Amazing Colyrio and Contact Lenses
Oxygen deprivation was a problem for wearers of hard contact lenses. They were a barrier for oxygen to the cornea and retina.
Wearers were prone to infections and injuries. From lower tolerance to contamination, and reduced ability for self-cleansing.
Problems were alleviated with soft contact lenses. They allowed air (more oxygen) to reach all eye tissues.
Amazing Colyrio Maximizes Eye Tissue Oxygen
Oxygen first dissolves in tears. Then diffuses into the cornea to keep it healthy. Some oxygen can diffuse through the thin, transparent fluid within the eye, but this is very slow and quite limited.
If the chemistry of the tears is not in equilibrium, their ability to metabolize, carry and deliver oxygen is minimized.
The cornea does not have blood vessels and must get its oxygen directly from the air. Without enough oxygen, the cornea can warp, become less transparent, and develop scars. To increase oxygen delivery, the white part of the eye (sclera) may create new vessels. This can cause bloodshot eyes.
The retina is a thin tissue that lines the back interior of your eye. Its cells detect light, turn it into electrical signals, telling the brain to produce vision.
Since the cornea does not have blood vessels and retinal function is sensitive to oxygen levels, when oxygen availability is low, the retina pumps up its veins in an effort to absorb more oxygen. This response can lead to other problems over time like new abnormal blood vessels, peripheral vision issues, poor night vision, sensitivity to light, and degeneration of the macula, the part of the retina at the back of the eye responsible for our high-definition central vision that enables us to see fine details and colors.