October 5, 2023 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 465: Tessamet

Histamine intolerance is a condition where the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, a compound that is naturally produced in the body and found in certain foods. When histamine builds up in the body, it can cause a variety of symptoms such as headaches, hives, digestive issues, and even difficulty breathing. People with histamine intolerance may experience these symptoms after consuming foods that are high in histamine or trigger the release of histamine in the body.

Tessamet helps decrease histamine production in the body. It may help to alleviate symptoms in the sinuses and lungs, skin, digestive system and brain.

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MARTIN: Hello everyone. This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast podcast. With me today, Spencer Feldman of Remedy Link. Spencer is an inventor and developer and relentless researcher, and his main focus has been the detoxification of the humans. We all are under the bombardment of the fruits of the industrial age that we have rained upon us. What do you say of that, Spencer?

SPENCER: Uh, gosh. Let’s pose this in a more hopeful way. Let’s say the human body is very resilient, and we’re going to learn how to enjoy the conveniences of modern technology and still be healthy. How’s that?

MARTIN: Oh, that’s so hopeful. Oh, yes.

SPENCER: So today I wanted to talk about histamine. If that works for you.

MARTIN: It works great for me. My histamine is one miserable wench. She hits me hard, frequently.

SPENCER: Oh, well, let me tell you how I got into studying histamine and the kind of journey it took me on. So I had a good friend of mine, who had high histamine levels. So histamine, it’s the stuff that causes allergic reactions. Right? So itching, sneezing, wheezing, food sensitivities, but a lot more. And we’re going to get into it.

MARTIN: Skin eruptions. Yeah.

SPENCER: Yeah. You know, so here’s the thing. If you’re listening to this and saying, well, I don’t have skin problems and you know, I don’t have food intolerances. Keep listening because you’re going to find out that histamine might be behind some chronic things that are going on for you that you had no idea were allergies. It was certainly the case for me. So I started doing this when I was working on trying to help a friend who had mold sensitivities. Right. You know, 25% of the homes, at least in the United States, have mold in them. So as I’m studying mold sensitivity, what I realize is it’s part of something bigger. It’s a histamine problem. And so I started trying to figure it out. Then as I’m doing that, I’m realizing, wow, this is causing problems in a lot of people. Now, I knew initially that histamine was like skin itching and hives and sinus stuff. But like I said, it can cause trouble anywhere in the body. So histamine is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter, and there are receptors for histamine all throughout the body. And thankfully, they’re labeled H1, H2, H3 and H4. They made it easy for us to remember. Okay, so the H1 and H2 histamine receptors, they’re in the skin and the gut and the lungs. And these are the kind of allergic symptoms that you’re familiar with, right? Hives or hay fever or upset stomach, that kind of thing.

MARTIN: Yeah. Wheezing, throwing up.

SPENCER: Yeah. Less well-known is that the H1 and H2 receptors are also found in the muscles, the joints, the heart, the nerves, the prostate, the uterus, the bladder. You name it. You’ll find them somewhere. And so, you know, how would this manifest? What happens if someone gets a histamine response and the muscles are joints? Well, that’s pain and arthritis. In the heart, it could be high or low blood pressure, dizziness, arrhythmias, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, also known as POTS. In the nerves you can get chronic pain or neuropathy. In the uterus, you can get PMS, miscarriages or difficulty conceiving a child, that could be histamine. In the bladder, that manifests as interstitial cystitis or pain or burning on urination. Now that’s just the H1 and H2 receptors. There’s two more that we know of, there’s H3 and H4. Now H3 goes to the central nervous system, that’s the spinal cord and the brain. And here’s where it gets a little tricky. High histamine in the body is inflammation. And inflammation is annoying, tissue swells and it itches or it hurts. But high histamine in the brain is deadly, because there’s nowhere for a swollen brain to expand into, it’s in a rigid skull. Brain swelling can be fatal, which is why in an emergency room, they’ll actually drill a little hole to relieve the pressure. So Histamine also regulates neurochemical release on the brain, so even a mildly elevated brain histamine, one that wouldn’t cause dangerous swelling, could cause mania or other neurological symptoms if the particular neurotransmitter starts jumping up too high. So to protect the brain from the effects of high histamine, there’s a special receptor called the H3 histamine receptor in the brain.

SPENCER: And when it senses high histamine blood levels, it decreases the brain histamine as a safety measure. So when someone’s histamine goes up in the body, for some people it will paradoxically go down in the brain. Now, the other issue is some people have an overactive H3 histamine receptor. Now, normally the way a receptor is supposed to be is it’s off, some environmental cue turns it on, and then when the cue has been resolved, the receptor turns off again. It gets blocked. However, some people have a genetic defect where a particular receptor is stuck in the on position where its base operating level might be 20% on. So it’s always on and then it can go even to 100%, but it never really turns off. And this is called constitutive activity. So there are people that have constituitive of activity in their H3 receptors. So what happens is, histamine is regulating the release of the neurotransmitters, that’s acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA. If the blood histamine goes up, this causes low brain histamine, right? And especially if they have a constituitive activity and it’s already being dropped down. Now, what could that create? Well, headaches, brain fog, difficulty waking up in the morning, difficulty regulating body temperature, vertigo, nausea. Now, if you want to be specific, low acetylcholine makes it hard to learn or remember things. Low dopamine decreases motivation and hunger and satisfaction, pleasure, and in the extreme leads to Parkinson’s. 

Low serotonin leads to depression. Low norepinephrine leads to difficulty focusing and ADHD, and low GABA makes it hard to relax or to get deep restorative sleep. What I am describing is how someone can have an allergic brain or an allergic central nervous system.

MARTIN: There are so many people that call me with all this variety of symptoms. And it’s, well, you started on it, headaches. But being either overstimulated by the environment or unable to respond to the environment or being stuck, you called it stuck in the on position. These are the ADD, adult onset ADD or ADHD. It’s now a real thing. And I’m thinking, well, maybe you are just developing enough of the allergic reaction because histamine is the allergic signaling molecule that you have now become allergic enough to become an ADD.

SPENCER: Yeah, I think allergic brain phenomena is behind a lot of the chronic conditions that people just can’t shake because we don’t really see it as an allergy. But you have to treat it like an allergy and we’ll get into it in a bit. There are not a lot of good antihistamines for the brain. Okay. So moving on, then we have the H4 receptors, and that’s the immune system. So let’s talk about the two immune cells with H4 receptors. That’s mast cells and macrophages. The mast cells are the main producers of histamine in the body. They’re a very ancient part of the immune system. They actually predate antibodies and they trigger the white blood cells to attack bacteria, viruses and fungi. Parasitic worms, on the other hand, are too large to be hurt by white blood cells like the macrophages. So the mast cells release histamine to trigger a different kind of reaction for these. Because historically, humans, up until very recently, parasites were a very major part of human existence. When you talk about the people out in the Amazon, these people are riddled with parasites. Now, in some cases some parasites the human body can learn to coexist with. But in a lot of cases, primitive people in some parts of the world are having, we shouldn’t romanticize it. Having continuous chronic parasitosis is no fun thing. In any case, we have historically had to deal with parasite, up until modern sanitation, washing clothes and wearing shoes and food sanitation and things like this.

SPENCER: So our bodies are primed to be able to have a robust antiparasitic response. So let’s talk about what that is. On the skin, histamine as a response to parasites creates itching. So it’s making us want to scratch the parasite off. In the gut, it creates diarrhea so we can flush the parasites out. In the lungs it creates coughing so we can cough the parasites out. And mind you, parasites aren’t always worms, right? They’re just organisms that are … as opposed to a bacteria that either kills you or…

Parasites are a unique kind of thing, right? I mean, they don’t have to necessarily be a worm, but they’re going to manipulate the immune system in lots of different ways. And we could do a talk just about parasites, but in the sinuses, histamine makes you want to sneeze the parasite out and in the eyes it creates tears and itching, so you wash it out. And this is a great strategy, but it can also backfire on us, right? So high histamine and the mast cell activation that releases the histamine can trick the body into thinking that we have a parasitic infection when we don’t. Right? So that’s one way we get allergies. The skin, the lung, the sinuses and the gut reactions that accompany allergies are basically the body thinking it’s got a parasite that it needs to get out. But it’s not there.

MARTIN: Right. Yeah, I’ve heard of people who have this mast cell degranulation or mast cell syndrome where they just have these runaway, I don’t know what periods of, just a horrible reaction and oftentimes triggered by food or environmental stimuli. 

SPENCER: Yeah. Yeah. So one of the things we need to do is we need to kind of unwind that program in the immune system. We’ll get there. So macrophages are white blood cells, macro, big, phage eater. So they’re the big eaters, they go around and eat things. And they also have these H4 receptors. And when they’re activated, they cause cholesterol to accumulate in themselves and nearby tissues. So when this process happens in the liver, it’s called fatty liver disease. If it happens in the arteries, it’s called atherosclerosis. And what this means is that atherosclerosis and fatty liver have allergic components to them. Okay. So we need to broaden our understanding of histamine and allergies. Allergies don’t just cause itchy skin. A stuffy nose or give us foods we can’t eat. High histamine can affect any tissue in the body and is a fundamental player in chronic diseases that people can’t figure out. 

So what do we do? Well, should we avoid foods high in histamine? Yeah, that’s a good place to start. And then there’s also foods that aren’t high in histamine themselves, but those that trigger histamine. And that would be like citrus. And when I find someone who’s got what I think is a histamine disorder, usually these people are addicted to something that they don’t realize is high in histamine, like avocados or they eat a lot of canned food or something like that. 

MARTIN: Yeah let’s just name a few. So fermentation produces that. Aging produces that. So, sauerkraut, red wine, steak that’s been aged. Those are the classics, right? Aged cheese is another.

SPENCER: Yeah. Most probiotics will release histamine. I do make my own yogurt, although I don’t use dairy. I ferment carrot juice, but I fermented with histamine reducing bacteria rather than histamine producing bacteria. I find that’s more useful.

MARTIN: That’s super clever. That should get pushed out in a paper.

SPENCER: Right. So definitely what you want to do is you want to go online and take a look at the high histamine foods if you think this is going on for you, and just back off those for a little while. Compounds that cause our body to release histamine are made by plants as a way to deter animals from eating them. One class of histamine-releasing agents are called lectins. I’m sure you’ve heard of that before, there’s lots of podcasts on lectins. So if you’re allergic to nightshades or peanuts or other foods, it’s likely lectins causing a reaction, and that’s histamine again. And now here’s interesting, it’s not just foods, also airborne allergens like mold can trigger mast cells, as can chronic infections, but so can electromagnetic fields. Some people are literally allergic to electromagnetic fields. And I know that sounds crazy, but you can look it up in the published medical journals. Somehow mast cells learn to interpret an electromagnetic field as an allergen.

MARTIN: Yeah, I heard Doctor Pall, Martin Pall, talk about the voltage-gated calcium channel.

SPENCER: That’s the process by which it happens. Yes.

MARTIN: Right. And he talks about, well, when you put the correct vibration frequency onto a cell, it gets triggered into the stress response through this external electromagnetic influence. And off we go, right? And so as the cell now starts reacting, it is essentially telling you: “be stressed”. Which histamine is the molecule, signaling molecule of stress.

SPENCER: Right. So the body is going to create an allergic reaction to it. And then depending on a person’s genetics as to which histamine receptors and which tissue get activated. Right? You could have four people. You could have a group of people all who are electromagnetically sensitive, but each of them manifests in a different way because of which parts of their body are interpreting that signal in that manner. And it usually has to do with some kind of previous injury and we’ll get there. So EMF sensitivity is actually worse than food sensitivity in my opinion, because you can choose not to eat tomatoes, but how are you going to avoid EMF? You have to go up into the mountains. Another hard one is being sensitive to the sun. You know, allergic to the sun. These people aren’t hypochondriacs. Their body is interpreting ultraviolet light as an allergen. So something we’re going to have to deal with, right? Another issue is that once mast cells get activated, they persist for a long time. So when histamine activates H4 receptors on mast cells, they infiltrate into the local tissue and then inside the tissue they make more histamine, causing more infiltration in a self-reinforcing cycle that causes the tissue itself to become more allergic and reactive as time goes on.

SPENCER: Injuries can also cause mast cells to enter tissue, including concussions. So mast cells are part of the initial healing process, like they’re part of what brings the edges of a wound closer together. But if a person’s healing process gets derailed, then the mast cell can enter the injured tissue and it never leaves. It just keeps accumulating. So we know what a physical scar is, Martin. But what I’m describing is an immunological scar. Basically, it’s post-traumatic stress disorder at a tissue level. Injured tissue can become allergic tissue if mast cells don’t leave. And eventually people can become allergic to everything. Now, in order to stop this allergic and inflammatory cycle, we need to get the mast cells to leave. But to do that, we need to stop triggering the H4 receptors. We need to lower excessive histamine. So what are our options? 

What about taking antihistamine drugs? Well, there’s three issues with that. First, while they are well-tolerated antihistamines for the H1 and H2 receptors. Remember, that’s the skin, the gut, the lungs. The antihistamines for the H3 and H4 receptors have a lot of side effects and require a specialist to oversee. And while antihistamine drugs can be effective at resolving symptoms, they don’t address the underlying cause of the dysfunction.

SPENCER: So within as little as 1 to 3 weeks, a person can start developing a tolerance to the antihistamine drugs. Then you have to keep taking more and more. And then regular antihistamines can, they also now know they cause side effects. That shows that there’s an increase in cancer and infertility over time with antihistamine drugs. And if you take them when you’re pregnant, then the immune system of your child and their histamine system and their brain can be all out of whack. So what do we do? 

Okay, first, what’s the person allergic to? If it’s a food, avoiding the offending food can help, and an elimination diet can help you figure this out. There’s also useful blood tests you can do at home. And if you’re going to do that, you want to get both allergy and intolerance. An allergy is something that happens immediately and an intolerance happens a couple of hours later. The intolerances are harder to catch because if I eat a tomato, within half an hour, my joints hurt. But if I eat like eggs, the next day, I’m not as smart. Get mentally dull. That’s an intolerance.

MARTIN: Yeah. From a medical perspective, there are different immunoglobulins. Right? IgG IgA, IgD, igM, whatever. And they have a different reaction time. So some of them, they fire up right now, others with a delay. That’s what you’re talking about.

SPENCER: That’s exactly what I’m talking about. And yes, there are different immunoglobins that do this. And the ones that take a couple of hours to hit because it happens later, you might not realize it. And if you’re, say, eating eggs every day, well then, you never notice it because you never get an initial spike of a reaction from it. It’s just a slow degradation of your system from something you’re eating continuously. So let’s look at a case study. I mentioned I started by researching a friend, and in her case it wasn’t food that she was allergic to. But here are the clues I had. She got worse during smoke season, she got worse when cooking food, she got worse in wet weather, and she got about 30% better when we fixed her microbiome. Now, what do these have in common? Well, three of them are airborne. And we’ll get back to the microbiome in a minute. So it was an airborne allergy, so what’s in the air we can react to? So mold, I actually made a mistake, it’s actually 70% of homes have mold in them, and 80% of homes have dust mites. Okay. So the house had to be cleared of mold that was in a couple of rooms. Propane, mercaptan is added to propane because you can’t smell propane, but they add mercaptan in it so that if there’s a leak, you’ll know there’s a propane leak. So when propane burns, the mercaptan gets turned into sulfur dioxide, and that’s an allergen for some people, it was for her. So, either stop using propane stoves indoors or get a vent and suck the air out. Okay. Over 25% of the population is diagnosed with pollen allergies every year. And then you’ve got pollution. That’s things like VOC’s, particulates, nitrogen oxides, these all trigger histamine releases.

MARTIN: Yeah, just think about the plastics in your automobile that get heated in the sunshine. They release, you step in. But furniture, flooring, fire retardants on your bedding and children’s pajamas. It’s just a really long list of stuff.

SPENCER: Yeah, diesel is a particularly bad offender. So if you live in a city or near a major highway, you’re getting exposed. So what can we do? What could we do for this woman? So she cooked with propane, so she got a vented hood installed over a propane stove. For pollen and mites and mold she had HEPA filters and cleaned the mold out. And these changes helped, but it wasn’t enough. Right. So diving deeper into what we found out, is that there’s a couple more things we need to do for these people. Now, also helping her microbiome helped. Why is that? Because if you have the wrong bacteria growing in your gut, it makes it that that bacteria will make histamine. So for instance, fish is a high offender for histamine and the reason is, there’s bacteria that’s in the gills of fish. And if you go and catch a fish in your local lake or river and you kill it and filet it and cook it up right then and there. Good to go. But when you’re buying fish, that was on a giant line out at sea for two hours before they pulled it up and that fish was dead for two hours. And then they pull it in and then they have to clean it. And by the time it finally gets cold enough for bacteria to stop growing, it might have been a couple of hours. The bacteria in the gill of the fish can colonize the fish. And now you eat that, and in the worst case you get what’s called scombroid poisoning. But in mild cases, it just bumps up your histamine levels. And the thing about histamine is you can’t taste it, you can’t smell it, you can’t see it, and you can’t cook it away. It’s very resistant to cooking. So fish is an issue.

SPENCER: All right. So what can we do for the woman? We got her better, but not 100%. So I came up with four things that I wanted to do for people that were dealing with high histamine and mast cell activation. First is, I wanted to reprogram the immune system so they’d stop reacting to things they shouldn’t react to. The second is I wanted to suppress the biochemical creation of histamine in the body from the amino acid histidine. Right. Because even if you don’t eat histamine, you can make it. Three, I wanted to stabilize the mast cells and basophils and the other cells that actually have histamine in them because there’s still going to be some histamine in these cells, and I don’t want them trigger happy. Yes, there’s a time for them to be released, but not as often as what’s going on with people with histamine problems. And then finally, for the histamine that is still activated and manufactured and released, I want the body to have the ability to break it down. So it’s just not sitting in there with a huge, a really long half life causing trouble for hours and hours and hours.

SPENCER: We want to break it down before it can get onto the histamine receptors. So to do this, I came up with the following formula. So the first one is Rosemary, or Rosmarinic acid actually, is the active ingredient. And we know from the scientific journals that Rosemary extract can reprogram the immune system by clearing out hyper reactive T cells. What that means is, it’s going to make the cells that have learned to be immune. It’s going to take those cells that have that allergic program and it’s going to induce them or suggest to them that maybe they need to take one for the team and die and clear themselves out, because they’re not helping us. So rosmarinic acid is how you reeducate the immune system. 

Then you have green tea extract. EGCG specifically, and you want to use the decaffeinated version. And what that does is it suppresses the enzyme histidine decarboxylase and that’s what turns histidine, the amino acid you eat into histamine. So that can minimize the amount that you’re making on board, right? 

Quercetin is another famous one. And what that does is it stabilizes the mast cells and basophils so that they don’t get released inappropriately. And then you’ve got something, an enzyme called Diamine oxidase or DAO for short. And that’s one of two enzymes that the body uses to break down histamine. It’s what breaks down histamine in the extracellular area.

MARTIN: So there are a good many people who have this particular defect where they make just a little bit of histamine, but it just stays on.

SPENCER: Right. Because they don’t have DAO, they don’t do it. DAO would have to be done liposomally, because it wouldn’t survive digestion. There are DAO products out there, but if you can’t get them into your bloodstream, then all they’re going to do is work in your gut, which if someone just has a gut allergy and that’s all they’ve got, fine. But, you don’t know if what’s going on is in other tissue, so you would want to have it enter the bloodstream. So to solve that, I put all those things as a liposomal form. And it was a major win, it was very useful. The product, when I saw how helpful it was to the woman that I made a test batch for, and I realized how many people actually were probably dealing with something similar, I made it as a product. It’s called Tessamet. And so that’s now available for people who want to.

MARTIN: I think it’s a major win because combining these things into a simple package, and just focusing it, is good. I remember years ago when I still had allergies, I used Rosemanol, which is a trade name for Rosemary or rosemary extract oil, and I would take like 12 drops of it straight and it completely reset me. Mainly the allergic reactions. 

SPENCER: Yeah. Because we have to get these immunologic scars out of the tissue. We have to calm the system down. Now, a couple of other things. You should be taking some form of magnesium, because magnesium deficiency can increase histidine decarboxylase 30 times. So what that does is it’ll massively raise histamine levels. So you don’t want to have a magnesium deficiency. And then also you want to pull the toxic chemicals out of the body because toxic chemicals also can activate mast cells to release histamine. And so you can look at our Xeneplex product.

MARTIN: Is that your favorite EDTA line?

SPENCER: That would be the Xeneplex. The coffee enema suppository with all the conjugating chemical detoxifiers. A couple of other things. Don’t eat leftovers, if it’s in the fridge, it’s going to start developing histamine bacteria, and again, limit citrus, avocados, anything fermented and that’s also alcohol, beer, wine, cheese. Don’t eat anything out of a can. You want to limit alcohol. Alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that our body uses to metabolize alcohol, but it’s also used to make the DAO enzyme to break down histamine. So if your body’s busy detoxifying alcohol then it can’t detoxify histamine as well.

MARTIN: Yeah. I’ve known people who call themselves allergic to alcohol.

SPENCER: Yeah, sure.

MARTIN: Which you know, you take alcohol and raise all the allergenicity throughout your body for everything else, right?

SPENCER: Sure, Sure. Makes sense. Another thing your listeners can do is if they’re confident that they’re only histamine reaction is in their gut, you can actually make your own DAO enzyme by sprouting peas or lentils or chickpeas in the dark, and they’ll make a lot of DAO. But again, that will only work for the gut. It won’t get into the bloodstream.

MARTIN: That’s an interesting thing about in the dark. Tell me about that.

SPENCER: That’s just what the research shows, that’s how you trigger these particular sprouts to generate DAO. Don’t know why.

MARTIN: All right.

SPENCER: You know, you can also initially, when you’re getting over it, you want to avoid cold weather, physical vibration and sunburns because all three of those can release, you know.

MARTIN: Yeah. That means don’t ride in a car to the beach.

SPENCER: Yeah. So, some of us have these genetic mutations. Like you said, we just don’t make a lot of DAO. And so whereas the average person might get a little histamine and their body clears it out immediately. Other people make a little bit of histamine and it stays around for hours and hours and hours and never clears. So right now methylation defects are the darling of the functional medicine world. I think we’re going to find that DAO defects are going to be major players as well. Vaccine adjuvants also trigger allergies. In fact, that’s what they’re designed to do. So for the people that get over 15, 50 vaccinations before their 18, with more every year, they’re priming themselves for more and more allergic reactions.

MARTIN: Right. That’s my famous last straw that broke the camel’s back. You’re just slowly increasing the burden until finally you just break it.

SPENCER: Yeah. So, histamine is also associated with Lyme disease. Some of the things you see with people who have chronic Lyme disease, that’s histamine responses. It’s also associated with long Covid, or forget long Covid, spike proteins. Okay, so the challenge with spike proteins and we can, is that if someone got vaccinated, they gave an instruction to their DNA now, they’ve been genetically altered in such a way that their body makes spike proteins. But there’s no off signal, they’re making spike proteins. But the way the human body works is epigenetically, what your DNA is told: “turn this on under this condition and then epigenetically are told, okay, turn it off, we’re done. We don’t need any more of that particular thing. But with spike proteins, there’s no off switch, There’s no off signal. They just gave an on signal. So people are constantly generating spike proteins that can trigger mast cell release and histamine release in the heart and in other places. And we can do a podcast about something we’re going to be releasing in about two months for spike proteins. And when that comes out, we can talk about it.

MARTIN: Bracketed. (Watch for this over here coming later.)

SPENCER: So yeah, histamine really should only last about 1 to 2 minutes in the body. Right. That’s how quickly it should get broken down. But there are people and you check them and their histamine is in there for hours. And if it’s in their brain for hours or in their muscles for hours or in their joints for hours, and then they’re going to have to deal with that. So clearing out, clearing the histamine out, it doesn’t take long. You can get some pretty quick effects once you start breaking it down to issue. 

Now, another thing you can do is you could also add bitters. You know, we have our Zoiben product. You could also add bitters with our Tessamet histamine protocol. And that’s because mast cells have TASE2R bitter receptor on their surface. So you can taste bitter things on your tongue, but actually those receptors are throughout the body. Our whole body can taste bitter. It’s an ancient protocol for the body and bitter receptors in the body do multiple things. The bitter receptors actually stabilize the mast cells. So in addition to quercetin, anything bitter can work to start suppressing mast cell release.

MARTIN: So would you say, would you say things like endives, roquette.

SPENCER: Yeah, sure. Dandelion, all those things. Or berberine and gentian, if you really want to go at it. One of the things that’s amazing is that when mast cells are activated to release their histamine, the bitter receptors increase in number. This is because the body knows that chronic mast cell activation is damaging and it increases the bitter receptors so that when it’s time to turn off the mast cell migration into the tissue and the histamine release, it can do it quickly. It’s like, hey, as soon as we’re done, we’re turning this off, right? So that means that, and you know, historically we’d be eating bitters all the time because foods historically were very bitter. If you were to eat a grape or a carrot or an apple from ancient Rome, it would have been very bitter. And we’ve selected, genetically selected to breed those sweeter, less bitter plants so that now, 2000 years later, the food that we eat is much sweeter and much less bitter. So, the body is saying, okay, I’m making all these bitter receptors and the next time you go out and eat something, I’m going to get a bunch of bitter food and we’re going to turn this reaction off. But we don’t eat bitter foods.

MARTIN: So, help me outline a bit of a protocol here. So we have a person who’s identified themselves like, oh, yeah, this is me. What do we do with the Tessamet? How do we take it?

SPENCER: So basically you would start with one every eight hours, right? Or one with each meal. And then work your way back, see if you’re getting a response. Right. You want to also look at the environmental cues. So get off the histamine containing and the histamine releasing foods, put it in an air filter and then try Tessamet every eight hours. And if within a day or two, you’re noticing a huge difference, do that for a couple of days and then slowly back off of it. Try it every 12 hours and then try it once a day and then find the minimum you need to get the results you’re looking for. I mean, I’ll take one a day every day just because I, we live in a world that’s constantly creating and triggering allergies. Right? I didn’t vaccinate either of my kids, but I got the full dose of vaccines. I got all those immunological scars. We’re constantly exposed to things that are triggering allergies. So for me, I’ll do one a day the rest of my life just as a counter to the pressure that the environment is putting on me.

MARTIN: So if I’m going to eat my avocado sauerkraut sandwich, I better grab a Tessamet along with it, right?

SPENCER: Maybe you do the Tessamet like ten minutes, like half an hour before or something like that. Ten minutes before, prep it that way. And I’m not saying don’t ever eat histamine-containing foods. What I’m saying is, understand what histamine is doing for your body in particular, understand how sensitive you are to it. And then you decide what you can get away with. Maybe you can get away with eating an avocado once a day and you’re fine. Or maybe a single avocado knocks you out. And when you stop doing it, suddenly you find that your fatigue and your brain fog is gone. So just experiment for yourself.

MARTIN: Right on. This is awesome. I’m looking forward to hearing from our clients how this is working for them in their life. Spencer, thank you so much for introducing us to Tessamet. And first of all, creating it. This is wonderful.

SPENCER: You’re welcome. It was great talking to you again, Martin.

MARTIN: This has been Martin Pytela for life-enthusiast.com. You can reach us at 1-866-543-3388. Thank you, Spencer Feldman.


Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2023
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