Blood Pressure Problems
There are literally hundreds of problems that could be included under Specific System Breakdowns. However, the purpose of this book is not to document them all – even if this was possible. My message is to highlight the indisputable fact that, basically they are ALL caused (genetic Inheritance aside) by our toxic environment and toxic and nutrient depleted food and water chain; and that we can do something about it – simply.
Please think about this: If the substances that nourish, support, build and repair us are heavily contaminated, how can we not also be contaminated? I have previously stated that millions of us are walking time bombs, waiting to explode. Thousands of men, women and worst of all, children, are exploding every single minute, every hour, day, month and year. Please don’t be one of them. Take action now.
High Blood Pressure – Hypertension
It is estimated that fifty million Americans suffer from high blood pressure – around a fifth of the population. On that basis around twelve million British will be suffering the same fate.
Normal blood pressure is considered to be below 130 / 85. The first figure is the systolic pressure – the highest pressure exerted against the arterial walls when the heart pumps. The second figure is the diastolic pressure, recorded when the heart is at rest between beats and is therefore the lowest pressure. A ‘one-off’ or single blood pressure reading is not ideal, measurements taken throughout the day and then averaged, gives a more reliable picture of the situation.
In the USA, blood pressures are classified as following:
Systolic (mm Hg) | Diastolic (mm Hg) | |
Stage 4 – Hypertension | 210 & above | 120 & above |
Stage 3 | 180 – 209 | 110 – 119 |
Stage 2 | 160 – 179 | 100 – 109 |
Stage 1 | 140 – 159 | 90 – 99 |
High – Normal | 130 – 139 | 85 – 89 |
Normal | below 130 | below 85 |
Blood is forced (pressure) around the body carrying oxygen and ‘food’ (sugars, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins) to every cell, to enable them and obviously us, to live.
Excess arterial pressure or hypertension has many causes, among which are genetic factors, dietary deficiencies, obesity, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, stress, excess coffee drinking, drug abuse (recreational and some medically prescribed), smoking, hormonal abnormalities, poor kidney function, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), low essential fatty acid intake, high sodium intake with salt sensitive individuals (rare), low blood serum calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and potassium.
Hypertension and/or arteriosclerosis are often called the ‘silent killers’, as most people don’t realize that they have a problem until they have severe symptoms such as a major or minor stroke. Yet there are symptoms to be aware of, which could be related to this particular problem. These include blurred vision, edema (water retention), persistent headaches and noises in the ears. Please see your health care professional if you have any of these problems.
I have successfully treated high blood pressure with dietary and lifestyle adjustments, together with a regimen of supplementation. Those clients, who have taken this route, have done so because they did not wish to resort to drug treatment. If I find that a client has high blood pressure, I always refer them to their doctor as a first step, if they have not already done this. Do not try and treat this condition yourself.
Low Blood Pressure – Hypotension
We hear little of hypotension (low blood pressure) as it is far less prevalent than hypertension. Yet, it can cause various problems such as fatigue, sensitivity to cold and heat, dizziness, fainting, general lethargy and increased sleep requirements.
I have found virtually no data that shows blood pressure reading figures that constitute a diagnosis of hypotension. Based on my own experience, I consider figures, in a sedentary adult, of less than 100 / 70 to be indicative of hypotension. In an extremely fit adult, I consider figures below 90 / 65 to indicate the same.
Poor general nutrition, a lack of sodium, excess potassium and adrenal exhaustion may contribute to hypotension. If hypotension is caused primarily by exhausted adrenal glands (very common), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 250mg twice daily for one month, should contribute significantly to an increase in blood pressure.
The highest blood pressure I have recorded on a client is 240/122! This is incredibly high and would have caused a heart attack in many people. The male concerned was around fifty years old, carrying a lot of excess weight and had a highly stressful life. His doctor had placed him on a drug-based regimen that brought his blood pressure down only marginally and he no longer wanted to continue with it. I worked out an initial plan for him, which included dietary adjustments, exercise, supplemental organic fatty acids at thirty grams per day, etc. After six months of adhering to this protocol his blood pressure was down to 160/100. Although still too high – a great improvement.