The Chronic Pain Manifesto

The Chronic Pain Manifesto

Millions of people are living in pain and fatigue, unable to get effective help in their doctor’s office. You can get better, but you must look elsewhere for the solutions. If you are reading this, chances are you (or someone you love) struggle with your (or their) health. There is also a big chance that you have struggled for years, or even decades, without any positive progress. You probably visit your doctor more often than you would like, and you probably consume at least one prescription medication, if not more. No matter what you do, you are not getting better. No matter how hard your doctors try, things don’t seem to improve. No matter how much money you pay to your healthcare provider, you just don’t see or feel any lasting difference, and you probably are feeling desperate, angry, and ready to give up. You have had enough of trying yet another medication, enough of uncomfortable procedures and painful treatments, enough of living your life in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, enough of being a prisoner in your own body, not being able to enjoy life and not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.

You are not alone. Millions of people all over the world are suffering in the same state - and not getting effective help from the pharmaceutical industry. Health care, which should really be called sick care, has become Big Business, and we are being crushed under the weight of it. Let me present to you a new way to approach the problem. Not by inventing a new pill or a machine, not a new miraculous surgery, but by a change of mindset. I need you to suspend your judgment for a while, open your mind, and keep reading because these ideas have a strong chance of changing your life for the better. This isn’t just a mind over matter strategy that leaves you in pain, feeling more defeated than before. It is a strategic approach to regain wellness! But first, let me share my story    to help you understand why I am so confident that you will benefit from this important change in how you approach health.

Last Update 11/01/2024
Completion Time 50 minutes
Members 2