Schuessler Tissue Salts
Tissue Salt Therapy
Tissue salt therapy was devised in the nineteenth century by W. H. Schuessler, a medical doctor and homeopath. Schuessler believed that health is the body’s natural state and that the body can heal itself by restoring an underlying imbalance. Schuessler discovered that diseases were accompanied by biochemical imbalances of twelve vital mineral compounds. He developed twelve remedies which he called salts-meaning compounds-that can correct imbalances at the cellular level and successfully treat the illness. Treatment with tissue salts is based on the understanding that minerals are essential to the body, regulating the metabolism of all the organs, tissues and cells.
The assimilation and regulation of nutrients are dependent upon the proper ratios of each tissue salt. When these vital tissue salts are in the correct ratio or concentration, the body is healthy. As soon as the tissue salts ratio is disturbed, normal cell function is impaired, resulting in illness. Schuessler analyzed human blood and tissues and found the most essential minerals to be calcium, chlorine, fluorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silica, sodium and sulfur. The twelve naturally occurring tissue salts are made up of combinations of these minerals.
Tissue salt therapy restores health by using specially prepared doses of these minerals to regulate the assimilation and distribution of mineral salts in the tissues. By diluting and grinding the minerals in precise proportions, tissue salts can correct deficiencies and redistribute resulting mineral excesses.
For example, the tissue salt Nat mur (sodium chloride or table salt) can redistribute body fluids, and is used to correct water imbalances-either excess dryness or water retention. Calc phos (calcium phosphate) and Calc fluor (calcium fluoride) are tissue salts that can restore the health of weak bones. To differentiate the mineral preparations suitable for naturopathic use from the non-medicinal compounds, Latin names are used.
Although tissue salt therapy is not the same as homeopathic treatment, the tissue salts are prepared similarly to homeopathic remedies. Tissue salts are normally sold as a 6x strength. This potency is prepared by mixing one part mineral compound to nine parts milk sugar-the mixture is then ground very thoroughly. One part of this ground substance is again mixed with nine parts milk sugar and ground thoroughly. This process is repeated six times for a 6x dosage. More rarely, tissue salts appear in a dosage of 12x, where the process has been repeated twelve times.
The twelve tissue salts are gentle and completely safe for home use. They are also simple to use. Examine the symptoms experienced during an illness and choose one or more of the tissue salts to use. Familiarize yourself with each of the twelve remedies and the symptoms of illness for which each remedy is appropriate. According to Schuessler, different tissue salt imbalances produce very distinct symptoms. Healing occurs when the correct tissue salt is provided to the body and the imbalance is corrected. Symptoms of importance include the type of pain, the color and consistency of discharge or mucus, and any other descriptive signs of a disorder.
The dosage is four tablets of tissue salts for an adult and two for a child. For infants, the tablets may be dissolved in some water. If you desire a stronger effect, administer the tablets more frequently. The intervals of dosage for each condition of concern are provided in the A-Z Conditions section of the encyclopedia. As a general rule, the tissue salts may be repeated every half hour for immediate relief if the complaint is acute or particularly problematic. If necessary, they may be repeated every ten or fifteen minutes. Once the acute stage has passed, reduce the dosage to three times daily until the condition has disappeared.
With chronic, long-term or lingering ailments, take four tablets three times daily. Stop when the discomfort has disappeared. Tissue salts are remedies that should not be taken on an ongoing basis for any problem. If the discomfort needs long-term repetition of a dosage, discontinue use and seek possible sources for this problem in your diet or lifestyle. Tissue salts do not prevent conditions and should not be used as nutritional supplements.
Changing Tissue Salts
If more than one tissue salt seems appropriate, alternate each remedy in the dosages suggested above.
If symptoms change, you may find the original choice of remedy inappropriate and no longer effective. You must replace the remedy with one that better suits the symptoms apparent at the time.
Administration and Storage
Tablets should be placed under the tongue for optimal effect, since they are best absorbed through the mucous membranes. The mouth should be free of food or drink, and nothing else should be taken orally for fifteen minutes before and after administration of the remedy. When storing the containers, they should be kept dry, tightly closed and away from heat and strong aromas. Tissue salts are compatible with other medicines, but it may be preferable to use the tissue salts alone to better monitor their effects. Another medicine that is administered with tissue salts may affect the symptoms and make it difficult to determine the action of the tissue salts.
The Twelve Tissue Salts
Calc. Fluor.- No. 1
Calcium fluoride is particularly abundant in the bones and teeth, blood vessel walls, muscles and connective tissue. This tissue salt strengthens weak, brittle bones and poor teeth enamel, and may heal bony outgrowths such as heel spurs. Calc fluor is also widely used to restore tissue elasticity when it is lax or overly stiff. It is recommended for skin cracks and fissures, and when the skin becomes thick and hard. It may help hernia pains and strained or hardened tendons. Calc fluor can help hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Wet weather may make symptoms worse, while warmth and massage can improve symptoms.
Calc. Phos.- No. 2
Calc phos is important for the skeletal system, teeth and connective tissues. As a mineral compound, calcium phosphate constitutes over half of your bone structure. As a tissue salt, it is naturally helpful in healing fractures, for conditions relating to the digestive tract and for coldness and numbness from poor circulation. Calc phos is often beneficial for anemia as well as for poor growth and development in children. It can promote the development of teeth and help with teething problems or decaying teeth. It can also be used to speed recovery when convalescence from illness is delayed. Pains related to Calc phos tend to be worse at night.
Calc. Sulph.- No. 3
Calc sulph is a blood purifier that is often useful with acne, abscesses, ulcers and wounds that have become infected. Calc sulph closes and clears up an infection. This remedy is indicated for infections that are slow to heal, and when the discharges are yellow, thick and possibly bloody. Calc sulph can prevent an oncoming cold or sore throat.
Ferr. Phos.- No. 4
Consider this tissue salt in the first stage of any inflammation where the skin or mucous membrane is red, painful and swollen. Ferr phos can relieve fevers, especially where the skin is hot and dry and the cheeks flushed. Typically, there will be thirst. The head may be congested and throbbing. Ferr phos is indicated with painful sore throats, laryngitis, earaches and similar inflammatory conditions in the beginning stages. It is also useful immediately following an injury to help stop the blood flow if there is bleeding, or to reduce swelling, heat, redness and pain. With sprains or strains, the pains are worsened by movement; elevate the limb and apply a cold compress. Ferr phos is an oxygen supplier to the cells, so it is useful for anemic conditions, particularly when they occur as a result of heavy bleeding.
Kali. Mur.- No. 5
Kali mur should be considered with weak and sluggish conditions. It acts as a blood purifier when infections discharge a thick, white or gray substance. It is useful in skin eruptions and also in infections after the initial inflammatory stage. In injuries where swelling occurs, use Kali mur during the initial swelling phase. Kali mur is useful for infections such as tonsillitis, head colds and earaches when the swelling is marked. With infectious bronchitis, the phlegm is thick and may cause rattling and wheezing. Poor digestion, when it develops after eating rich or fatty foods, also benefits from Kali mur. The tongue is typically coated white and the stools may be lighter in color, indicating sluggishness of the liver.
Kali. Phos.- No. 6
This tissue salt is particularly suited to conditions relating to the nerves. It is beneficial for anxiety and nervousness, for irritability from frayed nerves, or for poor memory, typically accompanied by fatigue. Kali phos will relieve insomnia, asthma, headaches and indigestion if they are triggered by a temporary attack of nervous tension. This tissue salt is also useful for treating physical conditions relating to the nerves, including shingles and skin conditions where there is itching and a crawling feeling. Nerve pains or spasms, and cramps not relieved by Mag phos, are often helped by Kali phos.
Kali. Sulph.- No. 7
Kali sulph helps with conditions of the skin and mucous membranes. These skin conditions typically develop a discharge which is yellow and sticky or watery, common in the later stages of an infection. The tongue may be covered with a slimy, yellow coating. Crusty or scaling skin problems also benefit from this remedy. Diarrhea and sinus infections past the initial stages with a slimy, yellow quality are typical uses for Kali sulph. Digestive complaints and colic with gas or shifting pains may be helped by this tissue salt. Typically, the conditions are better in cool, open air, and worse in warm, stuffy rooms. Kali sulph is a remedy for cramps not relieved by Mag phos, especially when some of the above symptoms are also present.
Mag. Phos.- No. 8
Mag phos is the chief tissue salt to consider for cramps and spasms in the muscles or nerves. Nerve pains are typically sharp and may shoot along the nerve. This tissue salt quickly relieves cramping pains and colic that are improved by warmth, pressure and doubling over. Cold drafts and cold water tend to worsen the condition. Tension headaches and fitful, spasmodic coughs often benefit from Mag phos. In the acute stages, this tissue salt acts more quickly when taken dissolved in some hot water.
Nat. Mur.- No. 9
This tissue salt’s main function is to properly distribute body fluids. If excess dryness or water retention occurs, this indicates a need for Nat mur. Water-filled blisters, insect bites, hives that itch, and dry eczema are skin conditions this tissue salt often heals. Colds and hay fevers with watery mucus and sneezing, usually accompanied by a loss of smell and taste, also indicate Nat mur. Other problems helped by this tissue salt are constipation, digestive complaints, and headaches that are worse in the morning and from the sun. Often a craving for salt develops, and the spirits tend to be low. Sometimes, there is an associated feeling of hopelessness.
Nat. Phos.- No. 10
Nat phos is an acid-neutralizing tissue salt. It is useful for an acidic stomach which causes nausea, gas, sour belching or a thick, white coating on the tongue. Nat phos is a useful remedy for morning sickness or motion sickness, when the vomiting is sour. Since overacidity is also the source of many arthritic complaints (including gout), Nat phos is often helpful. This tissue salt also regulates bile production, and can be used for jaundice, gall-bladder colic and indigestion from rich or fatty foods.
Nat. Sulph.- No. 11
Nat sulph regulates the distribution of water and the flow of bile. This tissue salt is beneficial for the liver, pancreas, intestines and kidneys. Jaundice, bitter belching and dark-colored, greenish stools and diarrhea all suggest a need for this tissue salt. The coating on the tongue is typically greenish brown. Nat sulph is often beneficial for flus and colds and is another remedy for morning sickness, when there is a bitter taste in the mouth. In the respiratory system, this tissue salt should be considered for asthma brought on by humidity. The effects of head injuries may be remedied by Nat sulph.
Silicea – No. 12
Silicea is well known as a tissue salt to ripen infections and eliminate them through the surface. It acts as a blood cleanser and is useful in abscesses, tonsillitis, sties and other infections to promote the formation of pus when an outlet is available. The tissue salt Silicea supports the bone structure and connective tissues. When it is lacking, the nails, hair and bones may become weak. Weakness and poor stamina may be evident in other parts of the body, so this tissue salt should be considered if these problems fail to resolve and if injuries heal poorly. It can also be used for absent-mindedness and weak memory. Consider Silicea for neuralgia when Mag phos fails. Excessive or suppressed perspiration can also be restored to normal with this tissue salt.