October 6, 2018 by
Andrew Sholl


Note from Life Enthusiast:

Schizophrenia is a severe and disabling brain disease, but not many people outside of those affected and their loved ones know much about it. It can be scary to hear a diagnosis of schizophrenia for you or someone close to you, so learning about its symptoms, treatment options, and other statistics will give you the information you need to move forward in your life. There are both positive and negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia, which affect someone psychologically and emotionally. Some of these symptoms may include a person experiencing the following:

  • Feeling of dissatisfaction with life
  • Withdrawing from others and speaking very little
  • Hallucinations or delusions

Medication has been used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia for over six decades, but these can also cause undesirable side affects. However, there is a nutritional alternative available that takes a natural approach to treating those with schizophrenia, which could help save lives and improve quality of life. If you or someone you know begins to exhibit symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor about treatment options.

In 1975 while studying for my diploma in Behavioral Science, I read a book by Dr. Abram Hoffer telling me that schizophrenia could be cured by large amounts of niacin and vitamin C. Having been well indoctrinated by allopathic medicine in my training as a registered nurse, I really didn’t believe it. However, I gave the book to my girlfriend whose son was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a young teenager. She also didn’t believe it. Now, some 26 years later, with a son of mine diagnosed six years ago with the label of paranoid schizophrenia, through grace, I have come to know that schizophrenia, and other so-called mental illnesses are really biochemical imbalances which can be balanced with dietary changes and supplements. I now know, on looking back on my son’s life, that he was biochemically imbalanced almost from his birth. In the past I felt sad and angry that I trusted allopathic medicine totally, without question. Now I just want the joy of telling everyone I can that there is hope and schizophrenia can be cured. It is caused by a biochemical imbalance.

I am forever grateful to John Hammel, President of International Advocates of Health Freedom, located in Virginia, for sharing his experience with an internet group I belong to. John cured himself of schizophrenia with Dr. Hoffer’s method after four years in a mental hospital. It was through his inspiration, I was moved to research the subject. In my research I came across the website of Ronald Dishinger. Ronald offers a wonderful book, “Bad Behavior and Illness are Caused by Biochemical Imbalances” free for downloading from his website. Unwilling to download, I contacted him for a hard copy of the book which he generously shipped to me free of charge. He has also been able to see his son, labeled as a schizophrenic, returned to balance and a productive life. He has made it a mission to share this information.

During my research, I obtained a video cassette, “Masks of Madness, Science of Healing ” with Margot Kidder, who was also “cured” by “orthomolecular medicine” from 20 years of mental illness treated by allopathic, conventional psychiatry. Dr. Hoffer and several orthomolecular physicians share their experience along with people who have recovered from schizophrenia and chronic depression in this video. I want as many people as I can, know that there is recovery from so-called mental illness, behavioral disorders, and illness using orthomolecular medicine. Please read my “Orthomolecular Medicine for Treatment of Schizophrenia and Alcoholism Resources” page. Surprisingly, alcoholism is also a biochemical imbalance. You will find many sources you can research to know for yourself. Would you please share the information, on schizophrenia and orthomolecular medicine, with anyone you know who is suffering needlessly.

In closing, the governments of the world are banding together to regulate our supply of vitamins and supplements, these regulations are termed the “CODEX”. The pharmaceutical cartels are lobbying governments for the CODEX with their huge profits. This bodes ill for all of us so please get involved. We have the right to put what we want into our bodies given our own due diligence and research. If any of you depend on larger amounts of vitamins and supplements, I suggest you investigate this matter before they are so heavily regulated that you will have to pay a physician for a prescription, a pharmacist to fill the prescription, and pay highly inflated prices for the product. I urge everyone to go to John Hammel’s website and learn about the CODEX.


Books by Dr. Abram Hoffer:

Hoffer’s Laws of Natural Nutrition – A Guide to Eating Well for Pure Health.
Published by Quarry Press, P.O. Box 1061, 240 King Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4Y5
Request Catalogue or Information

Orthomolecular Medicine for Physicians, ISBN 00879833904, Published by Keats Publishing Inc.

Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia, Megavitamin supplements and nutritional strategies for healing and recovery. ISBN 0-87983-910-4.
This is a good book for someone who wants to help themselves or someone else with no physician on board yet. It is a Keats Good Health Guide booklet.

Vitamin B-3 and Schizophrenia, Discovery, Recovery, Controversy publisher Qarry Health Books ISBN 1-55082-079-6

Articles by Dr. Abram Hoffer:

For good information regarding orthomolecular medicine and Dr. Hoffer’s work

Editorial: The Future of Psychiatry by Dr. Hoffer.

Article: Psychiatry.

Megavitamin Therapy for psychosis.

Important anecdote of schizophrenia cure with supplements

Read the following excerpt from Niacin Therapy as Used by Abram Hoffer, MD:

“Category 2. Everyone under physiological stress, such as pregnancy and lactation, suffering from acute illness such as the common cold or flu, or other diseases that do not threaten death. All the psychiatric syndromes are included in this group including the schizophrenias and the senile states. It also includes the very large group of people with high blood cholesterol levels or low HDL when it is desired to restore these blood values to normal. The dose range is 1 gram to 10 grams daily. For niacinamide the range is 1 1/2g to 6g. Niacinamide does not affect cholesterol levels, and Niacin is needed by everyone.”

A vitamin related bibliography of Dr. Abram Hoffer’s publications.

The Standard Recommended “Schizophrenia” Nutritional and Dietary Regimen

A remarkable 90% recovery rate, based on the works of Abram Hoffer, M.D., pioneer of nutritional psychiatry, as reported in Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness by Melvyn Werbach, MD. Our grateful acknowledgment to Dr. Hoffer for permission to use his work.

The following dietary and nutritional regimen is reported to have over a 90% success rate with patients who are ill for the first time or who are suffering their second or third episode with healthy periods in between. It is reported that after two years over 90% will be well, none will be worse, and none will have tardive dyskinesia (drug-induced involuntary muscular movements). They will have to remain on the regimen many years, perhaps their entire lives. For chronic patients – those who have failed to improve from previous treatment, including those mentally disturbed for years (although not the chronic patients seen in the back wards of mental hospitals)- about 50% will improve after 10 years. However, not all will be working.

These results are based on:

  1. Six prospective double-blind studies.
  2. Personal observations of over 4000 patients.
  3. Studies conducted by colleagues.
  4. Letters received from patients who were never personally seen but tried the treatment program.


Elimination of all processed or prepared foods containing added refined sugars and probably 90% of other additives, as foods that contain added sugars usually contain other additives. Elimination diets to remove all foods to which the patient is allergic or sensitive.


Vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide) 0.5 – 2 grams 3 times daily.
Vitamin B6 (for many) 250-500 mg daily.
A general B vitamin formula.
Vitamin C, 3 or more grams daily.
Zinc (gluconate or citrate) 50 mg daily.
Manganese 15-30 mg daily (if there is danger of tardive dyskinesia).
Add omega-3 essential fatty acids rich in EPA and less rich in DHA. The best preparation contains three times as much EPA as it does DHA. 


Prospective applied to double blind studies means that the study was planned in detail, that it was laid out in advance and that it was analyzed after the study was completed. This is in contrast to studies where the comparison was made only after the study been completed and the results were known. I don’t particularly like the term but use it since it is recognized by double blind theorists. Under my direction between 1952 and 1960 we completed six of these experiments, the first in psychiatric history. Probably in the whole field of medicine I know of only two studies done by doctors for condition like arthritis before we completed ours. What is ironic is that our critics have continued to misreport our work and claimed that we had not done any controlled studies. Read my recent book “Vitamin B-3 and Schizophrenia.”
– Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD

Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, Located in Toronto Canada, sells the video, “Mask of Madness, Science of Healing” with Margot Kidder and Dr. Hoffer and has an enormous list of resources. They support orthomolecular medicine.

The “Mask of Madness, Science of Healing” video shows people with schizophrenia, bipolar illness and chronic depression who have healed themselves with diet and orthomolecular medicine.

International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation
16 Florence Avenue, Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M2N 1E9
Phone: (416) 733-2117 Fax:(416) 733-2352

Review of Mask of Madness, Science of Healing video

Margot Kidder web site.

The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research – Westchester County Chapter of the American Schizophrenia Association – lots of good information.

Video: Message of Hope, An award winning video about natural healing of schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Books & Resource Links

Natural Healing for Schizophrenia and other common mental disorders By Eva Edelman, ISBN 0-9650976-6-8,
Publisher: Borage Books, 3762 West 11th. Street, Suite 188, Eugene, Oregon 97402, Tel: 541-683-8720

The Healing Nutrients Within, Braverman, Eric R., ISBN 0879837063, Keats Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine Street, Box 876 New Canaan, CT 06840-0876. Get the 1997 revised edition

Books by Carl Pfeiffer MD.

  • Mental and Elemental Nutrients, 1975, ISBN 0879831146, Keats Publishing Inc.
  • Nutrients and Mental Illness, 1985, ISBN 0892812265, Healing Arts Press, One Park St., Rochester, Vermont 05767
  • Is This Your Child, Rapp, Doris, 1991, ISBN 0688119077, Wm. Morrow and Co.., 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019

Insightful video narrated by Dame Judith Dench about our loss of access to supplements.

An important free book, ‘Bad Behavior and Illness are caused by Biochemical Imbalances” by Ronald Dishinger, that can help you understand the biochemical imbalance and get started on rebalancing your system while you are locating an orthomolecular physician or psychiatrist.

John Hammel has cured himself of schizophrenia after four years in mental hospitals with orthomolecular medicine. He is fighting the CODEX issue. Please visit this site to learn about the dangers of losing our right to purchase supplements. Your quality of life depends on it.

Note from John Hammel:
Vital Information Suppressed from www.iahf.com click orthomolecular medicine Every week I get calls from people interested in learning more about how I recovered from schizophrenia via orthomolecular medicine. I refer everyone to Well Mind Assoc. of Greater Washington for more info at 301-949-8282. There are many good links from that site including one to Dr.Hoffer’s. It saddens me greatly that this information is being suppressed. Please forward it widely. Far too much needless suffering is going on. Twenty years after I recovered people are still being denied access to orthomolecular treatment, which was first, made available way back in 1952. Due to the suppression of this information, I was forced to spend 4 years in mainstream mental hospitals where they almost killed me with drugs and really came close a few times. I almost choked to death on my own saliva once because phenothiazine medication causes you to lose your gag reflex and choke. I had numerous bloody fights with the goons. The evil of the pharma cartel is incalculable. The people who are suppressing this information are the same people who are using Codex to try to destroy our access to the supplements we need.

John C. Hammel, Legislative Advocate, Founder
International Advocates for Health Freedom
PO Box 625, Floyd, Virginia 24091, USA
800-333-2553, 540-745-6534, 540-745-6535 fax
jham@iahf.com, http://www.iahf.com

A highly recommended laboratory in USA – Great Plains Laboratory

Alcoholism articles, Natural Cures One, Two

Book: Seven Weeks To Sobriety, Joan Matthews-Larson, 1997, Fawcett Books, ISBN 0449002594. This book is invaluable for anyone wanting to stop abusing alcohol, drugs or who just wants to have good health

Dr. Andrew Saul‘s website search “schizophrenia”, a highly recommended website: “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. This especially includes your health care.”

True Hope has an innovative product called EMPOWER+. Visit their site to research the product and some of their excellent results with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, depression, anxiety-panic disorder, and Tourette’s syndrome.

Article: Sugar and Mental Health

Say No to Psychiatry: an article by Gary Null

Your Guide to the World of Alternative Mental Health, A collection of very informative and valuable alternative mental heath articles.

A must see page for biochemical imbalance, alcohol treatment, insomnia, hypoglycemia, depression and many other health problems.

Rapid Recovery From Severe, Stress-Induced Depression Using Magnesium and much more information. This is a very important link for other health supporting issues as well-osteoporosis, heart disease, insomnia, fibromyalgia and more.

Finding Care for Depression, Mental Episodes & Brain Disorders by Robert Sealey, BSc, CA, a 280 page layman’s guide with tips, teaching tales, tools, forms and 250 references for restoring mental health with a chapter by contributing author, Dr. Abram Hoffer.

How Orthomolecular Medicine Can Help” by Robert Sealey, with his story on the video “The Masks of Madness, Science of Healing” with Margot Kidder and Dr. Abram Hoffer.

Author: Andrew Sholl
Andrew Sholl October 6, 2018
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