R-Thinking Health Care
Re-Thinking Health Care
Life-Enthusiast is in my opinion of the highest integrity, and the most comprehensive one-stop-shopping site I have found to date. Several of my very deep conditions such as chronic sinusitis from swimming, and also deep dental problems at the roots, since 1996 have almost disappeared. It has only been around a month of taking Exsula. It is incredible after so many years of trial and error, to finally experience 'improvement', and quickly. I am convinced and do believe you and those who you represent provide some of the finest and most effective remedies out there. Thanks to you and your team for your tireless determination in making available your products for those who truly choose better health.
As you read in my previous introduction, even though I knew that I was highly toxic with mercury and that dental fillings contain mercury, I didn’t put two and two together. For most of us, the idea that a doctor would put a harmful substance into our body is inconceivable. Doctors are here to treat us, to help us, to fix our issues, right? Unfortunately, wrong. Doctors are trained to treat our symptoms, sell us products created by pharmaceutical companies, and make sure we come back for more treatments and prescriptions. Even though every medical school graduate swears the Hippocratic Oath to literally never administer poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor suggest such a course, the Standard of Care is different. The Latin motto Primum Non Nocere, translated as First Do No Harm seems to have been replaced by profit first, no matter the harm.
In today’s modern, money-driven, industrialized society, financial gain comes high on the list of priorities. You might know it yourself if you happen to work in a business where profit is often used to justify an activity known to cause harm to someone (directly or indirectly) involved. Imagine how many companies would go out of business if people suddenly became healthy. Healthy people don’t need pills to stop their pain, change their mood, fix their blood pressure, or lower their cholesterol. Healthy people do not buy slimming programs, they don’t need to pay for liposuction or special underwear. Healthy people are hard to sell to. Our industrialized society is getting sicker and sicker, while the pharmaceutical industry is getting richer and richer, and our medical bills can easily exceed our income. How can we sustain this? The Health Industry includes pharmaceuticals, insurance, hospitals, pharmacies, research, medical devices and equipment, fundraising, and medical professionals who need people to be sick. It is in their economic interest to treat you, and to make you better, just enough to cope, but not to the point where you are cured and no longer need them.
In today’s modern, money-driven, industrialized society, financial gain comes high on the list of priorities. You might know it yourself if you happen to work in a business where profit is often used to justify an activity known to cause harm to someone (directly or indirectly) involved. Imagine how many companies would go out of business if people suddenly became healthy. Healthy people don’t need pills to stop their pain, change their mood, fix their blood pressure, or lower their cholesterol. Healthy people do not buy slimming programs, they don’t need to pay for liposuction or special underwear. Healthy people are hard to sell to. Our industrialized society is getting sicker and sicker, while the pharmaceutical industry is getting richer and richer, and our medical bills can easily exceed our income. How can we sustain this? The Health Industry includes pharmaceuticals, insurance, hospitals, pharmacies, research, medical devices and equipment, fundraising, and medical professionals who need people to be sick. It is in their economic interest to treat you, and to make you better, just enough to cope, but not to the point where you are cured and no longer need them.
Do we not deserve a pain-free life full of happiness, joy, health, and dignity? Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves; to maintain our health, we must provide them with nutritious food, restful sleep, and smart movement. When a disease arises in our body, it is not because of the lack of prescription medicine, it is usually because of a complex path that built a burden large enough to overcome our capacity to heal. Is the medical establishment going to start focusing on cures and prevention, eliminating patented toxic drugs and their multiple side effects? I doubt this will come to pass any day soon. What needs to change is you: your mindset, your approach, your thinking, and your strategy.
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