December 28, 2006 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 004: Exsula Superfoods – Part 2

Let’s dive deeper into the idea of a Superfood. What is a “superfood”? Is it like Superman? How can it improve my life and my health?

Imagine… with proper nutrients that your body could absorb effortlessly, you could boost your immune system into a state of full capacity that it has never reached before. You might never be sick again. Your body might heal itself quicker and your health would be consistent over the years. This is just what all-natural superfood supplements from Exsula Superfoods do.

SuperFoods are essential to ensuring your body is absorbing the nutrients you are giving it and eliminating the toxins that are only going to slow you down. These products really do enable a natural and healthy lifestyle to be possible.

Scott Paton: Welcome back everybody. This is the Life Enthusiast podcast – restoring vitality to you and the planet and I am your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela and Martin you promised everybody last time that you would be telling us more about Superfoods and the Exsula Superfoods products that Life Enthusiast has on their website at

Martin Pytela: Absolutely. I would love to.

Scott Paton: So, can you maybe just for those of us who weren’t here last time, just give us a quick overview of what you mean by Superfoods?

Martin Pytela: Of course, definitely. You know it is comical that you are talking to the company or you are hearing from the company that has invented the term Superfoods. Jevari Oberon was working in 1980s in the food industry as a production engineer and he was suffering from allergies in horrendous ways, and he needed to figure something out that would help him heal that condition, and he was inspired somehow in a metaphysical way to get the formula together that cured his horrendous allergies in merely a eleven days.

Scott Paton: Wow, eleven days.

Martin Pytela: Yes. He suffered for 12 years in such ways that he wanted to just die. I mean this came after a prayer when he was talking to his Creator saying either give me a solution or take me out of here. I want no more. Anyway, Yes, he pulled it… put it together on his kitchen table if you can believe it. That core formula actually cured him in 12 days; that was it. I actually have been an Exsula customer since the 1980s myself and I can say this stuff works. In fact Scott you said that you now… that you have experienced the Excela-50 you are noticing that the fuel actually is working.

Scott Paton: Yes, I am finding I am more energetic. I feel more alive is actually… is really the way, more alert, more alive, more excited, more enthusiastic.

Martin Pytela: Yes. Those are all the classic symptoms of a fellow who is well fed.

Scott Paton: All right. Oh and I find like I am not hungry all the time.

Martin Pytela: Well, because you have good nutrients. Here is an interesting thing, you know the obesity crisis in North America?

Scott Paton: Yes.

Martin Pytela: It is largely caused by our own bodies looking for decent nutrient. Imagine this, you eat a pizza. In that pizza there are some good things in it, the green peppers and maybe some of the tomato is okay, but along for the ride is a whole bunch of cooked, dead food. The refined flour doesn’t add anything other than calories. Cheese, well, that adds a pile of fats, but that is not all that wonderful for your nutrition. Anyway, the point is, your body wants nutrients and says feed me. So, you feed it. You give it a meal and the body tries to digest it, and says there was not enough in it, feed me. So, you give it more and it is a pile of calories with a small amount of nutrients. So, there is no other way out of this other than becoming obese, because the body wants more and it screams for more and instead of nutrients, you are giving it calories. So, what you are doing is the exact opposite. You are giving it extremely dense superfood that has huge amount of nutrients and teeny amount of calories.

Scott Paton: That is amazing isn’t it?

Martin Pytela: Yes. It is revolutionary to a person who has not been introduced to a concept like this. It is very unfortunate, but, oh the food industry, the companies that currently supply our grocery stores, the General Mills and I don’t want to single out anybody, but the folks that stock the shelves in the grocery stores, they are doing it not for your health; they are doing it for their bottom line.

Scott Paton: Yes.

Martin Pytela: And that… there is a… that is a big problem.

Scott Paton: Yes. It really is and you told me in a previous podcast where the healthiest parts of the supermarket is.

Martin Pytela: Oh, yes, right. I mentioned it in a store it is the outside lanes. The produce side on one side and then the meat lane on the other side.

Scott Paton: So, it is going outside the store.

Martin Pytela: Yes. I remember in 19… I think it was 1989-1990, I became an enthusiast of healthy living. I had to… I mean I was crashing. I was 35 and my health was just failing me tremendously. I was in allergies, my back was falling apart, I was a wreck, and I discovered Natural Hygiene, which is a method also known as Fit For Life, which teaches you to eat well and become healthy and there I was, all of us sudden I discovered that anything in a grocery store that is between those two lanes is forbidden territory. It was pretty sad. I mean all these people who make a living making all these wonderful products, farmers who grow the tomatoes that end up in the meat ravioli sauces that are just turned into poison. I mean I feel sad about all that, but we all need to make choices. Everyone of you is a consumer, who votes with his dollars. If you start voting for organic, wholesome, healthy foods, we will have more of that. If you continue to buy low price, low quality goods, you are going to be also getting low energy results. So, Yes, I am sorry to say you have to vote with your dollars and you have to vote for quality. Actually, I want to spend a little more time on that topic. Just recently I was reading an article that showed the cost of the ingredients in drugs, something like the…

Scott Paton: Oh, interesting.

Martin Pytela: Something like the Celebrex or whatever. The monthly bills of pills is $200 and the cost of ingredients in the product itself is under $1 and that is quite typical for the pharmaceutical industry that the cost of the actual ingredients is one half of 1% of the selling price of the product. So, no wonder the pharmaceutical companies can afford all the television advertising that they are flooding our entertainment with. There was another thing that I was noticing that a lot… a large percentage of advertising on television these days is from the pharmaceutical companies. Anyway, so, in general foods, groceries, the proportion of the cost of the ingredients is not so wonderful. I was noticing that in the health foods, it is the same story. Especially, I was upset with seeing what is happening with the network marketing companies. I get pitched at least once or twice a week by another one of our customers who wants me to join them in their network marketing business, whether it is… I am not even going to name any, but all these different businesses and I look at it and I know from what it costs us to make these things, I look at their products and I see that for every $100 of retail price that you will be paying, there is about oh, $10 worth of ingredients at most, and there is a major difference with the superfoods that we make. I just want to point that out. We actually have at least double that in our product. We are paying $20 in ingredients for every $100 of products we sell.

Scott Paton: And do you… I was going to say to Martin that you… the way that you take the ingredients and work with the ingredients is different than the way most people do as well, right?

Martin Pytela: Oh, Yes, totally. Yes, that was quite the experience when I went out shopping for a contract manufacturer. We were hoping that we could when we… as we were scaling up, that we would be able to use a large scale manufacturer to make our products. Ha. We went to the popular and large companies that probably told us, oh, absolutely. We make the green powders for such and such, the network marketing company or such and such. Those green powders for the grocery store brand. So, we said, “Okay, let us do it,” and as soon as we showed it to the production manager, they said, “But, we cannot do this. This is not possible.” So, I am actually now feeling really cocky because I know that nobody can actually copy our product. The quality that we get is not duplicable in an industrial scale process. You have to do it the way we do it. We can scale up, but it is not going to be, oh, Yes, just weigh it in, throw it in a drum, flip a switch, and wait for it to finish. It is not like that. We actually carefully make sure that none of the ingredients are heated over 37 degrees or that would be the 100 degrees Fahrenheit and that….

Scott Paton: Why would that be? Why would you not want to go over a certain temperature?

Martin Pytela: This has to do with enzymes. Enzymes are deactivated when they are overheated. It is the same way what happens to an egg when you are cooking it. You can make a chicken out of an egg as long as you don’t overheat it. Once you have cooked it, there will never be a chicken out of that.

Scott Paton: Once you have boiled the egg, you are never going to get a chicken out of it.

Martin Pytela: No. You kill it and that is what you do with everything that is alive, like carrots or eggs or meat. It comes with enzyme and the enzymes help digest and if you leave it at room temperature, it will start digesting it and it will decay and turn itself back into the dust from which it came, but if you cook it or if you preserve it, it will become indigestible. The nutrients that are in it become locked.

Scott Paton: So one of the principles of healthy eating and living is eating live food.

Martin Pytela: Yes, raw, raw, live food.

Scott Paton: Like raw vegetables and fruits and….

Martin Pytela: Yes, sprouted grains. Yes, that is why there are those two lines in the grocery store, the fresh green fruits and vegetables and uncooked meats. Okay, so, that is the enzymes; that is the part one of the process. Part two is micronization. You need to make the particle of the superfood small enough so that your digestive system can get at most of the ingredients that are locked inside of it, that means grinding it or milling it to a very fine powder and that is actually what generates the heat. So, you need to grind it very slowly so that you don’t overheat it.

Scott Paton: Oh, I see.

Martin Pytela: So, of course the high production, high capacity equipment, they just are looking at the time it takes to get to the end product. They are not looking at the…

Scott Paton: It has got to be done fast.

Martin Pytela: That is right.

Scott Paton: Like everything else in our society.

Martin Pytela: Sure. Production needs to be done fast, so they just flip the switch and put it on high, zing, and there you have it. It is cooked by the time it gets to you.

Scott Paton: Although they would never say it was cooked, would they?

Martin Pytela: Well, they don’t. They just tell you we have wonderful ingredients in our product. That is why reading a simple label doesn’t really give you the answer. You can say, okay, we have alfalfa here, we have kelp here, we have apple fiber here, then you are thinking, okay, product A has those ingredients, products B has those ingredients; they are comparable. But that is not necessarily so. This is almost like saying, well, look at this Mercedes here. It has four wheels and they are 15 or 16 inch tires. Oh, look at here. This other car, oh, Yes, that has got four wheels. Look at them and…

Scott Paton: They have 15 inch tires.

Martin Pytela: Yes. Oh, look, there is an engine. Yes, there is a carburetor or ignition or whatever; there are these pieces. So, the label would say when you list all the ingredients the way they are listed in the way our company or our health food industry is regulated, doesn’t give you a chance to compare.

Scott Paton: Right, but if you get in the car and you step on the gas and it putt, putts[Phonetic] versus you have got a high powered engine makes a big difference.

Martin Pytela: Yes, and that is what makes the Exsula products special and that is why we keep hearing from people saying, “Oh, my gosh. I found you. I have been looking for you for the last six years. I have tried everything. It doesn’t come close. How are you guys doing it?

Scott Paton: Well, and we haven’t really mentioned this either, but it tastes good. Like… I don’t know about anybody else listening or if I am the only one, but I have tried different like greens before and they are awful and I find the Exsula it is just…

Martin Pytela: You can take it with water, right?

Scott Paton: I just take it… I don’t add anything else, but water to it and I go, wow! Like, I can see myself drinking it for the rest of my life, no problem, just based on the taste perspective.

Martin Pytela: Yes. How about this quote from Jevari. ” Exsula premium, quenches your body’s thirst for phytonutrients,” that is plant nutrients, which it simply cannot find in the typical American diet, not even in most of the better foods or supplements that people eat. Your cells are really going to love this stuff.

Scott Paton: I think that is a great quote. It is really appropriate because I know my cells really like this stuff and it is….

Martin Pytela: So, in a way the Excela-50 that you have been testing, that is a product that is the least expensive of all the products we have and it has been the flagship product for us since 1980s. Jevari just recently redesigned it. He said to me, “This is the 2006 version of the Exsula and we call it Exsula Premium and the premium, it costs more than the Excela-50, but it has more in it. One of the things it has in it is a good dose of the probiotics that we talked about in our last podcast.

Scott Paton: Oh, yes.

Martin Pytela: So, of course, we have it available separately as the Strata Flora, but we also have a good portion of it in the premium.

Scott Paton: Interesting. So, people can do either way. They can take it either way then.

Martin Pytela: Well, depending on the level of health that the individual consumer has, they will decide what product from the Exsula line they want. The Excela-50 is a wonderful starter product, just to get introduced, just to understand what it is doing. The premium is for just general, I am not too sick, I want energy person. We have something called EllagiPlex – that is a full renewal, cellular renewal product, that is for people who are concerned about oh, neoplastic growth. I don’t know how else to put it. If you think that you might be getting cancer or you are under the threat or you already have been told you have it, EllagiPlex is a phenomenal tool to help sweep out all of the cells that are not functioning correctly.

Scott Paton: Wow. We got to spend a little bit… we are running out of time with this podcast. We got to spend a little bit of time talking about….

Martin Pytela: I think we should talk about that the next time.

Scott Paton: Okay.

Martin Pytela: And further, we have something called Iridesca, a product that has two hundred ingredients. Your typical superblends are 20 to 30, maybe 40 ingredients. This one has 200. The complexity of it is sort of like going from a car to a supersonic jet and the effect sort of like that too, but we cannot have beginners taking that product because if anybody who has not taken a superfood for some time tries to step into that, it is overwhelming. I have had people calling me back saying my blood pressure is going up, I cannot sleep, what is going on? I am saying you are pushing your body too hard with too many nutrients. You cannot do this. You have to start as a beginner and the same thing, before you can run you have to walk, before you can walk, you have to crawl; so, start with a simple one and then graduate to the top of the line.

Scott Paton: That makes total sense Martin. All right. So, we are going to talk about some more these products in our next podcast coming up probably next week and I am really excited about this. You have got me pumped because I am already seeing changes and I am beginning to get a better idea of the overall picture with these superfoods Martin and it is very exciting.

Martin Pytela: Oh, hey, I have been excited for years. It is… my biggest frustration is that it is hard for me to explain to people the magnitude of the difference without them actually experiencing it physically.

Scott Paton: Yes, they really need to experience it. All right, well, if you have enjoyed this podcast, want to leave a comment or you have a question for Martin, you can hand over to; that is our podcast page. We would really appreciate it if you would leave a comment, let us know what you think. If you have got any questions, we will certainly address those in future podcasts and if you are looking for any of these superfoods, head over to There is tons of information, lots of technical information if you are that way inclined, lots of descriptions of what is in a lot of the products, how they can help you, and in particular, with the Superfoods, the Exsula Superfoods. Until next time this is Scott Paton and Martin Pytela restoring vitality to you and the planet. Goodbye everybody.

Martin Pytela: Goodbye.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff December 28, 2006
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