March 3, 2010 by

Podcast 167: Nutrition for High Performance

Martin’s experiencing a loss of words, as if his brain needs more food – a reflection of what he ate hours ago.

With food as well as life… we reap what we sow.
Junk food = poor energy and nutrient-rich food = high functioning.

Martin paints this picture…
If you’re a cow walking slowly along a path and someone drops a boulder (junk food) onto it, you would simply step around it and be on your merry way.
If you’re a high performance car racing along a freeway and someone drops a boulder (junk food) onto it, there would be a major wreck!

Marine Phytoplankton is a complete, whole food containing everything your body requires to keep cells vital and strong. It provides many elements that many of us now lack, including carotenoids, chlorophyll, enzymes, and cellular material not found in other Green Superfoods.

Natural marine phytoplankton communities contain a complete set of marine trace elements in proportion to those found naturally in human plasma. The mineral elements and electrolytes in Phytoplankton are almost tailor-made for the human body.

March 3, 2010
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