November 13, 2018 by
Kelli de Sante

SBOs and Immune System

Degenerative and Autoimmune Diseases Are on the Rise

Crohn’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoimmune Cardiomyopathy, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Autoimmune Pancreatitis, Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis, Celiac Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Graves Disease, Guillain-Barr Syndrome, Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Psoriasis, Ulcerative Colitis.

All these disorders have one thing in common: the immune system becomes severely compromised and no longer functions properly. Informed observers know that severe immune dysfunction is caused by compromised digestion and elimination. And this is from the lack of probiotic type, beneficial gut bacteria. At the turn of the 20th century, Nobel laureate Elias Metchnikoff, PhD discovered many immune system components, and he saw the direct correlation between health, longevity, and the proper balance of beneficial microorganisms in the body. Have you noticed the renewed interest in microbes, probably due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are invading hospitals, wreaking infectious havoc? Medical researchers are again looking at Dr. Metchnikoff’s findings and refocusing their attention on the critical importance of probiotics in your gut and the whole human body.

“When soil-based organisms are ingested and deposited in the human gut, the principals remain the same as in the soil of a garden,” says William Bryce, M.D., “except that the more complicated environment provides greater opportunity for influence within a living organism and the processes therein. Mammals are wrapped around their own organic garden (the gastrointestinal tract) and carry it with them.” Dr. Bryce states, “Just as SBOs destroy molds, yeasts, fungi, and viruses in the soil of the organic garden, they perform the same with pathological organisms present in the gut, which greatly augments the body’s immune system.”

Probiotic Characteristics of Soil-Based Organisms

The term Probiotic comes from Greek words meaning “for life,” and refers to organisms such as the bacteria which contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. The word, Probiotics, when used for descriptive purposes, covers all of those favorably disposed, healthy microorganisms such as the ones found in yogurt, kefir, sour milk, cheese, acidophilus milk, etc. They make up the major portion of the intestinal flora in a healthy person.

The word flora, as in “gut flora”, means “plants”, and Probiotics are microbial plants growing within the digestive system. Their soil is the gut mucosa with a mildly acid pH from 5.0 to 6.9. If the mucosal soil’s pH turns alkaline, illness sets in to produce broad syndromes that include leaky gut, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, or some dysbiosis that trigger serious gastrointestinal discomfort and immune system complications. Soil-based organisms work together to restore the optimal digestive system terrain.

Immune System Dysfunctions

Up to about 1950s, the American agricultural system raised fruits and vegetables in soil exceedingly rich in bacteria and other organisms. After World War II, these soil-based organisms were dramatically reduced as a result of chemical farming and pesticide use by industrial agricultural practices. In their quest to reduce unwanted disease-causing pathogens, agribusiness sterilized the soil and water (chlorination), and ended up eliminating the beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones. They started feeding antibiotics, hormones, and other drugs to chickens and cattle in a level so high that the European Common Market now refuses to import animal products from American farms.

As the resulting soil and water sterilization gets worse over the years, the beneficial bacteria in Americans’ bodies are decreasing correspondingly. We should have a balance of 85 percent “good” bacteria to 15 percent “bad” ones in the intestinal tract. But today most of us have the reverse ratio resulting in the epidemic increase in chronic and degenerative diseases country wide. Overly sterile lifestyles among Western industrialized countries contribute greatly to critical gastrointestinal disruptions. Antibiotics, overabundant stress, excess sugar and alcohol, HFCS enriched or aspartame sweetened carbonated beverages, over-the-counter and prescription drugs affect the acid/alkaline balance of the intestinal tract, supporting the pathogenic microbes and the resulting dysbiosis.

Nutritional researchers now are convinced that as much as 90 percent of known systemic diseases are likely caused or at least made worse by gastrointestinal imbalance. Examples are allergies, chronic candidiasis, food sensitivities, asthma, hormonal dysfunction, intestinal gas and bloating, many skin diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many more.

When toxins are dispersed through the blood stream and then into the cells, you end up with “intestinal toxemia”, poisoning of your whole body caused by the harmful gut bacteria. “It is now universally conceded that autointoxication is the underlying cause of an exceptionally large group of symptom complexes,” said H.H. Boeker, D.C., as far back as 1928. Can you believe it? The doctors could see it back in 1928, and yet, they can’t get it into the mainstream thinking: chronic illness begins in the gut! The immune-stimulating transient food- and soil-borne microorganisms are the critical missing elements necessary to address this problem of intestinal toxemia. Let me say in it plain English: good bugs in your gut equal good health.

Functions and Actions of the Encapsulated SBOs

Let’s review the actions of soil-based organisms in the human body:

1) SBOs Create a Healthy Colon Environment – They flush pathogens (including parasites) out of your body.

The SBOs establish colonies in the entire digestive system, starting in the esophagus and ending in the colon, by attaching themselves to the walls of these organs. Burrowing behind the “putrefaction” which lines the intestinal walls, they eat and destroy the unfriendly bacteria living there. The decay is then dislodged and flushed out of the body in the normal evacuation process. You pass the garbage that would otherwise poison you.

The live beneficial bacteria gain upper hand over the harmful bacteria, recreating the proper chemical environment that blocks yeast and other microbes from overrunning the GI tract. What’s even more amazing, protozoa, worms, and other parasites get confronted and eliminated by the aggressive action of the SBOs, both within the intestines and throughout other organs and tissues. Candida albicans, Monilia, Listeria, yeast, and mold become obliterated.

2) SBOs Free Up Your Mucosal Villi, improve absorption of nutrients and produce and then regulate vitamin metabolism.

Putrefaction of undigested foods is coating the small intestinal villi that are responsible for the absorption of nutrients. When this leather-like substance is removed, these small hair-size mucosal extensions are freed to finally perform their job properly. With SBOs in your daily regime you can expect a mucosal absorption increase averaging 50 percent.

The SBOs break down food into its most basic elements to allow almost total absorption of nutrients. The 72 trace minerals and another dozen micronutrients used in a good product will furnish “biological data” needed to provide an “absorption pattern” which shows the body how to once again get nutrients from foods consumed.

Among other nutrition scientists, medical biochemist Peter R. Rothschild, MD, Ph.D., believes that most mineral deficits are caused by chronic gut absorption difficulties and not from the lack of minerals. Your mineral supplement will be absorbed through the mucosa and act as biological response modifiers, strengthening your immune system.

3) SBOs Pool New RNA/DNA in the Cells – They facilitate cellular repair and restore homeostatic cell function by producing DNA/RNA.

Working in a symbiotic relationship with somatic cells, soil-based organisms metabolize proteins necessary for cell growth and repair. They rebalance cellular chemistry and rid it of waste products. SBOs produce a wide array of DNA with the corresponding RNA. DNA carries instructions for activating self-repair by creating a pool of extra DNA/RNA immediately available when wanted, accelerating healing of wounds including skin burns, surgical incisions, and infections. The SBOs also provide gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid responsible for crucial hormone production. Without it, the endocrine system cannot function, Your body doesn’t synthesize GLA, it must extract it from foods.

4) SBOs Quench Free Radicals – They produce a powerful antioxidant, superoxide dysmutase (SOD).

Unextinguished free radicals attack all physiological molecules, causing aging, cancer and other tissue damage. SOD, working enzymatically, is the first-line defense against free radicals before they can cause organ damage. It’s found in only very few foods, and assimilation and retention of SOD difficult.

Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that SOD dramatically reduces tissue damage in the heart following a coronary thrombosis as well as alleviating destructive changes in the intestines, pancreas, kidneys, and skin. The SOD enzymatic activity increases efficiency of energy within the organelles of cells, thereby allowing them to concentrate on nourishment and self-repair. SOD is created as a byproduct of the SBOs’ metabolism.

5) SBOs Stimulate Alpha Interferon Production, a key immune system regulator.

The great virus-fighting ability of alpha interferon has long been known by the scientific community. Research documents over fifty of its immune-regulating effects. Alpha interferon has been synthesized and used for a variety of illnesses, notably cancer and AIDS, but the recombinant-derived version is extremely costly, inefficient, and offers many adverse side effects for humans.

Performing research studies on soil-based organisms at the State Academy of Medicine in Apodaca, Mexico, Dr. Peter Rothschild and his coworkers report that SBOs “when consumed at the recommended servings, stimulate the body’s endogenous alpha interferon production. The product itself does not contain any alpha interferon but comprises a singularly efficient set of nutrients that seem to increase specifically and most effectively the body’s natural alpha interferon production.”

Working on human immunopathic patients, the research team demonstrated that the human body requires extremely small daily quantities of alpha interferon to maintain a lively and effective immune response. In adults, the namalwa cells, those lymphoblastoid cells that serve as cradles or holding pens for T-lymphocytes (types of white blood cells) derived from the thymus gland, produce just 200 nanograms (ngm), a homeopathic dosage of fresh alpha interferon daily.

According to Dr. Rothschild, this tiny bit of therapeutic substance produced by the soil-based organisms is an effective neutralizer of the toxic effects of pathogenic viruses that cause herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.

6) SBOs Produce Un-programmed Antibodies – They produce a protein the immune system reacts to as an antigen (foreign substance), stimulating the formation of a large number of the B-lymphocytes (other types of white blood cells) which, in turn, spawn un-coded antibodies.

According to Dr. Rothschild’s studies, the antibodies produced are “non-addressed,” meaning they’ve not been preprogrammed to attack any specific pathogen but are freely available to travel where and when needed. Since by their action, SBOs replace spent antibodies depleted through aging, drug use, and living a poor lifestyle, people taking them won’t be antibody-depleted.

Dr. Rothschild explains, “The beauty of it all is that this huge reservoir of extra antibodies is always on hand for the immune system to utilize as long as the individual is ingesting the SBOs regularly. Without them, this reservoir of extra antibodies is completely unavailable. Thus, by ingesting soil-based organisms on a regular basis the effectiveness of one’s immune system becomes vastly enhanced.” With supplemental SBOs you will stay free of viruses and other infections, and have fewer colds and illnesses.

SBOs Stimulate the Production of Human Lactoferrin

Dr. Rothschild advises that most people do not exhibit a lack of iron but rather the inability to absorb it. “Iron that is used today to complement foods has a very low bio-accessibility rate. Only about 7 percent is absorbed by the GI tract and an even lesser percentage is actually assimilated by the organs that require it. In a useless effort to compensate for this shortcoming, persistently excessive amounts of iron are added to food in general. The iron then remains unassimilated and supports infectious bacterial and viral growth in the entire individual.”

Present in the soil-based organisms themselves is a certain substance that stimulates the formation of human lactoferrin, a member of the family of iron-binding proteins. As affirmed by Dr. Rothschild, lactoferrin protein is found in the specific granules of neutrophils where it exerts an antimicrobial activity by withholding iron from ingested bacteria and fungi. For this reason soil-based organisms exhibit characteristics akin to fungicides, virucides, bactericides, and parasiticides.

“Iron carried by lactoferrin is extremely bio-accessible-greater than 95 percent-yet it will not be delivered to noxious microbes. Lactoferrin is identified by specific receptors and delivers iron to the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Iron is released only at the point of recognition and does, therefore, not become available for any other microorganism that may abound in the intestinal tract,” concludes Dr. Rothschild.

Lactoferrin derived from bovine sources is sold today as a nutritional supplement, but it has almost no binding power to pathological microbes and thus does hardly anything to kill them. Human lactoferrin is less allergenic and less toxic than a foreign protein such as bovine lactoferrin and will be preferred for all human applications over bovine lactoferrin. The one company that had been manufacturing recombinant human lactoferrin, Agennix, Inc. of Houston, Texas, has gone out of business. It seems that soil-based organisms are the only supplemental source of human-derived lactoferrin.

Author: Kelli de Sante
Kelli de Sante November 13, 2018
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