October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

E3Live Algae Facts

Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae

Of all the many strains of different types of algae in existence, the blue-greens are the most distinct from other plants and algae. There are anywhere form 500 to 1500 different species of these blue-green algae. Fossil records indicate that the blue-greens are the most primitive of all algae, dating back over four billion years. These algae have endured while thousands of other plant and animal species have become extinct.

The blue-greens are true survival pioneers, quickly changing and adapting to light conditions, temperatures and physical and chemical changes as the environment dictates. They were probably the very first organisms to release elemental oxygen into the primitive and barren planetary atmosphere. In evolutionary terms, the blue-greens (scientifically known as Cyanobacteria) represent a link between bacteria and green plants.

Algae Shares Characteristics With Plants, Animals and Bacteria

Blue-green algae are quite distinct from other algae in that they share characteristics with plants, animals and bacteria. Like plants, they have the ability to perform photosynthesis, but they do it far better than any other plant. They are the most chlorophyll-rich organisms on the planet.. Special phycolilin pigments initiate the conversion of light energy to chemical energy by certain wavelengths of visible light to which chlorophyll is not as sensitive. The energy is absorbed by the phycolilins and passed onto the chlorophyll. Further- more, blue-green algae are similar to animal cells in structure in that both have a soft, digestible cell wall composed of glycogen, which our bodies can use as a food. Many other plants have indigestible cellulose cell walls. Thus, because the algae cell walls are soft and easy to digest, we can obtain more nutrients from its ingestion.

Klamath Lake Algae Is Unique

Wild blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae or AFA) from Klamath Lake, Oregon is different and distinct from most algae. It is a wild, uncultivated plant food. It is one of the few species of algae which grows wild in its own natural habitat, one of the worlds most rich nutrient traps. Unlike this indigenous and wild form of blue-green algae, some algae are grown artificially in man-made farming ponds. The extraordinary and natural environment in which wild blue-green algae is grown is impossible to duplicate on these algae farms. Wild blue-green algae are completely free of artificial, synthetic influences. Because AFA is so purely and naturally grown in its own wild habitat, it has the most beneficial impact upon the human body. My basic argument is that wild AFA is superior:

  1. in its rate of assimilability, digestibility and absorption,
  2. as a food and energy source,
  3. in nutrient density, and
  4. as a preventative against disease.


First, AFA algae have a soft cell glucose (glycoliprotein complex protein bonded to carbohydrate) wall that is easily digested by the body; this allows rapid absorption and assimilation of vital nutrients. Other synthetically cultivated algae and plants may have indigestible cellulose walls making absorption difficult or impossible. Wild blue-green algae is an anabolic substance.

Translation: its organic compounds are more readily assimilated, absorbed, digested, metabolized and utilized by the human body.

What is E3Live?

There’s only one ingredient in E3Live, and that’s 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA for short), an edible freshwater plant. AFA is at the very foundation of the entire food chain. Although it has been eaten for centuries by indigenous peoples, for the first time in history, AFA – nature’s most basic food – is available in it’s complete, vital, fresh frozen, LIQUID form.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), (means invisible flower of the water) is a fresh water nutritional plant referred to as cyanophyta. Cyanophyta are Energized Water plants that grow in nearly all droplets of sunlit water and in every gram of soil, on the bark of trees and the surfaces of rocks. It is estimated that there are as many as 50,000 species, including various seaweeds and plankton.

Collectively, cyanophyta are responsible for 90% of the Earth’s oxygen and 80% of its food supply. Perhaps the most interesting of these unicellular plants are the cyanophyta community, of which there are about 1500 species-the Upper Klamath Lake, APHANIZOMENON FLOS-AQUAE, or AFA for short, being one of them. AFA is a very special form of cyanophyta. All foods reflect the environment in which they are grown. The beautiful, unpolluted Upper Klamath Lake-one of the few remaining alkaline lakes on the planet holds the key to it’s remarkable potency.

This lake has an astonishingly high mineral concentration due to a massive volcanic eruption that occurred in the vicinity over 7,000 years ago, covering the area with millions of tons of mineral ash. Seventeen streams and rivers deposit into the 140 square mile lake an annual average of 50,000 tons of the mineral-rich silt from the surrounding 4000 square mile volcanic basin, making Upper Klamath Lake one of the richest nutrient traps in the world.

Much has been learned about this amazing food since it became available as a food source over 20 years ago. There are more benefits being discovered every day as this cyanophyta is introduced to the medical and scientific communities. AFA has been available in powders and capsules, but now, for the first time in history, AFA is available in its much more potent and vibrant frozen LIQUID form.

How Do I Defrost E3Live?

Keeping E3Live Fresh
Keep frozen until ready to use, then place bottle in refrigerator to partially defrost. Pour off the thawed portion (only pour off enough for a 7-day supply). Place remainder of bottle back in freezer until ready to defrost again. For immediate defrosting, place bottle in cool water for 15 minutes.

Insider’s Tip
Find one of those plastic ice trays that has a lid (to keep freezer odors out) and fill the tray with your thawed E3Live (make sure that you measure so that each cube equals one serving for you). Put the tray back in the freezer. When you want to add E3Live to your juice you can use an “E3Live Cube” as your serving size.

How Do I Eat E3Live?

Some folks love the natural taste of E3Live and drink it undiluted. Others mix E3Live in non-citrus juice, such as apple, grape, etc. You can mix in into a delicious fruit smoothie or a green drink, too. Many of our clients tell us that adding the “Green Blend” to their E3Live in the same smoothie or juice drink (or water) really produces a synergistic effect that enhances the benefits of both products. Try making your own drink recipes with the E3Live, just do not expose it to hot temperatures as that will destroy the natural enzymes in it.

How Much E3Live Should I Eat Each Day?

No two people are alike. For most everybody, we recommend starting with 1 teaspoon per day. Some people will eat E3Live in more liberal quantities, even several ounces a day, whenever they need an added boost. Work your way up at your own pace. Trust your intuition.

I Accidentally Thawed the Whole Bottle of E3Live…
What Do I Do Now?

If you defrosted the bottle of E3Live in your refrigerator or in a cool bowl of water, and it hasn’t been thawed for more than a few hours, it should be fine. Just pour off the portion for the week that you need, then refreeze the rest. Alternately you can pour off your week’s worth, then make single-serving E3Live ice cubes by pouring into ice cube trays that have resealable lids (to keep freezer odors out). Add the single serving cube to your water or juice as your daily dose of E3Live. If the E3Live has thawed out in a very hot room, has been out for many hours, has thawed outside in the sun, or some similar undesirable condition – check it for color and smell. If it spoils, it will turn a muddy brown color and have a “skunky” smell that will tell you that it has spoiled. If this happens – you can always mix it with water for an awesome plant fertilizer!

What’s the Difference Between E3Live and E3 AFA?

Both are 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) a freshwater plant harvested from Klamath Lake in Oregon. E3Live is the frozen/liquid form of the AFA which is superior to all other forms of AFA. E3Live is the only company to offer AFA in this fresh frozen form. E3 AFA is the Refractance-Window dried crystal flake form of the AFA, which comes as either vegetarian capsules or loose powder-like crystal flakes. Both are excellent foods. E3Live’s live liquid form is closest to its natural high-energy state found in nature and is the ideal way to consume AFA. Our Refractance-Window drying method retains much of AFA’s original nutritional and energetic properties. We recommend our Refractance-Window dried E3 AFA to further boost nutritional intake, as well as for your convenience at work and while traveling if refrigeration is not available.

What’s the Difference Between E3Live and Man-Made Nutritional Supplements?

E3Live is a whole, organic freshwater plant found in the wild that has both discovered and undiscovered nutrients. These nutrients are 97% fully assimilated. Only a fraction of the vitamin content of more expensive “health food vitamins” are actually absorbed by the body. Man-made supplements only contain what the formulators choose to include.

How is E3Live Different from Other Brands of AFA from Klamath Lake?

E3Live is the only AFA that is live, liquid and delivered to you closest to its natural state. E3Live is selectively gathered by our expert harvesters, and collected from only the deepest, most pristine waters of Upper Klamath Lake. We harvest only at peak times of optimal growth, when the AFA is the heartiest, healthiest and most vibrant. Harvesting AFA is an art AND a science. We discovered that the strongest and freshest AFA possesses the highest life-force. The benefits of AFA are directly proportional to the quality of the harvesting source, and how the AFA is handled at every step of the process. We take pride in knowing that we bring you the most potent and powerful AFA in the world.

How are E3Live’s Harvesting & Filtering Methods Superior?

E3Live’s superior harvesting and proprietary filtration methods ensure the absolute highest quality. The AFA is selectively harvested so that only the purest, most vibrant blooms are gathered. Starting at our harvest site, E3Live is immediately chilled to preserve its natural vitality and highest nutritional value. We work hand-in-hand with the most experienced, conscientious harvesters and knowledgeable researchers in the world.

How is the Consistent Quality of E3 Products Assured?

From the moment we harvest the AFA, to its final packaging, we work with only the most highly trained and qualified staff. We handle our AFA with such care from start to finish. Factors contributing to this quality include: where and how we harvest, keeping the AFA cold at all times, superior filtration and storage, and ongoing quality-control testing of all of our products. All E3 products are tested thoroughly by independent USDA certified labs for food safety, shelf-life and various other purity tests.

The benefits of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae are directly related to the care and attention given to sourcing and harvesting the product. Our quality care begins with the selection of the freshest AFA “blooms” from pristine Eagle Ridge. The harvesting is quickly followed by rapid chilling of the AFA to 34 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, our E3Live is further purified by careful centrifugation, leaving a product chilled and scrupulously clean. E3Live is handled more expeditiously from harvest to freezer than any competitive product. Our quality control parameters, coupled with our proprietary final processing, yields the Lake’s most potent source of AFA. Unless you know the source of your AFA, there is no guarantee of quality. E3Live and other E3 AFA products are harvested by the most competent harvesting team, and staff of engineers in our industry.

Can I Feed AFA to My Pets?

Absolutely. In fact, both the liquid E3Live and our E3 Refractance-Window dried form are favorites among veterinarians who successfully treat nutritional deficiencies in dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, horses, and other animals. Benefits are especially seen in older animals, bringing back youthfulness and a higher quality of life. Horse owners love E3Live for the changes seen in hooves, coats and the overall health of their horses. If you love your pet, you’ll love E3Live. There is no other pet food that dares to give an unconditional one-year guarantee that you will “See the Difference!” Read about other pet owner’s experiences with E3Live in our “Testimonials” section.

How Does E3Live & E3 AFA Work?

Because people report AFA helps such a wide range of physical and mental symptoms, it’s easy to fall into a “magic bullet” mentality associated with pharmaceutical drugs. AFA doesn’t work that way. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is an extraordinary food, not a drug or synthesized vitamin. Artificial drugs are synthesized in the laboratory to produce specific effects on targeted cells, organs, or body functions. Though some drugs save lives, unfortunately, some drugs also create unwanted side-effects.

In contrast, Nature’s innate wisdom works through AFA’s full spectrum of over 64 perfectly balanced, naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, amino acids (protein) and essential fatty acids. AFA helps restore overall biological balance and nourishes the body at the cellular level. AFA is 97% absorbable by the body, compared to man-made vitamins which are only 5% to 25% absorbable. Without any toxicity or side-effects, this is how AFA can have so many beneficial nutritional and energetic effects throughout the body.

What is Refractance-Window Drying?

AFA Drying in the Refractance-Window Drying Machine
Refractance Window drying technology is a proprietary drying method that uses a heat transfer process and specific properties of water to gently remove moisture while maintaining the maximum integrity of the natural material.

The Refractance Window Drying Concept

Evaporation When water is placed over a heating source, infrared energy is transferred throughout the water by convection. The heat energy then radiates from the water, primarily through evaporation.

Conduction only When water is covered by a transparent membrane such as plastic and placed over a heating source, evaporation and its associated heat loss are blocked or “refracted”, and only conduction occurs. The plastic membrane acts like a mirror reflecting the infrared energy back into the water.

But when a moist raw material is placed on the plastic membrane’s surface, the water in the material creates a “window” that allows for the passage of infrared energy through the material. Heat behaves as if there were no membrane in that location, and is directly transferred to the water present in the material

In a matter of a few moments, the water in the material on the plastic membrane’s surface evaporates, and the “window” of infrared energy closes and “refracts” back into the heated water source, no longer exposing the material to heat.

Refractance Window Drying Process

Wet material on plastic membraneDried Material on Plastic membrane During the Refractance Window drying process, moist raw material (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) is applied on the surface of the drying system’s conveyor belt. The belt is a food grade Mylar (transparent polyester film) floating on the surface of a heated cistern containing circulating hot water. The heat from the cistern’s water is conducted by way of a “refractance window” through the Mylar belt to the water present in the raw material laying on the belt’s surface.

As the material travels down the conveyor, the water in the material evaporates through the “window” in a matter of a few moments, with the “window” closing in proportion to the rapid dissipation of water in the material. Because the Mylar conveyor belt is a poor heat conductor, once the material dries, the “refractance window” closes, and only a minuscule amount of heat is transferred to the product as it is carried to the end of the conveyor system.

Raw material dried through the Refractance Window process delivers a flaked product close to its natural state. This expedient drying method protects the product’s delicate nutrients, color and flavor.

Refractance Window Because the Refractance Window drying process maintains the temperature of the raw material far below the temperature of the water circulating beneath the conveyor belt, its precious nutrients are protected from oxidization. During the process, heat is applied to the material at 72 C for only three to five minutes.

This drying method is superior to competitor’s freeze-drying and spray-drying methods in the preservation of the natural state of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Freeze-drying techniques expose raw material to heat ranging from 30 C to 64 C for twenty-four straight hours. Spray-drying techniques apply heat to raw material ranging from 150 C to 300 C. Both methods can cause significant nutritional loss to the raw material being dried. Compare Refractance Window dried product quality to freeze-drying and spray-drying. When comparing various drying technologies, the degree of preservation of a material’s original color and flavor indicates the quality of the drying process utilized. Studies performed at Washington State University’s Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition established the preservation superiority of the Refractance Window drying technology over all other methods of drying, including freeze-drying.

When (After Eating E3Live) Will I Notice a Difference?

The beneficial effects of E3Live and E3 AFA in your body can be subtle as it works to provide long-term protection and well-being. Some people may experience noticeable changes within a few weeks of use – others may notice differences right away or, conversely, notice no effect whatsoever. It is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly in order to reap the full, long-term benefits of AFA. And, while the benefits of consuming AFA may not always be visibly manifested, be assured its phytonutrients are working “behind the scenes” throughout your body’s internal systems.

Can Pregnant or Nursing Mothers Use E3Live?

We recommend that pregnant or nursing women consult with their medical or healthcare professional prior to consuming E3Live or any E3 products. Please remember that AFA is just green plant food.

E3Live – The Most Vital Wild-Grown Superfood on the Planet!

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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