October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Energized Water Interesting Features

We have many ways to get your own Energized Water:

Water has some unusual characteristics not found in other fluids:

  • Water has a larger volume when frozen (ice). Water has the greatest specific weight at 4 degrees C. This allows some water to remain at the bottom of frozen bodies of water. This is why ice floats allowing insulation and protection for life below.
  • Water has enormous ability to absorb heat -far beyond other liquids. This characteristic allows it to moderate weather along coastlines. This also permits humans to tolerate large temperature changes without freezing or overheating.
  • Water releases significant amounts of heat as it freezes. This enables farmers to mist crops so they avoid frost damage. Energized Water is more effective than regular water in absorbing temperature changes.

Water: Simple and Important to Improve

One of the simplest and most valuable changes for your health is to improve the quality of your water.

Some years ago Jim Carter invented a marvelous inexpensive product when he created Prill beads that purify and energize water. These beads are created from ordinary magnesium oxide Prills by applying a proprietary bioresonance process. The Prills were originally developed for clean up of nuclear reactor waste water. Common water placed in contact with Prill beads undergoes a remarkable thinning.

The resulting liquid takes on the characteristics of “Dew” which is very different from common water. Skin readily absorbs dew but repels common water. Prill water will not permit lower life forms such as bacteria and fungi to survive but does support the growth of algae. The dew-like Prill water is readily used by plants and persons to create the complex essentials of life. The living process in plants changes common water into dew that is the liquid found in fruit and seeds or other plant cells. Energized Water is also known by the terms structured, hexagonal, magnetized and living. High quality water can improve health by providing superior hydration, enhancing nutrient absorption, improving detoxification, improving metabolic efficiency and by improving cellular communication.

Ordinary tap water only contains less than 10% of properly Energized Water that can be used for hydrating cells. This makes it necessary to drink a gallon of this water daily. Correctly energized water, after being used for several weeks, can accomplish the same work by drinking only 3 glasses of water daily. Some sources of energized water are more valuable than others. Surprisingly the prices of devices used to create energized water have minimal correlation with the quality of the finished product. Aging is a function of the volume of energized water retained in the cell. Young and fresh cells are full of energized water. Dying cells are filled with metabolic wastes and toxins and have minimal amounts of energized water.

Water is a liquid crystal with a changeable stable structure that retains water’s memory. Research by Dr. Masaru Emoto has revealed that quickly frozen samples of water when photographed disclose beautiful crystalline structures or disorganized ugly smudges depending on the state of the water. Water responds to vibratory stimuli (spoken words). Polluted water looks like ugly smudges. Praising this contaminated water for its healing wonderful taste converts this water to a beautiful crystalline structure. Proverbs 18:21 states “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and those that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”. When we realize that 75% of our body is composed of water the extreme importance of taming our tongues becomes obvious.

There is a solid body of evidence that shows the structure of water in cellular fluids, especially those immediately surrounding DNA and other macromolecules in living cells is highly organized. Hungarian biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Albert von Szent-Georgi stated, “Water is life’s matter and matrix (mother and medium)”. He recognized that water was the beginning and the sustenance of life and he felt that there was much more to water than the scientific community was aware of at that time. Victor Schauberger’s research revealed that water had two types of movement. There is a gathering implosive movement that becomes extinguished by a reversed spreading explosive movement.

The implosive movement brings coolness, suction, increase and health. The explosive movement generates heat, pressure, fragmentation, illness and death. He felt that Western technology was too focused on the movement of death to produce energy. Engines in use today are based on explosion, heat and pressure. This fixation is producing destruction in nature. Schauberger wanted to investigate the inward twisting vortex movement in order to duplicate it so that energy could be harnessed. This vortexial movement is readily seen in nature (spiral galaxy, snail shell, water stream). The DNA molecule is an unusually long thread shaped vortex. This permits a high degree of complexity and capacity to store information as all vortexes (vortices) are composed of smaller vortexes.

Orthodox science has been reluctant to accept the subtle influence of fields generated by Energized Water because this conflicts with the treasured concept that thoughts and emotions do not affect the physical properties of the world we interact with. There are not a lot of measurements documenting how energized water differs from ordinary water. However, superior hydration, nutrient absorption, more effective detoxification, increased metabolic efficiency and improved cellular communication are seen in subjects using energized water to drink and bathe. Background water is a solvent and delivery medium that carries nutrients throughout the body. It is an important part of the electrolytic medium that carries signals that control cellular reactions.

Water is involved in transfer of information between organs, between cells, between cell nuclei and cells. Vibrational information is also transmitted via water. Water creates structure, which forms an integral part of the cell membrane and the interior of the cell of living organisms. Energized Water is the form of water required for all life processes to be carried out. Cells must be able to transform ordinary water to Energized Water to accomplish these needs. Large amounts of money are spent to purify water by removing physical and chemical pollutants. Then dangerous substances chlorine and fluoride are added back into water, which is illogical unless the goal is to create disease. The quality of water has to have a major impact on health as it directly influences 70 % of our bodies.

Energized Water

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon thinks that common water at 50 F. is only 22% energized. A weak magnetic field is able to increase hexagonal structuring up to 80%. Other energies including electric fields, lower temperatures, reduced pressure, presence of specific minerals and sound (vibrational frequencies) also increases hexagon formation. Polluted water is frequently unable to become hexagonal when it freezes. Pollution and weakened planetary forces may account for lower amounts of hexagonal water today. A good example of structuring is provided by pure carbon, which exists both as charcoal and diamonds.

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon believes that the higher organization of Energized Water explains its greater efficiency in carrying signals and transferring information. The higher energy state supports faster hydration, increased energy transfer, stability of DNA and protein, and enhancement of numerous metabolic functions. Many scientists are now agreeing that medicine based on chemical principles will soon give way to medicine based on vibrational principles, which are in the realm of physics.

DNA and Water

Water is an integral part of DNA, a medium in which the amino acids exist. Early computer simulations of DNA failed completely until water was included. It was later discovered that water reacts with every part of the DNA double helix. Water stabilizes the entire helical structure. The first layer of water surrounding the healthy DNA is hexagonal water. This protects the DNA from energy influences that could cause malfunction and distortion. The water surrounding abnormal DNA is less energized (structured) and less stable.

Intracellular Water

Potassium is the predominant ion inside the cell and sodium is the predominant ion outside the cell. Potassium migrates toward hexagonal water and causes dissolution of the hexagonal structure.

Energy Potentials

Surface water has some hexagonal water separated by free water molecules. When this free water joins to form hexagons the structure formed is more stable and has the potential to hold more energy.

Surface Tension

An easily observed difference between Energized Water and regular water is the surface tension. High surface tension permits water to bead up on glass surfaces. The water molecules are tightly held to each other. This can be lowered by surfactants such as soap, which “make water wetter”. Common water has a surface tension grater than 70 dynes/cm. Water from fresh mountain streams has a surface tension below 65 dynes/cm. Energized Water can have surface tension well below this level making them “wetter” water, an ideal medium for cleaning.

This lower surface tension water improves the absorption of nutrients and improves toxin elimination. Patients with emphysema drinking Energized Water experience improved breathing so that they can walk better and often are able to decrease some of their medicines. Many persons feel that Energized Water tastes better. Athletes have learned that Energized Water improves hydration and decreases post exercise recovery time.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Since water has positive and negative poles it can be aligned in a magnetic field. Research by Dr. Damadian has shown that the molecular structure of water within cells can be measured. Cancer cells have disorganized cell water with “increased motional freedom”.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

This technology provides a non-invasive method to analyze body fluid content. Energized Water hydrates cells faster, delivers nutrients and removes wastes more efficiently than regular water. The intracellular/extracellular water ratio begins to normalize within 15 minutes. Greater water turnover with Energized Water leads to higher basal metabolic activity, improved metabolic efficiency and slowing of the aging process.

Phase Angle

This measurement evaluates the cell’s ability to expand and contract. Old cells fail to normally absorb water or nutrients when compared to younger cells. Fresh vegetables have a phase angle of 45 degrees and cooked vegetables have a phase angle of zero. Drinking Energized Water improves phase angle results after several weeks. A controlled study of 300 Type II diabetics disclosed that hexagonal water was many times more effective than distilled water in hydrating the body.

Live Blood Analysis

Examination of blood by dark field microscopy enables the stickiness (agglutination of red blood cells) to be evaluated. Agglutination of blood lowers oxygen exchange, nutrient utilization, cellular efficiency and waste excretion. Blood flow through vessels and lymphatic channels is slowed. Drinking normal water produces no changes but drinking 16 ounces of Energized Water produces visible improvement within minutes.

Energized Water And Aging

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon states, “Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells and an overall decrease in total body water.” Evidence exists that replenishing the hexagonal water in the body results in increased vitality, prevention of disease and slowing the aging process. Energized Water hydrates the body and removes free radicals thus slowing degenerative illnesses.

Two water-related factors have been closely associated with aging:

  • The relative water content of the human body declines with aging. Newborn infants are more than 90% water. A one year old is about 70% water and an elderly person can be less than 50% water.
  • The movement of water in and out of cells slows with age. Cells function better when 60% or more of the cell is water. With aging that value may fall as low as 40%. This has adverse effects on the osmotic pressure of the cell membrane making it difficult to re-hydrate the cells. Dr. Norm Shealy has shown that use of Energized Water and magnesium rapidly restores youthful function to all cells.

Water Is An Energy Source

Water is the body’s main source of energy. Dr. Jhon explains that hexagonal water has the capacity to hold more energy than normal water because of its structure. He relates, “100% hexagonal Energized Water has a huge capacity to store energy which can be released immediately when it is utilized by living organisms.”


When water is placed in a magnetic field the molecules assume a more organized geometry over time. This slowly dissipates when the magnet is removed. The earth’s magnet field is weak currently.

Nutrient Absorption

Digestion requires large amounts of water for adequate assimilation of nutrients. Because Energized Water improves water movement in the body it makes a better carrier for nutritional supplements.

Healing Effects Of Water

Orthopedic surgeon, David Stokesbary, states “cellular water movement is critical for adequate absorption of nutrients and for the elimination of metabolic waste products. Those who drink this (Energized Water) are benefiting both ways. With better nourishment and waste removal every process in the body will happen more efficiently.”


Insufficient water causes the body to operate in a state of continual crisis management. Frequently acne, afternoon fatigue, constipation, dry skin, heartburn and headaches are often overlooked as possible clues of dehydration.

Dry Skin, Wrinkles

The skin is a vital detoxification organ for the human body. Dry flaky skin is a sign that the water level in the body may not be adequate. Prompt skin improvement follows rehydration.


When the store of water in the body is low the colon moisture becomes absorbed into the bloodstream. This removal of fluid from the fecal stream leads to hard stools. This also causes toxic substances to be absorbed as well. Every organ eliminating wastes (skin, colon, kidneys) is dependent on plenty of water. Dry skin, constipation and dark urine point to lack of water in the body.

Body Fat

When toxins build up in the body the body stores them in fat tissue where they do not cause serious problems. These toxins are acidic. Alkalizing foods (lots of raw fruit and vegetables), exercise, saunas and ample Energized Water helps remove toxic substances. At times so much stored toxins are being removed the body experiences a detoxifying reaction (Herxheimer reaction). In this situation more toxins are in the blood than the liver can process and excrete.

This causes undesirable symptoms (muscle aching, headache, malaise, skin rash, liver enlargement). If narcotics, hallucinogens, LSD etc. from prior usage are getting mobilized, remains of the old drugs can cause the same symptoms that appeared when these drugs were used in the past. Therapy simply consists of slowing or stopping the detoxifying process until your liver can handle the volume of toxins it has to process.


Water carries nutrients that provide energy for the whole body. Regular water intake helps keep this process working smoothly. If the energy supply fails the lymphatic fluid may experience a build up of toxins, which lowers its oxygen supply. This results in all body tissues receiving less than needed quantities of oxygen. Correction requires detoxifying measures and improved hydration.


Dr. Wang carried out studies on diabetic patients in China which revealed that hexagonal water was 13.4 times more effective at hydrating diabetics than was distilled water.


Asthmatic patients have usually been breathing with difficulty for hours before they are seen by a health care provider. Considerable water is lost in expired air during labored breathing. Additionally they have often stopped eating and taking fluids. These patients are always dehydrated and need their fluid depletion to be promptly corrected.

Brain Fog

The brain is about 85% water. The brain’s electrical activity is so intense it needs 20% of the total cardiac output even though it is a relatively small organ. When there is dehydration, loss of clarity of thought (brain fog) may occur. If the dehydration becomes worse, stupor and ultimately coma appears.

Sources Of Water

Natural springs can be good sources of drinking water and have healing properties. Unfortunately many commercially promoted waters are using common water nicely labeled so be sure to check the source carefully. Arrowhead water from California has a good reputation. The degree of structuring varies from site to site. Often structuring begins to deteriorate soon after the water appears at the surface. Some springs are able to produce energized water for centuries. The motion experienced by water in springs contributes importantly to its energized state.
Note: this operation has closed when Jim Carter died. I can’t confirm the statements he made.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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