A universal antioxidant, Hydrogen supplies your body with abundant free electrons. Symptoms of aging are caused by a deficiency in available electrons. Hydrogen supplementation may help prevent and reverse symptoms of aging. Helps eliminate disease-causing free radicals. Antioxidants kill free radicals that cause mutated cell growth (tumors). Free radicals are caused by insufficient nutrition and detoxification. Stress and exposure to environmental pollutants. When your lifestyle produces more free radicals than your antioxidants can get rid of, you age. And you become a favorable environment for painful, degenerative diseases. Hydrogen supplementation is excellent for athletes and people with age-related health conditions. May boost your physical and mental energy. Helps increase your stamina and reduce pain from inflammation. May improve your memory, hearing and vision. Helps fight the negative effects of alcohol and stress. Take a look at our Blogs about Hydrogen. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

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