October 5, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

How We Treat Cancer

Modern western medicine bases its practice on the idea that sickness comes from germs outside of the body (monomorphic theory). When a body becomes ill, our doctors use drugs and surgery to eliminate and treat symptoms, by masking and suppressing them. In the case of cancer, that theory leads us to believe that to cure is to kill cells with drugs, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This practice is firmly entrenched in mainstream medical treatments. We believe that sickness comes from dysfunctions and imbalances within the body, the cellular terrain (theory of pleomorphism): outside influences provide contributing factors, but are not the primary causes. Disease should be addressed at the root of the problem.

Cancer is most often associated with acidic cellular terrain, and depleted immune system. Unless the patient drastically changes their internal environment, the pre-existing conditions for the disease remain, and despite all heroic measures to exterminate cancer by cutting, poisoning and burning, it will ultimately return. A healthy functioning immune system is naturally able to establish, maintain and restore health. Our wish is to facilitate this process, to identify and remove obstacles to your health and recovery, and to support the creation of a healthy internal and external environment for you.

The Cause of Health and Disease

Colloids by definition are finely divided particles mixed in a liquid. Our blood is such a colloid, with its living bodies working to maintain dynamic balance. Microbes are an integral part of this colloid, and their form (health or disease) depends upon the environment they’re existing in. Protits (also known under other names) are the basic building blocks of living creatures that exist in blood.

The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice. – Mahatma Gandhi

Diagnostic Technology – Darkfield Microscopy

Western medicine considers blood to be a sterile, static environment. To examine blood, they stain live samples with chemicals, destroying the naturally present microbes. Darkfield microscopy looks at living blood samples with light beamed into the sides of the specimen, contrasting the contents onto a dark background. This clearly shows bacteria, microorganisms and parasites that naturally exist there. Examining live blood from extremely ill patients shows swarming hordes of mutated protits, microorganisms that are stressing the patients’ immune systems. Cleaning the blood of these pathogenic microbes supports the restoration of the immune system in an orderly and rapid fashion.

The State of Your Blood Reflects Your Consciousness

When you’re not feeling well, your blood doesn’t look good either. It’s teeming with microbes, mutating to be pathogenic. Clean up your blood and internal environment, and your health & well being will improve. As you feel better, you attitude also improves: mental health is aligned with physical well being. As thoughts have much power, your healthy thoughts can also support the restoration and maintenance of your body. Many studies have proven that your health is spiritually induced, physically driven, manifesting in the way you feel. The way you think, interact with your environment, drink and eat will directly affect your internal environment. All this is reflected in the blood, and can be seen using this diagnostic technology.

The Lymphatic System

The blood backs onto the lymphatic system – the fluids that bathe all of our tissues – organs, muscles, fat, and carry nutrients in, and toxins out. It plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis of the biological terrain, influencing free radical pathology, in all tissues as well as the blood.

The pH Balance in the Body

When your body’s blood pH changes away from the ideal, it can become an environment for opportunistic microorganisms to grow and flourish. The most important factor for a healthy internal environment and immune system is a balanced pH (acid/alkaline balance) in the bloodstream. The term pH means Potential Hydrogen: the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. On a scale from 0 to 14 (7.0 being neutral), human blood pH is ideally 7.3. Higher numbers indicate alkalinity, lower numbers indicate acidity. When blood’s pH is normal, the living colloid that includes the microbes remains in harmony. When the blood pH shifts out normal range (7.25 to 7.40), the tiny microorganisms must change form to survive.

They can become an aggressive, pathogenic cause of disease, overcoming the body’s immune system. Our diet and (stressful) activities directly affect the pH level of all body fluids, determining the efficiency of our immune system, nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. The proficient functioning of the digestive system is key for our well being. Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine. Let medicine be your food.” Once upon a time, it was that simple. Disease producing organisms thrive in off-balance pH conditions. This explains why some people exposed to certain bacteria and viruses get sick and even die, while others with the same exposure don’t.

pH Controls the Body’s Major Systems and Organs

The body’s pH level is crucial for many bodily functions, therefore it should be one the first issues to address when experiencing symptoms of ill health. Cancer thrives in an oxygen deficient environment, consuming vast amounts of sugar. The body uses minerals in its buffering system, to keep pH in balance and large quantities of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are required for healthy functioning. When pH is out of normal range, disorder and diseases appear: Enzymes that were constructive (catalysts for almost every natural reaction in the body) can become destructive. Mineral assimilation is affected by pH levels. Oxygen delivery to cells suffers as oxygen is not being released into the cells, remaining attached to the red blood cells instead. Insulin use becomes inefficient, causing irregular glucose supplies for fuel to the brain and body. This is crucial for the brain, which cannot store glucose.

Fatty acids begin to stick to the walls of arteries, responsible for our society’s high rate of heart disease. Proper nutrition and activity can help return and keep the body’s pH levels near normal, for health and vitality. The body is an amazing naturally self-correcting system: if you work with it, instead of against it, it is capable of tremendous self healing. Total healing takes place only when, and if, the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. Understanding this concept is essential to understanding diseases such as cancer, and their cures. Due primarily to agricultural soil depletion and over-acidic food consumption, mineral deficiency is a large problem facing most people today. And mineral deficiency relates to the quantity of life energy or, more specifically, electricity, in our bodies.

How Minerals are Responsible for pH Balance

One by-product of the metabolic processes body is carbon dioxide, eliminated in part by breathing. But the lungs cannot remove all of it. Other systems need to help, but often there’s too much acid for the body to eliminate. When the acids are not excreted, they accumulate, and get pushed right into the cells, decreasing the cellular pH. The blood compensates and becomes more alkaline (the blood pH increases), necessary for later removal of acid out of the body. This shows the relationship between the pH of tissues and blood. When the blood is overly alkaline, it becomes saturated with oxygen and holds it, depriving the cells. This cellular oxygen deficiency is the perfect environment for cancer to thrive.

To compensate for the cellular acidic environment, the body begins to displace magnesium, potassium, and sodium, three critical minerals in the body, with the most alkaline element – calcium. When mineral reserves become low, calcium is drawn out of the bones into the blood. Long term acid / alkaline imbalance causes osteoporosis by pulling calcium into the blood, and arthritis, gout, bone spurs etc., by misplacing excess free calcium. Calcium supplements should be take with care, as too much causes other imbalances. With increasing tissue acidosis, the body needs to replace the lost magnesium, potassium, and sodium, and possibly phosphorus, sulphur, boron, zinc and copper, to aid the proper acid breakdown process.

We recommend multiple aspects of life-style changes that are required to address a serious illness such as cancer:

  1. Detoxification (structured water, juice fasting, enemas, liver flushes)
  2. Nutrition and Oxygenation (greens, essential fatty acids, veggies, fruits, antioxidants)
  3. Immune system building (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, mushrooms, greens, juices)
  4. Enzymatic Therapy (pancreatic enzymes, systemic enzymes, free form amino acids, superfoods)
  5. Mental healing, meditation, prayer
  6. Non-toxic natural chemotherapy (ellagic acid, maca, graviola, Pau d’Arco, Essiac tea)
Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2018
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