November 26, 2011 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 263: Soil-based Probiotics -Part 2

Martin’s enthused about bringing back Kelly de Sante, the CEO of Body Biotics – the most complete, potent, effective restoration system for the health of the digestive tract.

Listen in to hear Kelly’s knowledge and experience.

Since 1981, more than 20,000 people have consumed Body Biotics SBO Probiotic formulas.  Over time, they bred superior strains of soil-based organisms (SBOs) that produced positive reactions such as:

  • more satisfying bowel movements
  • improved sleep patterns
  • fewer colds and flu
  • greater amounts of energy.

For our ancestors, SBO Probiotics were naturally provided in their diet from the rich soil that coated their harvested vegetables. These microscopic probiotics are still present in soils that have not been commercially over-used and tainted with pesticides. Since most of us eat commercially grown food, our diets are deficient in SBO Probiotics.

SBO Probiotics are extremely aggressive against all disease-causing viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and molds. They have been useful for the healing of some really serious illnesses. In an average of ninety days following their ingestion, specific morbid states for which the soil-based organisms have been taken by sick patients strictly as adjunctive healing agents, positive therapeutic results have been observed and reported anecdotally by both patients and doctors.

Podcast 263: Soil-based Probiotics -Part 2

SCOTT: Welcome back, everybody! You are listening to the Life Enthusiast Podcast, restoring vitality to you and to the planet, starring the founder of the Life Enthusiast, Martin Pytela! I am your co-host, Scott Paton. Hey, Martin, how are you doing today?

MARTIN: It is a great day, and I am very enthused, well, this is the Life Enthusiast, what else would I be? I am excited to introduce, or I should say bring back, Kelli de Sante, the CEO of Life Science! Once again, we are going to talk about their product Body Biotics. Body Biotics, in my opinion, is the most complete, potent, effective restoration system for the health of the digestive tract. But let is get Kelly, the person who really has the knowledge and experience, to explain things. Kelli de Sante, are you there?

KELLI: Good morning! I am here, and thank you for having me back again!

MARTIN: Awesome. We are excited to have you here because I have been wanting to explain to people why some probiotics are just not as good as the marketing merchandising copy would suggest. So let me ask you this: Are all probiotics equal?

KELLI: Not even close! Especially not, when they have really big numbers they call ‘CFU’ posted all over them. Those you have to be really cautious about.

SCOTT: What is a CFU?

KELLI: A CFU stands for ‘colony-forming units.’ Some years ago, people wanted to have some way of identifying to let people know their probiotic is better. They came up with identifying how many colony-forming units of the microbes were in their product. And it was really funny, because years ago, when that CFU term came out, it was pretty much a marketing ploy, as much as anything else. When it came out, at that time you only saw maybe a billion or 2 billion, or sometimes you’d see 5 billion. Now I notice people get 15 billion and 20 billion, and of course, as human beings, we always think more is better, but in the case of probiotics, more has absolutely nothing to do with efficacy. Especially when you are qualifying it as a CFU, it just simply has absolutely nothing to do with the efficacy of a probiotic, and we will get into what does have something to do with the efficacy in just a moment.

SCOTT: So, Kelly, the CFUs, when do they actually measure those? How do they know those 18 billion units are present or available?

KELLI: Those are measured typically at the time they are extracted and freeze-dried, from whatever culture medium they have used, or they are identified at the point of manufacturing. If people will look very closely at the label, it will say ’10 billion CFU,’ but somewhere on the bottle, in the small print, it will say ‘CFU based on manufacturing date or at time of extraction,’ or some words like that, that will identify when they were quantified. And according to Professor Lee Dexter, as well as Dr. Peter Rothschild, who had done extensive research on probiotics, the moment that a microbe is taken from its source, the very moment it is taken out of that culture, whatever method you use to do that, it was alive and now is dying. And at best, a probiotic that has been removed from its food source, according to both Rothchild and Dexter, who are leading authorities in this industry, according to them, at best, those products stay alive for just a few days, or possibly up to six months. And of course, consumers are becoming aware that viability is important. Now, the next stage these manufacturers have come up with is something called enteric coating. “Oh, we enteracoat  it to protect it.” Enteric coating  is another little marketing word that is being made, to create viability for their product, or to substantiate the viability of their products.

SCOTT: What you are saying really sounds like common sense. I mean, if you took a human being and you removed him or her from food for six months, they would be definitely dying and dead. So why would it be any different for other living organisms, right?

KELLI: That is a perfect, perfect explanation. I think many people don’t think of it in that term! Probiotics are absolutely living organisms. Our intestinal tract is made up of millions and millions of them, good and bad, and the balance of the good and bad is what gives us our vibrancy, or not. And so these living organisms, they do you absolutely no good, if they are not able to reconstitute, to literally have a living communication within the gut with all the various different other microbes that are there. It is a battle, it is truly actually a battle in the gut, of the good versus the bad guys! You are exactly right, if they are not alive, then they are not thriving, then they are not doing their job.

SCOTT: Okay. So, I am living a life, and to me, it is normal. Sometimes I am full of energy, sometimes I am very tired, but this is normal to me. But it doesn’t mean that I am living a life full of vitality! It doesn’t mean I am living at the optimum level. It just means that this is normal, this is what I am used to. I can assume that my gut is full of the bad guys, because all my life, I have had antibiotics and stuff like that, I have been drinking coffee, drinking beer, drinking wine, eating white bread, and doing all these things that are normal in our general society. But what I would want to do is this: I want to take my gut, and I want to replace it with a gut that is full of all these good critters, that you are going to stick in there, and the bad critters are basically gone, so can you can now paint a picture of what the difference would be, if my gut health improved dramatically?

KELLI: Okay, so prior to the poisoning of our foods with chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides, we had, quote-unquote, a “fairly normal balance,” prior to that, and prior to antibiotics, the body had a fairly normal balance. A normal balance means you have to have unfriendly guys in the gut because it is what sort of challenges the immune system, and that combat with the friendly bacteria keeps you alive and vibrant. But prior to the 1950s-1960s, our ratio of friendly versus unfriendly was more like 70% friendly and 30% unfriendly. So somewhere in that range of numbers would have been a healthy balance. But now, here we are, fast forward to 2011, we don’t just have poisons in our food, but also poisons in our water, in the air we breathe… I mean, everything we touch these days compromises our immune system! The carpet on our floor, the dyes in our fabrics, you name it, we are being bombarded with every kind of chemical or environmental condition, that only leads to even more issues. And just like the friendly bacteria, that we want to keep alive and thriving, those unfriendlies are looking to be alive and thriving as well. So things like craving chocolate, craving sweets, craving bread, any of those cravings, that are ‘negative,’ craving things that are not good for the gut, that is an indication of an overabundance of the unfriendlies.

I know this, specifically, because when I first got on Body Biotics almost 17 years ago, my gut was a mess. I had all kinds of environmental allergies. There was a doctor that used Body Biotics, and I went to see him, and he recommended that I do a green food diet. It was the hardest thing for me to do! I could eat three ounces of meat a day, and I am a big meat eater, you know, I grew up on the farm. I was very diligent though because I wanted to see some reversal, I really wanted to support my gut, and I wanted to get my health in good shape. So I went on this diet, and one of the suggestions  was that I needed to eat spinach every day. I wasn’t a big spinach eater, but I did what I was supposed to do, and it was really funny, because after about three weeks on this diet, I was traveling, and honestly, this is the truth, my body was so craving spinach, that I left four restaurants until I finally found a restaurant where they had a spinach salad! It was a strong indication of how I had overcome a major portion of the unfriendlies, and my friendly guys were winning out!

SCOTT: So you exchanged an addiction to chocolate for addiction to spinach! I have never heard of that before, that is great!

KELLI: But it is really true! Your body will always tell you what it needs, if you pay attention, no matter what is going on in your body. One time, years ago, I had some issues going on, and I was really craving asparagus, I really wanted asparagus, like fairly regularly, almost every day. A few months later, I was reading some holistic text that would say: and if you have this condition, your body really craves asparagus. And I thought: “Wow, man, the body really does talk to us! But if you have trained your body to the bad stuff, you know, bread, pasta, chocolate, it will challenge you to flip that upside down the other way, so your body starts craving the stuff that is actually good for you.

MARTIN: Awesome. So, we started explaining what these ‘alive but dying’ probiotics are, but we did not explain why Body Biotics is actually different. What we offer here is still alive and dormant, ready to spring to action. It is sort of like a hibernating bear, who has enough fatty reserves for winter, and at the right condition, when the temperature goes up, and the sun starts shining, the bear wakes up, and he is full of energy. We should explain how Body Biotics is not easily measured for these CFU numbers, and how they actually do what they do.

KELLI: Well, that is a great point, Martin. When I was speaking with professor Dexter, when we were putting together the structure-function FDA submission, I discovered from her input, that there are 72 culture banks in the world, that culture probiotics, and they culture some 5,000 subspecies, that go out to hundreds and hundreds of manufacturers around the world. How she explained it was that there are four types of probiotics. The first is simply non-viable, it has got maybe a four or five-day shelf life, it simply can do nothing. The second is freeze-dried, which has been cultured, and then extracted from the culture, and then freeze-dried. It has no heat sustainability, and it has a very short shelf life, approximately six months under the ideal conditions. What consumers need to realize is that probably 90% of all probiotics, at least 90% of all probiotics on the market today, fall into category one or two – non-viable or freeze-dry forms.

The third form, which I have found in maybe two products, that I have stumbled across, is a fermented form. Fermentation is kind of getting closer to the best. But fermentation still produces low potency, and only a shelf life of maybe four or five months, same as the freeze-dried. Then the fourth, and the most viable type of probiotic, is what she called a ‘viable primary consortia of cultures,’ which is what we have in Body Biotics. Let me explain what that means because that is where we really want to land. How is our little 1% compared to the 99% out there? How are we different? The best explanation that I can offer, and I think the consumer will get a really clear picture from, is this: When you have a pond in your backyard, and you don’t put some kind of algae control chemical in it, you will  have algae growing everywhere. So what happens to that algae when the pond dries up? Here in Texas, we have had no rain for nine months, so it is dry as a bone here. What happens when that pond dries up?

SCOTT: Well, the algae kind of turns a different color, and it just sort of hangs there, but it is definitely not growing anymore…

KELLI: Yes, but it is dormant, it is not really dead! In nature, these living organisms are not dead! Our probiotics, our soil-based organisms, have lived in nature for billions and billions of years, they can survive any and all conditions because when there is a stressful situation or an unfriendly environmental situation, they go dormant! But the minute the terrain changes, the minute the environment changes, that is friendly toward them, they wake up, they thrive, they come alive again, and they multiply, and they kind of ‘go to work’ again! That is what we have done with Body Biotics! We had taken consortia, which means ‘several grown together,’ a group that has been kept in their natural habitat, so to speak, that have been cultured, nurtured, cohabitated together, and learned exactly how to co-exist one with the other. And instead of taking them out of their food source, which for us is humic and fulvic acids, which are natural food sources for them, we culture it, we take the whole batch, and we encapsulate it, including the humic and fulvic acid. So we encapsulate the living probiotics, dormant in their stage, and instead of freeze-drying them, we let them naturally dehydrate, just like the algae in a pond, where the water dries up, so they turn into a powder.

SCOTT: So there is no pasteurization or anything going on here, right? That is a topic that Martin and I like to talk about every once in a while, about people talking about stuff that is raw and living, and how pasteurization actually kills all the enzymes and all the good stuff.

KELLI: No pasteurization here. We have taken this humic and fulvic acid from the core of the earth, we have impregnated these acids with wonderful, non-toxic, safe viable strains of probiotics, we have put them in in a particular order, so that they have learned what their job is, and they learned to cohabitate together, they learn to signal each other so that when they get into the body, they can signal the body. It is just like having a beautiful organic farm, that is teaming with friendly bacteria, so your fruits and vegetables are all so delicious, they have wonderful flavors, and they are just beautiful. When you keep that consortium healthy and thriving in its natural food source, it can help our inner garden to grow. We are teaming with all of the good bacteria, and we are producing the best fruit of our body, the best fruit that we can have.

MARTIN: It sounds to me a lot like you are describing a football game, but instead of having just a quarterback on the field, you actually have the whole team, and you work with all of them, you have your offensive team, your defensive team, the coaches, the guys who cut the grass, and the guys who wash the laundry… they all need to learn to work together for the best results.

KELLI: That is exactly right! All the players are big, they are muscular, they are able to play the game, but when they have no clue how to communicate with each other, they can’t really win! And that is exactly the difference because most of these freeze-dried products, they culture one strain at a time, and then they freeze-dry this strain, and then they take multiple of these different strains that are already dry and put them together in a bottle, but these strains never learned to work together!

SCOTT: And then they realize it is too late because they are missing a quarterback and a wide receiver!

KELLI: Oh, you bet!

MARTIN: Kelly, here is an interesting point. On television, I have seen all this fancy advertising for yogurts, that have been fortified with one, and sometimes even two strains of probiotics, and they show this lovely ad where the belly is doing the belly dance, you know what I am talking about, right? So there is this beautifully activated yogurt. How would that compare to what Body Biotics would deliver?

KELLI: Well, I think the consumers set it on when they won two class-action suits against these companies and had been paid more than $400 million because of false claims!

SCOTT: Awesome! Let’s talk a bit about people now. I am always curious to hear some of the success stories that Martin comes up with, and I am just curious to hear some of the stories you have heard from people that have used Body Biotics.

MARTIN: There is the most famous one! Jordan Rubin has become a millionaire, thanks to the product that Kelli offers here. But you know the story better than I do, do you want to share it with us?

KELLI: Sure! 17 years ago, when Life Science products became a company, I had an opportunity to meet Jordan Rubin face-to-face, this was when Jordan was little, 104 pounds, he was skinny, honestly looked like he wasn’t going to make it through the week. He really looked like he was on death’s door, it was quite frightening. So we chatted, because he actually had come to a meeting, where we were explaining the product, we had a doctor there showing some slides from some blood tests that he had taken, showing the difference, the before and after, and then I didn’t hear too much about Rubin, until maybe about eight months later. I was at another meeting, and there he was! I walked right by him because quite frankly, I didn’t recognize him! And when I passed by him he said: “Kelli, aren’t you going to speak to me?” And I said: “Sorry, do I know you?” And he said: “It is Jordan!” And oh my God, I almost fell out of my chair! I couldn’t believe the difference! It must have been about nine months. He had gained weight, he looked like a healthy, vibrant, amazing young man, I just couldn’t believe it!

Jordan was a customer of body Biotics between 1996 and 2001. And in 1997, Dr. Morton Walker actually did a five-page interview with him that was published in newsletters for doctors and patients, and he told this story about how Body Biotics saved his life. And in that article were these before and after pictures, you can Google ‘Jordan Rubin before and after‘ and see for yourself. His recovery from Crohn’s disease is an amazing success story, and he attributes it directly to his introduction to Body Biotics, and his consumption of 20 capsules a day for a number of months. In 2001 he started his own product called Primal Defense.

SCOTT: I just looked Jordan up, I never heard of him, he had a normal childhood, in terms of his health, but when he was 19, he started experiencing nausea, digestive distress, alarming weight loss, and he lost more than 80 pounds! He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, he was wheelchair-bound, and he was only 104 pounds. One doctor basically said that it is the worst case of Crohn’s he had ever seen, and he said: “This guy is going to die.” He was at death’s door at the age of 19 at 104 pounds, oh my goodness, that must have been awful!

MARTIN: But the fun part about all of this is that he got well and because he couldn’t make a successful deal with the company selling Body Biotics, he decided to make his own knock-off, and he did! And he successfully turned it into a multimillion-dollar company called Garden of Life!

KELLI: Yes, he did! He sold that company in July 2011, I think.

MARTIN: Yeah! I am sure that Garden of Life is going to be nothing like what it was when Jordan and his dad were there. I don’t want to make any bad prognostications, but when the spreadsheet guys show up, usually the heart of the company is removed surgically.

KELLI: Well, Jordan was clearly passionate about probiotics, there is no question about that, and his passion and his healing, I think, led him to do a lot of good things around probiotics.

SCOTT: And he just came out with a new book called The Raw Truth!

MARTIN: Yeah, Jordan has moved on, I saw his name associated with a network marketing company, I saw a whole bunch of podcasts and lectures, and all of that, so he has moved on, he is not associated with the probiotic company anymore. I just wanted to highlight it as a story of a complete turnaround, that is so visible in public, that you cannot miss it.

KELLI: Exactly. And Martin, any of your listeners of course can request that special report, we have the rights to share the story from 1997, so if any of your listeners are interested, they can send you an email or call, however, they communicate with you, you have that available for them to read about Jordan Rubin and his story.

SCOTT: Awesome! So, Martin, if somebody wanted to get this report, and find out more about probiotics, what should they do

MARTIN: Well, they can read about Body Biotics on our website, it is If that is not sufficient, please call me at (866) 543 3388, and let us help you! We are Life Enthusiast, restoring vitality to you and to the planet! Thank you, Kelli, I bet we will talk again very soon! Thank you for listening, everyone!

Note: the information provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff November 26, 2011
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