November 13, 2018 by
Jevari Oberon

SBO Probiotics by Jevari Oberon

15 Terrific New Friends

While many people are now familiar with the healthy attributes of acidophilus yogurt, the concept of beneficial Soil-Based Organisms is only just now becoming known outside of ground-breaking clinical settings, but their reality as a positive element of human biology has been around since the first human ate root foods. And that is the point. These valuable organisms were a regular part of the human diet up until the past few decades. Since the 1940s they have been virtually exterminated from our farm soils and our foods.

Here is how it used to work:

Living organisms in the soil, helped dissolve coarse minerals in the soil, into a micronized form that plant roots could absorb. The soil was full of reduced minerals and living organisms which produced plants rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. You could pull a vitamin and mineral-rich carrot, bursting with phytonutrients, right from your own live-soil, organic garden. You’d swish the carrot around in a bucket of water to remove the dirt. You’d shake off the water and chomp to your heart’s content. You probably didn’t realize it, but in addition to the carrot, you were getting something very precious indeed – you were getting dozens of types of beneficial microorganisms directly from the soil! These are like those that make natural sauerkraut.

The most important function of these beneficial strains is their ability to crowd-out undesirable bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites from your own “root system” – your intestine. We have selected 15 of the most useful strains of SBOs. Whereas the good bacteria help release nutrients and create unique, valuable nutrient forms and immune factors, the bad bacteria and parasites eat your food and turn it into poison right within your own system. (Salmonella and E. Coli are just two such examples that are on the increase with thousands of new cases each year).

Bad bacteria, yeast and parasites show up for work every day. They ride in on meat, fish, produce, water, eating utensils, fingertips and pencil erasers – and even with the air you breath. Using toxic pharmaceutical antibiotics or harsh herbal counter measures to rid yourself of them once,will not permanently keep them away. Without daily support of the ‘good guys’, the ‘bad guys’ will quickly repopulate to a combined total weight of 2 pounds and resume their attack on your energy and health. With today’s depleted foods and super germ environment, daily probiotic reinforcement isn’t merely an option, it is ‘the’ imperative.

Some of the less obvious bad bacteria gradually form a tough coating inside the intestinal wall. It creates a perfect nesting environment for harmful bacteria, yeast and parasites. This dense, thick, matting further disrupts assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of toxins. It is now widely recognized that each type of beneficial microorganism has its own unique purpose and benefit in disrupting and dislodging the coating. A variety of beneficial organism types work as a team to crowd out the unwanted invaders and their nesting materials.

Meanwhile back at the farm… Industrial farming methods involve specific chemicals and methods which have destroyed the bacteria in the soil. Minerals stay locked-up in the coarser form as plants are starving for lack of the minerals necessary to create vitamins and phytonutrients. Topsoil has been reduced to easily eroded, dead dirt. Plant accessible micro-mineral soil is typically 90% or more depleted across the USA. Plants grown without the benefits of soil bacteria and micronized minerals are weak and vulnerable to disease, weeds and pests. This makes toxic chemicals an essential part of industrial-style farming. Industrial agricultural chemicals prevent the soil-building bacteria from making a comeback, and the soil remains dead, perpetuating the nutritionally inferior artificial growing situation.

Upon harvesting, raw vegetables are washed under high pressure and with antibacterial chemicals to prevent spoilage and extend shelf life. The beneficial bacteria are destroyed along with all of the others. Other vegetables have the entire outer layers stripped away or are cooked under high-temperature conditions which certainly destroys the friendly bacteria. With our food thus stripped of beneficial microorganisms, transit time of digested food through the intestine has slowed from hours into days or even weeks.

The conveyer system hauling toxins out of the body has slowed to a crawl. Instead of two, brief, morning movements, and one later in the day, eliminating the previous days intake as nature intended, once every three days is now considered ‘normal’. This is only 1/9 the optimum frequency. The question is whether ‘normal’ equates to healthy. This is the primary avenue of elimination of such sinister toxins as aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium and radioactive Iodine and strontium 90. Instead of leaving the body quickly and regularly, liquid from waste material in the lower intestine is absorbed and reabsorbed, again and again, to be redistributed back throughout the cells of the body.

The body is forced to re-consume this toxic liquid over and over, day after day 8 or 9 times instead of none. The resulting waste is hard, dry bulky and difficult to eliminate. This places an excessive load upon the kidneys. Then toxins back up all the way to the liver, causing it to work overtime, and so on. One of the prime benefits of beneficial microorganisms is optimized transit time and well balanced water content of the waste material. This eliminates the need for chemical laxatives or artificial irrigation to cleanse the colon.

Often, the lowered toxin load results in a nearly immediate reduction in general stress that may be precipitating every manner of ailment and disease – plus, with lowered toxins there is very often a notable increase in energy, and a resultant prosperity in overall health. This gives the body itself an opportunity to strengthen, heal, and overcome even long-standing conditions – and without the need to punish the body further with additional, toxic, side-effect-laden pharmaceutical chemicals. The level of these 15 new types of SBOs and 17 types of beneficial, probiotic micro flora in Iridesca are at a strong maintenance level, roughly that of an excellent diet containing generous portions of live-culture yogurt and raw, organically grown root vegetables.

Author: Jevari Oberon
Jevari Oberon November 13, 2018
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