Your guide to health: The end of pain and fatigue
Your Guide To Health
The End of Pain and Fatigue
We are not doctors. We are health engineers. We are not some super healthy and fit individuals who never stepped into a doctor’s office, we are regular people like you, with our own health struggles, whether it is kidney failure, heavy metal poisoning, a variety of autoimmune conditions, hormonal issues, or trauma-related issues. This course is the result of years (decades for some) of personal experience, hours and hours of research, and an ongoing passion for helping other people with similar problems, so they can avoid the mistakes we made, eliminating the frustration of the trial-and-error approach, and allowing them to reclaim their health once and for all. We are your navigators in a vast Land of Health, and we want to provide you with your own map to make your journey much easier.
This course is built with you in mind, by people who have been through chronic pain and inflammation related health challenges and have built a good life using the strategies shared in this course. You have a decision to make stay the course you are on, or break out and follow the path less travelled. If you have been following the course you are on for a while, maybe a few years, and have not much to show for it, maybe you can see the wisdom in trying what we have to share. Insanity has been defined as “repeating the same actions while expecting a different outcome” - with that in mind, maybe it is time to try another path? We have created Your Guide to Health to equip you with the information, skills, tools, and resources you will need. We will guide you through the process of finding the solutions that work best for you, and support you with an online peer community and personal health coaching. Our dedicated team has gone to great lengths to create videos and extended articles to help you learn everything you need to know to change your health, and the trajectory of your future health, today. Come join us for the adventure of a lifetime!
I sincerely hope that you will see the day you decided to join us as the pivotal moment that changed everything for you - the end of pain and suffering, and the beginning of a life well worth living.
I wrote Martin about a year ago with questions about how to deal with my facial
acne. Since talking to Martin, I've completely changed my diet and routines and the results are literally unrecognizable! I actually have beautiful skin now! and of course, I'm calm, energetic, balanced. Whereas my dermatologist said my diet doesn't affect my acne at all.
BULLSHIT! sorry :)
P. S. – If you have benefited at all from this report, think about giving the people you know, who are trying to get their health back, a helping hand. Spread the word about “The Chronic Pain Manifesto”. Forward it, share it.
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