October 18, 2018 by
Ann-Louise Evanoff with Martin Pytela

Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine Therapy

If you’d like to learn more about this amazing Crystal Salt, take a look at this blog “Himalayan Crystal Salt is THE Best“.

There are many ways for this mineral supplement to nourish your cells. It’s whole food nutrition. Providing 84 minerals and trace elements. It’s also a storage medium for living vibrational energy.

Regular consumption of Himalayan Crystal Salt can:

  • Support proper nutrient absorption and toxin elimination
  • Balance body fluids and your pH
  • Detoxify
  • Boost immunity
  • Dissolve and eliminate sediments that lead to stones and inflammatory pain
  • Resolve skin problems (dry, red inflamed rashes, blisters, lesions)
  • Relieve fevers
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Increase circulation
  • Decrease cravings or addictive desires.

The Brine has the same specific gravity as your blood. So your kidneys don’t pick up the water. And  your blood doesn’t pick up the salt. High blood pressure does not result. Low blood pressure is raised.

Use only pure Himalayan Crystal Salt for Brine Therapy. Never use ordinary table salt, nor sea salt. Instructions are below.

Preparation of 26% Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine

When Crystal Salt is put in water, it will dissolve until the solution becomes saturated at 26%. This is called Brine.

The saturation process releases the Crystal Salt energy. Here’s how:

  1. Loosely fill a closeable glass container (such as a Mason jar) with several pieces of Crystal Salt Rocks.
  2. Add pure spring water, or preferably Energized Water to fill the container.
  3. After about 24 hours, look to see if the Crystal Salt Rocks have completely dissolved. If they have, add a few more.
  4. When the water can no longer dissolve any more salt, the Crystal Salt Rocks will sit at the bottom of the jar without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at 26%. Ready to use for Brine Therapy.

Please Note:
Do not use metal utensils. Only glass or plastic. Metal will affect the electric potential of the ionic brine solution.

The glass can be refilled again and again with Energized Water and Crystal Salt Rocks. The Brine solution is stable and absolutely sterile. Can be stored for years in a closed glass container without changing.

Many Ways to Use Brine Therapy

To raise your health and vitality…

  1. Drinking Brine
  2. The Brine Bath
  3. Steam Inhalation
  4. Poultice
  5. Oral and Dental Care

1. Drinking Brine

Draws out toxins. It’s an internal bath. A natural good wash for your digestive system.

  • Detoxify, including heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic)
  • Relieve joint pain
  • Enhance digestion
  • Increase circulation
  • Improve skin conditions
  • Balance your pH.

Easiest way to dissolve old sodium chloride poisons. They build up as crystalline deposits. Causing inflammation and pain in your joints. Easier than colonics and enemas. They only reach the large intestine.

Within minutes of drinking, your stomach and intestines are stimulated. This further stimulates digestion and metabolism.

  1. Every morning on an empty stomach, take 1 drop to 1 teaspoon 26% Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine, with a glass of Energized Water.
  2. Wait 10 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
  3. Throughout the day, drink 2-3 quarts of Energized Water.

The amount you take is not as important as the regularity. It’s better to take it regularly than in large doses. And it’s very important to drink lots of energized water throughout the day.

Improve Skin Conditions

For Dry, Red, Inflamed Skin, Rashes, Blisters and Lesions:

  1. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of Energized Water with 1 teaspoon of 26% Himalayan Salt Brine.
  2. Throughout the day, drink 2-3 quarts of Energized Water.
  3. Take a Brine Bath (see below) 2x/week for 10-20 minutes.  This will moisturize your skin and help stop inflammation.

Body parts that are more affected than others (elbows, knees, rashes, lesions) can be massaged with the concentrated 26% Brine solution.

Fast Digestive Flush

When you need help with constipation. Use on an empty stomach.

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of Crystal Salt, Fine Grain (or 40ml of Brine) in 1 quart of room temperature water.
  2. Drink the entire quart of salt water first thing in the morning. A straw makes it easier.
  3. Ideally, after drinking lay on your right side for 30 minutes. Then go about your day.
  4. You should have a bowel movement within 1-2 hours. Though everyone is different. Be careful to pass gas only when on the toilet. There may be liquid coming through.

Your body will not absorb salt from this Brine. Within a few hours, it will thoroughly wash your entire digestive system. You will likely have multiple bowel movements .

May be taken as often as needed.

2. The Brine Bath

Minerals, trace elements and living energy from the Crystal Salt will penetrate your skin in the form of ions. The resulting stimulation causes natural cell growth. Your energy flow will be activated and balanced.

Toxins are released into the bath water through osmosis.

The Brine Bath maintains the natural, protective film of your skin, so it does not dry out. The salt is stored in the upper callous layer of your skin, and binds water. This is the reason why Brine Baths are good for dry skin. In contrast to a normal bath where moisture is extracted from your skin.

A Brine Bath is recommended for:

  • Detoxifying
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Repair skin conditions
  • Relieve joint pain
  • Speed recovery after surgery
  • Help gynecological problems and recurring infections
  • Balance the pH of your skin and whole body
  • Your natural body repair mechanisms are initiated.

To Prepare Your Brine Bath:

  1. Bath water temperature should be close to normal body temperature (37 degrees Celsius, 98 degrees Fahrenheit). In this way, your body does not use energy to adjust your internal temperature.
  2. Standard bathtubs hold 100-120 liters (25+ gallons) of water. You will need at least 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of Himalayan Crystal Salt. Experience has shown that half of this (0.5% concentration) is also effective.
  3. Soak in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes. During this time your body reaches the same salt concentration inside and outside. This is comparable to a prenatal state.
  4. After, let your skin air dry naturally. Do not rub or towel dry.

Do not add anything else to this special bath. Most bath products sold in stores have been chemically treated. With little or no beneficial qualities.

Full Moon Bath – For optimal Assimilation
This is when your body’s absorption potential is at it’s peak. You will absorb the most minerals from the salt bath. Weak points are harmonized and your body’s own energy flow is activated.

New Moon Bath – For Optimal Detoxification
This is when your body’s capacity for detoxification is at its highest. The perfect time for cleansing. The bath will have a detoxifying effect similar to a three-day fast.

Brine Baths are demanding on the circulatory system. If you suffer from any heart or circulation issues, consult your doctor beforehand. If a full bath would be too strenuous, a footbath is also very effective.

3. Brine Steam Inhalation

For acute, chronic and specific illnesses of the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Lung, sinus and ear infections.

This can be repeated daily, depending on your level of health:

  1. Dissolve one ounce Himalayan Crystal Salt in one quart Energized Water.
  2. Heat until boiling.
  3. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for 10 to 15 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  4. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 teaspoon of 26% Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine with Energized Water.
  5. Throughout the day, drink 2-3 quarts of Energized Water.

Within about 30 minutes of steam inhalation, you may need to cough out mucous.

4. Brine Poultice

Very effective in treating skin conditions and joint pain.

For open and/or festering skin wounds, use only a diluted solution of half ounce of 26% Himalayan Salt Brine per 1/2 cup of Energized Water.

If you use a higher ratio, the injury will create a stinging, burning sensation.

  1. Soak gauze or a sterile cloth with body temperature 26% Himalayan Salt Brine.
  2. Apply to the area of concern.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap, if you don’t want to soak the tensor bandage that will hold it in place.
  4. Lastly, cover with a tensor bandage to keep in place.

A poultice made of brine (brine poultice) – Open wound injuries should only be treated with a diluted solution of 1/2 oz. crystal salt diluted in 1/2 cup water.

If you use a higher ratio, the injury will create a burning feeling. Use only quality, non-carbonated mineral water to treat the open wounds. Take sterile gauze, soak it in the brine solution, rinse it and apply it on the wound. Then wrap a dry cloth around it.

Fever Relief

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons Himalayan Crystal Salt per 1 quart of Energized Water. This is a 3% Brine solution.
  2. Soak a clean cotton shirt thoroughly in Brine and put it on.
  3. Wrap yourself in a dry towel and lay in bed (covered with blanket). After about half an hour you will start sweating.
  4. Stay in bed for 60-90 minutes.
  5. Take off your shirt and shower.
  6. Lie down for one hour to rest.

Painful Joints and Cold Feet

This procedure has a similar effect as the shirt.

  1. Use 2-4 tablespoons Himalayan Crystal Salt per 1 quart of Energized Water. This is a 3-5% Brine solution.
  2. Soak a pair of clean cotton socks in the Brine.
  3. Ring-out excess Brine and put the socks on your feet.
  4. Wrap feet in a dry towel and leave on for about one hour
  5. Rest a while after you remove the salty socks.
  6. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 teaspoon of 26% Himalayan Salt Brine with Energized Water.
  7. Throughout the day, drink 2-3 quarts of Energized Water.

Blisters and Lesions

  1. With a cotton swab, apply 26% Himalayan Salt Brine directly to the infected area every hour.
  2. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 teaspoon of 26% Himalayan Salt Brine with Energized Water.
  3. Throughout the day, drink 2-3 quarts of Energized Water.

5. Brine Oral and Dental Care

26% Himalayan Salt Brine is excellent for oral hygiene.

Most common tooth problems are from an over acidic mouth and throat. Brine enables neutral pH for healthy mouth flora.

Daily brushing and/or mouth washing will:

  • Protect your tooth enamel
  • Soothe gum bleeding
  • Reduce mouth sores
  • Freshen bad breath.

If used consistently, your teeth will become whiter, and tartar will dissolve.

  1. Brush your teeth every morning with 26% Himalayan Salt Brine.
  2. Use your tongue to press it through your teeth.
  3. Gargle with it for about three minutes, then spit out.

About Allergies

Many people develop allergies with age. This is from a lifetime of built up toxins. They overwhelm your immune system and allergies often result.

Try detoxifying with Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine Therapy. Use any of the above methods that feel right for you. Watch your allergies improve and disappear.

Consciousness Shift

When using any Brine therapy, we recommend that you become consciously aware of the magnificent reformation that you’re initiating.

Even though the effects are mostly on a physical level, they will also have implications on an energetic, subtle level for both your mind and spirit.

Have patience. Give yourself the time and tranquility for attaining and remaining healthy from within.

Be aware of the possibility of an initial aggravation of your condition and let your family and friends know what you are doing, so they can support you. You may want to read “Healing Reaction: Sometimes Part of the Road to Better Health“.

See the Effects of Brine Therapy

A simple example can help you understand this concept. Put some 26% Brine solution in your kettle, that has hard water or calcium build up. Heat it briefly and watch how the calcium dissolves in the Brine. This process is a simple chemical reaction. You can treat your body to a similar therapy in order to get rid of the calcium build up and the heavy metal deposits in your body.

Dark Field Microscope Analysis

In a dark field microscope analysis test of 3 groups of people at Asia Import headquarters in December 2002 and January 2003, we were able to observe the effect of Brine solution made with Himalayan Crystal Salt. The simple test entailed taking a drop of blood from a person and analyzing it, then feeding a teaspoon of Brine solution with a glass of water to this person, and 30 minutes later, repeating the blood test.

The truly amazing result was that people who had regularly taken Brine solution and then stopped, had the same clumped blood as those test persons that had never taken Brine solution regularly. These results clearly indicate that taking the Brine solution on a regular basis is the key to health maintenance.

Our Crystal Salt Rocks do not come in contact with grinding machines. They carry the highest vibrational energy, and should be used for making Brine. The Coarse and Fine Grain salt are ground in a machine and don’t have the same energetic quality as Crystal Salt Rocks.

For more inspiration to use Crystal Salt Brine you might like to read this blog “Basics of Cleansing to Detoxify

Before you begin with therapeutic applications, please consult your health  care provider.

Author: Ann-Louise Evanoff with Martin Pytela
Ann-Louise Evanoff with Martin Pytela October 18, 2018
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