October 6, 2018 by
Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor
Scott Paton

Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor

Martin Pytela announces his accreditation as a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor. In this special podcast episode we are going to take a closer look at Metabolic Typing, its history and its application.

When your body gets its required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Learn how to construct meals to build health instead of disease. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life.

Health became a business over the past few years and desperate for quick change, we are ready to hand over money for any solution that sounds easy and promises results fast. While most of the trendy diets and nutritional programs presented to us as miracles for everyone were created pretty recently, and their main purpose is bring some income to the author, there are approaches to diet and human health that are scientifically supported, proven by years of practice, and also agree with common sense. The Metabolic Typing approach takes your own metabolic individuality into consideration and works with it, not against it, as most diets do.

The modern take on diet is very different from what is natural to our bodies. Nutritional experts and doctors suppose that every body is the same and has the same needs. While every body looks similar on the inside, and yes, all humans are the same species, there are still nuances in our metabolic make up that demand slight adjustments here and there. Traditional medicine like Chinese, Ayurvedic, or Ancient Greek understood these differences, but for some reason the modern (and you would expect more educated) medical system is trying to fit us all into one mold. Its not just that women have different needs than men, or children need a more specific approach than adults; everyone should learn about their metabolic type to be able to fulfill their own needs. This series is especially for you if you think your diet is perfect, but you still feel miserable for no reason.

Sleepy after a bowl of cereal in the morning? Exhausted after a big fatty chunk of meat for lunch? Super pumped for five minutes and then feeling suddenly aloof for the rest of the day after that fruit smoothie you had for a snack? Those might be perfect signs of not eating right for your particular metabolic type. There are reasons for ethnic restaurants to be all over the world, and it might not be because people of that ethnicity want Americans or Europeans to give their food a try. It might be simply because they understand that living in the USA doesn’t convert their bodies to work with burgers, French fries, or Coca-Cola. Maybe they just want to be close to the food they feel great eating and that is appropriate for their metabolic needs.

Eating real food and avoiding processed, plastic, food-like substances, quite often referred to as Frankenfood (that name is pretty accurate) is a fantastic thing to do and makes a great first step for everyone with any health concern, but sometimes it is not enough to keep you as healthy as possible. If carbohydrates make you sleepy and unable to focus, maybe you are eating too much of them. If salad with tuna makes you feel perfectly satiated, while a quarter of grilled chicken makes you want to stop eating after a few bites, you might be eating too much protein, or even not choosing a suitable source of protein for your body. Identifying allergies, and adjusting ratios to match your body’s needs is crucial. It has been noted that there are similarities among people originating in similar geographical areas. It may be hard for you to track where your great great grandparents came from, and therefore what might be your ideal diet, but it is relatively easy to undergo a metabolic typing test.

Martin and Scott share more details about the Metabolic Typing approach, making the information more accessible and understandable for everybody. Even those who have no idea where to start now have access to a certified coach to lead them through the process. The Metabolic Typing test is a quiz that takes around 30 minutes to complete, but you will probably need to do some self experimenting with food first in order to learn about your body’s reaction to certain foods. Nobody knows how you feel after a meal than you do, and there is no room for a guessing game when looking for accurate, individualized results. You will be asked very specific questions, for example how a certain food makes you feel after consuming it, what foods you crave most, or how you feel after a few hours of fasting. You might not know all the answers right away, and that is why self-experimenting is the key. Please, don’t try to guess if you are not sure, MAKE sure. Take your time and learn for yourself, about yourself. With understanding of how different foods affect your mood, energy level, and both mental and physical well being, you will be able to navigate yourself towards excellent health. You will no longer have to experience energy crash after breakfast or post lunch drowsiness, because you will know what food choices you should make to suit you own metabolic needs. Breakfast full of carbohydrates tends to be convenient and is a North American cultural norm. But even though you love your morning oatmeal with fresh berries, this meal just might not be an ideal choice as the first meal of the day for you. If this is your case, you might find a new love for some pastured eggs and bacon for breakfast instead, or a chia seed and coconut milk breakfast pudding.

Once you find out what you own Metabolic Type is, you can start eating to meet your biological needs, stop sabotaging your body with poor food choices and focus on your journey to sustainable health and the quality of life you deserve. If you think you’ve tried it all and you still are not able to improve your health, a Metabolic Typing test might be the one thing standing between you and peak health. Ask Martin for a free initial personal consultation, he is always ready to answer your questions before taking the deeper, long form Metabolic Typing test.

Author: Scott Paton
Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor
Scott Paton October 6, 2018
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