March 17, 2010 by

Podcast 168: Arthritis and Inflammation

Martin and Scott move on from the cause of disease to the specific condition of arthritis. If your joints are hurting, you probably have arthritis. If your joints are damaged beyond repair, then you probably have osteoarthritis.

The regulatory organizations – the FDA specifically – have made it their business to strictly delineate the difference between a drug and food. A drug is something that can cure, prevent, mitigate or somehow improve a medical condition.  As soon as Martin uses a name for a medical condition, he’s in dangerous territory of practicing medicine without a license. Martin does not have this license, but what he does have is a license to describe things the way they are, educate people and allow them to draw their own conclusions.

Life Enthusiast presents a wonderful anti-inflammatory called Recovery ES.

  • Relieve Back Pain and Joint Pain… Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
  • Rebuild Muscle and Connective Tissues – post injury or operation
  • Repairs matrix & membrane of cells, improves healing.
March 17, 2010
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