Nettle Spagyric Tincture is taken for more masculine energy, more passion and sexual energy, strong will and determination. Also helps with:
- Anti-inflammatory may help breathing difficulties and reduce pain
- May improve prostate health
- Helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar
- Helps regulate kidneys and immune system over-reactions (allergies)
- May improve menopause-related issues
- May improve bone health
- Helps strengthen hair
- Helps slow aging.
Intuitive Tonic for More Passion and Determination
The object of plant alchemy is to supplement forces lacking within the body, tempering energies and restoring balance, both physically and spiritually.
"Alchemy provides the perfect medium through which the state of perfection or harmonious balance can be gained." ~ Frater Albertus, The Alchemist's Handbook
Nettle (Urtica dioica):
Chakra - Sacral
Day - Tuesday
Planetary Ruler - Mars
Plant Parts Used - leaves
Energy - masculine energy, sexual energy, strong will, passion, determination, courage and a strong immune system.
Mars energy is the masculine counterpart to the feminine energy of Venus. When out of balance, it can manifest as aggression, uncontrolled anger, stress, becoming accident-prone, weak immunity, blood diseases and ulcers.
Spiritually helps you use the correct personal power to best manifest your needs and desires. Gives you the will to courageously follow your spiritual path. Physically, it's cleansing by stimulating all types of elimination, removing toxins.
Nettle Spagyric Tincture balances Mars energy.
From Wikipedia:
A "spagyric" is an herbal medicine produced by alchemical procedures. These procedures involve fermentation, distillation, and extraction of mineral components from the ash of the plant.
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