Risk Factors for Pain
From Joint Pain, Back Pain, Inflammation, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
We are not allowed to say or write that we can cure arthritis or osteoarthritis, because these are defined as medical conditions, and only a licensed health practitioner is legally allowed to tell you that you have arthritis, or any other medical condition. Please take note: we are not offering a “cure for arthritis”.
Being Overweight
Excess weight puts stress on the joints, particularly the hips and knees.
Repetitive Tasks
Repeated joint overuse leading to cartilage damage.
Poor Diet Creates an Acidic pH Body
A diet that is rich in sugary foods (high glycemic index) causes an acidic pH balance in your body. An extended time in an acidic pH state can result in pain, discomforts and diseases. Your body’s pH levels affect every process within. If your pH is acidic, you cannot effectively absorb nutrients (vitamins, minerals or supplements). Research has already proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline cellular environment, and thrives in an acidic environment. Your body pH affects every aspect of your health, therefore it should be one the first issues to address when experiencing symptoms of ill health. Proper nutrition and activity can help return & maintain your body’s pH levels near normal, promoting health and vitality
Physical Inactivity
This can be as harmful to the joints as overuse. A lack of exercise or varied movement can weaken the muscles that support the joints and decrease joint flexibility. Eventually, under-used joints may become stiff, painful, dysfunctional, and prone to injury and osteoarthritis.
Injury to the knee or hip increases your risk for developing osteoarthritis in these joints. Scar tissue and muscle spasm lead to blocked blood (nutrient) flow to the joints and lymphatic drainage (waste) away from the joint tissues. Lack of nutrient flow and waste drainage negatively affect healing and lead to an accumulation of damaging waste compounds within the joint capsule.
Being Female
In general, arthritis occurs more frequently in women than men (although in the under-45 age group, the condition affects more men than women).