October 6, 2018 by
Ronald Cusson, PhD

Pain Mitigation and Tissue Repair

Core Beliefs about Tissue Repair

First we want to state here our beliefs and that of our clients throughout life. We firmly believe that we are entitled, by our very human nature, to live our life with the ability to respond enthusiastically to all our challenges as we use our body to carry out this response. This means that we can expect that we will be able to perform quick and durable repairs to the wear and tear that our body experiences in the pursuit of these appropriate responses, yes?

Incorrect Tissue Repairs lead to Pain down the Road of Life

Even though we believe that we are entitled to this tissue repair function of our body, our experience of life suggests to us that this is seldom what actually happens.

Let us give a couple of ubiquitous examples of this.

Lisa was involved in a minor accident several years back and hurt her back. Eventually the back pain subsided. However, she periodically finds that her back “goes out” at about the same place as it did in that accident, with sometimes only minor provocation and that the time it takes for the back pain to subside gets to be longer and longer after each incident. Lisa fears that there will come a time when she will need serious medical and possibly surgical attention to that weakened area of her back.

John is a serious fast car enthusiast and, in a scary accident several decades ago, a number of disks in his spine were damaged. With treatments, the back pain subsided and he could function normally. But, over time, his disk damage “reappeared” and MRI diagnostics revealed that these disks had bulged out and cracked in several places. John was now in excruciating pain.

In both these examples, the initial damage could have been repaired but that did not happen and whatever repair took place left the body with an intrinsic weakness that made the body more and more vulnerable in the damaged area as time marched on.

How do we improve on our current Ability to do Tissue Repairs?

In order to understand how to improve our ability to do tissue repairs, we need to understand some of what goes wrong when we need to repair tissues. When we want to do tissue repair to an injured area of our body, we desire to bring back the operation of all the issues in the damaged area of the body to that state of primordial health that we enjoyed, say, when coastal civilization emerged from the Sea, millions of years ago.

We can get an idea of what that state might be by examining the lifestyle of typical 30 year-old South East Asians who live a very closely integrated life with the ocean. Such people often use almost no refined foods, flavor everything with sea water and consume practically only sea vegetables and sea food.

Such a life style is anything but our western nutritional life style, of course. So, our task is to restore our health to that standard without abandoning our busy western lifestyle. Fortunately, we will see that this is doable in a way that becomes pleasant and fruitful, once we get used to the changes that we will describe below. We can get a first hint of what needs to be done by recalling the European Middle ages practice of spending time in the mountains swimming and drinking hot mountain spring water interspaced with various forms of massages.

The essence of such practices is that one consumed highly mineralized water and one absorbed further minerals through the skin by bathing in warm mineralized water, on the one hand and, on the other one introduced rhythmic vibrations into the body via the skilled hands of the massage therapist. This served the purpose of, 1) detoxifying the over-calcification of the soft tissues and, 2) reintroducing the full complement of 80+ minerals from the ocean.

Here a word of caution: drinking whole sea water in sufficient quantity to attempt to remineralize the body usually result in substantial digestive system disturbances and, for this reason does not lead to a satisfactory method of remineralizing the body. Of course, swimming regularly in warm ocean water is a wonderful practice which is not easy to do for most people in our busy world.

Still, when we flavor foods with small amounts of sea water, we get some necessary sodium, which is actually missing from most plants. But also, the next most abundant mineral in sea water is magnesium and, it too is mostly missing from modern agricultural produce, because of overcultivation and deficient fertilizing practices.

The next 2 minerals down in abundance from magnesium are calcium and potassium that are each about 3 times less abundant than magnesium. In land masses, calcium is about twice as abundant as magnesium, which is a substantial reversal of the situation in sea water, where magnesium is 3 times as abundant as calcium.

Our cellular structure is issued from the ocean and actually expects to bathe in a milieu that is similar to that of the ocean. In practice this means that, since our diet is very rich in calcium, because of dairy products, it should also be far richer in magnesium than it is currently for most people.

Now, there are some 80+ additional trace minerals in sea water and it is believed by many experts that they also play a critical role in maintaining our physiology. Thus, the thing that we need to do to effect rapid tissue repairs is to supply our physiology with an abundant and easily assimilated complex source of ocean minerals, in the right proportions.

Then, once the cells of our soft tissues have been loaded up with undesired calcium, they lose their flexibility and the tissues start accumulating insoluble calcium deposits that interfere with the proper function and with the proper healing of these tissues when they are damaged by trauma. Another adjunct to adding ocean minerals to the body is to apply substantial mechanical vibrations to the tissues. When the frequencies are just right, resonances can set in and further accelerate the shaking off of these interfering calcium deposits. With this explanation of what needs to happen, we can now advance to describing our technology

What Technology do we use to effect these Improvements on Tissue repairs?

We begin the process of detoxifying the over-calcification of the soft tissues while increasing the complex mineral content by offering a pair of products for this purpose. The first one is Energized Water that is used to start from distilled water and reconstitute an excellent approximation to the intracellular water, while retaining the pleasant taste of mineral water.

We add minerals that are to be used daily with the Energized Water above, so that its mineral components can easily penetrate the cells via the so-called calcium channel. The mineral supplement is a complex set of minerals abundant in sea water and it supplies easily metabolized magnesium and other minerals. Once these minerals enter the cells, powerful cellular enzymes separate the positive ions (minerals) from the negative ions (mostly bicarbonates). The positive ions will slow down the excessive stimulus to the central nervous system that came from over-calcification and the negative ions will lift the internal cellular pH to the optimum energy production value of around 8.5. This dual function balances the cellular operation in such a way that we can much more easily manage our physiology and optimally restore the intricacies of the cellular functions of each organ cells. We also want to utilize the mineral absorption properties of the skin to further increase our mineral supplies, without having to spend hours a day swimming in the warm ocean.

The third product then, is our Topical Magnesium that is applied to the whole body in order to produce the maximum absorption of the complete ocean minerals spectrum, sodium excluded. The unconscious body wisdom will select from this full spectrum, precisely the mineral components that are needed to allow a cell to perform optimally in the organ where it belongs. When applied to the whole body, it can lead to skin irritation and the excess should therefore be washed off after a while, which will generally stop the skin irritation. The gel can also be applied locally to painful areas and left on till the next shower, if the skin irritation is not a problem.

The 4th concept is exercise. Even if you’re in too much pain to exercise, we have optional devices. EVERY body needs movement. If exercise were a pill, it would be the most prescribed one.

Here are other approaches on how to do this:

  1. A hand massage by a skilled massager. This has been the tradition since time immemorial. But it is time consuming and requires extensive training on the part of the practitioner, so that it is often cost effective to supplement the hand massage with technology that can be self-applied.
  2. The Thumper II massager is a hand held massager that can serve in many instances to begin the task of removing hardened calcium deposits from the soft tissues. But this low cost device lacks the refinement of changing the frequency and the amplitude of the vibrations.
  3. Using a whole body vibration platform. There are now such devices that have variable amplitude at a single chosen frequency. The vibration occurs in a platform at foot level. When one wants to reach an upper body part, it is often necessary to lie down on that platform to reach the correct area. In any case, the available frequency range is generally limited.
  4. Using the Harmonic Comfort Chair by Body Balance System. This has the advantage of allowing the precise selection of the frequencies that will produce the right resonance for the right system in the body. Several frequencies can be applied simultaneously with recorded programs that are easily modified. Thus this becomes the instrument of choice when the skilled masseur is not available or need to be supplemented for cost savings. One can locate soft cushions to isolate areas where no vibrations are desired and harder cushions to direct the vibrations to the desired spots. Once the cushions are in place, one can greatly increase the volume of the vibrations without causing discomfort. Manual are available to list frequencies that will resonate well in various areas of the body.
Author: Ronald Cusson, PhD
Ronald Cusson, PhD October 6, 2018
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