October 18, 2018 by
Jevari Oberon


Of course the industrial arsenite form of arsenic is fatally toxic in the tiniest amounts, yet nutrition studies have shown that cell health declines when entirely deprived of naturally occurring dietary arsenic. A small trace in this biologically useful form may actually help displace the toxic industrial (arsenite) form. Almonds, Eggs, Sea Plants and Sea Foods are food sources of the useful form.


Boron is quickly depleted from soil. It is essential for plants, though not yet recognized as essential for people. U.S. Department of Agriculture research suggests a bone maintenance benefit similar to that of estrogen. Supplemental Boron also boosts serum levels of estradiol and testosterone yielding enhanced sex drive. Grapes and Apples are good food sources. Supplemental Boron increases Calcium and Magnesium recycling inside the body, thus decreasing dependency upon outside sources.


Calcium is essential for bones, teeth and nerves. The worlds largest human nutrition study indicated that vegetarian diets are a more effective source of Calcium. Need for supplementation has probably been exaggerated – Ignoring the need for Strontium and Silicon. Studies indicate that crude Calcium mineral supplements and dairy-form may actually interfere with assimilation of the plant-form of dietary Calcium.


Carbon is foundational to all food and biological structure. Yet there is no evidence of any deficiency in any reasonable diet. Therefore, carbon is not pertinent to discussions about supplementation.


Chlorine is essential for cellular function and cleansing and is found throughout living things in natural compound form with Sodium and Potassium. Plentiful throughout the typical diet and as salt (sodium chloride). Kelp and Dulse are beneficial food sources. (The isolate mineral form of Chlorine as added to city water is highly reactive with other substances and creates toxins destructive to living systems.


Chromium is essential for certain enzymes, synthesis of proteins, supporting the pancreas and balancing of blood sugar. Life-created GTF form is important to avoid toxicity, and assure assimilation and utilization. The typical diet in North America falls short due to soil deficiencies. Beets and Nutritional Yeast are rich sources.


Cobalt is essential because it is integral to vitamin B-12. Land crops are totally devoid of B-12. Sea Plants and Nutritional Yeast are good sources of Cobalt and B-12. Beneficial intestinal microorganisms utilize dietary Cobalt to make B-12 for your benefit.


Copper is essential for utilization of vitamin C and iron, energy, enzymes involved in healing, nerves and RNA (longevity). Most “dietary” Copper comes from water pipes and is poorly and improperly utilized. Food sources are best as Nutritional Yeast, Whole Grains, Green Leafy Veggies, Almonds, Lentils, Garbanzos, Spirulina, Kelp and Dulse. Essential for utilization of iron in the production of good blood, thus critical to energy. Many copper-dependent enzymes are involved in healing. Also involved in forming the myelin sheath which assures proper nerve function and good signals from the brain to all systems.

Necessary for production of RNA making copper an indirect force for youth and longevity. Copper deficiency is not rare as once thought. Poor utilization of the crude supplemental forms confuse the issue. Plant-life-created sources are safe and well-utilized. Copper deficiency is correlated with birth defects in animals and people. Other signs of low copper include elevated cholesterol, anemia and weakened immune system. Adequate copper availability is related to vitamin C utilization and formation of elastin. Copper is involved in bone structure and the dark color component of skin and hair.


Calcium fluoride as found naturally in mother’s milk, goat’s milk, cheese and tea must never be confused with the toxic chemical form, sodium fluoride as added to city water. There is great debate as to the potential toxicity and usefulness of the industrial sodium fluoride form as added to city water (The Soviets dosed political prisoners with sodium fluoride to assure lack of drive, lack of self-direction and an early death of “natural” causes.) Human Mothers Milk, Goats Milk, Seafood, Kelp, Dulse, Nutritional Yeasts, Whole Grains and Organic Veggies are rich food sources of the beneficial organic calcium fluoride form.

The ratio of “bad” fluoride to “good” fluoride in our bodies has increased dramatically over the last 100 years. Most plants contain some calcium fluoride as may be available from the soil. Too little in the diet can result in poor tooth and bone formation, and weak bones and dental cavities. Several highly regarded health foods are meaningful sources of calcium fluoride. These include chlorella, spirulina, kelp, dulse, nutritional yeast, whole grains and sprouts, wheat grass and barley grass juice.


Germanium is abundant in soil, yet poorly taken up by most plants. Among the popular healing foods, Garlic, Ginseng, Chlorella, Barley, Nutritional Yeast, Spirulina, Aloe and Medicinal Mushrooms are dozens of times richer in Germanium. On a cellular level, Germanium is a catalyst in oxygen utilization and immune function.


Traces of Gold are available in sea vegetables such as Kelp and Dulse. Supplemental Gold is sometimes used to relieve joint pain.


Iodine is essential for humans. Soil and diets are seriously deficient. Supplementation is essential to assure a calm disposition, proper thyroid function, energy production, burning of fat, normal mental functions and healthy skin, hair and nails. People wisely avoiding table salt in their diets are particularly vulnerable to iodine deficiency. Airborne radioactive iodine is a deadly toxin produced by nuclear power plants and was the primary toxin released at Chernobyl. Generous food sources of non-radioactive iodine such as Seafoods, Kelp and Special Nutritional Yeast help prevent uptake of radioactive iodine.


The biological values of Iridium, and other members of the platinum group of elements, are just now beginning to be realized thanks to breakthroughs in high-temp chemical analysis techniques. Monatomic forms of Iridium, and its twin Rhodium, are now thought by some researchers to account for some 5% or more of the dry weight of the brain. They apparently perform essential tasks as superconductors in a sort of nutrient-of-consciousness role. The monatomic form of these minerals are thought to be the secret of European alchemists, Indian holy men, and Hebrew and Egyptian priests. Their “white powder of gold” or “verbuti” is an Iridium-rich mineral ash used to achieve states of super-consciousness.

Iridium is scarce in soils, except certain volcanic soils and those near ancient, major meteor strikes. The utilizable monatomic form of Iridium is even scarcer. Exceptional sources of Iridium In the necessary form include Aloe Vera grown on volcanic Caribbean soil, Grapes, Watercress, Burdock Herb, Sorrel Leaf and Turkish Rhubarb Root. The legendary healing nature of these plants hints to an overall health tonic benefit with Iridium, and especially to its relationship with the immune system (health and longevity).


Iron is essential to health and several body systems, though way oversold by iron tonic manufacturers. Now fallen to some disfavor as a supplement, since it seems to antagonize vitamin E (an essential antioxidant) thus doing as much harm as good in any excessive amounts. A good diet contains just enough, and that is exactly what you want and not very much more. A well crafted daily supplement should probably contain no more than 30% of the RDA, and best in a plant complexed form. Raisins and cherries are especially rich sources.


Lithium is the least common recognized nutrient in the body, and not readily available in the diet, though drinking water does contain minute amounts. Lithium can disrupt herpes-type viruses. Lithium is regarded as a mineral contributing to a calm and considerate manner. Apparently most diets are only just barely at adequate levels. Some researchers have noted a correlation between the low-lithium content of city water in certain cities and their higher than average rate of violent crimes. In his book “Love, Sex and Nutrition,” Dr. Bernard Jensen mentions Lithium from the Sea Vegetable Dulse, as a source of composure lending to romantic mood.


Magnesium is an essential mineral for bones, teeth, metabolic enzymes, muscle activity, regulation of body temperature, and assimilation and utilization of Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sodium. Fresh Green Vegetables, Seafoods, Soybeans, Special Nutritional Yeasts, Seeds, Apples and Whole Grains are rich sources. Most Americans are marginally deficient in Magnesium. Crude mineral Magnesium is poorly absorbed and utilized. Plant-complexed forms are superior but quite bulky to supplement. Including green vegetables in your daily diet is by far your best option.


An activator of numerous enzymes including those involved in utilization of biotin, thiamine and vitamin C. Often lacking in soil and diet, then further depleted by food processing. Supplementation is advisable.


Molybdenum is an essential part of an enzyme needed to convert fat to energy. It is also involved in Iron metabolism and tooth enamel. Supermarket diets can easily be low in Molybdenum even to the point of contributing to impotence. While soil Molybdenum has continued to decline, functional impotence of college age men in America has risen 400% from 1 in 20 in 1955, to around 1 in 5 today. Cats fed Molybdenum deficient school lunch diets, lost their sexual differentiation within a few generations and became unable to reproduce. Green Leafy Veggies, Special Nutritional Yeasts and Whole Grains are dietary sources.


Nickel is Important for longevity due to its role as a stabilizer of RNA and DNA. It is connected to fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It is an activator of certain enzymes and supportive of healthy cellular membranes. Nickel is regarded as essential in tiny, plant-complexed amounts. Nickel can potentially be a problem in cruder forms or as industrial toxins. Form and correct potency are critical to optimum utilization of nickel.

Osmium & Palladium

These are members of the Platinum group of elements. Traces may be useful in that context. See Iridium for comments.


The body’s second most abundant mineral, it is widely essential to virtually every process in the body. For example, it is necessary for utilization of Niacin and Riboflavin, and for nucleoproteins during cell division. It is also essential for bones, teeth and proper functioning of nerves. Phosphorus is particularly useful in the phospholipids of lecithin to balance cellular and blood acidity and to help break up and transport cholesterol and fats.

The brain and nerves are composed primarily of phospholipids indicating a clear, proven connection to mental stamina and intelligence. Useful quantities of phosphorus are bulky and not optimally employed as an isolate supplement. Food sources of phosphorus are best. Lecithin, Nutritional Yeast, Eggs and Whole Grains are primary sources. While phosphorus is generally plentiful in the diet, delivery of phosphorus in the phospholipid form as in these foods seems especially beneficial to the brain, heart and circulation, longevity, youthfulness and health in general.


Platinum is a member of the Platinum group of elements. Traces may be useful in that context. See Iridium for comments.


Potassium is the essential mineral necessary for regulating the tidal flow of fluids in and out of the cells. Without sufficient potassium, the balance is disrupted and health suffers by every measure. Potassium is involved in carbohydrate to energy conversions and storage. It is involved in enzymes and in protein synthesis. It is critical for the heart, muscles, kidneys and oxygenation of the brain. Potassium is bulky and not optimally delivered as an isolate crude mineral supplement. It takes a handful of potassium supplement pills to be equivalent to the Potassium of a good diet. Potassium is best delivered in a good diet including Green Leafy Vegetables, Oranges, Fruit Juice, Bananas and Potatoes.


Rubidium is a rarely mentioned life-supporting mineral. It is shown to be a transporter of other minerals into the cell, especially some of those minerals most deficient in cancerous cells. While it is not regarded as a cancer cure, some researchers are starting to seriously study its role in cancer prevention.

Rhodium & Ruthenium

Members of the Platinum group of elements. Traces may be useful in that context. See Iridium for comments.


Selenium is a key element for longevity. It is not reliably available in soils or in the diet. Chemical fertilizers block uptake of selenium by plants. Selenium is essential for its abilities as an antioxidant and synergist to Vitamin E. Selenium is a key player in the production of foundational hormones. It helps keep arteries clean and flowing. Selenium supports energy production and oxygen delivery. Researchers have noted a correlation between poor cellular oxygenation and cancer, and between low dietary Selenium and increased cancer rates, and between optimum dietary Selenium and reduced cancer rates.

Studies have also related low Selenium to an increase in crib death. Large amounts of Selenium are lost in semen, thus men typically need more Selenium than do women. Selenium should never be taken in excessive amounts (700+ mg) for extended periods. A responsibly crafted supplement will provide Selenium in reasonable potencies and in the less toxic forms. Grains, Nutritional Yeasts, Seafoods and Dairy products are food sources. Excessive Selenium intake slows assimilation of Fluoride.

Silicon (silica)

In 1878, Louis Pasteur declared that In the future, Silica would become an optimal therapeutic agent. In 1939, Nobel Prize winner, Professor Adolf Butenant found Silica to be essential to human life. In 1972, Columbia University scientists confirmed that Silica must be continuously supplied from food sources, yet there is still no official RDA for Silica forthcoming. Silicon is never found alone in nature. Silicon dioxide or Silica, is comprised of Silicon and Oxygen. This is the form found in plant fibers. Food processing strips away fibers. Much of the little Silica that is left remains locked-up in fibers and is poorly assimilated. Algae. Special Nutritional Yeasts, Oats, Barley, Whole Wheat and the herb Nettles deliver approximately 100 times the Silica of other foods.

Silica is important for utilization of several other nutrients including vitamins B-6, C, D, K and Folic Acid as well as the minerals Boron, Copper, Fluorine, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Strontium, and Zinc. New research is showing Silica is every bit as important to bone health as Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Boron and Strontium. Researchers in Germany have noted a correlation between higher than average levels of Silica intake and reduced rates of cancer. Silica is synergistic with Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids (including Pycnogenols and Bilberry) for collagen production and the protection of beautiful radiant skin.

According to Klaus Kaufman, a leading Silica researcher, Silica is the most important antioxidant. The level of body declines with age, falling to only 7% as much in a 50 year old with heart disease as he had at a healthy age 10. The health foods, algae, oats, millet, barley and whole wheat contain approximately 100 times the silica of other foods. Silica is integral to the formation and maintenance of strong bones, teeth, gums, hair and nails. Silica is synergistic with vitamin C and bioflavonoids (especially pycnogenol and bilberry) for the collagen production of firm, youthful skin. Collagen, the glue which holds us together is under continuous assault by oxygen free-radicals. Silica’s affinity for oxygen is of interest.

Some researchers consider silica to be the most important antioxidant. Silica levels are highest just before birth and decline each year as you age. The aorta of a 50 year old contains only half the silica as it did at age 10. Wrinkles are the outward indicator of failing collagen and poor access to silica. A University of California study showed twice the collagen in bones with sufficient silica over that of bones with low silica. More women are dying of complications of brittle bone fractures than cancers of the breast, cervix and uterus combined. Collagen holds calcium, magnesium and phosphorous in place giving the bone strength yet flexibility to resist fracture.

The famous China Diet Study found that osteoporosis is very rate among vegetarians getting only 544 mg. of calcium daily, while osteoporosis is quite high among meat and dairy products consumers getting over twice as much calcium (1143 mg.). While the vegetarians didn’t get as much calcium, they did get plenty of plant-grown silica that way more than made up the difference. Most of us easily get the 544 mg. of calcium. What we are less likely to get is the silica which is tougher to find in the right form and assimilate. Notable concentrations of silica are found in the brain, pancreas, arteries and eyes, especially in the iris and cornea.

Silver (10 mcg)

The direct benefits of silver for human nutrition remain elusive. However, while non-toxic to humans, silver does seem to be disruptive to bacteria, creating an environment less inviting to them.


Sodium is generally abundant in nearly any diet as a component of most foods and as salt (sodium chloride). Sodium supplementation is not desirable on a daily basis and it is too bulky to be practical in a plant complexed supplement form. Dietary sources are more than sufficient, except in salt-restricted diets in combination with excessive perspiration situations, where addition of a little salt to food and beverages quickly remedies the deficiency.


Though virtually unheard of as a nutrient, Strontium exists in substantial amounts in healthy bones and teeth. In a 1959 Mayo Clinic study, 85% of osteoporosis sufferers who increased Strontium in their diets reported a marked reduction of pain. Early research indicates Strontium to be a protector of life-energy production within the cell. Despite its proven safety and important benefits, research and supplementation of Strontium has been inexplicably neglected.


Sulfur is regarded as nature’s “beauty mineral” because of its role in young, healthy-looking skin and glossy hair. Sulfur is an integral component of protein. It is assumed that a diet with sufficient protein automatically delivers sufficient sulfur. It may not be so simple. Sulfur is also involved in functions outside of its structural protein – Cellular respiration, life-energy and oxygen utilization, to name a few. Thus supplementation may be useful. Sulfur is found in insulin and is synergistic with B vitamins and lipoic acid for metabolism and nerves. Some forms of arthritis may be indicators of Sulfur deficiency Sulfur may also be useful in making the body undesirable to worms and parasites. Colloidal supplements can contain 29 times the sulfur as the typical diet. However, an excessive intake of crude sulfur may also result in toxicity.


Tin was only recently identified as essential, but its precise function remains elusive. Scientists noted a 24% to 59% acceleration in growth when tin was supplied to baby rats on tin-deprived diets. This hints of some very important role for Tin and a possible relationship to growth hormone. Thus, Tin may be a player in our struggle to trade fat for muscle. Dietary intake of tin has been sharply reduced over the past 20 years. Supplementation is desirable. There has been a tremendous amount of interest lately over the relationship of adult production of growth-hormone, and quality of life and longevity.

It seems that the same hormone that helps kids grow, also helps adults defy their chronological age and take on youthful characteristics of a much younger biological age and level of cellular activity. While most of the attention is focused upon the amino acid portion of the growth hormone equation (and while most of us get plenty of protein) it should be noted that young lab animals deprived of Tin failed to grow – so there may be a GHT in relationship. Also, as discussed above, Boron is useful for providing these same youthful hormone type benefits. And for serious longevity enthusiasts, it should be noted that Coenzyme Q-10 extended the lives of lab animals to the human equivalent of 150 years while greatly extending the quality of life to match that added time.


Vanadium has an essential relationship to Iron metabolism, red blood cell growth and health of bones, teeth and cartilage. Vanadium supplementation has been known to lower cholesterol. Dietary Vanadium has been on the decline due to food processing and because It is not replaced in soils. Vegetable oils are the one remaining significant source, yet ironically everyone is cutting back on fats to lower their cholesterol. Fish, Organic Whole Grains, Special Nutritional Yeast, Dulse and Kelp are also notable sources of Vanadium.


Zinc is one of the most obviously essential trace elements. Zinc is necessary for insulin and for 25 enzymes involved in digestion and metabolism, and for utilization of B vitamins. Zinc is intimate to synthesis of DNA, longevity, reproduction, the immune system, a healthy circulatory system (synergistic with Copper and Vanadium). Zinc helps the body eliminate excess cholesterol. Zinc supports a more rapid rate of healing and even has a role in night vision. Zincs benefits are all encompassing. The industrial toxin cadmium is antagonistic to Zinc. Your Zinc is severely under attack since your body contains approximately 700 times as much cadmium in this industrial age as in people in ancient times – and since the Zinc content of soils, and the utilizable-plant-complex form of Zinc, has been declining.

Zinc mineral isolate supplements are not ideal for the delicate system of nutrient assimilation and can result in undesirable reversals of benefit at levels only double or triple the RDA. The plant-complex form is far preferable, better utilized and excesses are easily disposed. Organic Whole Grains, Special Nutritional Yeasts and Pumpkin Seeds are meaningful food sources of Zinc in the most desirable food-complex form. Consistent inclusion of these foods and supplementation of plant-life-complexed Zinc is essential for optimal health and longevity – and especially for the prostate gland.

Author: Jevari Oberon
Jevari Oberon October 18, 2018
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