Arterial Health
Humans are one of the few species that do not synthesize vitamin C. We are also one of the few species that develop plaque in the arteries. The plaque is stimulated by oxysterols (oxidized cholesterol). In a young body, Apolipoprotein A and lysosomes work together to keep plaque from accumulating. With age, we have less Apolipoprotein A and more of the B variety (which makes plaque worse) and our lysosomes are less able to detoxify oxysterols. Cyclodextrins may support the body in a healthy response to oxysterols and support lysosomes.
Brain Health
Most neurological disorders are now known to be caused by prion like particles. Prions are misfolded proteins that misfold other proteins. When we are young, our lysosomes are better able to digest these folded proteins, but with age, they can accumulate in a chain reaction which can cause all sorts of issues with nerve function, mood balance and movement control. Cyclodextrins may support a healthy response to prions and prion like particles.
Lipid Exchange
Over 70 years ago German doctors found that when patients were injected with phosphatidylcholine, a lipid found in healthy cell membranes, liver, kidneys, lungs, nerves, brain, eyes and the cardiovascular system, all began to regenerate. This is because we as we age, the phospholipids in our cell membranes go rancid and when we give the body fresh unoxidized phospholipids, the membranes can repair themselves. Alpha cyclodextrins may support flushing of rancid/oxidized phospholipids from cell membranes.
Intermittent Fasting
Many benefits, specifically cleaning out and regenerating of lysosomes. Cyclodextrins may support many of the same systems as intermittent fasting.