Elk Antler : Science and Historical Uses 1. Historical Use of Velvet Antler In traditional Chinese medicine the importance of advancement of good health and the prevention of ill health is in...
Bee Pollen as a Superfood What Is Pollen? Pollen is the male seed of flowers. It is required for the fertilization of the plant. The tiny particles consist of 50/1,000-millimeter corpuscles, formed...
Iodine for Radiation Exposure by Dr. Mark Sircus , Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine After testing over 500 patients, I...
Ecklonia Cava : Fountain of Youth from Brown Seaweed The most important benefits of taking Ecklonia Cava is increased Nitric Oxide (NO). NO dilates your blood vessels by relaxing the wall muscles...
Drucker Labs Fulvic Acid and Intracellular Energy The Gift of Naturally Prolonged, Healthy and Sustained Life What took mother nature thousands of years to create – recent humanity has taken for...
Health Basics to Enjoy a Pain-free Life Longevity from Water, Food and Cleansing We all want a long, healthy life – right? So many people are currently living in pain, most of it caused by...
Scientific References: Antioxidants Astaxanthin Ellagic Acid from Ellagitannins Glutathione Hydrogen 1. Astaxanthin Astaxanthin prevents changes in the activities of thioredoxin reductase and...
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum, Umbelliferae) Powerful cleanser of organs of elimination – especially the kidneys. Overall tonic. Outstanding for energy, stamina and endurance. A favorite of...
Ginseng Siberian Ginseng – Eleutherococcus Senticosus Not to be confused with stimulant Panax ginsengs. Eleuthero ginseng is an adaptogen – it helps body adjust to stressful changes, especially...
Flax: Breakthrough Cancer Treatment by Health Sciences Institute , Members Alert for June 2008, Vol. 12, No. 12 It was one of those moments that makes working for HSI so rewarding and exciting. I...
Depleted Uranium Worldwide From Environmentalists Against War by James Denver The horror of Depleted Uranium is not limited to Iraq – it may well be at our doorsteps. The information which some...
Drug Addiction is Easy to Cure With Ascorbate Therapy by Dr. James Howenstine, MD. Drug Addiction When a health condition persists despite the availability of a simple safe solution for the...
Silica for Arthritis: Loic LeRibault’s Resistance This is the story of the creation of a treatment for arthritis, and the persecution of its author, Loic Le Ribault, France’s foremost forensic...
Elk Antler Velvet Rheumatoid Arthritis Study We chose to investigate Velvet Antler because of growing public interest in North America in elk velvet antler (EVA) as an alternative therapy, its...
Liposomes: Power of Intravenous Therapy in Oral Delivery The word liposome is derived from Greek terms “lipos” – fat, and “soma” body. There is a lot of science behind this, but we would like to...
Forbidden Cures There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug...
Aromatherapy Carrier Oils Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils as necessary. Many pure essential oils are so highly concentrated that they are often diluted before use. Dilute 1 percent...
Chlorella Chlorella is one of the most powerful Superfoods on the planet. It’s one of the richest sources of protein, beta carotene, and nucleic acids. Ounce for ounce, chlorella offers more...
Lebens Quelle Energy Cells These Energy Cells enable all living organisms to function at an optimized state. Based on the subtle energy principles of connecting you to the blueprint of the original...
Hazards of Chlorine in Your Shower Did You Know that taking a shower may be hazardous to your health ? Is it not ironic that keeping your body clean is exposing you to significant health risks? You...
EMFs Effects on Seeds Photo courtesy of Kim Horsevad, teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark. Can you tell a difference between these two trays of seeds? After 12 days of germination, one with and...
Microwaved Food Harmful Effects Were all affected by the influence of radiation from many sources Fromcell phones and towers, cordless phones, satellites, broadcast antennas, military and aviation...
Weight Gain and Gluten Sensitivity Sub-Clinical Gluten Enteropathy The “Classical Presentation” is the Exception, not the Rule Obesity is now endemic. More than a national disgrace, the fattening...
Interview with Dr. Edward Howell on Enzymes Here you can see both Digestive Enzymes and Systemic Enzymes Enzymes Support Longevity Food enzyme researcher Dr. Edward Howell tells why he believes:...
The Oiling of America In 1954 a young researcher from Russia named David Kritchevsky published a paper describing the effects of feeding cholesterol to rabbits. Cholesterol added to vegetarian...
Coconuts Support Good Health The following is the text of a talk and paper, “Coconuts: In Support of Good Health in the 21st Century” presented by Dr Mary Enig at the Asian Pacific Coconut...
Mercury and Water There is no other pollutant [other than mercury] out there that has anywhere near this high a percentage of the U.S. population with exposure levels above the government’s health...
Lead Toxicity Symptoms Musculoskeletal system, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, gout, low back pains, rickets Nervous system abnormal brain function, blindness, convulsions, deafness,...
Health Hazards of Your Pool or Hot Tub Summer fun is just around the corner and everyone is getting anxious to get their swimming pools up and running. Many folks have had their hot tubs and spas...
Thyroid Gland Needs Iodine The thyroid gland is an important endocrine gland regulating metabolism in every cell of your body. Until a little more than one hundred years ago, the single controlling...
Sleep Basics Sleep is a natural periodic state of rest and repair for both body and mind. The ideal scenario is to fall asleep easily, enjoy a deep, restful and undisturbed sleep. Then wake up...
Skincare Common Ingredients Skin Care Products Absorb Into Your Whole Body Most problem skin issues are not topical they are internal. The interplay of hormones, toxins, diets and genetics...
Essential Fats and Skin Health Lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs) constitutes the most neglected aspect of a nutritional program for healthy, radiant skin. More specifically, while our intake of...
Chemistry of pH Balance What is pH ? The pH notation is an index of hydrogen’s chemical activity in a solution. pH is a Log Scale Unit of Measure, and is used to express the degree of acidity /...
St. Johns Wort to Elevate Moods Can a simple herb be a powerful mood elevating agent? You would need to try for yourself, because it does not work for all people. But when it does work, its really...
Essential Fats and Depression A Primer for Mental Health Professionals Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in the development and function of the central nervous system. Emerging research is...
Truth About Asthma The truth about asthma is that the medical treatments for it are ineffective and dangerous, but the good news is that you can overcome it with a holistic treatment program....
Liver and Detoxification More than ever before in the history of mankind, human beings need to have healthy livers to break down the chemicals that have crept into our environment. If you talk to...
Hepatitis A and B Hepatitis A Hepatitis A is the commonest type of viral hepatitis and occurs worldwide, often in epidemics. Hepatitis A is also known as infectious hepatitis. The virus attacks the...
Hemochromatosis What is Hemochromatosis? Hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron regulation – it is an inherited disease where excess “free” iron is deposited in various organs including the liver....
Flu Season Politics Merchants of Mass Death – Medical Insanity The modern medical establishment cannot muster the humility and the clearness of perception to admit it is tragically wrong about a...
Flu Protocol with Magnesium and Vitamin C International Medical Veritas Association The New York Times writes, “As concern about a flu pandemic sweeps official Washington, Congress and the Bush...
Citricidal: Grapefruit Seed Extract Potent Antimicrobial: The Citricidal Story Citricidal was originally developed by a German physicist and immunologist, Jacob Harish, as an antiparasitic. Dr....
Against Fluoridation Deposition Dr. Gerard Judd’s book “ Good Teeth, Birth to Death ” is available at Amazon. In Support of Motion for Summary Judgment State of Wisconsin Circuit Court Fond Du Lac...
Congress Confirms Vaccines Unsafe For any parent out there that has had to endure harassment by a pediatrician because you stuck by your decision to not vaccinate your child because you knew...
Compulsory Vaccinations by Dr. Mark Sircus , Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine According to Dr. Garry Gordon, “We are...
Autism and Nutrition Summary I spent many years sitting across from school officials, sometimes as many as 8 or more, being pressured to medicate my son. He was in the autistic spectrum, not even a...
Heart Studies Formula Ingredient Actions Dissolve Homocysteine Folic Acid, B.6, B-12 & Vitamin E This is the nutrient team identified in the most recent Harvard University Medical School heart...
Food Allergy, Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease ( OMNS Jan 21, 2014) What may have been called “food intolerance” or “food sensitivity” in the past may now qualify as “food allergy.” On the...
Natural Antacid Alternatives: Duke The Ultimate Compendium of Natural Remedies from the World’s Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs Summary Discover safer, cheaper, healthier herbal equivalents to...