Systemic means body-wide, and that is where these enzymes work. They enable proper functioning of your natural inflammatory response. It works to repair injuries and fight disease. Not causing run-away inflammation and pain. Excess inflammation can be deadly. Arteries swell-up and blood does not flow easily. Your heart and circulation suffer. Deadly and debilitating blood clots can form. Joints become painful to move. Thousands of Systemic Enzymes work outside your digestive system. Adequate amounts allow your blood to flow free without life-threatening clots. Help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Your heart and circulatory system function easily. Helps reduce joint pain by softening hardened tissues. Scar tissue and fibroids get torn down. Increases flexibility and mobility. Athletes may train harder and recover faster. Systemic Enzymes help speed recovery from injury AND surgery. Adequate levels of enzymes are essential to maintain energetic health. They’re critical to activate every process that powers your body. In your late 20s, your body runs out of enzyme reserves. Supplementation is important to replenish and enjoy youthful performance. Take a look at our Blogs about Enzymes. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

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