Chronic Disease
Bacteria are being found in the diseased tissues of all degenerative diseases. Where do these organisms come from? Mycoplasma in heart disease, Helicobacter in stomach ulcers, etc. The answer to this question has been known for 150 years. The blood is not sterile. Louis Pasteur was wrong! His idea of the bacterial cause of disease was wrong! Cancers are full of microorganisms. The practice of mainstream medicine is based on a mistake and the implications of these concepts are staggering. The other style of healing, the holistic medicine, can deal with degenerative conditions readily. Ignorance is Knowledge divided. Medicine for one, exists as many branches of specialized ignorance that when practiced alone do not work. Used together they do. Medicine divided into specialized pieces is a puzzle. A piece forgotten is the concept of pleomorphism. Acid Base is only used by regular medicine in the ICUs of hospitals. Pleomorphism defines the cause of chronic degenerative disease – all of them! Acid-Base-pH changes come before the pleomorphic ones.
Chronic Degenerative Disease is not “CAUGHT”
Modern science is finding microorganisms in the devitalized tissues of all chronic degenerative diseases. Where do these organisms come from? The answer to this question has been known for more than 150 years but “modern” science still does not know what it is. As we get older, acids, heavy metals and other toxins accumulate in the body’s genetically “weakest” and most devitalized organs.
As the blood supply of such organs is reduced and their immune cells incapacitated because of the acids and toxins, these organs are fortresses in the body where viruses, bacteria, and fungi multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way. The function of these organisms is to consume the accumulating toxic debris. This is rotting pure and simple. Pleomorphism. These organisms are pleomorphic.
These organisms, as explained by pleomorphism, tend to set up their housekeeping in the compartments of the body that are the most acid, the most oxidized and that have the highest pollution with toxic metals. These areas are fortresses in the body where the body’s own immune cells are also incapacitated so anaerobic germs, viruses and fungi multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way that cannot be conquered by antibiotics, pleomorphic remedies, ozone therapy, UV light therapy and other.
The body rots and oxidizes from the inside out. Base powder begins at the beginning, not at the end in ICU in the hospital. Pasteur confused rotting and fermentation. This “mistake” affects all aspects of medicine and explains Chronic Degenerative Disease. Acids, toxins, heavy metals accumulate… so pleomorphism changes organisms in the body to decompose it. Known Biology is wrong! The body rots and oxidizes from the inside out; you don’t “catch” CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASE. Dennis Myers devoted his last years to the dissemination of known knowledge about life and health – not dis-ease. After thirty years in medical practice he opted not to ‘practice’ medicine anymore but to devote all his time and effort to making unifying principles of health known to medical practitioners and the public in general.
Concepts such as Acid/Base balance, Oxidation/Reduction Potential, Pleomorphism, Homotoxicology, EAV and others are extremely important to all forms of medicine. In fact, such concepts serve to redefine and therefore unite all forms of medicine. Because allopathic medicine deals with the results and final symptoms of disease, not the causes, it is the most specialized and therefore exclusive form of medicine there is. In today’s competitive medical market place, to begin treatment with such a form of medicine places the patient in a severely compromised predicament. Rather, to begin treatment with concepts that apply to all forms of medicine, concepts that are not exclusive, so expensive or dangerous, is much more in the patient’s interest.
Instead of beginning with results, this is about beginning, before prevention even, but with the Treatment of Causes. The treatment of causes can be dealt with best by using not just one but all of the different forms of medicine in a logical and sequential order. “Alternative Medicine” is a science, an organized body of knowledge, not just what is current in the Health Food Stores of the day; and, it is not alternative. Acid Base Mineral Balance is a good place to start in the case of a health breakdown. Attaining balance requires or necessitates detoxification, anti-oxidation, removal of harmful metals (mercury), proper nutrition, exercise and so on. One can see that acid base is a principle from which to start the above and any of the other therapies that there are.
It can tell if you made the right choices in therapy, because if you did, your acid/base balance will get better. This is Wholistic Medicine. This is in the patient’s best interest. Acid/Base/Mineral Balance lays the mineral foundation of the body so to speak, as this controls the mineral balance of the body. After the mineral skeleton or foundation of such Wholistic therapy is laid come such remedies as herbs, homeopathics, acupuncture and orthomolecular nutrition and similar care. These failing or the patient being too sick, allopathic medicine remains as “emergency” therapy. Allopathic medicine is alternative, there as the last resort not the first. The central idea here is of course, that of Vitalism; vs. the Empiricism of modern, allopathic medicine. Vitalism is the underlying idea of Eclectic, Homeopathic, Naturopathic, Oriental and Chiropractic approaches to health and healing – the concept of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae – or the life force, which has had many names but constitutes one idea.
Dennis wrote these words:
“My aim in doing all this is ultimately political. As these ideas affect all aspects of medicine, their implementation must ultimately be dealt with on a national level.”
The biology we learned in school is wrong! This affects all branches of medicine. Doctors and patients need to know about these things. The different fields of medicine must be synthesized and our knowledge coordinated. This will take a concerted and collective effort. Please feel free to copy and distribute any of this information. Dr. Robert Miller, D.C., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has been my main mentor in these things really and to him I owe a great deal. Together, we are Euro-American Health.” Dennis let his website go some time ago. We are reproducing it here to celebrate his life and his contribution.