Silver is a centuries-old way to wipe out bacterial, viral and fungal invaders. It suffocates single-cell organisms. Deprives them of oxygen so they die. The use of Silver was widespread until World War II. Antibiotics then became the standard treatment for infections. But because of overuse, many pathogens have become resistant to antibiotics. Bacteria cannot become resistant to Colloidal Ionic Silver. But it DOES kill some good healthy bacteria in your digestive system. Please take Probiotics to re-balance. Colloidal Ionic Silver Silver promotes more rapid healing, with less scar tissue. Even in the case of severe burns. It helps boost your immune system, by lightening its load. Kills invading germs. Older people report feeling younger because their declining energies are diverted to health processes. Not fighting disease. Take a look at our Blogs about Silver. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.