Negative Ions Al Things (are) Matter Everything you see around you consists of atoms and molecules. Well, even things youdon’tsee, like gasses and particles in the air that are invisible to the eye...
Fat Soluble Vitamins – Part 1 I like to think about vitamins and minerals as Power Rangers – they each have their own special ability and power, but they only work effectively when united with the...
50 Shades of Nightshades Sometimes I miss the days when I was only able to divide food into categories like vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy. Things looked so simple. Doctors always recommended...
What About Soy? Over the past months, I’ve received quite a number of requests from people asking for my views on soy products. Many of these inquiries have mentioned a stridently anti-soy article...
Soy Tragedy and Hype You might like to read other blogs about Soy . The Third International Soy Symposium Far from being the perfect food, modern soy products contain anti-nutrients and toxins and...
Nutrition For Blood Type O From Low-Carb Lifestyle for the O Blood Type Ultimate Nutrition for Healing and Health Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate Cholesterol...
Milk: Do NOT Drink It Pasteurized, homogenized cow’s milk has been promoted as the perfect food for humans, especially for our children. This multi-generational advertising campaign has been so...
Sprouting: Reasons to Start Please Note: We apologize that mobile devices may not correctly display the tables in this blog. Economics: Seeds can multiply 7-15 times their weight. At $4.00/lb for...
Beans: Health Benefits Legumes (beans) are among the oldest cultivated plants. In fact, fossil records demonstrate that prehistoric people domesticated and cultivated legumes for food. Today, this...
Stop the NEW Monsanto Protection Act The Monsanto Protection Act is back and worse than before The biggest threat to GMO labeling that we’ve ever seen could soon become law if we don’t act now....
Toxic Additives in Your Food and Drink There are a growing number of clinicians and basic scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several...
Food Irradiation Irradiation, or as it is sometimes euphemistically called, “cold pasteurization,” is a process in which food is submitted to ionized radiation in order to kill bacteria. This is...
Excitotoxins: Ultimate Brainslayer Glutamic acid (also called “glutamate”) is the chief excitatory neurotransmitter in the human and mammalian brain (1-3). Glutamate neurons make up an extensive...
Evils in Aspartame Consumption I have used aspartame for years. I’ve also wholeheartedly recommended products containing NutraSweet to my clients, as well as promoting its use in recipes. So, when...
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) A uniquely valuable and superbly powerful anti-inflammatory . Research indicates it to be a cancer preventative, a valuable anti-cholesterol factor and for enhanced blood...
Milk Thistle (Silymarin, Carduus marianum; Silybum, Compositae) Three bioflavonoids of the silymarin group are particularly efficient at nullifying the impact of several toxins including alcohol....
Eat Your Vegetables It could be the next best thing to giving up smoking… Eating the wrong foods could be responsible for up to 30 per cent of cancers, but there is growing belief that Superfoods...
Pure Water and Pure Consciousness by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine To understand something as...
Vitamin D to End Illness “The End of Illness” Needs a Dose of Vitamin D Written by William B. Grant, Ph.D., Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, San Francisco, for Orthomolecular...
Humic and Fulvic Acids Research You might like to read this blog: Humic and Fulvic Acid Basics Fulvic and Humic acids are present in all living soils, with fulvic being more prevalent in forest...
Glutathione and Cancer Please Note: We apologize that mobile devices may not correctly display the table in this blog. The effects of nutritional repletion of Glutathione (GSH) on immunologic...
Iodine : Universal Nutrient by Dr. Mark Sircus , Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine “Medical textbooks contain several...
Doc’s Nutrients & Goods: Doc’s Aminos Ingredients Free form amino acids absorption is best when taken between meals without food and without accompanying minerals. L-Arginine L-arginine has been...
Proteins , Enzymes and Amino Acids Protein Deficient? Chances Are You Are! Did you know that 9 out of 10 people lack the proper amount of protein in their systems in order for their bodies to...
Amino Acids for Pets Live Enzymes in Pet Food In ancient times carnivores such as dogs and cats, used to have live enzymes available in their diet with the ingestion of raw meat. Small rodents such...
Exsula Minerals We offer Exsula Minerals , Exsula Superfoods and Exsula Bundles . In the past, science was incapable of even detecting trace elements at the levels necessary for minimal to optimal...
Exsula Superfoods FAQs We offer Exsula Minerals , Exsula Superfoods and Exsula Bundles . Question: Isn’t Exsula expensive? Answer: The uninformed answer is yes. The informed answer is no – Exsula...
Exsula Delivers Exceptional Nutrients We offer Exsula Minerals , Exsula Superfoods and Exsula Bundles . Convenience accommodating regular usage for consistent results Production-direct, high value...
Skin Sorcery Skin Care Ingredients We are passionate about the purity of our products and our objective is to increase the quality of your life by offering safe, natural, healthy choices. Some...
Copper , Iodine and Strontium “Since 1945, atmospheric bomb tests have released into our atmosphere and deposited into the soil a fallout mass equivalent to that from 40,000 Hiroshima-size blasts.”...
The Power of Knowledge for Health Regardless of the fact that we have a commercial interest in selling you the products we distribute, our focus is your well-being. We strive to educate, empower...
Book: The Wheatgrass Book How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality by Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass contains a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, including the thirteen...
Garlic (Allium sativum) Please Note: We apologize that mobile devices may not correctly display the table in this blog. Daily use of garlic in the body has been shown to have a very beneficial...
Cabbage Those who are familiar with the benefits of enzymatic pigments such as carotene, chlorophyll or anthocyanidins (as in bilberry) will need little convincing about the merits of another...
Broccoli The word “broccoli” comes from the Italian words meaning “branch” or “arm”. Broccoli’s name is derived from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection of its treelike...
Hydrogen Peroxide Applications Please Note: We apologize that mobile devices may not correctly display the tables in this blog. Hydrogen Dioxide H2O2 Density: 1.4 g/cm³ Molar mass: 34.01 g/mol...
Magnesium and Radiation Protection Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine It is in a list of medicinals that...
Glutathione Science The Undiscovered “Natural Drug” A recent press release by CBS highlighted the need for a “universal or all-purpose drug” able to combat any germ or toxic chemical released by...
Grapefruit Seed Extract Please Note: We apologize that mobile devices may not correctly display the table in this blog. Grapefruit seed extract is a multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound that is...
Cranberry One cup of raw cranberries contains only 46 calories. Includes nutrients Potassium, beta-carotene and Vitamin C. Berries are used for sauces, jellies, pies and beverages. Excellent for...
Citrus Fruits Benefits Grapefruit Antibacterial, antifungal and Anti-Candida properties. Aromatic ethereal essence of grapefruit (outer peel) (Rutaceae Citrus Paradisi) Aromatherapists use...
Scalar Energy Benefits Nikola Tesla demonstrated the existence of Scalar energy or as he called it, Radiant Energy . He worked to harness this energy without the need for wires and as a wave...
Tap Water Dangers Who Says Tap Water is Unhealthy? “Each day, millions of Americans turn on their taps and get water that exceeds the legal limits for dangerous contaminants.” USA Today, Special...
Energized Water Interesting Features We have many ways to get your own Energized Water: Devices to make Energized Food and Water Pre-Energized Water Water has some unusual characteristics not found...
Carotene Did you know that nearly all of the carotene sold as “natural” in supplements is manufactured by a drug company, in a chemical factory, and made from petroleum byproducts, processed with...
Depleted Soils and Hollow Foods You might like to read this blog: Humic and Fulvic Acid Basics Our Soils Have Lost Essential Organic Nutrients Because Of Economic Based Agriculture Find Out What...
Post-Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory When once you interfere with the order of nature, there is no knowing where the results will end. – Herbert Spencer It was great while it lasted: the age of...
Ancient Secret Science Historian and best-selling author Laurence Gardner discusses the powers of white powder gold, the Ark of the Covenant, the Knights Templar and his new sci-fi screenplay...
Magnesium Treatments by Dr. Mark Sircus , Ac., OMD, DM (P) Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine As a general rule, magnesium is extremely safe...
E3Live Algae Facts Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae Of all the many strains of different types of algae in existence, the blue-greens are the most distinct from other plants and algae....