Directions for Use
In order for good bacteria to be able to kill or suppress bad bacteria, stool pH must be 6.8 or below (6.5 optimal). Use pH paper to test your stool pH.
Press the paper to a damp part of the stool. If the stool is dry, split the stool and sample from the center. If feces sticks to the paper, brush it off with paper towel. pH paper must show dampness to read. Choose the darkest color that appears and check against color code. Dark blue is 8 or more.
- Check stool pH with 6-8 pH paper (0.2 increments).
- If the pH is above 6.6, continue using Phylamet.
- Take 1 capsule on an empty stomach
- Take more if your progress is too slow
Dosage to support acid stool pH:
After one week of Pokegeshi, take 1 capsule once a day for three days.
Once pH reaches 6.5 or lower, find minimum frequency that maintains proper stool pH.
Proper stool pH does not guarantee proper SCFA levels so once your stool pH is correct, if Phylamet still makes you feel better, you may wish to continue as needed.
Don’t be alarmed if you see worms in your stool. IF you see worms, consider our parasite protocol.
If pH does not shift to below 6.5 try this Stool Acidifying Protocol:
To lower stool pH several things must take place.
- Transit time must be 1 day. Measure this by taking 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyl and see how long it takes for stool to turn green. Red Beets are also a good color marker. Slow transit time is improved by less time sitting and more time walking.
- Fiber must be in the diet. Consider
Consider Apple Fiber, Strata Flora and possibly 1-2 capsules of Panaceum per meal.
- The distal colon can’t be making ammonia. This is indicated by very high pH. Usually over 7.2. To lower stool ammonia and pH, lower meat consumption (at least temporarily) and use Phylamet up to 4 capsules, but if you get sore kidneys, that is too strong for you.
- Low lactic acid. Consider using Lactimet
- Low SCFAs, consider supplementing with Lactobacillus bifidus.
Drink 2 glasses of water with each capsule.
You must be hydrated when using Phylamet.
Recommended Use
Supports a healthy microbiome. Comfortable and thorough digestion enables overall well being with less or no pain.