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Podcast 265: Soil-based Probiotics – Part 4
Soil-Based Probiotics and Healthy Hearts
In this episode, Kelli de Sante of Body Biotics shares how Soil-based Organisms (SBOs) Probiotics can positively impact your health by pulling heavy metal toxins out of your body, and how this relates to a nationwide doctors’ observation in a glaring increase of heart attack and stroke during the holidays.
Tune in to hear the full story, and change your life!
Dr. Dante Morales, Society of Hypertension president, said incidence of heart attack and stroke commonly surges during December and January and peaks on Christmas and New Year’s Day. “Many of those patients die even before reaching the hospitals or just days after suffering stroke and heart attack” he said.
Podcast 265: Soil-based Probiotics – Part 4
SCOTT: Welcome, everybody! You are listening to the Life Enthusiast Podcast, restoring vitality to you, your stomach, and the planet! Starring the founder of Life Enthusiast, Martin Pytela. Joining us this week is also a very special guest. Can you introduce her?
MARTIN: Of course! Kelli de Sante is with us, the president of Body Biotics, the distributor of Body Biotics. Kelli, are you also manufacturing it? Are you the exclusive outlet?
KELLI: We are! Yes, indeed. Good morning, Martin! Good morning, Scott!
MARTIN: Good morning, and welcome! We will again have the chance to drink from the deep well of your knowledge! You have 20 years of experience with this product! I would like to ask this: do you understand the relationship between these soil-based organisms, and how they relate to detoxification of heavy metals, chelating them out of the body?
KELLI: Yes, but before we launch right into that, I’d like to talk about heart health today. We are coming up on Christmas here, and recently in the news, they talked about how there are more heart attacks around the Christmas holiday than any other time of the year. They attribute that to, of course, too much drinking, eating the wrong foods, and major stress during the holiday time. So, we will talk about the chelation therapy of course, and I wanted to tell you that for the first time they are actually doing a $30 million blind trial test trying to determine the value of chelation therapy, and how that is benefiting the heart. People who are 50 years old and older than had heart attacks are a part of this study. It is a 28-month study, and I think they are wrapping it up now, so it will finalize sometime in 2012. So chelation therapy is sort of an unknown in many ways, although there are hundreds of thousands of people that do chelation therapy every year.
MARTIN: The mainstream medical science will of course approach it through a technological, pharmaceutical, chemical way, where they try to connect the heavy metals in the body, that is what chelation really is, but they just simply plug you into an intravenous drip and send all these things into your veins.
KELLI: Yes, they use a synthetic amino acid chain. Body Biotics act as a natural chelating agent, because we have 23 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and because they are all naturally occurring, they will do the same thing as the intravenous chelation therapy. It is the same process, but done naturally, as opposed to using some synthetic version. They’ve had some success with the synthetic version, so you can only imagine how much more interesting and perhaps more compelling it will be when you have it being introduced into the body naturally, by a natural substance like Body Biotics.
MARTIN: Kelly, you know, you are saying it is backward! You are saying that our system mimics the pharmaceutical, it is the other way around! The pharmaceuticals are using an artificial means to mimic what nature would do! Nature does it using fulvic and humic acids, these are the compounds that are naturally present at the root systems of all plants, that is how chelation happens in nature. The bacteria that live at the roots of these plants connect the minerals that are in the soil with the amino acids so that they can be absorbed into the root systems of the plants. So you simply transfer this system into the intestine. I suppose, if I were a plant, my roots would be in my small intestine, this is where we absorb nutrients, and the soil would be the material that I bring into it, the food I eat would be my source of nutrients.
KELLI: Exactly right! And when I say it mimics, I mean it is naturally occurring, it is doing what it should be doing. It is mimicking the synthetic version, or the synthetic version, as you said, it is mimicking nature. Most probiotics, of course, don’t have the ability to do this, that is why I was expressing it the other way around. (laughing)
MARTIN: The ability comes from the humic and fulvic acids. That is where the chelation can only happen in nature, at the roots of plants.
KELLI: That is correct! And it is beautiful that we can deliver that, because our probiotic is from a natural food source, that very food source that, as you said, delivers the minerals to the plant. We are able to do that with Body Biotics. But I think it is important to talk about why this is important. We live in a toxic society, we have toxins and chemicals everywhere, from our water to the air we breathe, all of the things that are emitted into the air, the plants that we eat sprayed with glyphosate, unfortunately. If you go wholly organic, then you are certainly better off, but that is almost an impossibility if you ever eat out. You are probably not getting anything organic if you eat out. Every day we are adding toxins to our bodies, and we are absorbing all kinds of heavy metals that we should not have, and unless the body has the co-factors or the means to get rid of them, then we are holding them in our body and staying very toxic. And of course, the introduction of dental work, where they use the mercury fillings. Fortunately, people are moving far away from that these days, but the amalgams, the mercury in our mouth could be as deadly as anything else.
SCOTT: Martin sure knows a lot about that!
MARTIN: Yeah! In Sweden, they already outlawed using mercury in children and women of childbearing age. In America, they are still insisting that everything is fine. They can literally say: “Don’t worry, we ship the mercury to you in a truck, that is certified for handling hazardous materials, but it is fine in your mouth.” If we break a thermometer or a light bulb, we are supposed to tape up the bedroom in which it was broken for three days and call specialists to remove it, but it is perfectly legal for the dentist to stuff it in your teeth. It is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. I mean, once I understood what the problem was with mercury fillings, it was like: “Oh my God, how could we ever let that happen?” I had all of my fillings taken out of my mouth and replaced, but most people don’t, it is a very expensive thing to have them removed properly.
KELLI: I know, the average person isn’t necessarily going to be able to go and get it removed. We need to have an inexpensive daily solution if we are not able to do something as drastic as having them all removed. But there are many factors that play into where we are picking up the various different heavy metals, mercury fillings are just one of them.
SCOTT: So what we are really saying is that if you take the Body Biotics and you’ve got mercury fillings that are constantly adding heavy metals into your body, the Body Biotics will help your body remove those toxins?
KELLI: Yeah, over time. Initially, it will work on your most critical issues. It has a way of kind of like having a counter-intelligence if you will. When you take Body Biotics, the signaling starts taking place within the body, and it will first address whatever’s your most life-threatening, your most critical thing that is going on. For some, it might be the mercury that is their most threatening situation. For others, it might be several months before that becomes the priority because they might have other more serious issues in the body. But over time it will begin to gradually bond with these metals, and keep moving them out. Every day you are having some cleaning out.
MARTIN: Speaking of mercury, it is documented that coal-burning power plants put 60,000 tons of mercury into the air every year, and that is in the United States alone. And of course, we know that the trade winds are blowing always from the West towards the East, so we are getting the full-blown toxic load from China, where they’re building five new coal-burning power plants per week.
SCOTT: And we are also getting the radiation from the Japanese reactor, which I believe still has not been shut down.
MARTIN: Well, it is not blowing in the air, so it is not coming on the air. But it will be coming from the ocean waters because as I understand it, they have stopped writing about it in the mainstream press, but the reactor itself is still glowing red, and it is still burning right into the groundwater. So it is not going to take very long before we see contamination in the ocean. I don’t know how long that is going to take to get here.
KELLI: They have already experienced an increase in child death rates, in and around that area, a major increase in child death rates, and I also understand that there is a part actually around Oregon and Washington, where they’re also seeing some increase in death rates of newborns. The other thing that I read was that the milk industry is being very, very careful, which farms they’re gathering milk from on the West coast as well. Some of the farms that used to be able to provide their milk are now being excluded. So there must be something going on even now. I don’t know to what degree, because you can’t get the information, but clearly, there are some indications that we are feeling some of that effect, something isn’t quite right.
MARTIN: I suppose that it would have to be the fallout from the first few days when the radioactive material got into the clouds.
KELLI: I would suppose that as well.
MARTIN: Yeah. It was burning actively. So yes, there will be particles of radioactive cesium and other elements that have fallen to the ground, that embedded themselves into the root systems of the plants, and if you are a ruminant, like a cow, you are possibly eating radioactive grass.
KELLI: Exactly, exactly. Also, we had a lot more volcano eruptions over the last few years, so I don’t know exactly what health risks other than of course breathing in all the ash it can bring, I don’t know the whole variety of health risks, that is coming from that as well, but there are quite a few volcanoes that have become active these last few years. That is not normal, we don’t usually have that many going on at one time.
MARTIN: We are living in a polluted world, so yes, it would be helpful to anyone, to have humic and fulvic acid based supplements available to help eliminate toxins.
KELLI: When people ask me: “Do I need to detox?” I say: “If you are breathing, you need to detox. Even if you are eating the most perfect foods in the world, just by walking on this Earth, you have a problem.”
SCOTT: So how does the chelation process work?
KELLI: The chain of amino acids literally attracts and bonds to the heavy metals. The word chelation comes from the Greek word chēlē, meaning claw, so it basically claws or holds on to the heavy metal, and it transports it out of the body naturally through elimination.
SCOTT: Can you take too much and cause a health crisis, if you are very toxic?
KELLI: Well, let’s talk about two things here. With the synthetic versions, there certainly are side effects that they’ve indicated, like damaged kidneys, irregular heartbeats, and even death. I am sure these were all people who had some serious health problems, but they do of course have to be very careful, and monitor how much and when and whatever. And that is part of why this study is going on because they are trying to identify all of the side effects and the degree to which there are problems. When we talk about natural chelation using a natural product, if you are taking more of the product than your body can handle at any given moment, your organs will not be able to process that at a rapid rate. We start people on low dosages, one capsule a day for the first week. And if people find that their bodies aren’t flushing as easily, or as quickly as they should, then we even tell them to open the capsule and take just a half of it. Rarely do we have to do that, but there are people for whom one capsule is too much. It is not going to harm you, it may make you feel uncomfortable, it may make you constipated. So start really slow with a low dose and see how your body reacts.
SCOTT: Okay, cool.
KELLI: Let me add this, Scott. In the 35 years that we have had the product, we have never, ever had anyone report a negative side effect. They have reported benefits that look like maybe severe detox symptoms, but those are clear benefits, yes, they can be uncomfortable, but they are still benefits. And the only remedy that they need is to back up and take a little bit less of a product. That is the only thing they need to do to correct the issue.
SCOTT: Cool! So you don’t have a big long list of side effects like they do on prescription drugs.
KELLI: No, we have none of that. That is one of the exciting things about Body Biotics, there is no downside.
SCOTT: Cool! So we are talking about taking the Body Biotics, and you mentioned it is an encapsulated form. Are there other ways that we could take it?
KELLI: Some people even open the capsule and just pour it right in their mouth. You certainly can do that, we don’t provide it in a powder form.
MARTIN: How does it taste?
KELLI: Well, it is a little bit gritty, because of the nature of the product, there are no additives. But it really doesn’t have much of a taste at all. It just tastes bland.
MARTIN: So I won’t have a problem with my four-year-old, who is fussy, to chew one of those, right?
KELLI: Oh, well, the chewable is very nice, it has a wild berry flavor, kids love those. My grandson is two, and every morning he gets up, he climbs up, and he is reaching for that chewable. He loves it. If his mother doesn’t remember to give him one, he is clear to remind her!
SCOTT: That is great. And at that age too, he’s far more in tune with his body and what his body needs, I think that is pretty exciting.
KELLI: It is very exciting! I was over there this weekend, and he had already had one, and I felt like he has a little tiny, tiny, minor, minor fever, almost undetectable, but I am kind of sensitive to those things for babies. And it was really funny because right after I said that, he climbed up and he was trying to get another one! He had already had one for the day! And so we gave him another one, we gave him some vitamin C chewable as well, and then he was fine. So I think that they really are very in tune with what their bodies need.
SCOTT: Absolutely! We are getting close to the end of our time today. I can’t believe how fast it has gone! Martin, if somebody wants to know more about Body Biotics and how they could get them, what should they do?
MARTIN: The brand is Body Biotics, you can find it on our website in the probiotic category, or click a direct link here! Kelli, thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us, we will talk again very soon about more benefits of Body Biotics! Thank you Scott, and thank you to all our listeners!
Note: the information provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.