Indium was named after Indigo as it emits light on the violet end of the spectrum. It is used in producing blue-violet LED lights and solar panels.
Indium is taken to enhance food and mineral absorption by the body and to help correct mineral deficiencies.
Most users experience increased energy, reduced need for sleep, a sense of well being. Long-term benefits include a gradual correction of many chronic illnesses likely through the regulatory effect on the HPA (endocrine) system. You may expect improved blood circulation, optimal body weight, and a reduction in the signs of aging.
Dr. Robert Lyons states in his book about Indium, "Let Indium turn back your biological clock. Researchers believe that Indium may help you look and feel years - even decades - younger." He writes that Indium users report a burst of youthful benefits including more energy, enhanced senses of smell and taste, weight loss, more restorative and rejuvenating sleep, improvements in skin and hair tone and color, increased libido, and better moods.
Indium appears to have age-related benefits, including improving memory, increasing libido, keeping weight stable and regulating blood sugar levels by helping to improve the absorption of essential trace elements - such as copper, manganese, and chromium, copper and zinc - in the body, thereby allowing them to perform their functions more efficiently.
Dr. Henry Schroeder, author of "The Trace Elements and Man", found in his early studies that Indium supplementation increased the utilization of trace elements by 142%.
"Just a few drops of it a day," according to one researcher, "produces a cascade of hormones we enjoy when we're in our 20s." Indium has marked anti-aging properties, and assists in converting creatine to ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, our cells' fuel.