frequently misunderstood. They are different in many respects from the commonly known minerals that come from rocks and soil. A mineral derived from rock is called “metallic mineral” and hosts a positive electrical charge. It can be seen or viewed through a 200 power microscope. Minerals from rocks and soil must be converted to colloids by means of plant digestion, photosynthesis, effective micro organisms, chemical reaction, etc. Colloidal minerals carry a negative electrical charge. A colloidal mineral is so small that many times it cannot be detected with a 1,000 power microscope and it stays suspended rather than going into solution because of it’s negative charge and size to weight ratio.

Dr. Frederick S. Macy, Dr. Patrick Flanagan, and chemist David Graham say natural colloidal minerals are basically non-toxic because of their source and electrical charge. Dr. Flanagan’s book, Elixir Of The Ages,contains some interesting information on colloidal chemistry. He says, “Colloids are known as the twilight zone of matter. These minerals are the smallest particles into which matter can be divided while still maintaining its individual characteristics. Colloids range in size from 0.01 millionth’s to 10 millionth’s of an inch (0.01 microns to 10 microns). The best products contain no particles larger than 1/10th micron. The smaller colloids cannot be seen even with the most powerful microscopes.

Because of their small size, they have an enormous surface area which gives them special properties. One teaspoon of colloids can have a total surface area of over 127 acres, and is composed of billions of tiny electrically charged minerals. Health Livingpublished an article that said, “The body does need minerals in organic form. Organic minerals are absorbable by body tissues and become energy catalysts for the cells. The soil contains the same major inorganic minerals, yet if a person were starving and consumed the soil, he would get no nourishment. The body cannot absorb inorganic minerals nor can it convert them into an assimilable form”.

Dr. Carey Reams, a well known biophysicist and biochemist, discovered that colloids can get so small they can go through glass. And that even within a colloid there can be a “solar system” of different minerals. The characteristic negative charge has two very important benefits. One, it greatly increases the transport and bio-availability of other nutrients. And two, it will attract toxins and heavy metals from the body and flush them out. Clinical tests done in the U.S. and in Germany have verified this. Minerals in their metallic (non-colloidal, non-ORMUS) form can be toxic to the human body. Dangerous levels of these metallic minerals can accumulate in the tissues and create serious health problems.


Perhaps the “electric” chi reported in this video relates to the “electric” shocks many people have experienced in relation to ORMUS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aos0hnwiHt8

Ron Cusson wrote:

Danae Harding’s water will spark at various moments depending on the emotional moods around her. Similarly, during the bottling of my Wild-Crafted Grass Juice, there is a lot of sparking going on if I happen to touch the spilled juice while not paying attention to my emotional moods. These two are related to ORMUS in that Danae’s water has ORMUS in it and the WCG juice has loads of ORMUS in it.

I set out to study the prediction of S2 Chemistry for such a phenomenon and came up with the following possible explanation:

When an atom makes the transition from being made up of nucleus with Atomic weight ~A and P electrons, to being made up of 18A quarklets (called ANU in Occult Chemistry), this transformed atom is most probably what is usually called ORMUS matter. Out of this ORMUS matter, which I also like to call an S2 (= sub-Stratum) atom, there comes out all sorts of eletheric fields and magnetheric fields (these 2 are indeed components of the Life-Force) and they in turn, under conscious control can stimulate the formation of eletheric charges (the quarklet/ANU charge), say, at the surface of the object or person.

When these eletheric charges enter a different body, they can recombine into ordinary electric charges and that will cause a shock to be experienced or a light bulb to come on. There is no electric current flowing, only what has been called by many a magnetheric current, which does not register on standard electrical engineers devices. One might ask why standard devices do not register anything and that takes us back to James Clerk Maxwell, the one who invented the Maxwell equations upon which all these devices are based. Maxwell knew already in his life time that his equations failed to correctly predict a famous law called Ampere’s law for the interactions of two currents.

So it is that there is a whole lot more to electromagnetic theory that the 3 electric fields and the 3 magnetic fields of Maxwell. Bashar has pointed out in 1996 that there is a larger theory called electromagnetheric theory with 14 fields, including 2 gravity-like fields (remember the jumping ORMUS matter particles!) When devices are built using the full 14-component electro-magnetheric fields, it is most probable that such devices will be able to measure the sparking effect around ORMUS, yes? However, as this Indonesian guru has shown, such devices will also respond to the will of the operator and the question will become moot as to whether they are alive or not, 🙂

With friendship and enthusiasm,
Ron Cusson

Tim wrote: I spoke to David Hudson in Sept of 2002: I have my notes here in front of me. I asked him which form he thought was the most effective for someone in good health interested in the spiritual aspects of m-state. Barry, he was really clear and definite about stating the annealed powder of gold in the powder form. I really pressed since that is my sole reason for taking m-state, Barry, he was very clear that annealed gold powder ormus (he still refers to ormes) is the most powerful for my pursuits, my interest in the spiritual transformation that is possible. Perhaps check with him Barry to update.

Barry Carter wrote:

Dear Tim,

I spoke with someone close to David Hudson recently and was told that Hudson is no longer working with or promoting the ORMUS materials. The reason given was for personal reasons. David Hudson never took any of the ORMUS materials for any length of time. He also was not exactly truthful about the effects that his material had on the gentleman who took it during the fast and for a couple years afterward. Hudson said that this gentleman quit taking it before the time of the “Egyptian rite of passage” time was over and the gentleman himself said that he did not quit taking it.

David Hudson probably did not do any testing of the white powder of gold on live subjects. Virtually all of the biological effects that he reported were on the naturally occurring mix of ORMUS elements from his mine. These elements were extracted from rock, concentrated and “annealed” to the white powder form at first, till he realized that the white powder of gold and iridium would not dissolve in stomach acid.

At that point he started promoting the “chloride form” of the ORMUS element mix. You can see an image of this ORMUS product at:


Most of the reported benefits were based on this product.

I have used this product and I am sure that most of the other products suppliers listed on the ORMUS Sources page have products which are comparable if not superior.

David Hudson did not make the product that he provided. It was made by various other chemists. These other chemists made a small amount of the white powder of gold which the “original ORME consumer” tried. You can read about his experiences with this at:


It is generally believed that ORMUS gold is less effective for healing than ORMUS rhodium and iridium. When using an ORMUS product it is not always beneficial to use the most powerful available. Part of the healing process involves something called the “healing crisis”. This is often an unpleasant condition wherein many of the symptoms of a past illness will re-manifest for a period of time. Sometimes these symptoms might be more unpleasant than the original illness because they are concentrated in a short period of time. You can find some helpful methods to mitigate the severity of some of the healing crisis effects at:


To avoid the harshest of the healing crisis effects, I believe that it is generally best to use a combination of moderate dosages of existing products in combination with liver cleansing and nutritional support. As an example, while it may be good to drink a gallon of water per day, drinking six gallons of water per day would not be good at all. You would probably drown. If you wish to get the “real thing” for spiritual advancement you might want to consider the problems that this can cause as described at:


There are not many people who have had the opportunity to try the fully “annealed” and “charged” white powder of gold made according to Hudson’s patent method. One of these people was the “original ORME consumer” who described the effects of the “charged” gold thus: “The emotional shock of it would be enough to kill most people. Look, even if you took someone 3/4 brain-dead and started pumping it down them, in a certain amount of time you would probably start to effect them on an emotional level. In concentrated forms, I don’t think it’s for everyone. I don’t think many people, in terms of percentages of the population are going to be compelled to deal with this in the way someone who has spent years working on a spiritual path would be.

This material is real, but if someone expects to eat it and suddenly fly through the chimney: they’re in for a real surprise. It changed everything in a way that hasn’t made my life very nice. If you were to talk with some people, they would say it’s made me impossible to be around… there’s no way in the world to lie. It’s not fun. Most people are not going to like it. It’s not light-hearted. It’s not easy. Unless you have someone that you can deal with that has a point of reference for it, you’re going to be very alone. These materials and how they’ve been dealt with historically have a rich, beautiful tradition built around them. Only now do I understand why.”

I know this gentleman and I can say categorically that going through the 40 day fast while eating Hudson’s materials and continuing with their ingestion for another couple of years did not allow him to “ascend” or anything like it. This gentleman’s experiences are not unique. I have a friend who made the “charged” white powder of gold using Hudson’s process. First I will give you some background about this gentleman. He is a very mature and spiritually aware person. He is also a respected scientist in his field. He has always been kind and respectful in all of the interactions I have had with him.

I first got acquainted with him in mid 1999 and have worked with him in person. In the year 2000 he spent several months duplicating Hudson’s process and getting the resulting m-gold product annealed. When he had the annealed white powder of gold he tasted about six micrograms of it and within a few hours was almost totally incapacitated. Judging from his experiences after ingesting a few micrograms of this powder I would bet that its widespread availability would be sufficient to shut down ORMUS for the next few centuries. I doubt that any sane person would produce the fully charged white powder of gold for anyone else.

After ingesting the ORMUS gold one time he was unable to live normally for over a year because he would manifest everything he would think of. Soon after ingesting it his behavior got so strange that his wife told him that she was going to take him to the hospital but he was able to convince her that they would not know what to do to treat complications arising from the ingestion of white powder of gold. He said that his mind would call up anything that he thought of. He could generally control this during the day but it became a real problem at night. If he thought of having an accident while driving a car would show up out of the blue and almost hit him. He had to learn to keep from thinking of what he did not want in order to avoid manifesting it.

This rapid manifestation of his fears became so intrusive that he had to spend every waking minute with his mind on things that took all of his attention. He avoided contact with people and performed mathematical calculations in order to keep his thoughts from going astray. In order to sleep he took sleeping pills to keep from thinking. This condition persisted with the same intensity for about six months and with less intensity for another six months. He said he realized that ALL of his beliefs were only beliefs and none of them were true in any fundamental way. He said that our beliefs are the foundations of physical reality and that without them things can get very shaky.

This happened several years ago but every time I talk with him about it he is noticeably upset as the memories are very disturbing to him still. (The m-gold also did not reverse any effects of aging that I could see. When I talked with him after his experience he still looked pretty much the same as he looked before it.) While I don’t think that this experience did this gentleman any profound karmic harm I also don’t think that it brought him much closer to unexcelled complete awakening either. He is finally able to work with others on a normal basis and he is finally able to talk a bit about his experience. If this sort of thing happened to lots of people it might attract the kind of attention the ORMUS movement does not need right now.

Anyone who would make this for someone else or who would help someone else to make this would be legally liable for the harm that he or she caused and would probably be sued by the survivors of the person who ingested the substance. Many people who wish to take the “real thing” have said that they wish to do so in order to transcend the physical world. In other words they would be doing it to escape what they don’t like. This kind of attention to what he did not want is exactly the thing that brought about the manifestation of those very things for my friend.

Author: Barry Carter
Barry Carter October 6, 2018
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