February 27, 2012 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 267: Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor

Martin shares his Metabolic Types course information. The answer to how human physiology really works – the culmination of Martin’s 30 years of searching for an answer and finding it.

Some foods, such as meat or sweet and acid foods, are good for certain people – and for these are not “problem” foods. On others, their effects are adverse. In order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and a deeper insight into the food-related causes of diseases, it is helpful to take a closer look at our metabolism.

Podcast 267: Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor

SCOTT: Welcome back, everybody! This is the Life Enthusiast Podcast, restoring vitality to you and to the planet! I am your co-host Scott Paton, and joining us, as usual, is the founder of the Life Enthusiast, Martin Pytela. Hey, Martin, how are you doing?

MARTIN: I am doing good. I want to mark this call as the first of 2012, and I think it is significant, and I would like to go into a recap of what happened in the first months of 2012.

SCOTT: Sure! It is February 2012, so two months have gone by, and I guess the question is: Have you kept your new year’s resolutions, or are you one of the 90% that breaks it after about three days?

MARTIN: Is that all we get? 10% can stick to their resolutions? (laughing)

SCOTT: (laughing) I don’t know what it is, but they keep doing studies on that. Whatever your new year’s resolution is, for many people, halfway through the next year they don’t exist anymore, so…

MARTIN: One thing I remember reading is that if you write it down as a statement, and as a commitment, you have a much greater chance of sticking to it.

SCOTT: Yeah, as opposed to just saying it, absolutely. And if you post it on the mirror of your bathroom, you are either going to guilt yourself into doing it, or you are going to take the note down real quick. So, what has been happening in the last 60 days, Martin?

MARTIN: Well, I guess the biggest change here is that I have completed the course for becoming a metabolic typing advisor. So I am now certified with William Wolcott’s Metabolic Typing! That is actually a big deal in my life because I have previously insisted that I am not going to sign up for anything, or I am not going to belong to any party, and I am not willing to let any medical organization or licensing body dictate what I can or cannot do. But I decided that Bill Wolcott and his people are actually very benevolent, good people that really helped me find the answers to how human physiology really works. So this is the culmination of my 30 years of searching for an answer and actually finding it. I am totally impressed with them, and I am thoroughly impressed with myself because I passed the exam!

SCOTT: Congratulations! Woo! (clapping and laughing) That is wonderful! So, for those that maybe haven’t tuned into some previous episodes, because I know we have talked in the past about metabolic typing, can you just quickly summarize? What is metabolic typing?

MARTIN: Essentially, our biological individuality dictates how people process inputs, food, and convert them into energy. And depending on which metabolic type you are, you will either need to have more fats and proteins in your diet or more carbohydrates in your diet. You can imagine it as a scale, where on one end, you would be like an Eskimo, eating mainly meat and fats, or a hunter-gatherer, people who thrive on the paleo diet, and on the other end, you would find people thriving on a vegetarian or a vegan diet, somebody like a desert oasis dweller, who is going to live on dates, figs, pomegranates, and other fruits. So, if you feed mainly carby foods to the first guy, that needs to have a lot of fats and proteins, he’s going to suffer, he is going to get ill. And vice versa, if you send an Eskimo to Florida, and put him on a diet of grapefruits and bananas, he will suffer. If you take somebody from New York, and send them up to the far North, and try to feed them on just meat and fish, they will suffer terribly, too. So there is a genetic predisposition, we have all been selectively bred for tens of thousands of years, to be adapted to the environment from which we came.

That actually reminds me of the call I just had, and by the way, thanks for all the wonderful feedback we are getting from people that are listening to the podcast, this particular call came over all the way from the Caribbean. The lady calls me and says: “You know, I’ve been listening to your podcasts, and I need some advice. I am 5’2″, 240 pounds.” I am trying to visualize it and I say: “So you are about twice the weight you should be, right?” And she says: “Yes, and I am 35, my youngest child is 5 years old, and ever since I gave birth to him, I’ve been just putting on weight, and they took away my gallbladder, that blew up, so they told me to be on a low-fat diet.” And I am saying: “Okay, lady, let’s understand your genetics, tell me about that.” And she says: “Well, my grandfather is Scottish, and my other parentage is African.” So I said: “Let’s think it through. Scottish people live in the far North, they were fishermen, the only they ate was what they could haul out of the sea, there is hardly anything growing on the rocky grounds up there. And your African people? Well, they were snatched from the coast, they were fishermen, they lived under coconut palms, and they ate tropical fruits, fish, and seaweed. Most likely. What are you eating?” She says: “Well, I’ve been told to eat the low-fat diet, so I’ve had oatmeal for breakfast, I am having toast and something for lunch, you know, low fat, and plenty of carbohydrates.”

SCOTT: Totally eating the wrong thing for her body!

MARTIN: Right! If you think about it, the African fishermen went out into the ocean, caught fish, and ate that every day. And they ate coconut oil and the meat from the coconuts. So I asked her: “Do you have an avocado tree in your garden?” She says: “Oh yeah, avocados, guavas, and papayas growing in my garden.”

SCOTT: Wow, and I bet she is not eating any of them.

MARTIN: Right, she is eating some Italian farmer diet instead. I told her that the people who wrote this diet for her never had her in mind, they were writing it for an Italian farmer, not for her.

SCOTT: And everybody buys into these low-fat diets, and then we have a catastrophe!

MARTIN: Right! That is the position from the statistics based medical approach, they pretend everybody is a white European from central Europe, because that is who they have in their studies.

SCOTT: It is kind of like doing a study on dogs, and using that information to come up with the right food for a cat.

MARTIN: Pretty much! We need to respect our biological individuality! You asked what this metabolic typing is all about. We are able to discover which system is dominant in your energy creation, and how you need to feed it so that you are balanced. Half the population is already too acidic, the other half is too alkaline. One half is alkalized by fats and proteins, the other half is alkalized by diets high in carbs, and low in fat.

SCOTT: And we talk about that because the majority of the population is acidic, based on the types of foods that we get in an average North American/European diet.

MARTIN: Well, yes, if you are a body type that is acidified by high protein, then you will probably be too acidic.

SCOTT: And regardless of it, if you have a glass of soda, you will be acidic, right? I mean, most are  thinking Coke Zero or Pepsi Max is fine because there is no sugar in it, but if you check the label, it is a whole different story. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the majority of the population is incredibly acidic, simply because of that one item that they are drinking instead of water!

MARTIN: Right, yes! That needs to be said. There are several foods that should be on the ‘no, no’ list for everybody. That includes refined sugar, refined salt, refined plant oils, refined flour, alcohol, and all of the nerve stimulants, that would be things like MSG and others.

SCOTT: You mentioned alcohol, but we hear all these good things about red wine, and the people of Southern France, who drink it, and it is very good for them, so we should all have a glass of red wine. But just because it is really good for a French man in the Mediterranean, doesn’t mean it is really good for someone in Southeast Asia.

MARTIN: Right. In France, they eat a diet that is very high in purine. Purine is the element that is either in red meat, or in duck, geese, and other birds like that. So French people eat foie gras, which is the goose or duck liver, they eat steak, and they drink red wine, which is all high in purines! And again, about a third of the population of this planet is well needing that kind of food, that kind of intake, so they are watching the study and they are saying: “How is it possible, that in France, the rates of heart disease are not very high when they eat so badly?” Well, they don’t eat badly, they eat exactly what French people should be eating! But if you ate that diet as a Chinese person, you would suffer. That is why we need to actually get down to the metabolic type, but because of all this genetic mixing that we experience, you can no longer just base it on where you are from. You actually need to do the metabolic typing test, get the answers, get it all processed through the computer algorithm, and it will spill back results, it will tell you your dominance, either in your oxidative system, or your dominance in the controlling system, the endocrine system. And depending on which of these two you are, you would be either a fast oxidizer or a slow oxidizer. Fast oxidizers burn sugar just like putting newspaper into a fireplace, you have a big amount of fire for five minutes, and then it is over. Slow oxidizer is the opposite, you have to feed them the newspaper, you need to feed them a high carb diet, because if you try to feed him the slow-burning fats and proteins, then it is going against his body type. Once you understand who you are, the world [of food] is easy. All of a sudden, we are back to this lady in the Caribbean, who I am telling: “Please, eat eggs for breakfast, not your oatmeal, and eat your guava and papaya and avocado.” Because she says: “They are telling me not to eat them, saying: Look at yourself, you are 240 pounds, you’ve been doing this for five years.” And I ask: “Isn’t this long enough to admit that whatever they’ve been telling you is not working?”

SCOTT: That is a really interesting point. We abdicate responsibility, we ask people about what we should do, and then we follow it blindly, regardless of the result. I love croissants, and I know one thing about croissants, and that is if I eat them, they show up on my belly in 10 minutes. I was thinking of the French diet, these foods would actually turn me off, eating geese, duck? No, thank you. But we have been trained not to listen to our body, not to listen to our intuition, not to listen to how we really actually feel about the food they tell us we should be eating. I don’t really like red wine that much, I mean, I will have a glass every once in a while, and I enjoy that one glass, but it is really once every four to six months, as opposed to two glasses every day somebody else might drink. I think it would be really bad for me to drink it every day. I mean, I am not about to try it and find out, but it just seems wrong to me. If you try a random diet, and after a week, you are lethargic and you put on two or five pounds, and you can’t sleep at night, and blah, blah, blah, then you should change the diet!

MARTIN: That is correct. Everybody is trying every possible diet, but even the diets don’t make any sense! There is a grapefruit diet, okay, if you eat grapefruits and nothing else for three weeks, and if you are the high carb type, then you are going to do fine. If you are the low carb type, that needs fats and proteins, you are going to starve like crazy. You are going to lose a pile of weight, then you are going to crash, and you are going to get sick.

SCOTT: Yeah. We are definitely gonna be talking about this topic more and more, as we move forward through this year, and the following years. I really want to suggest that if you are interested in learning more about what we are talking about, go through our podcast archives and find more information about metabolic typing on our website. And because you are now an official metabolic typing advisor, Martin, I am sure that we are going to get really deep into it in the coming months and years!

MARTIN: Yes! We are also offering the Metabolic Typing Test for everyone to figure out their own metabolic type!

SCOTT: Awesome! One of the other things that we are going to be doing this year is bringing on more of the manufacturers that make products we have in our store. We have done that in the past quite a bit, and we are going to continue to do that a little bit more. One of the things that is amazing about the Life Enthusiast community is the stories behind people that create the products that you are able to get your hands on. They are just absolutely passionate, they love what they are doing, and the results that people have are amazing. I just think it really shows the potency of these products, and the success stories people have when they use them.

MARTIN: Good points! I find that as soon as the company reaches a certain size, the guys with spreadsheets start tweaking the profitability, especially when a company goes public, as opposed to private. When you have shareholders, you are no longer accountable to yourself, you are now accountable to this crowd of people who have money interest in the company, and they might demand that you produce profits. Profit is produced by essentially squeezing the quality out of the product to the cutting edge so that it still sells, but with a minimal cost. But many of these small companies we work with have a story similar to mine, where they have had a massive health problem, often created by the medical system itself, that they had to overcome. Some of these problems are also created by our lifestyle choices. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the problems are compounding. The level of chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease is rising. Scott, have you ever read the Francis Pottenger study about cats?

SCOTT: No, I haven’t ever heard of any of those words, except I think I know what a cat is.

MARTIN: Well, in 1946, Francis Pottenger decided to study the effect of cooked food, and he picked cats as testing subjects. And so he created two pens, equal size, outdoor, large pens, where he kept a large number of cats, and he fed both of the groups with identical food. The only difference was that one group ate the food raw, the second group ate cooked food. So he had raw milk and pasteurized milk. He had raw meat for one group, cooked meat for the other group. The interesting part was this: The cooked food cats were experiencing an increasing amount of genetic trouble. Subsequent generations were weaker, deformed, had tooth problems, hip problems, fur problems, all kinds of degeneration. In fact, it got so bad, that by the seventh generation, they were so disabled, that they were no longer able to reproduce. They were sterile after seven generations. So, it is somewhat indicative, that in vitro fertilization for humans is on the rise, because people are no longer conceiving in a normal way. It is now evident that our teeth are growing less healthy, we have to wear orthodontics to restore the natural arch, teeth are getting weaker, and whatnot. We have rising levels of autism, ADD, fibromyalgia, diabetes, obesity… All of those are inflammatory, degenerative diseases that are on the rise. And if we take the conclusions from the Pottenger experiment, it is right there, staring us in the face.

SCOTT: That is really scary news actually when you think about it.

MARTIN: Yes totally! An interesting bit I wanted to mention is that in the pen, where the cats ate the regular raw food, there was grass growing on the ground. In the other pen,  there was no grass, all killed and dead. The feces of the cats that were eating cooked food was devoid of enzymes in such a way that it was not able to fertilize the soil. It was toxic to the soil.

SCOTT: And it is going to take a while to reverse that whole thing. If we think about how many generations back we have been eating food that is not optimal for us.

MARTIN: Well, cooked food tastes better, cooking enhances the flavor, when you caramelize the surface of a steak or a chicken breast, for example. However, if you eat steak, you should eat it undercooked, you should eat medium rare or even rare. You should eat sushi, raw fish.

SCOTT: Well, and even if you still eat cooked foods, making sure you eat a lot of raw foods as well would help, right?

MARTIN: Absolutely. For example, having a salad as a side for your steak instead of baked potatoes. That is why people who are eating raw food are so much healthier than people who are not. But even the raw foodies can get it all wrong if they are not following their metabolic type. I’ve been counseling this lady, she is a raw foodist, but she is not eating enough protein, and she is sick as she can be. And I am telling her: “You need to increase protein intake, you can get hemp protein, chlorella, spirulina, other sprouted protein mixes, and you need to get olive oil, coconut oil, perhaps some butter, otherwise you will never get better.” Now, that is specific to this one person, who needs to have a high protein intake. It is not for everybody. That is what I’ve learned, that is what I’ve been practicing, and that is what I am absolutely certain will be the dramatic difference in people’s lives. As soon as we sort people by their biological individuality, we are able to counsel them correctly. As long as we try to pretend that everybody needs to eat the same thing, we are going to be failing in about half the cases. We will get nowhere unless we ask the fundamental question about what is our biological individuality, what is our metabolic type.

SCOTT: Cool.

MARTIN: So, Scott, are you going to go through the metabolic typing test?

SCOTT: I think I am going to have to…

MARTIN: Great! My new year’s commitment was to change everything that I do about the Life Enthusiast business, fix ourselves upon the delivery of customized content. So with that in mind, I would like to deliver more of the live, interactive stuff to people, because it is necessary to speak to people and meet them at their level, rather than just throwing some anonymous information, slapping it on the wall, hoping that some of it will stick. In fact, I think you are going to be able to help me with that!

SCOTT: You bet!

MARTIN: Okay. We are going to do a lot more of the webinar type of presentation, I think more and more people are able to interact with their computers a little more and use them as an information device. So instead of just letting you read stuff online, we are going to connect with you with seminars and webinars, where people will be able to ask us questions. In fact, this is my request. Do ask questions, tell us what your worries or concerns are. We will be very happy to answer them in our future seminars. We will also do podcasts a little less frequently now, but we will be coming up with webinars soon! So check our website, www.life-enthusiast.com regularly! We are actually working on a new version of the website, so again, watch for surprises there, and check our podcast archives and our blog. Thank you, Scott! Thank you everybody for listening! This is Martin Pytela for the Life Enthusiast, restoring vitality to you and the planet!

Note: the information provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff February 27, 2012
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