October 5, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Pesticide Health Dangers

Toxic chemicals regularly sold in chains and garden shops can destroy your health.

An article in the Toronto Globe and Mail by Alanna Mitchell outlined that the link between common household pesticides and fetal defects, neurological damage and the most deadly cancers is strong enough that family doctors in Ontario are urging citizens to avoid them in any form. The Ontario College of Family Physicians recently released the most comprehensive study ever done in Canada on the chronic effects of pesticide exposure at home, in the garden and at work.

“The review found consistent evidence of the health risks to patients with exposure to pesticides,” the study said, naming brain cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia among many other acute illnesses.

There were also links between parents’ exposure and unborn children ranging from damage to death even from pesticide residue on food, ant spray, and flea collars. As is often the case, these risks are even greater for children. Their bodies are smaller so their skin surface is larger in proportion to adults and they ingest more food for their size. A trade association representing large multinational chemical companies questioned the college, which is a non-profit organization, and asked whether it really had the public’s interest at heart in releasing the data because pesticides are highly regulated in Canada and help make many fruits and vegetable easy to grow.

Apparently, Canadian government officials do not agree with the chemical companies. Toronto has introduced a new law to reduce pesticide use and has launched a campaign to reduce pesticide use that includes posters showing a dandelion and the caption: “Relax. It’s just a weed.” Quebec has already banned the most common lawn and garden pesticides across the province starting next year as over 66 communities have initiated bylaws to limit pesticides. The Canadian Cancer Society, the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, the Registered Nurses Association of Canada and the Ontario Public Health Association agree and recommend bans on pesticides.

You can read the entire Globe and Mail article

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2018
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