Most people don’t eat enough Fiber. The recommended amount is 20-35 grams/day. Statistics say most people eat about half of that, our ancestors ate 80+ grams. Fiber particles are like tiny sponges that absorb water, toxins and cholesterol. It carries them away from your intestinal lining. Then out of your body. Keeps your gut clean of toxic sludge. Harmful yeast, bacteria and parasites. Helps you absorb nutrients efficiently. Your immune system is free to repair and maintain your good health. Helps lower your risk of tumors. Fiber makes you feel fuller sooner, so you might eat less. When you get enough, you have regular and comfortable bowel movements. Supports better nutrient absorption and waste elimination. Helps energize your immune system. You may have fewer colds and infections with shorter duration. Helps reduce or even eliminate allergic reactions. Helps steady blood sugar levels. Fiber slows the absorption of fats and sugars. Gives more sustained energy and better endurance. Fewer sugar rushes and cravings that lead to overeating, fat storage and body bulges. May reduce symptoms of aging and ailments.  Helps a sharper mind and better memory recall. May lower blood cholesterol and  helps improve circulation. Do you load up on vegetables? Grains, nuts, seeds and beans? If not, Fiber supplementation would improve your life. When you don’t eat enough Fiber, food sits your digestive tract for too long. Days and days. Toxic waste builds up. Your immune system is kept busy fighting the toxins, instead of keeping you healthy. You might be sick more often. Colds, flus and other diseases. Your stools become dry and difficult to pass. You strain to push out hard, dry stools. This can cause painful hemorrhoids and fissures. Decreased immunity and weight gain. High cholesterol and blood sugar. Important to Know that Fiber NEEDS WATER. It must have abundant amounts of water to activate its benefits. Water alone or fiber alone don’t do enough. Drink Energized Water and you may need less. Take a look at our Blogs about Digestion and Food Intolerances. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

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