The Proven Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses...
The Proven Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses…
Patients suffering from cancer came for nutritional and psychiatric counseling…
Patients suffering from cancer came for nutritional and psychiatric counseling…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Ellagitannins help stimulate natural cell death, so unhealthy cells die and do not become cancer...
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) flawed study of environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer...
Ontario College of Family Physicians review found consistent evidence of pesticide health risks including many types of cancer and other acute illnesses...
The fight to ban pesticides continues across Canada because of many innocent victims were poisoned...
A totally natural formula protects against the development of cancer, and fights existing cancer as well...
The crucial first (and best) step is to eat cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game...
Over the last 30 years insufficient progress has been made in the "war" to cure cancer...
No person taking or eating a diet high in B17 (Hunzas, Eskimos, Hopi Indians) has ever developed cancer...
Giving authenticity to alternative/complimentary therapies, bridging the gap with mainstream medicine, promoting awareness for those in the middle...
Cancer can develop when the immune system breaks down, a mutated and out of control growth that feeds off healthy cells...
After 3 years of chemo, stem cell transplant and lost spleen, doctors said there's nothing else they could do. That was over 5 years ago...
With multiple awards to his name for cancer research, this childhood prodigy was silenced when his forbidden science began closing in on the secret of eternal life...
This list includes three categories of substances and processes regarded as carcinogenic, primarily by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization...
Cells can only live and reproduce in a medium with pH range. Healthy cells have a pH of 7.35 and cancer cells are more acidic...
Dichloroacetate (DCA) is a cheap and simple drug that killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells...
In the early 1990s, Heidelberg epidemiologist Ulrich Abel PhD showed that chemotherapy was ineffective in treating advanced carcinomas...
Chemotherapy poisons your whole body, in an attempt to kill cancer cells...
There is no one single cause of any disease, there are hundreds including poor diet, low immunity, accumulated toxicity and lack of knowledge...
Treatment can be based on nutritional remedies, alternative technologies and mind improvement...
Following with our ever-popular series on "How to Get Disease," this article discusses how to give yourself a raging case of cancer...
Mainstream medicine believes that sickness comes from germs outside of the body (monomorphic theory)...
Advise from Kelly Wortkoetter in her search to naturally cure her own illness (lupus), the common theme is go back to nature...
Dr. Lorraine Day had the audacity to successfully reverse severe, life-threatening cancer WITHOUT DRUGS...
Those whose childhood homes within 200 meters of a power line have an almost 70% greater risk of being diagnosed with leukemia...
At least half the people on earth are now breathing radioactive iodine that causes lung cancer...
One may overcome terminal breast cancer using specific nutrition, detoxifying, light healing and more...
Because of absolute lack of toxicity and demonstrated efficacy in reducing the incidence and size of tumors, it should be used to prevent and treat any cancer...
Our current health care system is based on profit, and feeds on fear...
The bottom line is this: eat more fruits and vegetables. They're full of antioxidants that help prevent cancer...
Often we must lose our health before seeking to regain it and sometimes it's too late, and too expensive...
Research studies and unbiased statistical analysis show that orthodox cancer treatments often do more harm than good...
There is nothing to buy except healthy food. No supplements are needed nor recommended with this diet...
The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen (oxidation of sugar) in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar...
Mainstream medicine typically portray iodine as unimportant, but it’s necessary for thyroid functions…
40-year review of research has found that daily vitamin D could cut the risk of some cancers by up to half...
Motivating forces in cancer research and treatment are often power and money, and not the cure of cancer patients...
Here you can review an example of Ralph Moss Reports and subscribe to his newsletter...
It describes the global burden of cancer, causes, major types of malignancies, early detection and treatment...
Check out the correlations between Herpes Viruses and an expanding list of diseases...
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect virtually any system in the body, including organs…
If you have lupus, it is important to make sure build daily physical activity into your lifestyle…
Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking tissues surrounding the joints...
Tumors that originate in the liver may be benign or malignant...
Remember never to get burned and never use sunscreen, simply use clothing to block the sun…
Many of the ingredients behave like estrogen at the cellular level and can make breast and uterine cancer cells grow more quickly…
The only safe vaccine is one that is never used. Researchers are afraid that immune-compromised people are at increased risk of injury, death or spreading the illness…
The darkest story ever told – toxic substances (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc.) in vaccines aggressively and negatively interact with babies…
All who lived through the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever seen…
Basically only 2 risks: either you have a reaction resulting in injury or death, OR the vaccine does not work...
Very serious neurological disorder that sometimes occurs in healthy people, spontaneously after trauma or infection...
Former director of the National Institute of Health declared “The only safe vaccine is one that is never used”…
The Mandatory Childhood Vaccine Schedule was a government facilitated nation-wide experiment…
Some common falsehoods that most believe, and are detrimental to human health and immunity…
WHO set a new worldwide standard, more intensified goal of 90% immunization by 2000…
A "one-size-fits-all" approach to health, especially cancer does not work...
Every dis-ease has its own characteristics and typical sources of stress. Breast cancer is no different...
Nutrient that feeds each cell, to enable natural cell death when old and malfunctioning, instead of growing as cancer…
Varied applications from cancer and sickle cell anemia, sexual stimulant and tonic qualities, it's becoming more popular in herbal medicine...
Onions may prevent gastric ulcers by scavenging free radicals to prevent growth of the ulcer-forming microorganisms called Helicobacter pylori...
These nutrients found in plants may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases...
Started because a fatal type of cancer responded to Sulfur. It plays an important role in regenerating cells...
Glutathione improves immune function in individuals with cancer, various malignancies and tumors…
High intake of vitamin D may prevent and treat cancer, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases...
They're added to foods only to improve extend shelf life and improve the look. Symptoms are many and varied...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Raspberries contain ellagitannins, a very powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and essential fatty acid supplement too…
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. The link has been established, but the industry does not want to talk about it…
Many anti-cancer diets (even designed by professionals) fail to meet minimum standards to be effective, or are too weak for the situation...
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) is offering facts that are often missed, or not disclosed….
With Miri Okocha. Your micorbiome includes trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in and on your body. Some are healthy, others are are not. Balance is essential...
There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some vaccines are ineffective and even be harmful…
This nutrient has the ability to help your body dissolve cancerous and precancerous cells within a few days, and replace them with young, healthy cells...