September 19, 2023 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 464: Cholephage

Improving circulation is important for both arterial and liver health. Good blood flow helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your organs, while waste products are effectively removed. When Ox bile is consumed, it enters the bloodstream to support the body with the break down and elimination of unwanted fats and cholesterol. After riding the body of rancid fats, we need to replace them with healthy fats our body can actually utilize. For optimal results, take with 1/2 teaspoon of Phosphatidyl Choline or 1 teaspoon of XtraPure Lecithin.

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MARTIN: Greetings, everyone. Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast podcast, With me today, Spencer Feldman of Remedy Link. Spencer has been supplying us with out of the range, I don’t know how to best say it but way better than expected products that help with allergic reactions, aging, toxicity, the effects of modern living. Today, Spencer has some new theories of dealing with circulation, and I’m really curious to hear what he’s got to say. Spencer Feldman.

SPENCER: Oh, hey, Martin. How are you?

MARTIN: Awesome.

SPENCER: So, I have an ultrasound machine, and I can look inside my arteries and the arteries of other people. And when I looked inside of my arteries, I saw that there was some plaque in there. More than, forget more than I wanted, it was more than I should have had at my age. And I look at my liver and there’s fat in there. And I eat all organic, I live on top of a mountain. I detox all the time, and still I had this stuff. And it was likely due to taking Accutane, which was now a black box drug given to me for acne when I was a kid and it messed with my liver and caused some problems. But what I had to do now is I had to figure out, well, I don’t want to die of a heart attack. What am I going to do? How do I improve my circulation? How do I clear the fat and the junk out? Well, you know, if you have access to an enhanced external counterpulsation machine, which are these giant machines that pump blood through your arteries and cause your heart to grow new blood vessels, that’s great. And I suggest you do that if you have access to it. But what can we do at home just to clean out the circulation. And so I came up with what I consider three main products I would use, right? This is what I do for myself and what I would suggest someone consider if they have some blocked arteries or they’ve got some heart disease in the family, or they just want to age really gracefully. And I’m able to look in my arteries and my liver and I’m able to see changes. So of course, it’s an N of one. But when you’re that One, that’s what’s important, right? You know, you want to be that one.

MARTIN: Yeah. In my own experiments too. And it’s always, well, I can’t tell you how I would have been had I not done this. But I tell you, I’m better now than I was then, so.

SPENCER: Yeah, So let’s talk about what I think are the top three protocols you can do for your arteries. One of the oldest protocols is actually the injection of phosphatidylcholine and bile into the bloodstream. That dates back, I think over 75 years they were doing it in Germany. And I have a great respect for German medicine because they don’t care if you, alright. In the United States, the way the medical system works is, it doesn’t matter if you hurt someone. It doesn’t matter if you don’t help them at all. As long as you’re doing the standard of care, you’re fine. But if you go off the reservation, if you do something else, even if you’ve completely helped them, you lose your license. And in Germany, it’s the exact opposite thing, right? What matters is the results. Right? So if you help somebody, it doesn’t matter if you did something different, they’re like, okay, what did you do? Let’s learn. Let’s all learn how to do this thing. Right?  So the Germans come up with better medicine. You could say that functional medicine was born in Germany. Or you could also say, I mean, or you could make the argument also for some traditional medicines as well. But modern functional medicine, I think, was born in Germany. So they were giving injections of phosphatidylcholine and bile. 

MARTIN: This would be bile taken from an ox or something, or what?

SPENCER: Exactly. Yeah. Deoxycholate. One of the biles. And so, what they were trying to do is they were trying, they said okay, there’s fat in the liver, there’s fat in the arteries that we want to remove. How do we get it out? Well, what does nature use to remove fats? Well, it uses detergents, it uses soap. What is the soap for fat that the body makes? It’s bile. Right. So when your liver makes bile and puts it into the gallbladder, if you still have one, and then it’s metered dose into your food. It’s there not only to break down your fats, it’s also there to stimulate digestion. It’s also there to kill parasites, but it’ll emulsify fats. And they added the phosphatidylcholine because they said, well, if we’re going to be removing all these fats, we should put some new ones in at the same time. And there’s a product out there called Plaque-X that does that, it’s done by IV. And this has been done for over 75 years with remarkable results. And I said, wow, I really like the idea of flushing my arteries, flushing the fat out of them. And I know that there’s a certain amount of bile that the body absorbs. It’s enterohepatic recirculation, right? So 95% of the bile that a person’s liver makes gets reabsorbed at the end of the small intestine to go back into the liver. And some of that makes it into the circulation and cleans out the circulation.

SPENCER: But for some of us, it’s just not enough. The insults that they’ve taken have been too great. So I said, okay, how do I get bile into the bloodstream? So there’s two ways you can get something into the bloodstream other than, well, all right, so how do you get things in the bloodstream? You can eat something, right? But we already said that bile is 95% absorbed and goes into the liver, so that’s not really going to get into my bloodstream to the degree I want. You can take things by sublingual, but that only works for things in micro doses because you swallow too fast and it just goes away in your saliva. You can take things by nasal spray. You don’t want to put bile up your nose. So that leaves us with suppository and liposomal and I chose to go with the liposomal route. So I made a liposomal bile product for myself. I didn’t add the Phosphatidylcholine to the product because you can take that orally separately. And I wanted to get as much of the bile into the capsule as I could. So I made some for myself and I took some and I felt it go through my bloodstream. I felt all my arteries and blood vessels kind of like warm. It almost felt a little almost hot, like I could feel the heat as it was going and cleaning out and flushing through my bloodstream. So it definitely was getting it into the distal tissue.

SPENCER: So if you want to have that Plaque-x traditional German IV technology without the IV, and there’s actually very few places you can actually do it now. You can get our Cholephage product, which is the name of the product. And then if you want the entire experience, go get some Phosphatidylcholine and take it at the same time. And that’s … some people call that a lipid exchange protocol where they’re just swapping out the fats in your arteries. That’s one thing I think is very useful. And it’s one of the few things I actually take every morning when I wake up in the morning. Now, we already spoke about Albedextrin on a previous podcast. And we already talked about how Cyclodextrins can increase the solubility of cholesterol 150,000 times. So I see these as both working together from different angles at solubilizing this fat in the tissue. I think we spoke about this in the Albedextrin podcast, the way Crisco was invented is they took cheap cottonseed oil and they bubbled it with hydrogen and nickel and they turned it from a liquid into a solid, it turned into a hydrogenated fat. Well, if we have metals in our body and most of us do, we can actually turn our own internal arteries into Crisco. We can hydrogenate our own internal fats, and then we become criscafied, right? So we need the ability to remove this internal Crisco out of the tissue, which is a lot of what plaque is.

SPENCER: So Albedextrin would be the other, what I would say, real game changer. Cyclodextrins which are the ingredients in Albedextrins I believe are, we now have the evidence. We’ve seen the pre and post angiograms, we’ve seen the pre and post bloodwork. What I will say this about Cyclodextrins, if you start taking Cyclodextrins and you’ve got a heavy load of cholesterol, especially in the liver, you might very well see liver enzymes going up for six weeks and then coming back down. That’s simply all of the toxic fat that’s been sitting in the liver for X number of years finally flushing out. And that actually is a good sign. So bile and the cyclodextrins in this case Cholephage and Albedextrin, are what I would look at for the fatty lipid component of the junk that’s building up in the tissue. Okay. But then you also have the calcification. So when you look in the arteries, if you look at them in ultrasound, you can see this line of calcification in the artery in some people. So, that can take place sometimes if blood sugar gets out of control, it can lay down calcium or if you just have poor calcium mineral balance of your body, if you have high calcium and low phosphorus, which a number of us do, or you don’t have enough vitamin D and vitamin K to have the calcium go to the right location, it can end up going into the arteries.

SPENCER: So what you want to do is some kind of chelator. Now chelators, the kind of chelator you do depends on the metal. So if you were to, if you can put up the periodic table of elements and you take a look at the top half, the smaller elements, EDTA is my go to for those things. And that includes things like calcium, which is a metal actually, and aluminum and things like this. And then for the things of the lower half, that’s things like mercury and down, there is a chelator called DOTA as opposed to EDTA. It’s just a larger stretched out version of EDTA so it can grab onto bigger molecules. And so that would be for things like gadolinium and mercury and other things like that. So depending on what metal you’re trying to get rid of, it depends. It’ll tell you what kind of chelator you want to use, because if you use the wrong kind of chelator, you can actually have the toxin that you’re trying to get out, bounce around the body. A small chelator grabbing onto a big metal can grab onto it, move it, but then let go of it again. And now it’s possibly someplace worse. That’s called redistribution syndrome. So when you’re dealing with calcium, then EDTA is the way to go. And you know we have EDTA suppositories, and they’re very strong and it’s our Medicardium product. We also now have an oral form of Medicardium, and it’s a liposomal.

SPENCER: And we use that in two cases. One, there are some people that just can’t take rectal EDTA. EDTA is a salt and it can irritate some. So some people they’re like, hey, I take the EDTA, I just can’t hold it in. Fine. We make it available for you orally. Or the other thing is, if you want to do a maintenance dose, like I don’t need a full suppository of EDTA every day, it’s too much. I don’t need that much. But I know that I am continuously exposed to metals no matter what I do. You drink spring water, okay, well, I’ve got barium in my spring water. Not much, but it’s there. Right? There’s metals everywhere. Right. So the oral Medicardium is really nice in the sense that you could take just one a day. And I do, every morning I take one oral Medicardium. And that’s a good maintenance just for dealing with the stuff that you continuously got in the tissue. And again, it’s also important to take the metals out of the body if that’s what’s hydrogenating the fats causing the plaque and causing that Crisco goo to accumulate in your tissue. Yes, you want to get rid of that Crisco, you want to solubilize it. Yes, you want to get rid of the calcium, but you also want to get rid of the metals that were causing all that in the first place. So those are my three, that’s my kind of golden protocol for circulation. 

MARTIN: So these are actually three products that you have here, right?

SPENCER: Yeah, I think that,

MARTIN: One of them is the Cholephage. 

SPENCER: Right. Which is the Plaque-X, which is what the Germans have been doing for 75 years.

MARTIN: Right. This would be re-solubilizing the cholesterol essentially.

SPENCER: Right. It’s deoxycholic acid bile is one of the things that helps break down fats in the tissue.

MARTIN: Right on. And then you combine it with?

SPENCER: Well, what you would do on your own if you got it, if you wanted the full experience, you would go out and buy some Phosphatidylcholine. The reason I didn’t add it to the capsules is because then I would only be able to put half as much Phosphatidylcholine in the capsule and I wanted to give you as much bile as possible. You can get the Phosphatidylcholine easy. Easy in other places.

MARTIN: Yeah, we have it right here. Well, one way to get it is of course XtraPure Lecithin.

SPENCER: Yes, sure.

MARTIN: Because Lecithin is Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine combined. It’s plenty affordable and it’s easy to work with. Okay, and the third thing?

SPENCER: Right. So I would take a teaspoon of XtraPure Lecithin and every time you took the Cholephage. The second thing would be the Cyclodextrins, right? And although that’s relatively new, it doesn’t have 75 years like the bile. Cyclodextrins have been in the food supply for a long time. We know they’re incredibly safe. But understanding the applications to the human body and in terms of improving health, we’re now right at the cutting edge of finding all the things that cyclodextrins can do. So the Albedextrin product is the second. And the third would be some kind of chelator, and I would say Medicardium is the standard one unless you happen to know you also have a lot of mercury or some of these weird things like thallium or thorium. Or you had an MRI with contrast, then you can do our Captimet product at the same time. And so yeah, something like if you if you were concerned about how your circulation was or just wanted to be proactive, you could do something initially, four Cholephage a day with a tablespoon of Albedextrin and one Medicardium a day, and after you’ve done that for a month or two, you could go down to like 1 or 2 Cholephage, a teaspoon of Albedextrin, and a single Medicardium. And I think if you did that, you would be very pleased with how your circulation system performs for you now and in the future.

MARTIN: Rejuvenated. Hey, how do you relate it back to your earlier work with Rubeplex?

SPENCER: So Rubeplex is another set of amazing protocols together, right? So Rubeplex is a formula that we put together based on what we knew at that point in time as the most effective protocols, which was the protocol of lysine and vitamin C and the protocols using potassium citrate for changing the Zeta potential of the blood. And so that’s also another fantastic thing to add into the mix from a nutritional standpoint.

MARTIN: Yeah, we still make that product, it’s available to the world.

SPENCER: Absolutely. I would add that in too. For sure.

MARTIN: Yeah. Good. Well, that’s short and sweet, but totally appropriate. So if you really look at the statistics, right? Half of the population or half the number of people who die a premature death will be dying of a cardiovascular disease. So with this one protocol, you could be taking yourself off of that list.

SPENCER: Well, you know, I think we’re going to have to redo all those statistics now because what is it, 74% of all new deaths are now vaccine related?

MARTIN: Yeah. Well, I guess speaking of that, right. The plaque and the clotting and the immune destruction, all of those things are changing the statistics, right?

SPENCER: So if you’re concerned with the spike protein, Nattokinase is now known to break down spike proteins. So that’s something that you might also want to consider if you’ve been vaccinated.

MARTIN: Yeah. Well, let’s hope that soon you’re going to develop some kind of an enzyme product that’s going to help us, yeah? Yes. Working on it.

SPENCER: I am. Indeed.

MARTIN: Indeed. Okay, great. So, well, I guess that tells the story. Cardiovascular system will be rejuvenated with the help of bitters. bile, saponification is another word that you may think of. And enzymes.

SPENCER: Yes. So great. That’s the way to go.

MARTIN: Okay, Spencer, so you outlined the protocol quite nicely. So I don’t think I’m going to try and rehash it and do it over. So let’s just call it: “Save yourself and your family from a premature cardiovascular disaster. We all are depending on our hearts and our arteries.”

SPENCER: I would add to that that it doesn’t always end in disaster. For some people, the clogging of their arteries is just very gradual across all of their tissue. And so basically they just end up with a kind of decreased circulation everywhere, which means the nutrition doesn’t get in, the toxins don’t get out. And even if they don’t have a cardiovascular event, they’re just not going to be at the degree of health that they could be when their circulation is fully optimal.

MARTIN: All right. So again, one of those things, if you want to live long and vigorous, you’re going to have to take care of this. All right, Spencer, this has been most educational for me because I was wondering about fatty liver and things of that sort. So, here we are. Okay. Spencer Feldman of Remedy Link and this is Martin Pytela, See you later.


Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff September 19, 2023
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