Lupus Options
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect virtually any system in the body, including organs. Think of it as a ‘self-allergy’ where the body attacks its own cells and tissues, causing inflammation, pain, and possible organ damage. The immune system develops antibodies that attack what it interprets as a virus and creates havoc within.
Dr. John Lee, a leading authority on female hormones, suggests that women more frequently experience autoimmune disorders such as lupus because of the estrogen dominance factor. This is a result of a lower production of progesterone, which creates a huge imbalance. Numbers of studies suggest that hormone replacement therapy is potentially the culprit in the development of lupus. The majority of women with lupus were at one time taking HRT.
Dark Field Microscopy shows that Lupus patients exhibit ‘sticky blood’ syndrome. This simply means that the erythrocytes are significantly clumped and are most often accompanied by Thrombocytes or excessively large platelets. These observations also reflect inflammation in the body, although many patients will not be feeling the outward indications of this. Dr. Barry Sears’s work strongly recommends that high doses of pharmaceutical grade fish oils produced outstanding results in animal studies and have accordingly lent that same success to humans.
Autoimmune Disease
As in any autoimmune disease, there is poor cellular communication because of lack of cell markers on cell walls. The overstimulated immune system attacks those cells and the presence of Mycoplasma and viral infections further confusing cell communication and transference. One theory explored by Robert Harrison suggests that the lack of the presence of long chain carbohydrates that reside on the surface of cells leaves the cells vulnerable to attack. The process to do this is “enzyme intensive” and the individual who is unable to produce adequate amounts of enzymes sets up the environment for autoimmune disease.
Acta Anatomica, a European Journal, recognizes that long chain carbohydrate molecules have a coding capacity far above and beyond that of amino acids, therefore validating their importance in cell communication. Dr. Weyland, another scientist in a separate study found that the immune system cells of patients with autoimmune dysfunction were that of people twice their age. The immune system has both Th-1 or T helper-1 cells that fight pathogens such as viruses, Mycoplasma and bacteria inside the cells. Th-2 or T helper-2 cells fight pathogens outside the cells. Once out of balance and the Th-2 is over-activated, serious problems develop. Stress may cause Th-2 cell over activation, because stress produces cortisol which stimulates the production of Interleukin 6 and other Th-2 cells. Autoimmune diseases often manifest after a death, divorce or an accident.
General Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Short term memory loss
- Emotional liability as a result of not feeling well
- Depression
- Hypothyroid, cold hands and feet
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Swollen glands, chemical sensitivity
- Headaches Fibromyalgia, pain
- Low blood sugar
- Candida
- Ringing ears
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Anxiety, fluttering heart, panic attacks
Exposure to toxins causes Th-2 cell over activation and contributes to leaky gut syndrome, candida, fungal or bacterial problems and other such manifestations. All the more reason to take top of the line soil based organisms that keep good and bad bacteria levels under control. Once large colonies of bio-organisms begin taking up residency in our system their ecosystem easily thrives and propagates producing their own biotoxins. Using antibiotics may help on one hand by inhibiting reproduction, but does not actually kill the pathogens.
Importance of Enzymes
Liver enzyme deficiency and digestive and metabolic enzyme deficiency set the stage for autoimmune dysfunction. Autoimmune dysfunction is also connected to Hyper-coagulation, which is the laying down of fibrin in the blood. This coats the walls inhibiting oxygen and nutrients from being absorbed. This fibrin feeds the life form of pathogens within the oxygen-starved environment, which allows for the buildup of toxins and lactic acid. The good news is that this fibrin can be addressed using systemic enzymes.
Taking digestive or systemic enzymes on an empty stomach allows them to permeate the blood stream where they break down partially digested food, kill pathogens and clean up the blood, including Mycoplasma or other biotoxin-creating pathogens. Enzymes that include protease and lipase clean the walls of the vascular system, including fibrin. They also unclump red blood cells and increase oxygen resulting in nutrient delivery to the cells.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
It is common for Lupus to exist within an individual without them even being aware. Symptoms over years are simply disregarded as part and parcel of aging. Many times SLE is misdiagnosed as arthritis because of the manifestation of pain and swelling of joints. A fever may accompany these symptoms along with the characteristic red rash that adorns lupus patients. This red rash has a butterfly appearance and often rests over the cheeks and nose giving the individual a wolf-like appearance. Symptoms include:
- Inflammation and swelling of joints
- Red scaling lesions on body
- Fever
- Mouth sores
- Lung and kidney involvement
- Nephritis
- Brain, lung, spleen heart are affected
- Anemia
- Excessive bleeding
- Low immunity seizures
- Severe depression, amnesia, psychosis
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)
DLE is a less serious disease as it primarily affects the skin. This is often connected to tubercle bacillus, a bacteria of the tuberculosis family. Lesions are common on the ears and scalp and tend to be slow to respond to conventional treatments. Their bump like appearance leaves a scar when it clears the body; just a friendly reminder of its presence.
More Serious Lupus Symptoms
Lupus has the potential to involve all the organs of the body. It can affect the heart and lungs creating uncomfortable chest pain, shortness of breath and contribute to respiratory infections involving both the pleura and pericardium. Treating these conditions medically involves the use of steroids, which can be risky. There are always other choices.Many cardiovascular implications that accompany Lupus patients carry coronary disease, and heart attack as remnants of the condition. Persistent elevated cholesterol, abnormal clotting profiles and lipids often present as well. Brain involvement is observed with Lupus including mild depression, seizures, memory loss and headaches. High fevers, movement disorders, psychiatric disturbances are thought to be a result of sticky blood. Lupus patients typically have a low white cell count. In addition, they may have anemia and low platelet counts.
Being diagnosed with Lupus is a wake up call. It is a representation of an immune system gone array and clearly a sign to pay attention. The following recommendations diligently followed will get you back on the road to good health. As with any condition, having a clear plan of action is the first and most important goal along with guidance from a qualified alternative health care practitioner.
- Diet of fresh and raw vegetables
- Quality therapeutic Protein Powder
- Systemic Enzymes
- Digestive Enzymes
- Omega-3 Fish Oils
- Soil Based Organisms
- Green Drink
- Thymus and spleen glandular
- Liver, Thyroid and Adrenal support
- Detox of metals and other pollutants
- Enhanced and purified drinking water
90% of lupus patients are women, mostly of Asian background. It most commonly produces symptoms between the ages of 15 and 35, although the condition can appear at any age.
- Balch, James F. and Phyllis A., Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 1993, pages 369-71.
- De Vries, Jan, Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis, 1990, pages 99-110.
- Lee, John R., M.D., What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, 1996, page 228.
- Privitera, Dr. James R., M.D., Silent Clots, Lifes Biggest Killers, 1996.
- Sears, Dr. Barry, The Omega RX Zone, 2002, page 170.