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- XtraPure Lecithin
XtraPure Lecithin
https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/ex3701-xtrapure-lecithin-3509 https://www.life-enthusiast.com/web/image/product.template/3509/image_1920?unique=057e2dbFrom Organic Sunflower Seeds
- Helps Supercharge Your Brain and Nerves
- Supports Efficient Fat Metabolism (weight loss)
- May Boost Immunity (fight cold/flu)
Powder: 340g/12.0oz |
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Shipping: 2-3 Business Days
XtraPure Lecithin Lubricates Your Brain and Nervous System
Known for being an essential fat that's present in every cell in our body, having a healthy amount of lecithin in our system should not be taken lightly. Often used in medicines to help combat a number of conditions such as high cholesterol, gallbladder disease, anxiety, skin conditions and many more, there's no denying the important role that lecithin plays in our overall health and everyday life.
As a dietary supplement, lecithin can help to increase cognitive functions, promote cardiovascular health, and help with reduction of inflammation.
Why Supplement?
Food processing routinely removes natural Lecithin. Typical diets are now lower in Lecithin than they were in previous decades.
These days, we all lean hard on our liver's ability to manufacture enough Lecithin for every cell and system. Without enough Lecithin, fats will stagnate, clog cells and go rancid, overwhelming our antioxidants with life-destroying free radicals.
Supplementing with XtraPure Lecithin can provide many unrealized benefits such as:
XtraPure Lecithin Supports Longevity and Anti-Aging
- Improve brain function, memory, nerves
- Faster learning and higher IQ
- More creativity and heightened senses
- Beautiful hair and complexion
- Improve physical performance
- Build and maintain a strong heart
- Lower cholesterol and healthy blood pressure
- Optimize athletic speed and endurance
- Reduce joint and muscle pain, relieve tiredness
- Liver health and protection
- Enhance sexual enjoyment
- Strengthen your immune system
- Lessen effects of chemotherapy or environmental toxins
- Support your immune system to "de-cloak" viruses
- Improve your moods - more joyful days.
Essential Fats in XtraPure Lecithin Lubricate Your Brain and Nervous System
Lecithin is essential for life and is crucial for every living cell membrane. It is a multi-nutrient complex created only by living plants. It is made of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), Vitamins, and Minerals.
Lecithin is nature’s universal emulsifier, reducing surface tension so biological systems are able to manipulate fats in conjunction with water. Without enough Lecithin, fats will stagnate, clog cells, and rancidify, overwhelming your antioxidants with life-destroying free-radicals. Lecithin is at the heart of all biological life-energy, assimilation, and cleansing processes. In fact, nature uses Lecithin as an ion transporter at the most intricate core of life itself.
Lecithin is essential for life, and found in every living plant and animal cell. It contains essential fatty acids (EFAs), vitamins and minerals.
- From Lecithin, your brain creates the chemical stuff thought is made of. The more of it you have, the sharper your mind becomes.
- Heart and circulatory problems take one million Americans prematurely each year. Lecithin is your primary cholesterol solvent.
- It is a potent ally for your immune system, and your body’s primary moisturizer and joint lubricant.
- It is THE nutrient for sexual intimacy & reproduction.
- The EFAs in Lecithin help satisfy your body’s hunger with good fats. Harmful fats burden your body and keep piling on unsightly pounds. Lecithin enables efficient fat metabolism, supporting weight loss.
- Without enough Lecithin, fats will stagnate, clog cells, and go rancid, overwhelming your antioxidants with life-destroying free radicals.
Why XtraPure?
It is SuperFood-Grade de-oiled Lecithin derived from organic sunflower seeds. Typical Lecithin products contain 3 to 12 times the oil and water of XtraPure. Superior extraction methods produce 97% pure Lecithin without GMO proteins (that you would get from soy), and virtually free of oil and water which will otherwise quickly damage freshness.
XtraPure is shipped fresh to us in small batches so we are bottling the absolute freshest Lecithin possible. We keep it stored cool. We use special dark-colored oxygen-barrier bottles with full-coverage blackout labels to shield light, then ship the most powerful Lecithin directly to you. Our customers appreciate it’s reliable quality and fresh, rich flavor.
We hope you take the precaution of freezing your order as soon as it arrives. XtraPure is very, very dry, so do not be concerned that freezing is damaging the nutrients. In nature even the most delicate dry seed nutrients will readily support sprouting after a winter’s freeze. Freezing of a dry nutrient is the most friendly process to virtually stop the real problem — rancidization or oxidation.
Food processing companies routinely remove natural Lecithin and discard it.
We now get far less Lecithin and much more bad fat in our diet than in years past. This stresses your liver to produce more Lecithin, reducing it's efficiency. You become fatigued (including your heart), with more obvious signs of Lecithin deprivation.
Our superior extraction methods produce a very high quality lecithin. It's virtually free of oil and water, thus limiting rancidity.
Cellular Health
Healthy cells make a healthier body.
Lecithin is a necessary component of every cell in your body, preventing hardening of cell membranes that are crucial for cellular intake and output.
Healthy cells are necessary for your immune system to resist many diseases that attack damaged cells.
Cardiovascular Health
Lecithin works to prevent - and reverse - damage from heart disease.
Heart and circulatory problems take one million Americans prematurely each year. Lecithin is your primary cholesterol solvent. Preventing cholesterol and other fats from sticking is critical for anyone with a predisposition to heart and cardiovascular diseases.
Lubrication from Lecithin creates a slippery lining, creating difficulty for large, fatty deposits to stick. When fat deposits can't stick, they're transported to your liver to be metabolized and converted to energy. This improved circulation helps prevent blood clots (stroke).
Liver Health
Lecithin works to maintain your liver health, prevent - and repair - liver damage from many conditions, including excess consumption of alcohol or other toxins.
With age, your liver is less efficient at producing and using Lecithin. The signs of Lecithin deprivation then grow more and more obvious.
Brain Health
From Lecithin, your brain creates the chemical stuff thought is made of. The more of it you have, the sharper your mind becomes.
Throughout your life, if you feed your brain what it needs, it has the ability to grow new brain cells and form new neural connections. This ability is called neuroplasticity.
Simply put, your brain can change for the better... at any age!
Whether you're a student struggling to learn, a working professional needing to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your mind, there are ways.
Of course, XtraPure Lecithin needs to be taken regularly, for consistent results.
Lecithin is a fat that is essential to all cells in your body. It is a multi-nutrient complex created only by living plants. It is made of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), Vitamins, and Minerals, found in many foods, including soybeans and egg yolks. You will often see lecithin as a food additive. It is used to keep certain ingredients from separating out.
Lecithin is also used in the manufacturing of medicines.
Prevent AND Recover from Serious Health Conditions
Superior Grade Pure De-Oiled Organic Sunflower Seed Lecithin Powder 11,333 mg per 5 tsp serving - it is OK to take less.
97% Pure Lecithin Phosphatides, less than 1.5% Oil & 1.5% Water, 340 g (12.0 oz) equivalent to 420 liquid capsules of 1200 mg each.
Derived from organic sunflower seeds, contains none of the phytoestrogen compounds, making it non-allergenic for most persons.
Sunflower lecithin is a natural mixture of phospholipids and other compounds derived from sunflower seeds: glycerophospholipids, glycolipids, triglycerides, and free fatty acids. The primary phospholipids present in sunflower lecithin are phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylinositol.
The main phospholipids in lecithin from sunflower are phosphatidylcholine 16%, phosphatidylinositol 16%, phosphatidylethanolamine 5%, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid. They are often abbreviated to PC, PI, PE, PS and PA, respectively.
Directions for Use
Take 3 teaspoons per day in any food or drink. Lecithin mixes well with all foods, improving the mouth-feel of all meals.
Typical Uses:
- Enrich Your Nutritious Shake
- Boost Nutrient Assimilation From Juices
- Stir Into A Cup Of Yogurt
- Creamy Smooth Sauces And Gravies
- Sensational Bread And Baked Goods
- Perfect Addition To Your Pet's Diet
- Sprinkle Onto Your Frying Pan For Fat-Free Cooking
- A Healthy Addition To Hot Or Cold Cereal
- Sprinkle A Spoonful Into Your Bath
Recommended Use
XtraPure Lecithin supports the health of your cardiovascular system, brain, liver, nerves and skin. Helps reduce inflammation and may boost immunity and physical performance. May lessen effects of chemotherapy and environmental toxins.