Horsetail Spagyric Tincture
The object of plant alchemy is to supplement forces lacking within the body (chakras), tempering energies and restoring balance, both physically and spiritually.
"Alchemy provides the perfect medium through which the state of perfection or harmonious balance can be gained." ~ Frater Albertus, The Alchemist's Handbook
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense):
Chakra - Root
Day - Saturday
Planetary Ruler - Saturn
Plant Parts Used - above ground parts
Energy - boundaries, stability, structure, groundedness, stamina, discipline, patience, karma, basic survival and perseverance, time and timelessness, aging and the cycle of life and death.
Of all the ancient planets, Saturn has a reputation for having difficult energy, a hard taskmaster. When in balance and used wisely, Saturn helps your life journey, both physically and spiritually. It helps you overcome obstacles and blockages, learn the lessons life is trying to teach you to move forward and be stronger. You may be more able to understand the Karmic lessons of this lifetime, take a timelessness view and to persevere upon your spiritual path
Horsetail Spagyric Tincture Balances Saturn Energy and:
- Increases calcium absorption (helps build and repair connective tissue and cartilage)
- Remineralizes bones (may reduce bone loss)
- Aids in healing broken bones and wounds
- Has anti-inflammatory properties (may relieve pain, swelling, cramps)
- Helps breathing difficulties, circulatory and heart problems
- May improve liver and gallbladder function
- Beneficial for kidney function.
Horsetail contains a large amount of minerals - especially silica - useful to help improve hair, skin, and fingernail conditions. Also used to balance moods, helps reduce phobias and compulsive behaviors, weight dysregulation, enlarged prostate, dementia and other aging-related conditions.
From Wikipedia:
A "spagyric" is an herbal medicine produced by alchemical procedures. These procedures involve fermentation, distillation, and extraction of mineral components from the ash of the plant.
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