CoEnzyme Q10 for Heart and Immunity
Very early after age 20, your liver output of Coenzyme Q-10 begins to decline. By age 40 the decline is substantial and its shortage begins first to show up in an increased fat level, lowered physical ambition, a shrinking of your effective work day, less frequent and less vigorous sexual activity, and eventually, very often as gum disease. Your heart is perhaps the most vital Coenzyme Q-10 consuming community of cells, however, your immune system isn’t far behind.
Your liver itself requires Coenzyme Q-10 for energy to produce Coenzyme Q-10 and other enzymes. Without sufficient Coenzyme Q-10, your production of all enzymes enters the downward spiral characteristic of aging, and all the signs from poor health to reduced physical mobility and low-mindedness begin to set in.
Because your brain cells are the very same original brain cells you had in your mother’s womb, they are ancient compared to blood cells or intestinal lining cells, which are replaced weekly or even more often. You either protect your brain cells or they go off-line for good. They aren’t replaced. You get no second chance to treat them better next time. Anyone who has seen senile dementia or Alzheimer’s understands how precious are the basic brain functions that some people neglect and take for granted.
Coenzyme Q-10 is the precious fountain-of-youth in this category as it is essential o provide the spark of life to keep these irreplaceable cells alive and healthy – and – Coenzyme Q-10 is the one antioxidant uniquely poised right within the mitochondria (energy producing structures of the cells) to degrade the metabolic byproducts of life-energy production before they can damage the submicroscopic machinery of the mitochondria – or before these toxins can escape to attack the surrounding equipment and genetic blueprint required for maintaining healthy chemistry of your brain cells.
Coenzyme Q-10, also known as Ubiquinone, is a vitamin-like substance that resembles Vitamin E but is an even more powerful antioxidant. There are 10 common Coenzyme Q’s, but Coenzyme Q-10 is the only one found in human tissue. As we age, Coenzyme Q-10 tissue levels decrease until at age 40 we have only 64% of the Coenzyme Q-10 that we had at 20, while when we reach age 80, we measure only 36% of our age 20 tissue Coenzyme Q-10 count. Coenzyme Q-10 is the cellular component (quinone) which is a cyclic compound found in every cell of the body.
Coenzyme Q can exist in three oxidation states: the fully reduced ubiquinol form (CoQH2), the radical semiquinone intermediate (CoQH), and the fully oxidized ubiquinone form (CoQ).
Eating foods cooked or processed destroys the Coenzyme Q-10 and/or the substrates, which our body would convert into replacing depleted Coenzyme Q-10 tissue stores. (Pure Coenzyme Q-10 is a bright yellow in its active form, but once it is exposed to light or 115 degrees heat it is rendered inactive.) Eating foods rich in Coenzyme Q-10 (sardines, green vegetables, cereals, and raw nuts) will spare Coenzyme Q-10 tissue losses.
Modern research supports the benefits to both performance and health by oral supplementation of Coenzyme Q-10 The New England Institute reports that Coenzyme Q-10 alone is effective in reducing mortality in experimental animals suffering from tumors and leukemia.
Other research projects have substantiated further health benefits from Coenzyme Q-10 supplementation against allergies, asthma, respiratory disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, candidiasis, multiple sclerosis, periodontal disease, diabetes, cancer, and most recently AIDS. Studies have shown that reduced levels of Coenzyme Q-10 contribute directly to the aging process, while increasing Coenzyme Q-10 intake will actually retard and slow down the effects of “Father Time” on all of us. Similar studies have noted conclusively that Coenzyme Q-10 supplementation reduces the risk of heart attack, increases respiration efficiency in the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, and enhances immune system functions. Testimonies abound of Exsula Iridesca’s effectiveness with many of these conditions.
Specific Studies On Coenzyme Q-10
Irrefutable Proof…
In blood and tissue samples taken from patients suffering from cardiomyopathy, Coenzyme Q-10 was found to be deficient in two separate independent studies. Clinical observation of Coenzyme Q-10 supplementation appears to give symptomatic relief to chronic fatigue syndrome in patients studied in two separate and independent research projects. Oral ingestion of Coenzyme Q-10 was found to activate macrophages, hence enhancing immune system function significantly. In double blind studies and in individual case reports, neuromuscular neurogenic atrophies of both skeletal and cardiac muscle were shown to improve functionally after oral ingestion of Coenzyme Q-10.
Obesity treated with 100 mg. Coenzyme Q-10 doses orally contributed to increased weight loss rates in two separate and independent studies of obese individuals on restricted calorie intake. Obese people, like the cardiomyopathic patients listed above, tend be deficient in Coenzyme Q-10 tissue and blood level sampling. Results from rat studies suggest that oral ingestion of Coenzyme Q-10 will raise blood and tissue levels of this important health nutrient. The rats with the highest tissue levels were exercised long enough to induce injury, but performed extreme endurance exercise without injury, while the control group of non-supplemented rats received exercise-induced injuries. This strongly suggests that Coenzyme Q-10 supplements may provide a protective-preventative effect from exercise-induced endurance injury.
We support the understanding that Synergy is invaluable when considering nutritional alternatives to healthy immune system support. Isolates, (isolated concentrated vitamins and ingredients) lack the cohesiveness of blended Superfoods that contain a wide range of essential phytonutrients in live-form high concentrated enzyme-rich “Exsula” products.
There are many liquid soft gel products ranging from about $15-$40 for sixty 50mg gels. It is important that the product is carefully tested for potency. Most of the bargain(??) basement offerings are little more than rice powder with yellow dye. Compare the cost of Coenzyme Q-10 in isolate form with the Synergistic approach in Exsula Iridesca, and you’ll see, you can’t lose when you invest in the best.
Q: If so many other nutrients are so vital, then what is the point of the RDA?
A: You might look at it this way. The RDA is an old-ideology-based system which is OK for a quick identification of a few of the basic nutrients, which when lacking result in fairly rapid disease conditions – like Vitamin C for scurvy, Folic Acid to prevent birth defects, or B-12 and Iron for anemia. But even the term RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) is being modified to Reference Daily Intake – no longer “recommended” but merely a “reference.”
Many of the non-RDA nutrients are equally vital for healthy functioning of your cells, organs and systems, but because your body is able to hold-up under deprivation of these nutrients for longer periods of time before obvious disease sets in, no RDA was ever established. A perfect example of this would be how a slight shortage of Lecithin may take decades to manifest as cholesterol-clogged arteries. The body can work around this eventual killer for many years before it becomes obvious and inescapable.
Also, the RDA system originated out of an era riddled with commercial bias and incomplete scientific information. For example, there is an RDA for Vitamin A but not for Carotene – even though Carotene is a safer, more widely functioning source of Vitamin A.
The pre-formed “animal-form” of A is cheaper and less bulky, so it got picked while the “plant-form,” Carotene, got put off. Then once Carotene did begin to gain recognition as a superior, more widely beneficial form of Vitamin A, only one member of the diversely capable Carotenoid family got selected – Beta-carotene (the easiest to synthesize). Beta got all of the attention to the neglect of the other naturally-occurring Carotenes – Lutein (for eyesight) Alpha Carotene (“Canthaxanthin” – for a healthy tan) Xanthophylis, Lycopene, Cryptoxanthin, Echinenone, Euglenanone and Zeaxanthin (for synergistic support of your immune system).
Two other examples – even though Coenzyme Q-10 and Lecithin are indisputably vital for proper cellular functioning and for your health, these precious nutrients won’t get elected to RDA status because of a goofy technicality – your liver can make them from other nutrients in your diet. Well, it can do this while you are young anyway – while your liver is perfectly healthy – and assuming you are getting a complete diet otherwise.
However, once you begin to age, the efficiency of your liver begins to taper-off and your production of these nutrients drops along with it. This decline is accompanied by all of the “normal” signs of aging – lessened physical, sexual, mental and immune performance – the look of aging (wrinkles, joint and circulatory problems, fat-gain and muscle-loss and sag).
Not all of us consider these traits as normal, nor do we desire to experience them 20 or 30 years prematurely. The Life Enthusiast’s response to these “minor” challenges is not centered around worshiping the god of ink and paper called the RDA, but rather embraces all of the beneficial nutrients provided by our Creator throughout living creation in the form of nutrient-accumulating plants – the form your Designer and Maker provided and specified.
Coenzyme Q10 Is Essential for Healthy Hearts
Stable-unoxidised Co Q10 will increase your energy levels, increase your VO2 reading without exercise, lower high blood pressure, detoxify your body, reduce free radicals dramatically and aid the function of all living cells – especially cells in the organs which require large amounts of energy e.g. heart, brain, legs and the digestive system. It will also slow the aging process, aid in the treatment of an array of diseases and symptoms, regress some diseases, increase endurance and prevent the onset of disease as we age.
Coenzyme Q-10 is the valuable, naturally occurring antioxidant necessary for energy production in every cell of the body. Coenzyme Q-10 is a component of every living cell, and as body levels of Coenzyme Q-10 drop, so does the general status of health. Low levels can result in high blood pressure, heart attack, angina, immune system depression, periodontal disease, lack of energy and obesity. It is commonly referred to as Coenzyme Q-10 and has actually been shown to extend life of laboratory animals. University studies have shown that some overweight people have low levels of it and supplementation can help to control body weight. As more energy is required, the more Coenzyme Q-10 is needed in the diet, especially in the heart and other tissues that require lots of energy.
Coenzyme Q10 Is Essential for Immune System
Coenzyme Q-10 is an integral part of the immune cycle. When body levels of it are raised, the immune system can receive more help from antibiotic and antiviral drugs. However, antibiotics do not help to rebuild the immune system. On the other hand, Coenzyme Q-10 can naturally stimulate the immune system and result in a wider range of beneficial and protective effects.
This vitamin like substance is found primarily in the heart muscle. Like all muscles, the heart muscle needs adequate energy to contract, and Coenzyme Q-10 facilitates the production of that energy. In people with coronary heart disease, supplementation reduces the frequency of anginal episodes and increases the amount of physical exercise that a person can perform before developing anginal pain.
Tissues that need the largest amounts of Coenzyme Q-10 are those that require the most energy, such as the heart. Our internal ability to produce Coenzyme Q-10 declines with age, and as we get older we must rely more on Coenzyme Q-10 from our diets.
Coenzyme Q-10 is a nutrient necessary to the functioning of every cell in our bodies. Our bodies could not survive without it. If body levels start dropping, so does our general health. Scientists estimate that once levels drop below the 25% deficient levels, many disease states begin to flourish including high blood pressure, heart attack, angina, immune depression, periodontal disease, lack of energy, weight gain and even early death.
Coenzyme Q-10 is known as Coenzyme Q-10 and also ubiquinone. It is a member of the quinone cyclic compounds that may be considered a relative of some potent anticancer drugs. Coenzyme Q-10 can add or remove oxygen from biologically active molecules. Every cell of the body contains many subcellular components called mitochondria, which produce 95% of the total energy of the body. Coenzyme Q-10 is an integral part of the membranes of the mitochondria where it is involved in the production of ATP, the basic energy producing molecule of cells.
When immunity is low, so are the reserves of Coenzyme Q-10. When body levels of Coenzyme Q-10 are raised, so is the immune potential. AIDS victims and other people with depressed immune systems can receive some help from antibiotic and antiviral drugs, but they will not rebuild the immune system. Mice have been shown to have a 50% extended life span by supplementing with Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against free radical damage and exerting a protective effect on cell membranes. Coenzyme Q-10 can naturally stimulate the immune system and result in a wide range of beneficial and protective effects.
Tissues that require the most energy (such as the heart) need the largest amounts of Coenzyme Q-10. Angina is a condition where inadequate oxygen is available to the heart muscle itself. People with failing cardiac systems have shown to greatly benefit with increased strength and vigor when supplemented with Coenzyme Q-10. People with high blood pressure usually have lower levels of Coenzyme Q-10.
It has been shown at the University of Texas and the University of Antwerp, Belgium that obese people can lose weight simply with the addition of Coenzyme Q-10 to the diet. This research showed that obese people can have as much as a 50% deficiency of Coenzyme Q-10 in their tissues.
Scientific Studies: National Library of Medicine